Do you believe Christianity to be a scam?
2016-11-01 17:50:52 UTC
You're born with an invisible disease, thankfully the church has an invisible cure. After a lifetime of dedicating your free time and money to them you will then be rewarded, with the best reward you can possibly imagine ever.

But there's only one catch; you can only get your reward when you die.

This has to be the king of all scams ever.
168 answers:
Cracked Cup
2016-11-01 18:31:20 UTC
As an atheist, there is one thing I know for sure and that is: Christianity is not a scam. The word scam means: an intent to deceive, cheat, or trick someone. And Christianity, or any religion for that matter, does not knowingly scam it's followers. I think what religions do - they do out of a very profound and complex ignorance. But again, it's done without malice or intent. Allow me to explain: From the beginning, the fear of dying via starvation, disease, volcanic activity, etc... Has created Gods and Demons. Moving forward, you believe in God/Bible and tithe, you go to Heaven. You don't? It's Hell for you buddy. Thus, if you keep your faith in God, religion will offer you a modicum of veiled bliss... Once upon a time I was very much a Christian because I was raised that way. My family, my school congregation, my friends, my village. So it's easy to be environmentally blinded and stay that way if you don't open your eyes and learn. Now I won't go off on some tangent. I'll stay on point and say only that one cannot remain in a physical world and believe in the supernatural. It's just that simple. Point #2. It's a sin, or just plain lunacy, to practice two religions at the same time correct? Hence, out of the 1000 practiced religions on this planet today, regardless of their size, Christians are atheists to 999 of those other religions am I right? And what gives Christianity the arrogance to say that their religion is the "only true religion"? Especially when the other half of the world says otherwise? Such audacity right? So just like Christianity, atheists disbelieve in all those other 999 religions too. Accept we go one religion further... Does that help?
2016-11-05 15:10:09 UTC
It depends on how you look at this issue, I know Christianity is based on flawed history, i.e. myths and legends past on word by mouth many thousands of years ago and then enshrined into various books in a complete bibleBut why ? the only case for the rightfull existence of the biblical account whether true or false, is that without it the world we know today may not exists because there would be no moral code to govern human behaviour leading to man's inhumanity towards his own kind and human extinction. Therefore man must have values, codes, a knowledge of what is right and wrong for without it power becomes all consuming and compassion becomes a weakness. So I guess Christianity though flawed and mythical and based on nothing real is better than living in a world where men murder men and steal from each other, and rape becomes normal behavior and so would stealing another man's wife be seen as heroic. So without a beleif system, whether real or not, human morality fails to function. I don't think it is a scam, but I also think a world without a moral code would be a dangerous world to live in. Of course, the problem is that over the centuries these fables, miricles, myths and legends are more toxic then whennthey first started their lives thousands of years ago.
2016-11-02 02:24:13 UTC
Do I believe Christianity to be a scam? Well, the Apostle Paul himself said that if Christ did not rise from the dead we are the most pitiful people in the world living our life for something that is untrue. EVERYTHING, and I mean EVERYTHING in Christianity revolves around the resurrection of Jesus Christ. If he did not rise from the dead, we would not have a belief system. We would not have hope. If you really wanted to damage Christianity become an archaeologist, find the grave that he was buried in and find some bones. Of course you will not be able to. Why? Because He Lives!

Matthew 28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20

Acts 3:15

You killed the author of life, but God raised him from the dead. We are witnesses of this.

Acts 4:33

With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all
2016-11-04 06:41:20 UTC
I grew up Catholic and I left the church in my mid 20's. It's a scam! The Catholic church is chock full of traditions. The biggest lie is that you have to "earn" your way into heaven by being a good person. Another is that the priest is your intercessory to God or your go between. That's not what the bible says. Another lie is the Trinity, God in three persons. Load of crap! It is something the Catholic church came up with back around 324 AD. Many protestant churches believe the same. It doesn't fit with the bible. Jesus and the Apostles never taught it. Romans 10: 9, 10 shows you how to become a believer or a follower, a saint, After which 2 Peter 1: 20 shows you what to know first. 2 Timothy 2:15 tells you what to do. Romans 8:34 says that Jesus intercedes for us. Speaking in tongues is the physical proof that you are born again and have God's gift within you. God does not possess, Satan does. Lastly, Jesus Christ died for "ALL" of us.
2016-11-03 14:16:41 UTC
No, I don't believe Christianity is a scam. What I wonder about is people who are NOT believers, and why it matters so much to them, what I believe. THAT's weird. If I choose to believe an Earthworm will take me off in a space ship when I die, what's that to you??? If you can ever show me actual proof that God does not exist, and the Bible is a sham/scam, then we'll talk... Meanwhile... take a chill-pill, Dude. What I believe doesn't affect you.
2016-11-03 07:01:16 UTC
I don't belive it is a scam because scams usually have a means to an end whereas The idea of God cant be proven one way or the other. Its a matter of faith and nobody has ever claimed by the church in anyway that it's a scam
2016-11-02 06:10:56 UTC
There are some who have a made a scam out of christianity. However, it did not originate as a means to fool gullible people. I think it's more likely that it started as a result of type 1 errors in cognition and grew from there to become part of culture, tradition and hoax.
2016-11-02 04:10:33 UTC
Do you BELIEVE ( accept as true ) that Christianity is a SCAM ? First define what is Christianity ? and also what is RELIGION ? the definition that anthropology and sociologist use is RELIGION a CULTURAL system of Behaviors and practices world views text and ethics of societal organizations that relate humanity to an order of existence

I would have preferred it one had asked do i THINK meaning have i EVALUATE Christianity based on INTENT MOTIVE and AGENDA to be DECEPTIVE ?. SCAM defined as a Fraudulent scheme preformed by a DISHONEST individual GROUP or company in an attempt to obtain Money or something of value

