why is it some people get on really well in life,and find good things come to them very easily,?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
why is it some people get on really well in life,and find good things come to them very easily,?
741 answers:
2006-06-08 22:09:35 UTC
Well, you really have a question there. You'll probably get some Mormons writing you about predestination from the fall of Lucifer and all the souls who battled him on God's side . . . and other nonsense.

However, the real answer comes in four flavors: B. NATURE, C. NURTURE and D. CHOICES are obvious and as George Burns playing the part of God said in the movie "Oh, God!" a lot of it is A. LUCK. Because while we might criticize someone for living near a volcano; or in an earthquake zone; or near a river highly susceptible to flooding; etc., in the final evaluation we all have to be somewhere and if everybody wanted to live safely and benignly in Central Germany than a host of other problems caused by overpopulation would arise and kill off just as many any way. So luck, as in being on the highway when that rock slide hits, plays a big part.

B. Nature? Well, if you get the sickly genes, you might be able to do something about it a la Teddy Roosevelt, but if you get the really sickly ones like cystic fibrosis or the like: you're just plain shafted. On a less than mortal level, a lot of health and mental health and even psychological make up is right there written in the DNA. And we see and read about less (?) serious levels of problems caused by nurture such as being born in a country undergoing a famine, etc. every day.

C. Nurture? If your parents leave you or neglect you or abuse you: you'll have a mighty tough row to hoe. If, however, they murder you or abandon you or abort you (I'm not against abortion, just painting a full picture here) then the die is cast and you die young. And of course death is not the only thing that can go wrong. The law books now are filling up with wrongful life cases: where the life created is so utterly impossible and painful that it's considered worse than death, or more to the point legally: worse than NOT being born. Lesser situations are obviously around us and making the evening news all the time.

D. So it looks like for the most part, the only thing we can control is our choices. This is obvious when it comes to health, for example. A man of 55 who practices 6-7 of the seven golden rules of health has the same expected 'death day' according to the actuaries as a man of 20 who practices 0-1 of the key rules. Obviously, choices in the people and situations and things and thoughts and words we allow into our life can be crucial. And since your choices are the only thing you DO control . . . that's the place to put your emphasis for making your life one of the fortunate ones rather than a hell on earth. Good luck!
2006-06-08 21:34:40 UTC
I used to ask myself the same question; now that I'm older, I think that there ARE some reasons that some seem blessed with good fortune, while others aren't. There are factors like the family that you are born into; surely this would effect how a person's life evolves? I have known some really stable and decent folk and their children did really well in life. Then again, I have known some really violent/abusive type family situations, and the children from those families were doing rather poorly in life and not surviving well. I am sure that other people notice this sort of thing all the time. I am wondering about the answer; and then there are some that say it's all about "Karma" and "what goes round, comes round" and if we're to believe that .. .. means that if you follow golden rules things should go well!

Hope this helped some.
Cheshire Cat
2006-06-09 12:58:14 UTC
Before we are born, our prenascent selves get to select the difficulty level of our life. Some are cautious and select "Easy" and others are daring and select "Really Freaking Difficult" and some are just plain crazy and select "Totally impossible!" That latter group gets aborted before they are born, which is what you get for making such a foolish prenacent decision!

Yes, it's all about decisions. Some people decide that they will be mentally retarded or get hit by a car and have brain damage while others decide to be born to rich parents plus have a high IQ. Some decide that their parents should take drugs and neglect them. Who needs parents anyhow, right?

No, luck - defined as the circumstances under which you were born and were supposedly beyond your control - is not involved at all. It's all about pushing the right difficulty control buttons before you start the simulation. The thing is that most people forget about the buttons either at the time they were born or earlier. Luckily, I remembered and am here to tell you there is no degree of difficulty that you didn't put on yourself, so you can feel safe telling people that it is all the individual's fault and not have to concern yourself with seeming like you're a morally lazy selfish twit.

On the really bright side, given that we are all playing our own life games, we also get to select our own victory conditions! Sometimes all a person aspires to is being able to survive. Sometimes a person wants true love. Sometimes they want a fantastic bod and lots of sex. Sometimes they think having the most money means they win. In absolute reality, however, all of that means exactly SQUAT, so you don't have to feel pressured by your success or failure because it is ultimately meaningless.

If you are still feeling bad though, there is one major consolation that still exists for the time being: everybody eventually dies What happens next? I bet the whole thing starts over again! Whee!
2006-06-09 06:43:23 UTC
Maybe yes, maybe no. Reason:

Possiblity #1:

It depends on the way the mind thinks, in other words, the person's attitude. Some people are rather optimistic and appreciative, and they don't tell others about their troubles and struggles.

Possibility #2:

If you believe in reincarnation, perhaps some people had a hard time in their previous life / did a great deed and so in this life, it's the opposite and vice versa.

Possibility #3:

This is one of the uneXplained stuff, like Jesus, and how knowledge is infinite. Fate. The winners and losers. Or you can blame it on genetics.

IMO, The losers should change his way of thinking, learning from the winners; and thus we go back to possibility #1. There have been so many cases of people who are 'losers' becoming huge 'winners'.
having too much fun
2006-06-08 21:48:41 UTC
Amanda the fact that you are asking this question means that you are aware, awake, fully embracing life. And that is as it should be.

Consider this: What is your perspective verses what the perspective is of those who seem to "have great things happen to them"? Have you ever asked them if the things that seem great to you are great to them? Also what is behind the veil of those who seem to have great things....are they inwardly happy? Do they have inner peace? Perhaps, or perhaps not.

Some people are geared with personalities that seem to enjoy the struggle....if nice things happen to them they hardly notice at all, or are happy in their misery. That might seem a strange statement or observation, but ask a person that outwardly struggles with life, or is "trying really hard", what if anything they are doing to change where they are. You might get a blank glare, or an angry remark. Those people are not fully aware. They are not loosers, they are just not aware of the state they are in. It is their drama.

We are all truly blessed - if we eat each day at least three nutricious meals a day, if we can get out of bed, if we do not suffer from a major illness, if we do not have bombs exploding in our back yards, if we have a job, if we have a safe place to sleep each night, and people who truly care about us....then we are truly blessed. We are winners. If we have a heart that beats and a mind that thinks....we are winners.

Perspective is the key, look within, count your blessings, and notice that you are a winner....struggle less....and allow space for more good things. For a river does not run up hill, it does not struggle.
2006-06-08 21:28:10 UTC
Let's see... my ex-boyfriend had the luck where he would do nothing and get almost anything he wanted. I have a hobby in astrology and it says his sign (Pisces) will go far without any work effort. For a simple example: he found 2 four-left clovers in one day. For a more realistic example: in high school he would goof around a whole bunch in art and somehow he got chosen to work on a picture model for the school holiday emblem. My ex hardly works really hard in life and simple solutions just happen to fall in his lap.

But compared to my neighbors, no matter hard how they try, just when things start to look good, some bomb blows up in their faces. Take their life into context. They have the crummiest of luck. The guy got his girlfriend pregnant when she was 19 and he's only 3 years older than her so, it doesn't help them any better. Before she got pregnant the family didn't like him. And after the baby was 2 years old they moved from Boston to GA. Ever since then her family has cast her out. Completely ignoring their grandchild. And to make maters worse, he is a foster child with a mother who died from cancer. And now since no one really helps them out that much (and sometimes even if they do) they feel like they will never get out of debt or the dismal place they live in.

