Not at all. It's the truth. But we are born human, with a tendency to move away from the truth.
The universe and its life is too full of beauty and balance to be an accident. Life just doesn't come from non life.
We have many accounts of Jesus' existence. But there's always been a resistance trying to say He wasn't God, or He didn't rise from the dead.
His message is love, peace, joy, forgiveness, help, heal, aid the needy, even love enemies. And live blessed rewarded lives in the process, leading to eternal life in Heaven. There's nothing not to like. It's the greatest offer there is. But part of humanity wants to be free from His rules, free to sin, so there begins the need to dirty up the message and call it a scam. But life away from God and toward much sin makes us weak, leaves us empty, and alone. This is observable in our own lives and the lives of others. It's also made clear in the Bible that the dark path leads to misery and disappointment.
His truth comes shining through one way or the other, no matter how long we try to skirt around it.
There's many many prophecies that have come true in the scriptures.
The Bible is 1000 times too packed with wisdom, eloquence, and otherwordly love and peace to be a forgery. Even a good scam dies out in less than a lifetime. There's a church on nearly every corner, 2000 years later because God's truth becomes real and undeniable to those who pursue it. Some may go to church as a maybe or a just in case, but the leaders, the speakers, the missionaries, and the most faithful have a whole lot to share from what they've discovered and experienced.
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. -- Jeremiah 29:13
We can take that to the bank. I have seen this in many, many people's lives.
There is much confusion and bad examples among the church and the believers. But that's because they're only following the faith in bits and pieces. God is the real deal. Jesus is the real deal. When we submit to the entire message and embrace His teachings as a love letter, not a book of rules, we see Him as He meant for us to see Him. Sweet, rewarding, lovable. We see He IS love.
The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. -- Galatians 5:22-33
We have all seen people who have these qualities, consistently showing them. They tend to be grandmothers and grandfathers. They are getting harder to find but they were once quite common. The only way they get to this point is by being committed to God, connected to His spirit. He designed us to reflect His nature this way, and give others hope and healing. He wants us to bring others into the light.
There's much evidence if we only look for it. But we have to want to find it, to get there.
It's true. It's powerful. It's undeniable. We see His fingerprints everywhere, and see His truths showing themselves true by observing human nature. We find all this and much much more when we truly seek Him sincerely and accept Him. God makes somewhere around 6000 promises to us in the Bible. It's beyond incredible.
You would think, with all the energy people use in badmouthing God and His followers, that non belief would have something as good as heaven to offer.
But it doesn't. Nothing on this earth can ever truly fulfill us, and nothing can compare to God's love and eternal life.
It's just our nature when we haven't yet found the wellspring, to respond in anger, make fun and run away. But we're just not in peace, and our happy moments are ever increasingly short-lived, giving way to emptiness and ever increasing depression. We're like a light that needs to plug into our power source to function at it's best. We can do fairly well in our youth, but as life gets heavy and challenging and we start aging, we realize we need God's power and guidance and peace and comfort and wisdom and assurance of being reborn in heaven one day. Getting old takes away our liberties and our comfort and our pride bit by bit by bit. We realize the only way to be young and new again is to find God and get to heaven.
If we weren't so independent and stubborn, we'd embrace God from our youth, avoiding all the sin traps and regret it causes. And, gaining all the extra years of supernatural wisdom that gives us massive advantages in this life.
Seek and ye shall find. That's His promise. God is the antidote to everything.