IDEOLOGY defined as a System of IDEAS beliefs and opinions of a group or individual a set of beliefs ( promoted ) values and attitudes that underlie and justify the status quo or movements to change it , basically How One thinks the world should be RUN . are we talking about Individuals , who accept an idea promoted , or an organization like t a SPECIFIC CHURCH or group or like the Christian right . so first you would have to define what one is talking about when they say Christianity . is it a single idea action or a doctrine is someone running it is it run or is it an idea .. to start there is no SINGLE IDEA but multiple Take a Jesus died for the sins of the world and rose from the dead ,

lets count how many concepts or ideas that single sentence projects # 1 a Jesus a son of a god or a god in human form # 2 DEATH # 3 Concept of SIN # 4 the Concept of resurrection #5 a god some consciousness that is offended by human action and has INTENT to punish for such actions , so i will narrow it down are any of the IDEAS promoted CONFIRMED . No

what makes something fraudulent INTENT fraudulent a false representation of a matter of FACT presenting Misleading allegations , so people are presenting CONCEPTS and are also instituting ideas to elicit FEAR ( hell concept ) which is intimidation and COERCION .. it can be USED by people as a tool .. more of a DICTATE and MOB BOSS operation

theism or religions is like first i INFECT you WITH a FEAR you did not have to start with ( idea of hell because there is no evidence of such a place so its not observable to be a formed fear in reality its a projected human IDEA imagined ) on purpose and then tell you i am the only one with the CURE its MENTAL MANIPULATION with Ideas not proven that would fit the word SCAM
Shannon W
2016-11-05 16:30:59 UTC
Yes, a huge scam. To make money, and control the masses. I have often thought about starting my own religion to enjoy the 10% of others incomes and the tax breaks, but I don't want to create another group of people others can blindly hate.

I'm glad a lot of the people in my generation are letting go of religious beliefs and embracing the you believe what you want just do it over there and quietly philosophy. Lol
2016-11-02 16:21:56 UTC
It is like saying any religion is a scam. I myself am an atheist but had a Christian background whilst i was younger. Religion helps people get through their day to day lives- even if it is not believed by others, it is up to the individual. I guess it is also a respect thing and depends on if they are spiritual.
2016-11-09 13:47:42 UTC
Yep. However it was a brilliant idea to order to bring satisfaction to a peasant society, and an improvement to their disorganise lives. It was this disorganisation however that was the cause of it being unable to happen, apart that is that the human being is a totally piss-poor subject to try it out on. The historical side is mostly bull-$hit even though their may well be elements of truth. If the organisers had stuck to the truth and left out the fantasy, it could well have caught on as a practical way of life by example, but sadly the organisers slipped up giving it the impossible illusions of a Disney fairytale. What on earth were they thinking about ?

Difficult to know how it would have worked out for the human being is NOT suitable material for producing a reasonable, peace loving, kind and caring creature from rubbish material, but it would have been a well intended and worth while attempt.
2016-11-03 20:50:45 UTC
Everything you said might show a devoted christian that you never truly had a real relationship with God, but then again do not let the devil deceive you because at any moment that you let your guard down he will get you and try to decieve you. And I am not trying to sound religious or like a religious nut, but I am telling you from past experiences and from what I learnerd and the mistakes I made in my personal life. I am now 53 and hear me out, not because I think I'm right but because of my experiences of being wrong. Pray constantly and allow the Holy Spirit to guide your life. Listen to the convictions of the Spirit. Satan will do all he can to deceive us just like he deceived Eve. Do not be deceived man, true happiness and enjoyment of the soul and as a person will not be found in the world, I know because I once lived it, for most of my youth life. Stay true to god man, this is the only tru truth you will find.
2016-11-03 22:06:53 UTC
Well it is interesting to put it that way, I shall rephrase the question: Do you believe that all man-made religions are a scam in one way or another? Yes. Is YHWH responsible? NO. It is quite possible for mankind to either completely misunderstand a Divine imperative and that "misunderstanding" is what we now call "Christianity" in it's several zillion forms. So YHWH sends His son to Earth to give an exact understanding of the Laws of Moses to both Jews and Gentiles who believe in YHWH. Now how can people get it so wrong? Easy, they read their own opinions into it and we ended up with this gibberish: "human sacrifice (Jesus) on the Cross for the forgiveness of everyone's sins" only Jesus (Yeshua) never said it, the Apostles never preached it and even the Pastoral Epistles have been questioned as to WHEN they were written and by WHO which casts the entire blood sacrifice theology into serious doubt. All over the OT you see YHWH in the Prophets crying out against bloodshed and even the animal sacrificial system? Why? Because a multitude of sacrifices cannot forgive sin, no matter how much blood you spill you still as deeply lost. Yeshua gave the true Way: "Obey Me and you will be saved" and that means going to the poor, the sick, the maimed, the orphan, the widow, the lost and others in need and preach to them the Gospel (Good News) and give them aid in the name of Yeshua and He will save you because you obeyed Him but first you need to be born again and that involves full immersion baptism in water and your mouth confessing that Yeshua is the Son of God, that He is Lord and Savior. So to make this as short as possible: Ignore the false doctrine and just do what Jesus (Yeshua) and the Apostles say!
2016-11-03 13:30:05 UTC
No. The Christian Church may be a scam, but Christ Jesus is no scam. What is happening in our world today is humanity's headlong rush to estrangement from God. Humans run like mongrel dogs trying to get away from the teachings of Jesus Christ. After all, you can't have sex when ever you wish or with who ever you want. You can't hustle your brother and harm him to take his money, because God doesn't allow such behavior. There is no accident about what is going on today and why you are asking if Christianity is a scam. Mongrel dogs have sex with whomever they wish and roll in human feces or dead carcasses. They do not discern good from evil and they don't care about too much except what they want and what they want to do. There are constantly pastors like Rick Warren and Brian McLaren who want to change the Word of God into whatever they want it to say. You either believe the Bible to be The Word of God or you don't. The King James Version is just as good today as it was when first translated. The Old Testament is just as good today as it was when Moses listened to God and wrote it. It is always the people who choose their moral character to believe God or not. You either live a life of darkness (sin as you wish)or you live a Christian life of righteousness. And that means "Go and sin no more."
2016-11-02 19:25:39 UTC
It's not a matter of belief, it is a scam, with Billions of followers. Imagine all you have to do is dress in some nice looking clothing tell people there is a man in the sky who cares about them and earn 10% of incomes exceeding $½ Mill, that would be the life and has been for many MEN over the centuries.