So, in my opinion, in a way there are winners and losers in life. But as I see it it is how you make the best of it. Like my neighbors: they should be happy that they have 2 healthy kids (new baby) and are alive and well. For compared to the rest of the world they are more lucky than most.
Rebecca B
2006-06-08 14:34:04 UTC
You would be suprised at how from the outside some people look like they lead seemingly charmed lives, but underneath their lives are anything but. From my experience, life takes a lot of hard work, organization, planning and, when all else fails, trial and error. I think at times in life some people get lucky. Some are born into naturally wealthy families where they will never have to worry about money their entire lives. Some are blessed with extraordinarily good looks and become rich and famous and seemingly loved by all. But I also believe that most good things in life do not come without some sort of price. I think that if you take the time to look a little deeper under the surface of things you may see what I mean. I hope this helps.
2006-06-09 09:25:50 UTC
This is all speculation, However I think that "Luck" should be turned into the word "Lessons" Some Native Americans belive that you will experience every lesson on the spoke of the wheel, good and bad, unfortunatly you will also repeat the wheel if the lesson good or bad goes unlearned. Hence forth the saying, "if I only knew then what I know now", Everything you do or say begins an experiece in life that you will eventually have to come to terms with and learn somthing from. If you do you will know what to do the next time if not you will repeat it till you figure it out. If you do you will begin to walk in balance with life. You may not ever become rich with money but riches in spirit are far better and really the Great Spirit would rather us become closer to him through the spirit then closer to the bank. Luck is no more then Lessons of the spirit each person is different so his or her path to thier own spirituality is different. Not luck just learning about yourself and trying to become spiritually whole through the adversity of life.
Quiet V
2006-06-09 05:03:16 UTC
I am the type of person who works hard for everything in life. Nothing is easy is life. Some people were bless with money and some were not. If you want something work hard for it. Some people were bless with good boyfriends, and husbands. I can't seem to find the right guy, but I will not give up. I will be a winner in life not a loser.
2006-06-08 16:01:36 UTC
I wouldn't say I'm blessed with good luck, but I certainly am blessed. My mom has said I live a charmed life, and I can't argue with her.

For me personally, I think I was raised in a loving 2-parent home which really does make a difference. I'm intelligent, so learning comes natural to me. It's not that I'm not a hard worker- I am and always have been. But I don't have to try as hard as other people to understand and retain information. I'm also the type of person who is told how NOT to act and then follows directions. I've never been one to step on toes, and if I'm told that smoking gives you cancer, I'll stay away from smoking. I don't see the point in making careless decisions. I plan ahead and reach my goals because of that. I don't take risks that would cause me to have "bad luck" or struggle.

On top of that, I'm a saved woman. This has made a tremendous difference in my life. I can look back on my "charmed" life and know that things have gotten even better since I've been saved. So blessed, yes, but with luck- nope. Hard work, natural ability, and faith.
older hippie chick
2006-06-08 06:04:02 UTC
It does seem like some people just have bad luck. But, I think it comes down to choices people make in their lives. People make choices, and choices make people.
2006-06-08 06:05:31 UTC
I believe it is a matter of perception. The person next to you may appear to have everything in the world and could seem so lucky; but they may be feeling down and out and that they never get a break in life. I think it is just a matter of what you think is "good things" and doing "really well".

Is the glass half full or half empty?
2006-06-08 06:04:29 UTC
things balance out in time. One life lead isn't better than another and the grass isn't greener. Just because you don't know what might be wrong with their life, before now, now or later doesn't mean that they have it so good.
2006-06-10 18:03:12 UTC
Yes and it sucks when you are not one of the lucky.
2006-06-10 06:44:51 UTC
yes sometimes luck does work but not always.may be the one u feel isnt working is working but doesnt tell u much.just remember "luck is when preparation meets opportunity.if u dont get what u deserve dont be frustrated instead try again coz luck may cheat u but hard work wont.
2006-06-09 10:08:09 UTC
because Allah is with them and he has granted the wisdom and enlightenment in their journey. Allah gives to some beauty, to others wisdom and enlightenment, and to others luck in things they do. which one did Allah give to you?
Prince of Secrets
2006-06-09 08:04:03 UTC
This is a really great question indeed! And I am sure there are plenty of great answers as well. My take on this is as follows:

Everything that happens in one's life is a confluence of causes and effects. This is the way the entire universe functions. Everything is both result and cause simultaneously; the result x itself becomes the cause leading to result y and the cycle continues. Death is dependent on birth and vice versa for example. Cause and effect is most intelligible in the physical realm but there are subtler and most subtle causes not visible to the ordinary eye which influence a person's experiences and day to day destiny.

The law of karma rules the actions and results of actions performed by a person. The law of karma is explained in the broad context of past, present and future lives. One's actions result in various effects at various levels of experience in one's being and life. What you think, say and do are the seeds which cause you to experience happy stuff or misery!

It is not really possible to evaluate an individual purely on the basis of present good fortune or otherwise, because each one of us sometimes has it good and other times not. It is just our karmas ripening in each life time which we experience. Just because someone is beautiful, rich or whatever doesn't mean he is inherently so. No, he is simply experiencing certain results of certain karmas of his that happened to have ripened in the present lifetime. Next life, he may well be ugly, poor or whatever.

Life is a revolving wheel of fortunes. Sometimes we are princes, other times beggars.

Seeds are sown, they ripen and wither away and new seeds get sown, the process doesn't end until one is able to put an end to it. The sages around the world have made us aware that there is a life which transcends the ordinary experience of it. "Seek and you shall find it!" Isn't that the promise we've all heard?
2006-06-08 21:26:18 UTC
I think there really are winners and losers. Sad, but true. Some people just have it like that and don't even really have to try. Maybe it's just good luck, or they're really blessed. Who knows? I don't. That's just life. I always say if you want something in life then work for it. Cuz nothing in life is free. If they say it is, trust me, you're gonna pay for it one way or the other.
2006-06-10 15:18:20 UTC
Good question. My opinion however is that everyone has hard th9things in their life. The people who seem to get by so easily have had hard things coming to them and learn to get over that. However, you have the other point of view. There are those people who have everything coming to them. The rich parents, the fancy house, the great job. I see what you mean. It's just that way. You can't define your life unless you work so hard that you can change everything that has happened in life and when you do that you can control the way you work your life and the way that everything is laid out in front of you. I am a strong believer in Karma. What you give you get in return. But if you are born lucky, that rule doesn't apply to you? Your question brings up good points. Some points which people may never be able to answer. This is the best i can do.
2006-06-10 13:02:13 UTC
That has to happen to maintain a balance in the universe. There must be winners and there must be losers. It is life deal with it. Haven't you ever heard that life isn't fair? If you can understand probability then you should be able to understand that every little bit of life was the same in the beginning. Now look at all the different life forms. Wouldn't many of the other life forms consider us human beings to be the lucky ones? Of course there must be winners and losers in life. Never ever is there losers at life though as long as they are still living. Even if some die if they had even a few great moments they are winners. You need to understand that life is precious and just having the privilege to live it makes you a winner.
2006-06-09 07:53:30 UTC
Deep within we, I think that we make our own luck. it only appears that some people have things always easy. Nothing in life is always easy, even being rich is not always easy. There is the excessive pressure to give and to do things other people's way rather than your own way. The beginning is always hard, but some people do have a way of accepting with glee whatever they need to do to get where-ever they need to get. There are others who crumble under pressure and no matter how much help they get, even if the money was put right under thieir noses, they would blow it away in as little as one week or less. Its all in the mind. Its the power of the mind. The strong willed survive longer and are less apt to commit suicide. Suicide in that case doesn't only mean killing yourself, but killing your spirit. People who live without spirit are just as well better off six feet down in a burial ground. Now to make a long story short, things are only easy after we have gone through the struggles. Not everyone sees when the struggles are there, they only see the good times. Some people make the struggles look easy but it never is. We all go through some sort of struggle or other, it depends on how we handle it, that makes us winners or loosers. Some struggle with health, some with money, some with drugs, some with phobias

but whatever it is, your mind is the boss of all events. Make it work for you.
2006-06-09 00:40:37 UTC
It's not that they are getting along better than anyone else... they aren't lucky... they aren't trying less either. These people seem to do better because they aren't worried about doing things wrong. They live life as it comes. If you aren't working for or asking for something, then it seems like a big surprise when something happens.

