2013-04-07 12:34:12 UTC
I don't do much with my life - just a 3 day course a week that's patronising - when I look back to when I was revising all the time and writing essays this time two/three years ago for gcse, I don't know how I stomached it. The thought of opening a text book and the academics literally turns my stomach. I get horrible gut sensations.
I've perhaps never written a proper essay for a year and a half. I constantly shirk and do f*ck all. The thought of putting pen to paper seems impossible and an off put; and I've always been a lover of words and writing. It's like I can hardly write anymore and it is my ambition to be a writer.
I am undergoing psychiatric help and am on meds. Life seems so dull and insipid. I don't know whether my laughter and smiles are genuine anymore, my inquisitive mind won't leave me alone and keeps probing me; Intent on knowing who the real me is, whether my laughter and smiling is genuine...Urgh...
Please help!