2016-11-03 05:53:28 UTC
how you describe christianity is wrong, that is not christianity. there is no such thing as a cure that you go to the church, priest will say things and you are healed. NO. no such thing. thse are scam church. They are up for money, they are everywhere and deceiving people to give lots n lots of money to church for more blessings. Sure you will get "blessings" in the start but once you get the downfall (because you are still a human, and giving lots of money to a scamming church is apparently not the way to escape that) , you will most likely condemn christianity. This is whats happening in the world right now. scamming church makes more unbelievers from their false doctrines! As a christian I hate to see the devil works here like this,
2016-11-01 18:11:48 UTC
No, it is far, far worse than a mere scam. Ordinary scams merely seek to con you out of your money.

Christianity steals and claims for itself, the very best part of us--our morality. It teaches people that they are sinful, evil, born that way, and doomed, and worthy only of eternal damnation--and all of this in spite of anything a person may or may not do in their lives. Christianity beats us down, belittling us, tells people they cannot be good, then offers as a crutch, the very same stick used to beat us down to begin with. We are told we are evil, and only Christianity can make us good again.

And Christianity also scams us out of our rationality, another vital trait that is compromised. The only ticket to Heaven is available by surrendering our critical faculties and believing fantastic claims without any evidence. This sort of "faith-based" thinking worms its way into other areas of our discourse and thinking--it teaches people to devalue evidence and logic, and place "faith" on a higher level--believing things without resort to evidence.

Religion is a multi-billion dollar industry that offers nothing, but takes that which is most important and claims it as it's own. The vast amounts of wealth spent on religion, the resources that go to building churches, paying priests, and so on, could no doubt go to alleviating much human suffering--but the real price we pay for religion is far more egregious.
2016-11-04 16:11:49 UTC
It isn't. I am a strong Christian but I have had my doubts. But if you look at a few passages in the Bible you will see it applies to your everyday life. And a lot of people who believe in God and that Jesus forgave all our sins struggle with what religion is the real one like catholic but Christianity makes the most sense and believe me it's not a scam
2016-11-03 18:56:36 UTC
The Christian Church was a scam at some point in the middle there. (That's how we got a million different Christianities (not really, but whatever)). I believe the word "scam" implies malicious intent, and most Christians are not being harmed by their church.
2016-11-02 13:05:20 UTC
The only part that isn't at least a semi-scam is Matthew 25 35-45. Feel free to look this up. The message is clear, but its mostly ignored. Even if Jesus wasn't a real person the message stands up. My dad a message that's the equal of Matthew.... "Be a mench, don't be a shmuck...everything else will take care of itself."
2016-11-04 03:41:17 UTC
No, that’s not believable. Christianity is not a scam. It’s only a matter of belief and trust. Religion has no ends.
2016-11-03 13:28:38 UTC
Most people will not agree, but not at all. some at least. SOME people want to scam you the ones that say you are going to hell if you do this and do Gods job when they judge you. thats a scam. true

christianity is based off of loving someone no matter what they do, rape,murder, adultry, and forgiving them just as God would, and giving second chances. not trying to convert them to their religion just loving them and showing people light when thy don't have it. thats the original true christianity. people have twisted it around. so yes, some are and some are not. i am

pentecostal. there are manny lies about pentecostals and some pentecostals are fake. what we really are about is loving people and two-billion second chances. (if you'v ever seen the way pentecostals dress its only due to modesty but some people tend to get a little over modest and wear a lot not judging any one. its just you know no shorts or bikinis, tight tank tops, mini skirts, just keeping it modest.)
2016-11-04 10:30:52 UTC
Christians are the problem, not Christ or Christianity. There are many Christians who are scam artists and just horrible people and it casts a negative light on Christ and His message. For many people who can't stand Christianity, it's really the Christians they can't stand and rightfully so. It's a shame. Remember, Christ was crucified by His own people, the religious. While the people that loved and followed Him were considered the scum of the earth
2016-11-03 13:12:05 UTC
Yes, well - let's be clear, it's a business and that's all it is. It's a scam in the sense that it's the one business that you invest in which if we're honest about it (and I stress that part, IF we're honest about it) really doesn't allow you to reap any reward. Look at the mormon church which is so prominent in the state where I live; it asks for 10% (!!!) of your income as tithing. Hell, I'll do for you what they do, at half the price! Pay me 5% of your income, and I'll preach to you about how righteous you are and how you'll inherit a kindgom in the clouds once you're dead and you can marry all the young girls you want (ie molest) and all that crappola. If that makes you feel good to hear such nonsense, pay the money to me! I can dish it out the same as them, and for less!!!
2016-11-03 16:18:34 UTC
Islam a scam
2016-11-02 04:49:38 UTC
No because when we start to investigate 'real Christianity' it is often quite a lot different to what we read in the New Testament. Who decided which books should be banned from the New Testament because they contained writings which did not 'fit' the story the compilers of the book wanted people to read about?

The Virgin Birth and etc.

One thing Christians need to understand is that Jesus and his family were not 'poor' as is often portrayed.

Peter, the fisherman was much more than that. He owned a fishing fleet on the sea of Galilee.

Jesus's Uncle - Joseph of Aramathea owned tin/copper mines here in England.