If it's a question with love, you notice how some people fall in love so easily with the right person, it's probably because they weren't looking for love at all. They didn't have to go through all those wrong people first like most of us so often do.

If it's a question in work. They do what is asked and don't go above and beyond. By doing what is asked, they get what they deserve. They didn't need to work hard because eventually it comes in time.

Basically they just go with the flow and make it look so easy... when in fact it actually is.
2006-06-10 11:22:36 UTC
Yes, some are blessed with good luck, it's the laws of averages in an illogical world. They seem to always get what they want because for some unknown reason, they luck out. It could be they try to play the odds and when the odds look less daunting, they take chances. Sometimes they lose, but often they win because they had calculated their chances of success versus failure. Then they made the bold move of taking a chance and won.. Also they might lose yet they don't tell anyone about it. They keep up their appearances by not revealing their losses.
2006-06-10 02:25:56 UTC
Being a success is all about momentum. You start off with some small successes, and then rather than stop there you build up and continue.

The first success is normally the hardest to achieve, yet many people stop there. Imagine that you have set up a new business and your target for a product is to sell 100 units.

After lots of effort, you hit that target. Some people would stop there. But once the target is achieved, it should motivate you to move on to the next target or, better, amend your goal for that particular product and see just how many units you could shift.

Thus to build momentum you need to take time to record and reflect on the successes you've had to date.

Start a success log or diary, and record in there what you have done. In other words, you start to create some sort of life record and it turns gradually into a life plan, recording where you are in relation to your goals.

It will also be easier to access how well you are doing, and what aspects if any need to change to bring you even closer towards your goals.
2006-06-10 00:17:06 UTC
There are no winner or losers in life. The best thing is, (though all of us do) is not to compare ourselves with others. I think that good things come to everyone, some of those good things are just valued more by others. We all find happiness in different things, so it's heard to say what is good and what is easy.

Yet there are places were people aren't given equal chances, and are oppressed, like a place in Africa where children are forced to fight in war. Who can say how that is fair? I don't know if we'll ever know, but we can count the blessings that we do have, and help those that don't seem to have any.
Tobey C
2006-06-09 20:02:37 UTC
of course this is clearly a psychological study so after taking college courses at the 100 and 400 levels (USA) I can comfortably claim I know abso-f--king-lutely nothing about psychology except that aside from inherited money or nepotism or some other small I mean we're talking small percentage of people in the world who live life on the good side of the velvet rope all day long, then there's the rest of us, lol. However, it is possible that some people actually look forward to their job every day. We all know a few people who have a "cool job" like my friend who works for a demolition company, his company is always on discovery channel and they also took out the king dome live on the web, if not cool, at least interesting conversation? I've been telling a few people it only took me 12 years to find this job because I enjoy my job too, so if we met and you thought I wasn't trying hard and things were happening, it's because I somehow managed to find a career which allows me to do something I already enjoy doing and get paid for it. Like the person who loves golf and becomes a golf pro or any person who works with passion and enthusiasm, that kind of thing. Having said that, I'll plead my own case claiming I do work hard and it's definitely not easy but everyone is free to find that comfortable fit for themselves. So, the real question again is, are we lucky or good? Yes, there are going to be nice people who never seem to "get a brake" but I bet they never stop trying to get that "break", but my advice would be something I'm pretty sure I heard Martin Sheen say in Wall St. but I know the corrections will come pouring in, "Find something you like to do and then figure out a way to get people to pay you for it" or something meaning the same basic paraphrased thought. Send the corrections on this too if necessary.

2006-06-08 22:02:32 UTC
Great Q Amanda! Have wondered myself and read alot of peoples answers here. That gives you an idea of peoples perceptions. Personally, I think some people do have things handed over to them. Some people are born into wealth and greatness and therefore are infact born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Others just seem to have luck follow them around. On the other hand, I know many people who are very lucky and rich, who aren't very happy people. Some people struggle for everything and life seems to kick them when their down.

To all the people who wrote its about you think Trump made all the right choices? I don't think so. Right place at the right time, flukes. Did he make some right choices? Well, sure. Does the arrogant *** deserve everything he has? Well, NO!

Either way Amanda, I'm a firm beleiver in karma, (or at least I try to be when life is kicking me in the groin). Be good to others and good things will be sure to come to you sooner or later.
2006-06-08 14:52:13 UTC
Maybe so. It's a question that will be pondered forever. I guess it's just life, though. Some people have it all, but just imagine if we were all blessed in the same way. Life would be boring. The fact that there are winners and losers in life and everything in between) makes life much more interesting. It creates competition. So even though some people have it better than others, I suppose that it is for a reason, and it is good in some ways.
2006-06-10 18:44:09 UTC
I think that God puts all of us here for a purpose in life. Yes, some people do seem to have it easy, good luck, just seem to have it made while others (like myself) have always had to struggle financially and never seem to have alot of material things but good luck is not a blessing. Blessings are things that God gives you that makes your life worthwhile, like a home, a family, children, a good job (even though you may hate it at times). I am very thankful for all my blessings and I know that God is always there for me no matter how bad it seems sometimes. He can perform miracles and helps me get through every day. The real blessings are the ones that he gives us every day. Sunshine, flowers, rain, friends, family, and just all the things that makes life worth living. So be thankful for your blessings today!
2006-06-10 12:36:54 UTC
Luck may play a hand, but attitude is critical There are people who expect good things to happen. Those kind of people are excited about life and quick to seize opportunities that come up. They are not afraid to take a risk on something new. Since they expect good things, when something goes wrong, they tend to see it as a temporary roadblock, not an immovable obstacle. There are other people who go through life anticipating what might go wrong. Every new opportunity is looked at suspiciously. When something bad happens, it confirms to them that they were right in expecting the worst. Their lives are filled with obstacles to success, reasons why anything they might attempt will not work.

It's not that people with the positive attitude never have any setbacks or problems in life. I have a friend with that kind of outlook who has hit some tough times, including dealing with breast cancer and chemotherapy, but through it all, she remains upbeat and she finds the good that she can take out of every situation. I used to be more the second type of person, believing that it was "realistic" to plan for all the things that might go wrong. I was also really depressed a lot. It was a life-transforming experience when I realized that while I could not control everything that happened in my life, I could completely control my attitude about life. Good things happen to those who expect them. Along the way, you have to overcome the bad stuff, not ignoring it but learning from it and keeping your eye on the higher goal. Some people have it tougher than others. That's where luck comes in. But there are many people who seem to have everything but are miserable, while others who seem to have nothing but problems and challenges are happy and triumphant. That's the power of attitude.
2006-06-09 16:41:57 UTC
My Goodness, this question must be the most answered in here!. Well I won't read all the answers, so I don't know if mine is repeated.

I believe in something calls "The "I AM" Religious Activity" (and Metaphysics), I'm catholic but I don't go to church very often, but, in this I AM Activity I've found so many answers to so many questions I've made to myself through my hole life, and one of those questions is one like yours, let me say that this Activity is not a religious like Catholic or so many others, is more like a practice, you don't have to go to any temples, or be baptized, nothing like that, is more like an individual thing, you just have to put into practice its principles.

