does it really matter which way toilet paper goes on the roll? What's the big deal? It is just poopy paper
2006-04-05 20:09:37 UTC
does it really matter which way toilet paper goes on the roll? What's the big deal? It is just poopy paper
Nine answers:
2006-04-05 20:19:23 UTC
Yes, it is easier if it goes on the right direction. You must be pissed off when you reach your hand to the rool but no edge could be held.
2006-04-06 03:37:48 UTC
Yes it does. When you have it rolling from over the top, it will come off faster. When you have it roll from behind, it will come off slower. Having children and cats who love to play with the toilet paper, you bet it makes a BIG difference which way the toilet paper rolls.
2006-04-12 18:22:30 UTC
I do not believe that it really matters which way the roll goes on...However if you spoke to my mother she would tell you that the paper needs to come from the top that way it cannot easily fall to the floor if you unroll too much

it is just poopy paper...let it all go people...let it go
2006-04-06 03:25:44 UTC
Your fork goes on the left, your belt end goes to the left, your computer mouse goes to the right, the car door handle on the driver's side goes to the right, your toilet flush handle is on your left of the toilet tank - always - don't buck the system...the paper goes over the TOP of the roll and hangs down in the front.
2006-04-06 04:31:29 UTC
well, bronzemouse, i seem to be on your side. whatever side that is. i don't get the toilet paper thing. i don't even know what's "right" or "wrong". and, btw, i'm a woman, and have run a household for many years. there's many more things to get upset over. like people brushing their teeth with so much tooth paste there's tooth paste on the mirror every time you get in after them, and YOU have to be the one to clean up after. or guys nicking themselves when shaving and living the bloody evidence all over the place. or world hunger.
2006-04-06 04:20:36 UTC
Makes a difference to me ... and to my cats, who know how to unroll it if it rolls from the top. So for me it has to roll from the bottom.
2006-04-06 03:12:42 UTC
i like my loo paper to go on so that the hanging bit is at the front!its easier to tear off that way i think.
2006-04-06 03:10:25 UTC
yea it does, it has to come over the top and not from behind, its just annoying
2006-04-06 03:13:12 UTC
ummm try tree barck or try like umm ulra soft or something.

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