There are eighteen (18) missing years in the life of Jesus as told in the New Testament. Many here in Britain believe (Know) he was here in England with his Uncle Joseph learning about the tin mining business.

there's much more too much more.
Bisexual Aromantic
2016-11-03 18:21:26 UTC
Technically speaking, it's a scam in many ways and not a scam in other ways
2016-11-02 06:24:36 UTC
Yes. Christianity was an ancient scam. They sure knew how to fool people back in those days.
2016-11-02 16:16:34 UTC
It certainly attracts scammers. Con men have often targeted Christian groups for things like pyramid selling, because they are highly networked. Scammers, often begin their spiel by saying something to the effect of "trust me I'm a Christian" (remember all those Nigerian emails ?although nowadays, variants such as "trust me I'm an environmentalist" or "trust me I'm a feminist" are also common). I believe most Christians have good intentions, but a minority are out to scam, and some of them are high up. The upper echelons of the Anglican and Roman Catholic churches certainly behave like businessmen,they can probably justify it to themselves, but their mind is on the money.

After a lot of thought, I've concluded Jesus was a fraud. I like most of the things he said, but the miracles (allowing for a few centuries worth of exageration) such as turning water into wine and that stunt with his old mate Lazarus would not impress a modern stage magician (who mostly tend to be sceptical atheists). Faith healers are common place in most religions. They tend to be scammers.
Elsie Treize
2016-11-01 19:19:24 UTC
Yes, Christianity and all religions are scams.
2016-11-03 10:48:30 UTC
No, it is not. It all makes sense, Acts 4:15- 30, John 17, John 3:16- 21, Revelation 18- 23, Exodus 19 &20, Genesis. There is proof out there, most people hide their heads in the sand like Howard there.
2016-11-04 13:40:05 UTC
It depends on your religion and beliefs. I don't believe it's a scam, as those are ones own beliefs. I'm wiccan so I do not believe in Christianity.
2016-11-02 20:17:57 UTC
I am convinced that all religion regardless of its origins are nothing but scams. It is a choice however, and some choose to follow a path that somehow doesn’t resonate with others, and so be it. No need for discord until they use force to make others see and adhere to their way of imagining reality. When that happens I have a problem with it!
2016-11-02 04:05:37 UTC
No no nooooo.... there are cults within Christianity that are false but that does not mean Christianity is false or Christ was a liar. The Living God does not lie, cheat or steal. He is not evil. Humanity is evil and in need of a Savior.

That's why he came to die on the cross. To redeem mankind from sin. For all who believe, salvation awaits.

Keep in mind, not all who say they believe are sheep
2016-11-05 10:24:23 UTC
It Note a scam if you are reffering to catholic church or shady teleevangelist yes but real christian it is Note like that like mr millions of people can get though put live thank to grace of god jesus said that christian is narrow Path and few will find it that applied to put current society more Than ever
2016-11-05 14:34:43 UTC
It's not a scam. Lucky for you (and for everyone else) participation is voluntary. Sounds like a win win to me. Unless the thought of someone else acting foolishly keeps you up at night, in which case I wish you all the best.
2016-11-03 14:06:21 UTC
No I don't believe Christianity to be a scam. Their are too many witnesses over many years to this to be any kind of fraud.
2016-11-06 00:42:06 UTC
No. I think throughout history people were scamming thru religion and faith and whatnot. This is your opinion so I'll respect that. I'm not gonna go on and on trying to convince that you're wrong and I'm right. Idc what u believe, as long as you don't try to tell me what you think is right but is obviously an opinion. :)
2016-11-05 04:51:51 UTC
Every religion is a scam people are just making them up
2016-11-04 22:57:36 UTC
i don't think a religion is created to scam others. religion, in my personal opinion, is one's view of existence and humanity and a way to build community with those who feel the same. i'm agnostic and have yet to find out what i believe in, but i respect and will accept anyone's take on our universe. religion isn't created as a trick. that includes christianity as well
2016-11-01 18:00:57 UTC
Not at all dear. We weren't born with an invisible disease at all, but we were born into a world of sin, the effects we can all clearly see, which are marked by wickedness, pride, and all other manner of things against God's word. The church doesn't have an invisible cure at all, but it teaches of the word of God which can save a person from sin, whose words are powerful enough to overcome it.

God isn't asking you to dedicate your free time and money to the church for a reward. God is saying "Have faith in Me", "Love one another", "Be holy as I am". If that leads you to dedicate your live to the church, so be it, there is nothing wrong with working at the church which has been at the lead positive social change for generations. God has told us that the sin in the world is causing it to perish, and He has thrown us all a life saver to hold on to so that when the world does perish from sin, we might not. Yes, God does speak of rewards, this is true, but many can be found in this mortal life we live, and many people have experienced them already and have told others.

The bottom line is dear, Christianity is not a scam, and you would do best to save your breath trying to assert it, as not even the strongest enemy of God will ever prevail against His word, and you will only argue until you're blue or red in the face while getting no where.
2016-11-06 09:43:04 UTC
yes, i believe all religion is a scam. i believe that it was created by humans to conquer their fears. i.e.- if you fear death, create a heaven for all believers, fear evil doers? create a hell for them. fear things you can't control? make a god that will answer all of your prayers. in ancient times, the popes/religious leaders were the only ones who could read the bible, therefore if they wanted to change what the book said, they could very well do so. they could feed people lies and no one would question them. i also think christianity has been incredibly westernized. for example, people have made jesus white when he was obviously born in the middle east. they've also cherry picked what they would like to believe based on what's easiest to follow. like how the bible says no to haircuts and eating pork, but how many people do you see following those rules?
2016-11-01 20:01:24 UTC
No, Christianity is not a scam.

Every one of us are born with a sinful nature, brought on by Adam and Eve. The Bible says that there is none righteous, no not one. The Bible also says for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.

You still have to do your part and strive to live righteously. The Bible is very clear that faith without works is dead. God does all the work.

If we are true Christians, then we are going to deny ourselves, take up our crosses, and follow Jesus Christ. The question is: Our we submitted to God through Jesus Christ?