This activity says that there are 7 laws or principles that govern the universe: The mentalism law, the parallelism law, the motion law, the polarity law, oscillation law, the cause and effect law, and the generation law. There are the karma and darma laws too.

Our lifes are based on these laws whether we believe in them or not, these laws plus the reencarnation are the answer to your question, just with the reencarnation a big part of your question is being answered because for example if you were a bad person and you always did what's wrong in your next life you're going to pay for that and that's why some people are very lucky without any reasons.

I don't know if this is enough, but I can say this is a very wide

subject and to completely understand it you have to read more than this few lines.

In the source list there are sites where you can find more info, and if you really want to find out more just write down in any searching page these key words :"the seven laws of metaphysics", Godfre Ray King, "I AM Activity", etc.
2006-06-09 09:41:14 UTC
I apologize in advance if I repeat someone, but I didn't read all 299 answers.

I don't believe in "luck". There are reasons that people fail and people succeed.

1) One of the major reasons is upbringing and parental support (sometimes monetary, sometimes moral support). If you have had a good amount of support in your upbringing, you will be more secure, able to take reasonable risks and able to handle the downturns in life better.

2) Internal philosophy - successful people often have a strong sense of right and wrong and are able to make quick decisions based on their philosophy without undue regret or reflection. Thus they apear confident and purposeful.

3) Some people have a personality that enables them to do something very welll. On the other hand, some people have personality problems, which often sabatoge their efforts. Unsuccessful people are more self-defeating than successful people.

4) Perspective - successful people let failures be forgotten and tend to have a positive attitude about the future.

5) Successful individuals establish a safety net for themselves, either as a collection of skills, a group of friends or money, or all three. Thus, a failure does not totally scuttle their life. Unsuccessful people are not easily able to contruct such a safety net for themselves.

6) Truly happy, people have found what makes them truly happy and stick to it. Thus a father who gets the most out of being with his family won't take a job which requires him to work 90 hours a week.

All this being said, you should realize that we can all be successful in our own way. Some will be rich, some will be famous, some will be happy being a yard worker.
mari r
2006-06-08 22:04:45 UTC
some people do have better luck and we really don't see what is going on with some people, they might seem to be okay and have everything but in the end everyone has ups and downs, no matter how much money you have or how famous you are, look at Michael Jackson he had so much and now he said he will never come back to live here and what about Brittney spears she was crying because the paparazzi won't leave her and her kids alone, she looked terrible the last time i saw her picture, they are paying for fame, and think about Donald trump how many divorces has he had?, the ones who have the most do suffer in more ways than we know, just think about this, here you have someone who is poor most of their life and they lose all the money they saved, they can handle it better than a millionaire who losses all their money they can't handle it as well and end up committing suicide, fame, money and luck come with a price, if you won the lotto today you would have so many friends but you would have to be careful, because you don't know if these friend are only friends because you have money you always have to watch your back. if you want to be a winner in life, you must be persistent and never give up but know that problems will never cease, they are part of life without them we would not grow as humans.
2006-06-08 14:20:42 UTC
Yes, to a certain extent, I think some people are more lucky than others, but the wise person makes their own luck, strives to succeed, and enjoys the journey. I think the main difference is attitude. All too often, I see the strugglers bitter about their lot in life, and the winners happy with what they have and where they are going. Perhaps we make our own luck. The difference is, some people recognize a good thing when they see it, and others find excuses why good things are not good things. In fact, all success involves a great amount of work, and most are not willing to invest the effort...they want it handed to them and are unhappy that it doesn't happen.
2006-06-10 14:15:51 UTC
God question, I believe most ask this to themselves thru their lives! I know I have.Good luck or karma or whatever u call it hve never even touched my life. Why, it beats me, and totally frustates me.

I believe I live my life without self-pity and TRY to stay positive but can never seem to cath a break. In fact only bad/negative seems to come my way.

My best answer as to why that is is that I was raised very poor with a very indifferent parent and never got a good foundation in life. Everything that is even a little positive just seems to taken away by things or people that are out of my control.

Some stated that the Hilton sisters have to work to be where they are.Are they delusional? I believe their biggest choices in life are which expensive clothes to wear that day or which event

to attend, etc. etc. What did either of them do to deserve their 'good luck'. Nothing, they were born to weathy parents.

I honestly would not want their lifestyle.

Yes, there are 'born winners' and 'born non-winners' in life.

Good figure! and if u do let us all know please!!!!!!!!!!
2006-06-09 23:46:01 UTC
People who think there's nothing good in their lives are people not looking for anything good. As the saying goes, "If you always take what you've been given, you'll always get what you've gotten".

For years I worked paycheque to paycheque at lousy jobs but I never stopped looking or working for better opportunities. I found a better job five years ago (teaching English in Asia) that I love doing and never went back nor will I. I looked for something better, and I got it.

I persevered and worked for what I've got because I wouldn't take "no" for an answer. The same applies for most anyone else who has ever succeeded. The only people who had "success" without work or brains are the silver-spoon crowd (eg. George Bush Sr., George Bush Jr.) whose families already had money.

Some people say I got lucky, but I don't. Luck is for losers and hard work is for winners.
2006-06-09 19:22:10 UTC
there is no such thing as "luck" - we make our own luck. Almost all "unfortunate" situations can be traced back to poor decisions. What everybody else is doing may not be the right answer. Also it may just appear that things come easy to other people. They may have worked really hard in the past or are working really hard now. You may be at a different stage in life as the other person. Look at what is a priority and focus on that. All your decisions should support your goal. Mine is Jesus and that made all the difference. Good luck and God Bless.
2006-06-09 04:54:31 UTC
It's true that life is full of disparities. In our world at certain places wheat is being destroyed because of excess crop and falling prices while in many poorer countries people still have to beg for two square meals.

At the same time No person in the world is entirely happy. Rich is unhappy because he did not possess the Nth new model of Car while the poor is unhappy because he is not in a position to even get a ride! The degree of grief or the happiness differs because none has limits and each person wants to grab more than what he can digest. The poor fellow does not even realize that only death is certain in life and nothing goes along with him when he dies - the Man only needs 6 X 2 sq. feets for a burial.

But why this disparity? I think we have to accept that good or bad whatever we give to others comes back to us with compounded returns. Only this theory will explain the logic. We may have been good to others in this life but what about our previous births? The accumulated sins bring problems and the accumulated Good deeds bring prosperity / smoothness in life.

Lot can be achieved even if we start now, about thinking and wishing really well to others and give up greed, passion, non violence and accept to walk on the way of truth and give love & compassion to others.
2006-06-10 03:16:20 UTC

I dont know why more answers are desired. Yahoo seems to have become greedy!!!!

I have no time to go thro all answers . But let me also throw my hat in to the arena and add my two cents opinion.Why should I be lagging behind.

Outwardly you may think that many people seem to get away well and get what they want EFFORTLESSLY. In reality it is not so.

They are gifted people but most painstaking down to meticulous last point and have a mechanism of course correction, advance alternate solutions .Most of the CEOs are paid fabulous salary and given stock options etc for their foresightedness, novel ideas and ability to remain the leaders in the industry.

Well I was deputed to manage a sick refractory unit which remained closed for over three years and compared to the wage level then prevailing in that private sector unit for majority of the staff and officials, excluding the few TOP UPS , my salary appeared to them as somewhat high and it cropped up in a staff meeting which was a novel plaNn adopted by me . I spread before the audience how by my innovative ideas and negotiating techniques and other measure I had by my PERSONAL efforts saved huge enormous amounts running into several hundred time of what I earned as salary from the Company and that

even at a modest rate of interest on the amount of savings made

by me the Company can continue to pay me my salary even well beyond my retirement as even that was several times high.


