many many many conversations about drinking
a few conversations about going out
about 50million conversations about dancing (and convincing someone to dance)
many conversations about football
a conversation about tennis
a few conversations about snooker
a couple of conversations about pool
a somewhat surprising conversation about my sex life (Yeah, odd. I was standing at the bar getting the next round of drinks and strike up conversation with the lass standing next to me. A minute later and we're discussing my sex life and her preferences when it comes to flavoured condoms, and I'd never even met her before - Alcohol does wonderful things for those with issues with social awkwardness :D )
a very strange conversation about integration in order to find the volume of a rotary graph (Alcohol does strange things)
innumerable conversations about food
a conversation about country music
many many conversations about tea
a heated argument over the manliness of Magners Cider
some congratulatory sort of things (one of my friends has been at a different party the night before and had been grinding up to this ridiculously hot ginger lass (apologies for the oxymoron))
And some very deep **** while holding someone's head up over a toilet. People can be surprisingly insightful when they're completely off their face.