We cannot earn our way to Heaven. We are to place our faith in Jesus Christ to save us. If Jesus Christ is Lord, then He is Supreme Master over our lives.

There is also a terrible place called Hell. The Bible speaks of it as being an eternal fire that cannot be quenched. Those who are not saved by the blood of Jesus Christ are going there.
2016-11-03 18:36:56 UTC
No, Christianity is not a scam, but satan scam people all day long and everyday. God loves you.
2016-11-01 17:58:08 UTC
I know that it is not. Scams want to get something for nothing.

Christianity does not require anything from you other than you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and that you love others. You are never required to give money, do any work for the church, or do anything at all. Some Christians worship at home and never attend church. How can that be a scam?

Who told you that you have to give money or time? What a strange idea. They pass a collection plate at church, but no one is going to say anything if you never put anything in and you certainly are never required to do anything in your free time.

I take it you have never attended church in your life.
2016-11-03 10:12:30 UTC
So far I've donated $76,284 to charity and Christian organizations, all around the world. I must say, I really hate my life and sometimes I really love my life. Religion, you can have kind of a love and hate relationship with. When you reach 40-50 years of age, you would understand my situation and other people's situations, as well.
Some dude
2016-11-03 04:49:34 UTC
Christianity is a scam, Christ was real.

That's what I believe.

"But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers. And do not call anyone on earth your father, for you have one Father, who is in heaven. Nor are you to be called instructors, for you have one Instructor, the Christ"

Says Jesus.

The church goes against God (in many ways), but in this particular way by letting priests go around pretending that they have the authority to speak for God. Of course they'll say some BS about how I'm misinterpreting a crystal clear statement. They were most likely brainwashed by others who were brainwashed, after all.

Am I a Christian or not? Haha let that baffle you for awhile.

"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. Truly I tell you, they already have their reward. But when you pray, go into your inner room, shut your door, and pray to your Father, who is unseen. And your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."

Just another thing Jesus said, which the church goes against.

I think it should be noted, not once did Jesus say "you should go to church", not once did Jesus say "you should erect statues of me suffering on the cross in my honor", not once did Jesus say "you should give money to the church".

You know, if there really were 2 billion Christians in this world (a person who believes and follows the teachings of Jesus), sharing everything they have with those in need regardless of their belief as Jesus taught, not a single person on this earth would be starving.

I think we should rename people who practice Christianity to something other than "Christian". They don't deserve that title, nor do I for that matter.

Someone might think to respond "We're all flawed, ***hole". Which I would respond to with "There's a difference between being flawed, and blatantly disregarding Jesus' teachings whenever it suits you, all the while calling yourself Christian".
2016-11-03 01:18:20 UTC
2016-11-05 13:00:32 UTC
I don't consider any religion "scam" alike. I just think religion is perfectly figured out, nicely prepared and flawlessly spread lie that sprawled upon people's minds gaining believers and making it easier for the liar to control them.
2016-11-05 07:54:22 UTC
No I believe aethism to be the biggest scam.
2016-11-03 01:17:41 UTC
I'm not sure that "scam" is the correct word, but I definitely don't agree with Christianity and what it does to many people.
2016-11-01 18:37:09 UTC
If Christianity is a scam so is reality itself.
2016-11-04 00:48:14 UTC
All religions are a scam
2016-11-03 23:43:11 UTC
No. The Person central to Christianity is 1. Firmly rooted in Hstory. 2. Firmly anticipated by the Old Testament, which is again rooted in verifiable historical facts. 3. The experience of Christian conversion is true. Lives are changed.
2016-11-01 18:00:20 UTC

Christianity is the brainwash cult of BABYLON in the book of Revelation.

Rev. 17: 4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:

5 And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.

The Catholic Church is the mother of whores and all the Churches that came from it are her whore children.

Revelation 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

In other words all Christians who do not renounce the false religion of Christianity will burn in hell.

Because Jesus is not God, and he never died on the cross, but was mistaken for dead.
2016-11-01 17:52:30 UTC
Oh, definitely. You know how people can look at Scientology and easily see that it's a scam? The same is true of all the other religions if you objectively look at them.
old fart
2016-11-03 05:44:59 UTC
I believe all religions are a scam.
2017-01-02 05:55:23 UTC
it isn't... i am a strong christian but i have had my doubts... but if you look at a few passages in the bible you shall see it applies to your everyday life... and a lot of people who believe in god and that jesus forgave all our sins struggle with what religion is the real one like catholic but christianity makes the most sense and believe me it's not a scam
2016-11-01 20:36:57 UTC
No that's completely wrong.

When you ask Jesus to save you and trust him for salvation, you get the kingdom of God (the Holy Spirit) in you. You become one with God. So while you are in your body you are still on the earth but the Kingdom of God is in you, with you, one with you. So when you die its really not that big a change. Now heaven is in the christian, then the christian is in heaven.

John 3:16-21 “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who BELIEVES in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. “There is no judgment against anyone who BELIEVES in him. But anyone who does not BELIEVE in him has already been judged for not BELIEVING in God’s one and only Son. And the judgment is based on this fact: God’s light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil. All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed. But those who do what is right come to the light so others can see that they are doing what God wants.”
Gerry G
2016-11-03 07:35:18 UTC
Christianity, for sure, is NOT a scam.
2016-11-02 19:08:29 UTC
NO. Though some self-claiming clergy/pastors, etc. scam the people using Christ t do so. Years ago I said that many ministers are like MOST politicians, they do little more than tickle the ears and pick the pockets!
2016-11-02 15:56:55 UTC
I believe the churches are scams. But personal beliefs cannot be.
2016-11-02 22:48:11 UTC
Yes. There is absolutely no real (aka non personal belief) evidence it exists. Exspecially since Christians are so quick to state other gods are fake but can't prove their own real. The fact the cult has so many sub beliefs kinda proves that something is off about it too.
2016-11-03 09:23:20 UTC
Crap i had a great way of explaining this to you it started from childhood but then i thought a person can begin believing in God as an adult and i came to that conclusion thinking about Jesus and his followers.