Most of my subordinates used to ask me how is your eyes goes exactly where there is a mistake or error or lack of clarity

I can overnight dictate a contract document as good as any legal adviser. I can dictate the delegation of powers to half a dozen top to middle and lower level executives. I can off hand dictate the stores procedure, the purchase policy, tendering procedures etc

Even if at dead of night you wake me up I can dictate all these.

I have challenged my company secretary on an issue saying the law must have provided a clause to take care of such situation at least by way of rulings etc and in fact after six days of midnight oil I could pin point how indeed there was a safety provision

In fact many of my colleagues, subordinates and superiors have praised me in open forums and some said I should have been given half a dozen degrees of Phd for my findings on various audit paras and other such issues.

So my dear once you are so thorough and well experienced what others may struggle and not accomplish even for days and months together the expereinced hard core man get it like a magic at the wink of an eye.

2006-06-09 10:01:20 UTC
No one is blessed with goodluck. No winners or losers in life. It's all about focus. YOU Create Your Own Reality. The day you realize the day when you'll be in control of your life, and begin to have beautiful adventures of your choice without the fear of what if's. It's all YOU. If your main focus is negativity, you will create negativity for yourself in your reality. If it's a possitive focus, YOU will bring forth positive realities =) It's really that simple. Become the watcher of your thoughts or the watcher of the voice in your head. When the ego brings in negativity replace it with something positive. This is why what you fear you attract, because things that are feared are usually dwelled upon which in turn havests focus....and then creates your physical reality. Your physical reality is proof of what's going on inside of you. Presence is a vurtue, be still and listen to your thoughts. Your thoughts aren't's your ego struggling for survival. Happiness is found within you. You're the witnessing presence behind the thoughts, otherwise you wouldn't know you were even thinking. By monitoring your thoughts you can change them into something more positive. Remember this: Thoughts embraced by emotion create your reality. What have YOU been thinking =)

"Your Life Is A Manifestation Of What You Think About You" ~Ryan Merrill (quantum.mechanic)

If you would like, read "The Power of Now" By Eckhart Tolle and see all the things in life you've walked right by and didn't notice. Awesome book!!! Check it out ;)
2006-06-09 08:32:44 UTC
Appearances can be quite deceiving sometimes. Let's take the most gorgeous house with a majestic landscaped yard for instance and you find out that the people that own that place are doctors or lawyers and they drive expensive new cars. By appearance, that may look like they have it made in life and are happy. But neither you or I know what goes on behind closed doors. The people in there may have serious relationship problems, financial problems, family problems, drug or alcohol problems etc. etc.

Some people put on airs that they are better than the rest of us, but that kind of thinking is wrong. No one is better than someone else. We are all equals and we all have our trials and tribulations in life. No one is exempt from problems...NO ONE!

Don't be jealous of other people or what other people may appear to have. Be happy with yourself and with what you got.

As far as winners or losers go, yes there are such people, my definition of a winner isn't defined by what they have, but more so as to how they got it. If they worked hard on their goals and gave 100% of their blood, sweat and tears into what they have, to me that is a true winner. But if they lied, cheated, stole, or did something totally dishonest to get what they have, they are not winners they are losers.

As for bad luck and good luck that is a controversial subject. We all have our share(s) of good luck and bad luck. Don't emphasize on luck so much in your life. Just believe in yourself that if you want something bad enough you will get it the honest way. This in turn will help you to feel better about yourself than if you did some bad things to get where you are in life.

Good luck to you and I hope I was able to help you!
2006-06-08 06:09:19 UTC
I think it's not that some people are having an easy ride and others struggle, I think it's the fact that bad things usually happen all at once and it may seem like only bad things come to people. I believe that life is really like a roller-coaster: sometimes it's up sometimes it's down. Even unlucky people get good things in life, and those that are always lucky get some bad things in life. Just think about Kylie Minogue, she's had lots of good things in her life: fame, fortune, good looks, friends, excitement and then she got breast cancer! How awful is that! I'd rather have my boring 9-5 life than go through a life threatening illness.
annie - rainbow goddess
2006-06-10 19:23:51 UTC
oh girl - this is an easy one! Dream. Believe. Soar. Achieve. living your life with a positive outlook and attitude and treating the world a little better than you would like to be treated allows the positive energy to flow into the universe. baby, this is called karma. and when you make it a habit to send happy thoughts out to the universe - good things will follow. live your life for yourself. do what makes you the happiest in life and everything else seems to just fall into place.

be careful, and never forget what it feels like to be real. sometimes you have to experience things not as pleasant as others so that you know when it totally rocks!

live with no regrets in life. everything thing that has ever happened is what makes people special and unique. why you are such a great person.

volunteer your time to help other people, even when it might not be convenient for you. you will feel so rich in love and will have helped world peace in your own way. same goes for nature, animals, the stars, the universe.

Dream. Believe. Soar. Achieve.

Happy Thoughts to the Universe!

Inner Peace.

2006-06-10 15:05:22 UTC
I think it can sometimes be thinking the 'grass is greener on the other side'. There are people I know who have lots of money, huge homes, great looks, etc., but on the INSIDE they are very unhappy. They just don't show it on the surface.

Your question makes me strongly wonder if there is something(s) in your life that you really want to do and have not done it..(further your education, get involved in certain groups, etc.) and you feel you 'can't' do them.. Too old, not enough money, etc.

Try doing ONE thing that you've always wanted and thought it was too late for and see if that makes a difference in how you feel..

Good luck and realize you may be much more blessed than you realize already..:)
2006-06-08 16:49:15 UTC
I think this question is really interesting because there are some people who seem to have all the breaks and those who seem to have really bad luck. I think it's a combination of luck, optimism and hard work. A lot of the people who seem to have all the breaks either work really hard for it and we just don't see it or they have some part of their life that's really miserable and we just don't see that. It seems like a lot of financially successful people have really lousy family lives because they've not put much effort into it. Then there are those people who seem to have not much luck but they also have spent their energies in other places, they have spent time and effort working on themselves, or they've got great families, nice friends, and that's where their energies are.

I think we create our own karma and that to some extent explains it. Think about what in your life you would trade for greater success and that might be just what it takes, but if I had to give up my husband and my time with friends, I wouldn't do it for all the money in the world.
2006-06-08 16:47:02 UTC
Both my sister and I have diseases, although mine affects the way I look, her's affects her liver. Our family has gone through tough times. I sometimes wonder the same thing you have just asked. What's it like to be in that unfortunate person's shoes? I dont believe in good luck, but in fate. What happens must go on. You can't exactly stop it, unless you have supernatural powers or something to change time. I believe that fate and luck are two extremely different things.

And yes, there are people who have lived lives that are unbelievably lucky. It would be great to live a life like that, rich, meeting great people, no lost lives, you know. That sort of thing. I feel sorry that not everyone in this world can have a happy life. It would be wonderful if everyone could. But we can't. We just have to accept what we have and try to make the best of it.
LN has3 zjc
2006-06-08 15:59:41 UTC
I have good things come to me daily.

First of all I wake up! Very Good!

It only gets better from there!

I always go with the attitude you can laugh or you can cry, neither one will change things but laughing makes you feel better! If your car breaks down and you have a lot of money you can call somebody. They will get you a vehicle to drive and get your car to the shop. If you do not have a lot of money you can call a friend or relative. They will do their best to help you get to work and figure out transportation for the duration of what ever happens. Then you get to meet the people at the repair shop and/or the car dealership. That is a win/win! Friends and family to help and meeting new people.

