I'd like to see his selection process for the testing... I've known some real dullards from both the "Upper" and "Working" class but the most feckless are usually Upper class... to the point of not being able to trust them to make a cup of tea, seriously!
I've just noticed Bruce Charlton's misused the intention behind the word "meritocracy" in his statement on here, it entirely switches the basis of his argument a full 180 degrees and makes the university look like the kind of pandering, simpering institutions that he is apparently defending them from being! Poor, this is not a decent source. x, must try harder. Meritocracy, incidentally, is a pejorative word used, initially by Lord Young in the 50's, to describe a sick and broken society where the "high ranking" think they got where they are by hard work and intelligence and the "low ranking" are where they are due to laziness and stupidity... we should all know the implications of such a society, and it is not somewhere any of us would want to live! It is one of the most mis-used words by the so-called intelligensia and you've gotta laugh when they do so... shows they're generally winging it as much as everyone else!
Firecracker: if only what you say were true... unfortunately class has no relation to IQ, merely, maybe education... and education and IQ have nothing to do with each other, you can educate a dog to do tricks, it doesn't make them intelligent. An IQ test has nothing to do with "achievement", it is an aptitude test... very skewed towards verbal, semantic and mathematical recognition.
Also, class has absolutely nothing to do with success... class, as in Upper and Working (middle is frankly just everybody else, if people within that class want to try to further grade it then that is their own little pecadillo, but saying you are upper middle is still middle!), is all about upbringing and inherited luck, aggression, forebear success and a multitude of other things, but rarely success... possibly expectation has a vague amount of bearing on it but it is only vague, as this can easily be countered by wanting to better yourself. Your inference that rich people are Upper class is as daft as thinking Upper class people are rich and that only intelligent, hardworking people are successful! By inference, are you really suggesting that poor people are stupid or have low IQ's? None of those are true, by the way!
Is IQ hereditary? that's a very bold and as far as I know totally unproven statement.