I honestly don't know why some people ask questions such as yours EXCEPT for this your searching for answers yourself by getting people to respond to your question and you will get lots and lots of answers.

Oh it isn't necessary to go to church or spend your money in one.
2016-11-04 13:11:34 UTC
I totaly agree that Christianity is a scam.
Mutations Killed Darwin Fish
2016-11-01 17:56:21 UTC
No, but I do consider mainstream Christianity to be a deviation from a simple faith in the Jewish Messiah. Religion is not a scam because it was never meant to save. Those who believe that have only themselves to blame. Only resurrected Christ can impart righteousness and life eternal. Cheers.
2016-11-03 23:43:10 UTC
Its a feeling u feel so the only way you can be scammed is if you scam yourself its indescribable feeling its like the most amazing feeling you feel when you are worshiping the lord amen ☺ I can only hope that you one day can experience the love that he has for u
2016-11-02 08:58:44 UTC
It could be used to scam poeple like jeol osteen but Jesus is real and is coming soon so repent and follow Jesus teachings before it's to late!
2016-11-02 12:13:08 UTC
All religions are scams. They're all total BS.
2016-11-02 18:52:50 UTC
2016-11-03 03:18:42 UTC
2016-11-02 03:21:07 UTC
The only scam is atheism. Islam is the religion of Satan and atheists serve Muslims in their disobedience. We should have a cleansing.
2016-11-02 06:22:24 UTC
2016-11-01 17:52:20 UTC
Christianity (and, to be fair, all faiths) are exactly the same scam as all snake oil products.

First, the conman says you have a disease, and OMG HOLY COW WHAT ARE THE ODDS!

he just happens to have the cure.
Marshmallow Man
2016-11-02 17:13:19 UTC
2016-11-02 06:26:02 UTC
I think when practiced ones own way and not in line with Gods will it can have false teachings. Even Jesus noted that Matthew 7:21
2016-11-02 04:02:59 UTC
All religions are scams.
2016-11-03 12:39:53 UTC
I am pro and con on the subject. You see toooo many "Christians" showing hate for others. Mexicans are supposely Roman Catholic and go to church and do all that, but they also put down others. A mexican at my job in particular wears a cross around her neck, and then puts me down a lot. Hypocrites abound in this religion. Mexicans...yep they are the worst! A trillion mexicans in hell! There has to be!
Matthew T
2016-11-01 17:59:01 UTC
You do know you're going to die, right? And that without a Creator, life (and death) are meaningless, pointless, and worthless? You know that death means eternal separation from loved ones, right? Aren't those what you're calling an invisible disease? Looks visible to me. Perhaps your eyes are closed.
2016-11-03 00:25:53 UTC
Yes I do your all wasting time in church with fake Jesus in USA it was by Syria where Jewish is. I'm non religions and plus no prove of him and making a new testiment when we should be doing the old that had everything
2016-11-03 08:36:49 UTC
Most folks seem devoid of critical thinking skills. There are only two possible ways to believe in this material world. Either God created everything as the bible claims or you believe nothing created everything as the evolutionists argue. You only get one chance to choose your path. Choose wisely.
2016-11-03 18:44:09 UTC
that isn't the meaning of church,church was men to have your fellow believers around you and to worship him with no shame things happen to you for a reason they are test plus i would rather be up there with him than down here i know it hurts others but they all know id be in a better place. For instance my Aunt died of cancer but held closely to god never missed a day of church even though she was in pain she tried to stop fighting but god put her to the test she soon couldn't talk and only could signal what she wanted and was to stubborn to learn sigh language we all are sad that she passed but we know she is were she wanted to be.
Stephen Fisher
2016-11-03 09:46:53 UTC
It's easy to make valid arguments for both sides. It just comes down to how you choose to believe. That's as simple as it gets.
2016-11-04 19:12:03 UTC
No, not initially was it, although after it became famous and others not involved in the original text writing became aware of its power, this probably has been the reason texts may have been altered at times throughout the past at various times.
2016-11-05 05:56:05 UTC
It's not a scam. It's your only chance when you die.
2016-11-03 00:12:44 UTC
Christianity is not a scam, church is.
2016-11-02 03:17:33 UTC
Why would I believe that? I am one. Lol

Are there some within the realm of christianity that are scam artists? Ofcourse, and they have their just reward waiting in the end. That, however, shows that humanity is deceitful, not God. God is holy, man is fallible. God is faithful, even when man is not
Alan H
2016-11-02 03:55:01 UTC
This and similar childish postings gave appeared before.

It bears no relation to the truth.....Christianity is gloriously

fulfilling her and now, Anything that comes after is a bonus.
2016-11-02 04:05:18 UTC
You are such a stupid mindless asssshole. Quit enjoyng your hates and monstrous ignorance. GROW UP.

Help out. I am sure those Christians you hate do far more to help out than your goddam selfish self does.

2017-03-27 13:01:03 UTC
yep... however it was a brilliant idea to order to bring satisfaction to a peasant society, and an improvement to their disorganise lives... it was this disorganisation however that was the cause of it being unable to happen, apart that is that the human being is a totally piss-poor subject to try it out on... the historical side is mostly bull-$hit even though their may well be elements of truth... if the organisers had stuck to the truth and left out the fantasy, it could well have caught on as a practical way of life by example, but sadly the organisers slipped up giving it the impossible illusions of a disney fairytale... what on earth were they thinking about ?

difficult to know how it would have worked out for the human being is not suitable material for producing a reasonable, peace loving, kind and caring creature from rubbish material, but it would have been a well intended and worth while attempt...
2017-03-13 10:39:36 UTC
it is like saying any religion is a scam... i myself am an atheist but had a christian background whilst i was younger... religion helps people get through their day to day lives- even if it is not believed by others, it is up to the individual... i guess it is also a respect thing and depends on if they are spiritual...
Fly G
2016-11-01 22:06:50 UTC
Not at all. It's the truth. But we are born human, with a tendency to move away from the truth.