I know, sounds like I am preaching, didn't mean to.

I have not won the lottery but since 01/01/06 I have saved about $15.00 in pennies that I found on the ground!

It is perspective.
2006-06-08 06:14:38 UTC
God blesses the just as well as the unjust! He has mercy on whom he will. Some people works very hard to get what they have while others try to get by the easy way. Some people likes to free load off of anybody that they can. Many people don't try to use the brain, energy, common sense and intelligence that he has given them. Life is what you make it. You can make it good or you can make it bad. In this world we can be whatever we want to be whether we be successful with it or not. Where there is a will there is a way!!
2006-06-10 09:45:09 UTC
I thought about your question hard. It was a very good question. I think sometimes good people stick to their moral values very strongly. They will try to do the right thing whether or not it is beneficial to them.

This sometimes works agains them in this life. They will tell the truth and get in trouble because of it, or not make that sale, or do the right thing and not build that sweat shop etc.

Also, on the nature side of nature VS nurture, some people are just blessed with a talent for making the right choices. I know two guys, twins, those guys did not have any special upbringing at all. But, both are remarkably intelligent and are both highly successful lawyers. They also seem fairly ethical to me.

On another note, I also think that the people that we perceive to be successful have trials and tibulations just like the rest of us.

Look at Donald Trump's haircut, how would you like trade places with him? He goes in front of millions of people with that terrible haircut and struts around like he is hot stuff. Is he unaware of what we are all thinking?

Everybody has relatives die.

Everybody has something they don't like about themselves.

I used to work in a club where there were a lot of rich people coming in.

Oh, here comes Mr. Maxwell, nice guy, CEO, rich, but fairly short.

Oh, here comes Ms. Simon, nice lady, house in the mountains and another in Manhattan etc, also has major health problems due to obesity.

Oh, here comes.......

In the end, I don't know. I personally have been successful at some things and failed at others. The outward appearance of people does not always tell the whole story.
High on Life!!!
2006-06-09 07:54:38 UTC
I think it all come down to attitude and faith. Be a good person. See the glass half full NOT half empty. Have a positive view of life. Don't be so negative. PRAY! Think of the good not the bad that you have. Look at life as a school. You have to pass the tests to go to the next level. Some people can cope with stress and hard times better than others. When you learn how to deal with the bad times then you will see the rewards. Stick to one thing until you reach your destination. I can go on and on......but I hope you understand my point.
2006-06-09 02:34:58 UTC
It all depends on how you look at it. Some people who are successful now and riding high, may have earned their way there, if looking at their past they may have struggled also and are now enjoying their fruits of their labor.

We all have the power of discretion, ability to make choices and most importantly to learn from our mistakes. In life there are always a few alternative ways to get something done, most will take the straight forward path but some will take the long way round. It all depends on the individuals perception of how they want to handle the situation. If the wrong choices are made, it is up to the individual to get up, learn from his/her mistake and try again.

True some people may just be plain lucky, where everything just falls in their lap and things fall into place at the right moment. But then again if you don't know how to use these opportunities, it boils down to nothing
The Lone Gunman
2006-06-08 20:32:18 UTC
Positive Mental Attitudes.

Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you are right.

Some people always look for what is good in life, and believe that good things will happen to them and for them, and as a result, act in a way that causes that to happen.

But other people believe that life is "dealing them bad hands" and the way that they behave makes it a self fulfilling prophecy.

Everyone else seems to think it is all about "luck", or "putting your faith in God". NOTHING TO DO WITH IT GUYS! You make your OWN "luck"! Belief in God might help you if it gives you a positive outlook on life, but if you go through life believing that you have a raw deal, then no amount of faith in God is going to change it.
2006-06-08 18:42:28 UTC
Some people choose to take the dirt road, [it is full of holes, & bumpy, & it takes longer to get where you are going, & full of twists & turns] & then some people choose to take the paved road, [smooth sailing, straight ahead, few bumps & holes, it doesn't take as long to get there, those with a plan for their future]. Learn as much as you can, that is something that can NEVER be taken from you. Stay away from drugs, they cause disease. That commercial about your brain on drugs, the one about the fried egg is true. Sometimes it is hard to do the right thing and easier to do the wrong thing. Unto every life some rain must fall; SO, appreciate what you have & not what you don't have, or you will never be satisfied!!! Most important, be good to yourself, not in a selfish way, but by doing good things for you like taking good care of yourself, don't be extravagent, be frugile, & to build your future, & good things will come to you, as you are responsible for your own health & well being, no one else. Last, but not least, be happy! EVERYTHING else flows from happiness! I hope this answers your question, somewhat!
2006-06-08 16:14:47 UTC
I've always said, if I didn't have bad luck I'd have no luck. I could never seem to get ahead no matter how hard I tried. Even working 60 hours a week I couldn't seem to make ends meet, thats besides all the other personal drama in my life.One step foward and two steps back, if you know what I mean. All I can say is that my life turned around when I started praying with sincerity. I'm not trying to preach, but it works for me.
2006-06-08 16:13:07 UTC
LOOK it seems like that till i saw under The surface of some peoples lives. HERE 4 example was a family every thing perfect. SO it looked to me. AND she had every thing, in life. PERFECT house, the perfect car, the perfect husband. THEN i s tarted to listen to her closely. She had credit cards maxed to the max. SHE had money problems. THERE was stress UNSEEN.SHE lived 4 peoples opinions of her. She loved it, people lover her things. Really was she a happy camper? NO , further more she didn't have the so called perfect marriage either like she made people think. Nothing was as it appeared. SO try not to be jealous or worried or envy others. HA HA HA 9 chances out of 10 they really are worse off then you. MANY are 10 steps From getting fired+ divorce court. AFTER that day i knew i had a OK life. things were kind of Tuff now + then. BUT it made me be thank-ful 4 the good times. TUFF times never last TUFF people do. WHAT ever didn't kill me made me stronger. HANG in there hugs from star.
Pop D
2006-06-08 14:58:17 UTC
Many factors enter into this statement. Environment, family, luck, physical apperance, health, hard work, innate intelligence, education, etc. Some people do seem to be blessed though with the right set of circumstances to have it pretty easy in life compared with the majority. Others work their butts off to get ahead and just can't seem to make it. I personally believe some are really blessed with good luck.
i got answers
2006-06-09 15:50:30 UTC
1st there is no such thing as luck,even though it seems some people heve it all the time,2nd you ever feel so confident in something ,and that somthing made you think "hey i got this" or "i can do this"and you got that something. well if the answer is no try it.

In order to do any thing in this life you have to believe you can do it , thats where the confidence starts, showing it all the time is the hard part ,but if you have some one to carry you suport you an love you luck cant touch you with a stick cause youll be blessed and nothing can stop you . if you dont believe me it dont hurt to try.

Me, i get my conifidence from God,i tried it , got my job, my house and my love and my wife all from believing and im confident you can do it too
2006-06-09 12:30:42 UTC
You have to be prepared for oportunities when they come. You have to have knowledge, and understand the situation, and how it can benefit you. That takes education, both formal and informal, and common sense, personal discipline, and working at being honest with yourself.

You also have to be prepared to defend yourself from harmful situations, and that also takes knowledge, personal integrity and discipline.

