Not weird or all that uncommon.
You are being addressed by a woman that never wanted children! NEVER! I was also very nervous around babies and children, afraid to hold a baby, didn't know what to say or do with a child.
One day my girlfriend asked me to put a sleeper on her 2 month old baby girl (you know the kind of sleep that zips up from one foot all the way up to the neck). I had a complete anxiety attack attempting to put the babies foot into the foot of the sleeper because I was scared to death I was going to hurt the baby girl.
My friend stopped packing and looked at me and in playful disgust she whipped the baby from me, bent the babies leg (which seemed a little rough to me) and got her baby in that sleeper in seconds. I was 16 years old at the time and about seven months pregnant and after that moment I was seriously considering adoption for I could not see myself being able to handle a baby of my own.
Hon two months down the road I gave birth and mother nature kicked in and I was a mommy. I didn't have care one about whipping my son into a sleeper, giving him baths and all the other things a parent must do to care for their infant. Two more children and years later my motherhood abilities improved greatly without me being any the wiser.
You have a husband to help you and hopefully family and I can almost assure you, those that have some fear of being a parent and or don't really want children due to those fears usually turn out to be the best parents. Go to your best friend (your husband) and tell him of your fears and desire to have a baby. Talk to your doctor, see a psychologist and get an opinion if you would make a good mother. READ! Read everything you can about caring for infants and children and rather than tell yourself you CAN'T tell yourself you CAN, because you can!
Even so Hon, there is no shame whatsoever in knowing that you are not cut out for motherhood. Some of us just weren't meant to be a parent. It is honorable to understand this about oneself and not have children for there is NOTHING worse than having a child and abusing the child in any shape way or form.!
I might suggest if there is one where you live to visit a children's hospital and spend a wee bit of time with the Tots and come to see what beautiful people they are. Go to a local park where children play and watch them. If your friends have children try to befriend them and if you find you have nothing to say and they ask why be honest and explain to the child / children why you are nervous around them. You might find that it will be a child's reply that can shed some light on your issue/s. There is nothing sweeter than the innocence of a child that make the issues us adults harbor silly and light making us realize there is nothing to fear but fear itself.
Best of wishes to you and yours!