The universe and its life is too full of beauty and balance to be an accident. Life just doesn't come from non life.

We have many accounts of Jesus' existence. But there's always been a resistance trying to say He wasn't God, or He didn't rise from the dead.

His message is love, peace, joy, forgiveness, help, heal, aid the needy, even love enemies. And live blessed rewarded lives in the process, leading to eternal life in Heaven. There's nothing not to like. It's the greatest offer there is. But part of humanity wants to be free from His rules, free to sin, so there begins the need to dirty up the message and call it a scam. But life away from God and toward much sin makes us weak, leaves us empty, and alone. This is observable in our own lives and the lives of others. It's also made clear in the Bible that the dark path leads to misery and disappointment.

His truth comes shining through one way or the other, no matter how long we try to skirt around it.

There's many many prophecies that have come true in the scriptures.

The Bible is 1000 times too packed with wisdom, eloquence, and otherwordly love and peace to be a forgery. Even a good scam dies out in less than a lifetime. There's a church on nearly every corner, 2000 years later because God's truth becomes real and undeniable to those who pursue it. Some may go to church as a maybe or a just in case, but the leaders, the speakers, the missionaries, and the most faithful have a whole lot to share from what they've discovered and experienced.

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. -- Jeremiah 29:13

We can take that to the bank. I have seen this in many, many people's lives.

There is much confusion and bad examples among the church and the believers. But that's because they're only following the faith in bits and pieces. God is the real deal. Jesus is the real deal. When we submit to the entire message and embrace His teachings as a love letter, not a book of rules, we see Him as He meant for us to see Him. Sweet, rewarding, lovable. We see He IS love.

The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. -- Galatians 5:22-33

We have all seen people who have these qualities, consistently showing them. They tend to be grandmothers and grandfathers. They are getting harder to find but they were once quite common. The only way they get to this point is by being committed to God, connected to His spirit. He designed us to reflect His nature this way, and give others hope and healing. He wants us to bring others into the light.

There's much evidence if we only look for it. But we have to want to find it, to get there.

It's true. It's powerful. It's undeniable. We see His fingerprints everywhere, and see His truths showing themselves true by observing human nature. We find all this and much much more when we truly seek Him sincerely and accept Him. God makes somewhere around 6000 promises to us in the Bible. It's beyond incredible.

You would think, with all the energy people use in badmouthing God and His followers, that non belief would have something as good as heaven to offer.

But it doesn't. Nothing on this earth can ever truly fulfill us, and nothing can compare to God's love and eternal life.

It's just our nature when we haven't yet found the wellspring, to respond in anger, make fun and run away. But we're just not in peace, and our happy moments are ever increasingly short-lived, giving way to emptiness and ever increasing depression. We're like a light that needs to plug into our power source to function at it's best. We can do fairly well in our youth, but as life gets heavy and challenging and we start aging, we realize we need God's power and guidance and peace and comfort and wisdom and assurance of being reborn in heaven one day. Getting old takes away our liberties and our comfort and our pride bit by bit by bit. We realize the only way to be young and new again is to find God and get to heaven.

If we weren't so independent and stubborn, we'd embrace God from our youth, avoiding all the sin traps and regret it causes. And, gaining all the extra years of supernatural wisdom that gives us massive advantages in this life.

Seek and ye shall find. That's His promise. God is the antidote to everything.
Jon B
2016-11-02 17:45:27 UTC
Depends on what "Christians" or CLAIM to be Christians. Like for example The Roman Catholic Church..they "claim" to be a part of Christianity which in reality they're not..they believe that you have to go through "Mary" (Jesus' mother) in order to communicate (pray) to God & or Jesus..Hence the "Hail Mary" can't have your own personal relationship with Jesus you have to seek Mary's approval FIRST..Also they are the RICHEST & MOST DOMINANT "Christian".Churches in the world..why? Because they have many followers that are "brainwashed" therefore easier to control...same thing with mormonism...they almost FORCE you to pay "tithes" or you can't enter their "holy" & "sacred" temple..basically you have to pay money (10% of your gross earnings) or else you aint got nothin comin..also when you commit sin in Catholicism you have to CONFESS the "Preist" in mormonism they're called "bishops" y would anybody confess they're sins to another MORTEL man? Uh no...SCAM
2016-11-03 21:04:58 UTC
No way, there's got to be some way of life after death? From the father, the holy son, and the spirit!!? As transcends we believe and doubt at the same time??!
2016-11-01 17:53:40 UTC
Don't you think.if it's a scam someone would've figured out by now and no one would still believe it?
2016-11-02 19:15:34 UTC
no because i have felt what its like to be with god. and its like no other feeling in the world. it was at a summer camp at my church when i really felt it. we were singing and all the sudden i start crying, you zone out everything and you feel afraid, happy,overwhelmed,sad all at the same time.

whenever you people says he's not real i just remember that moment
2016-11-04 11:50:12 UTC
I'm an atheist but no, I don't think so. People just want something to have faith in like any other religion.
2016-11-03 01:35:58 UTC
Not necessarily a "scam" but a load of bullshit, yeah.
2016-11-07 14:40:25 UTC
Yes,It is designed to acquire confidence and control over you .Over time they are brain trained to believe in many things including rejection of many things.
2016-11-03 04:38:03 UTC
YES and if you did not know, I Baby Tiger, I am the Queen here and I'm having fun moving questions in different sections lol it is so fun to be the Queen here.. Watch and learn suckers.. I'm a level 7 and nobody here can not do nothing against me, you are my slaves, and that's it, follow and respect your Queen, bunch of losers! lol
2016-11-02 10:28:20 UTC
Christianity is a lie, heathens like white people will be in the kingdom but as servant and hand maids to black people!
2016-11-04 05:33:12 UTC
It is not totally true that reward only when you die.