Like last week, my handicap parking permit placard that hangs from the rearview mirror, got broke, and would not hang up. I left it on the dash, in plain sight, and parked in a reserved space. I got a ticket. I figured that since I did have a legitimate placard, I would go down to the court and show it, and explain that it was broken but in plain sight. Well guess what? The law is specific about how a placard must be displayed, and I had not met those standards. I managed to get out of the $100 fine, but I had to pay the $50 court costs, and plead guilty. The upshot of this is, my license has points against it from the guilty plea, and that costs in higher insurance rates. My point is, that I was lazy about getting the placard replaced, and I figured it was not big deal if I got a ticket. See, I was not defending myself against harmful situations. I knew I was breaking the law, but I figured it would not cost me anything. Boy was I surprised. If that Fifty dollars had been earmarked for the housepayment or the utilities, I would have had really bad consequences. As it was, the fifty was grocery money, and I lost a few pounds. Fortunately I did not have family to feed.
2006-06-09 07:51:26 UTC
Everyone is blessed. Some people just don't realize that they are. Prayer can always help you have better"Luck" but the best thing I know to tell you is that all the people that are feed on silver platters and get everything in life, never have the kind of experiences that the people that go through hell and struggle to get what they want and need. That in itself is a blessing.
Dream Builder
2006-06-09 03:03:59 UTC
I believe ~

Everything that happens or does not happen in our lives "we create". Why? Our thinking! If I believe I am a loser, I am. If I believe I can create things in my life, I can.

Does that mean that every time I plan something or put my all into something that it will "be"? NO!!

Winners "do" regardless of the outcome. They're willing to take chances or risks to create things. They also accept the outcome. Whatever, it is.

A loser stays safe by not applying themselves.

No pain, No Gain.

Plan the plan, not the outcome.

It's ALL about our thinking.

The great thing is that we can ALWAYS "Re - Learn" anything. We can always CHANGE our thinking.

It's not easy and it won't happen tomorrow, but with "consistent practice", anyone can change anything in their lives.

Practice make Improvement!

There is NO SUCH THING AS PERFECT. That's were Many fail.
2006-06-08 17:29:27 UTC
Yes there are people like that.I once tried helping a poor family and believe me they had all the attitudes to stay poor.So my money went down the drain and they are poor again.Not to mention they borrowed some more money from others and ran away.

Look within the causes are there and the little voice in the head knows.I have just 4 tips which worked for me and I believe really improved my life my luck and the more I work on them the better things get

1.Spend some time reading a scripture or any other way to focus on admiring noble qualities.

2.Keep your promises in letter and spirit no matter what it takes.

to yourself and others.

3.Have only goodwill for others

4.All things in moderations slow down look for happiness within.

I cant say I am 100% doing all these but the more i follow it the happier and luckier I get.
2006-06-11 10:13:52 UTC
This is not an easy question to answer, and the answer I give is NOT based on fact, merely on what I have observed in my 39 years.

I believe it is the thoughts we think, and how we preceive ourselves that make or break us. Luck is such a variable that I truly believe luck is not something that just happens; rather it's the result of something that is based on our thinking, our circumstances, and a result of our hard work.

I myself have noted since I started affirming and trusting a higher source, and quit worrying about life, and instead asking for strength and wisdom, things have opened up for me. I am not what anyone would call "successful" in life, as ATM, I house sit for my parents as I attempt to pay off a huge financial load relating to my recent divorce. But if I were to change the criteria of what success is, I find I have been extremely successful. I've been places and gotten to do things that most people only dream of. I'm currently in a relationship with a woman who connects with me on so many different levels, it freaks me out. Again, most people never get that chance.

To recap, we all are a sum total of our thoughts, for those thoughts define our environment and our perceptions, and to a large extent set the parameters of our existence. Some people seem to be born with this knowledge; others of us have had to spend years observing and reading to figure it out. Some of us seem to use these things intuitively, and have the drive and will power to achieve. Others don't. I'm not going to even try to answer why, because to do so requires some major out-of-the-box thinking.

2006-06-13 14:22:22 UTC
I don't think there is an easy answer to this question. Certainly, luck plays a factor. Just ask the person that is born into poverty in Africa, or the one that is born to a rich banker. But, luck isn't everything. Perception is just as important. Someone who thinks they are unlucky will probably create a self fulfilling prophecy that blinds them to opportunities that might bring them good fortune. Similarly, someone with a positive approach can make a seemingly bad situation work out. I think there is a lot to the concept of the power of positive thinking. Your brain is wired in such a way that beliefs are reinforcing.

I think you are lucky in a sense to have over 700 people answer your question, but does it make me unlucky to ask a question that goes unanswered?

I think many would do well to repeat the following expression several times a day, especially when they are finding themselves on hard times.

Always look on the bright side of life.
2006-06-11 01:26:59 UTC
As a person who has struggled pretty much all her life, I wonder the same thing everyday. Like, why is it that most of the people who actually win the lottery, don't really need the money? Or, how does someone get so lucky as to be born to someone like Donald Trump or somebody rich and famous? Girl, I totally feel you on that whole thing. But, I HAVE NO IDEA WHY THAT IS THE WAY IT IS. I just know that it sucks!
2006-06-10 09:16:46 UTC
Well I do think that things happen without "cause" I believe that many times it is the way a person views life that always them to get somewhere. Great charisma in life helps towards that, being a good decent person helps towards that. People want to help and be around individuals who are charismatic, kind, and nice.

We tend to help those who are. So in that sense things do come to them easier.

I do believe there are exceptions to the rules, that nice people do struggle, and part of that is nuturing and environment. Nice people who come from low, or depresses families may never get out of the environment they were born into. They may never have been taught or encouraged.
2006-06-10 01:18:39 UTC
Well, you got lucky with this question! So many people have helped you out with some answers!

I have studied Jupiter in lots of charts and it seems that the more afflicted your natal Jupiter the less luck you seem to have. However, it does make you strong in other areas. A person who may be too lucky, by getting things too easily, may not have such a good character as one who has to work harder for success. For example, some criminals can have a lot of trines (good aspects) between Jupiter and other planets, whereas some saintlike people can have lots of squares. So some consolation.
2006-06-09 18:56:50 UTC
You know, I think maybe one reason you're asking this question on here is because maybe you're going through some stuff that's not so nice and you're thinking of your cursed back luck to blame. I, personally, don't believe in luck. I think it all depends on how you take in, respond to, and react to the things that go on in your life. It's all about perception and reaction. The real winners in life are the ones who have nothing and still keep on keepin' on with a smile on their face. If things aren't going "as planned", maybe you should think about throwing your plans out the window and living for the moment for a change. Safely, of course - don't forget to be safe, but always appreciate what you have, because there is always, ALWAYS, someone who is less off than you. Count your blessings, dear. :)
2006-06-09 15:22:33 UTC
Praying can really bring you great things. It may seem people are a lot better off but there are things you might not no about them that are bad. There is this girl who is pretty and everyone likes her and I wondered what did she do that made her so great. Well after getting to know her a little i saw her mom smokes and she is kinda stpid. She doesn't understand things like about this girl who has deprssion, she thought people could just get over that stuff like she didn't care about anything. Her friends are kinda mean and annyoing at times so im glad im not her. I am thankful God has giving me what i have it could be a lot worse. :) I hope you can feel the same way
2006-06-09 08:19:44 UTC
Attitude, Karma, the Golden Rule, call it what you want. I'm one of those people that seems to have a good life. I'm not wealthy, but I'm healthy. I do what I can to help others throughout my day, nothing major and nothing I even think about. Be polite, hold the door for the next person, help someone when they've dropped something, smile at stranger as you walk by and say 'hi'. It all adds up and I believe you get paid back in kind.
2006-06-09 02:50:03 UTC
Good things happen to good people. God helps those who helps themselves. Remember, after the storm, there is a Rainbow. No such thing as good luck. All things are for a reason, too bad it can take half a life time to understand why. Everyone can be a winner, they just have to want to be and won't get there by not working for it. We fell on very hard times and did not understand why us? We kept on working and working, and hard too, and now, we understand and things are fine.
Christine Lam
2006-06-08 19:39:37 UTC
Some people are very positive and some are very negative in the way they think and approach life. If a person think positive things are going to happen to them, they usually happen and on the other hand if a person think negative things are going to happen to them, they usually happen too. People have to be careful how they approach life and how they think about things. They need to try to think positively all the time and keep themselves happy and good things will come their way. Only you can make you or break you. In other words, you're the only one that can make you a "winner" or a "loser" in life.
2006-06-08 18:15:55 UTC
because they know life has ups and downs for everyone and they do not let the downs get to them. they are positive and they are strong and persistant at their goals and do not feel sorry for themselves when life gets hard.