After you are cured, you start your eternal life on earth.

After death, you still continue this eternal life with heavenly body in heaven. Life with God.
2016-11-02 17:48:37 UTC
Its been a scam ever since one monkey pointed up to the sun and told the other monkey, "He said for you to give me your share."
2016-11-01 18:43:48 UTC
EVERY religion is a scam...
2016-11-03 10:32:35 UTC
If you thought that was an issue within your mind, you would already know the answer. Do research, I have read and read and can not refute the knowledge that were uncover.
2016-11-01 18:05:18 UTC
well giving won't let you pass heaven it is by receiving christ. by accepting gods salvation attaining through christ. when you pray to god sincerely with your heart. that christ died for your sins. and spare your life. it is the way to heaven. giving is storing what holds you in heaven it is not just church tithes and offering it is all your mitzvah on earth.
2016-11-03 09:24:20 UTC
Religions are a business that does not have the integrity to pay their fair share of taxes.
2016-11-03 19:37:07 UTC
No, I think that many Christians who are in the church are badly mislead. I don't think they are getting the full gospel.
Conner Conner
2016-11-03 17:03:11 UTC
Dumbass, that's because you're a baptist and not Roman Catholic, which is the only true Christian religion
2016-11-06 10:10:39 UTC
No, maybe you're thinking of Islam.
2016-11-03 08:12:04 UTC
They change history so much they don't even remember what it stood for
2016-11-04 05:25:36 UTC
El cristianismo o la religión?
2016-11-04 09:29:41 UTC
He is a salvation bot invented by Illuminati.
2016-11-01 18:16:51 UTC
2016-11-04 09:39:47 UTC
Yes, of course.
2016-11-02 14:29:32 UTC
Yes it is.

Christians are the fakest people out there.
2016-11-03 05:33:04 UTC
No way just groups of belivers, that

belive in something greeater than, what we can measure,

please feel free to disbelive.

Best Wishes.

Mars Mission.
2016-11-06 18:37:28 UTC
Existence is a scam.This world
2016-11-02 11:01:59 UTC
I don't believe, I know so
Glenn S
2016-11-01 17:54:48 UTC
You think that the evil, crime, corruption in this world is invisible?.....Boy, do you have your head up where the sun don't shine.
2016-11-02 14:53:10 UTC
Affirmative !
2016-11-01 18:06:43 UTC
Still trolling I see.

You must have doubt about your position.
2016-11-02 17:08:57 UTC
It is maybe not on intentionally but they do they trick u into believing their lies and do exactly what you said
2016-11-03 16:08:39 UTC
Noo, but there are people who try to take advantage of it.
2016-11-04 00:24:15 UTC
Not believing it does not answer the question what happens after you die?
Sabina Jacob
2016-11-04 13:05:21 UTC
I am aethiest but respect others beliefs.
Ernest S
2016-11-02 20:11:16 UTC
Your disease is quite visible and apparent.

Tell me, why do the proud fool themselves and never see themselves for what they are?
2016-11-01 17:54:35 UTC
One of the best hoaxes and it shows no sign of slowing.
2016-11-03 15:28:04 UTC
2016-11-01 19:50:00 UTC
No, but the Democrat Party certainly is.
2016-11-05 09:20:43 UTC
Nope. Most money goes back to the church or the needy in the community.
2016-11-03 15:02:07 UTC
not at all

the prize is eternal life in heaven, no tears, no infirmities et al
2016-11-04 19:40:41 UTC
god isn't real. jesus isn't real. jesus was a real guy and people liked him and thought he was cool so they wrote a book about him and his friends and gave them magic powers after he died.
2016-11-03 02:23:05 UTC
2016-11-03 02:58:21 UTC
I don't know
mataripis a ugnay
2016-11-03 05:18:08 UTC
Not all.there are real and unreal christianity.
2016-11-02 09:03:23 UTC
I'm sorry that you are poor
2016-11-03 00:38:51 UTC
No i don't
2016-11-04 10:33:44 UTC
all religions are fake to tell you the truth. they all are man made---for specific political motifs
2016-11-03 17:36:13 UTC
of course
poornakumar b
2016-11-04 03:06:25 UTC
They made it that
Sheltie Lover
2016-11-01 17:53:16 UTC
Don't like it, don't participate. ... See how easy that is?

2016-11-01 17:51:53 UTC
the invisible disease is death, do you deny that?

"Death is just a natural part of life. Not a disease."

it's natural because it's from nature (circular)
2016-11-03 03:03:51 UTC
No. It may be a rumor.
2016-11-02 16:30:14 UTC
Certainly is.
2016-11-07 09:03:32 UTC
No not at all
2016-11-03 19:36:12 UTC
Jesus said "Put your faith in Me not in people".
2016-11-04 17:13:55 UTC
No, it is a religion.
2016-11-06 09:10:51 UTC
2016-11-02 03:11:48 UTC
fundi christian yes
2016-11-02 10:05:52 UTC
2016-11-02 18:21:07 UTC
2016-11-05 07:08:37 UTC
2016-11-04 19:25:55 UTC
Blueman #1
2016-11-03 20:42:34 UTC
2016-11-03 17:13:39 UTC
2016-11-03 21:45:18 UTC
2016-11-02 08:33:17 UTC
2016-11-02 19:10:41 UTC
There is no God.
2016-11-02 09:17:01 UTC
No, not at all.
2016-11-03 02:34:27 UTC
no not really
2016-11-05 12:44:47 UTC
2016-11-06 10:07:15 UTC
2016-11-03 08:34:03 UTC
2016-11-02 17:27:14 UTC
2016-11-03 13:45:19 UTC
2016-11-03 00:49:54 UTC
2016-11-04 04:13:56 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.