When life gets hard, it is time to kick some butt...! some crawl into a cave and hide and they wait for the opportunity to come to them.

There are no opportunities knocking on anyone's gotta go get them and remember that anything worth having either costs alot of money or sacrifice. This is why many can not get their goal...they want it to be easy so they only get the cheep stuff in life...the good stuff is when you have to suffer a little to get the special stuff...

I was a single mom and only 18 when I put myself through LPN school. I worked 2 jobs and slept very little and ate very little...I was deturmined...I found out a program would pay $1.00 an hour to a single mom who went to was all I needed to pay a sitter....when my husband left me with three kids I went back to school and we ate a lot of Ramen noodles and peanutbutter...everyone said quit and get another can finish school later, or they would say find a rich man...

I wanted to do it myself so I could support my kids and not need to depend on anyone else again...especially a man.

here it is 10 years later and my daughter drives a mercedes, I am still single and my home is paid for. Yea, people say "Life is good to you couse you have a good job" I say "I worked my *** off for every penny and anyone can do the is easier for the ones who didn't have kids too....I try to talk to young pregnant women who feel helpless and look for a man.....Do it yourself and you will become strong and proud. Then find a good man and not one who treats you badly.

christian ROB I disagree because good parents have rotton kids and the rotton parents (like I had) have great kids....some people use hard times to make them strong. everything is not black and doesn't matter what you experience in gotta reach inside of you and become what YOU want to be in spite of them. people who ruin their lives already paid the price with a crappy life, don't resent them...just show them what you are made of.


I am sorry, these words are for anyone who is American because here there is a will, there is a way. I can not say that about someone who lives in Trinidad, South America,Russia, or South Africa...I wish I could. I love you and I wish I could say the same is true any place in the world ,but I know this is not true.

For this I am blessed.
2006-06-10 09:34:43 UTC
I can tell u ifeel the same way and it is easier to some people and have good luck most of their life .It was just their time and soon it will be your turn and it just takes patients and alot of hard work but u have to remember to never give up on yourself and the others aroud you.I hope it helped u out alittle bit and have a great day and dont worry about other people
briang731/ bvincent
2006-06-09 11:47:52 UTC
Luck, could be part of the answer to your question. However, I believe that planning and recognizing opportunities in life will set you apart, from the less successful amongst us. Lyndon Baines Johnson had an interesting philosophy in life, it was something that Lyndon called "cease the moment". What it meant was simply this: learn to recognize opportunities when they cross your path or are presented to you. Learn to capitalize on these opportunities, but most importantly, learn to quickly recognize if they has value to you, or not.

Many people are able to plan ahead and anticipate things happening rather than wait until they blind side you. By doing this, you're able to prepare for such changes, and hopefully capitalize on having the vision to anticipate this event or opportunity.

Vision, planning, education, discipline, these are the hallmarks of winning over losing. Occasionally, luck will play a part, too!
2006-06-08 20:49:56 UTC
This issue is affected by many factors. I think your perspective is the most important factor. If you consider what you already have, appreciate it, and are satisfied that you really don't need anything else, you'll be happy. Another important factor is your impression on others. If you're happy, nice looking, friendly, helpful, etc., others respond accordingly most of the time. Luck is usually not that big a factor, because the law of probability makes the odds spread out evenly. If you want something special, make a plan and write it down. Use baby steps and you'll attain it faster than you think.
2006-06-08 15:42:18 UTC
I don't think that it's luck. I just think that the decisions people make show in what they get, like it may seem that people get everything they want and not even try. A lot of the time I've noticed that some people appear to be perfect but they are really not, people like that usually have problems at home. I hope I answered your question!!! : )
Slade C
2006-06-10 19:26:33 UTC
There is nobody really blessed with good luck or bad luck. It's just that some people have worse experienes at different times. Maybe somebody who seems to have a way better life than you hasn't always had good luck. Maybe now just isn't one person's lucky time, but will be soon.
2006-06-09 12:32:03 UTC
Because the heart is the antenna to the universe. While, at the same time, having a decent upbringing and education in a stable enviornment doesn't hurt either. Even as adults we all must keep a close tab on our actions towards others and not be the type of people who hold onto the past of situations and hurts that are long over. We can't move ahead if we don't leave the past behind us.
2006-06-09 12:24:27 UTC
This is a GREAT Question! I can't really answer it though, seeing as I am the other type of person who has to struggle for what I want in life. Not that I don't get it, it just seems like I have to try way harder than others. I'm still waiting for that one day when I open my mail and find a HUGE check in my name from a long lost relative who was rich and left their entire estate to me. Until that day, I'll just have to keep on keeping on.
2006-06-09 11:41:53 UTC
Sometimes I do think some people are more blessed, but I think that your outlook on life also has a lot to do with the type of luck you have. It seems to me that if I think negatively all the time, more goes wrong, and if I at least try to focus on the good, more of the good happens.
2006-06-09 11:15:48 UTC
Studies have shown attitude is everything. If you are confident (or even if you TRY to act confident) you will get along better and feel better and more. So much of life seems to happen outside our realm of control, but in actuality we influence a lot by how we act.

Consider times when you're running late and really intend to get where you're going. Traffic seems to get out of your way and lights are green. Other times you may not really want to get somewhere and so obstacles get in your way (I forgot my office keys yesterday! haha and even got to work early so I had to wait outside..)

As far as innate abilities, our culture focuses far too much on "IQ" when "EQ" is far more relevant to individual success -- your EMOTIONAL quotient is a reflection of how well you deal with yourself, others and situations. You can be very book smart but if you can't get along with people you cannot go far.

We learn a lot from our parents and later our friends, and others. But ultimately life's lessons are ALL a CHOICE we make. So look for others who are successful (good thing you're already asking here!) and you will learn a lot!

Also! Just watch the things people do that you admire. You can easily imitate those behaviors and attitudes into your own world - learn how to deal with rejection, stress, rude people, work problems... and your life will go much smoother!

if all else fails... just learn to let go! Work on whatever issues are most pressing RIGHT NOW! Don't worry about yesterday! forget about tomorrow!
2006-06-09 05:50:52 UTC
You are 100% right, these other yahoos who say you not are the ones that have it easy. let me give you a quick story. my friend and i love the game Texas hold-em. He reads the books and plays the way the says. he knows al the percentages blah blah blah. Me, well the only thing I read is my fortune cooking (joking). all of us at the table (friends) wonder the same thing, why one day I'm unstoppable and then for a whole week i cant catch a face card.

there is no real correct answer to this Q.. but if I had to answer i would tell you energy. I had my star chart read by a very well known person, and it answered my Q.. which is the same thing your asking. why and what is the reason for your being. try it, it may answer your Q..
2006-06-09 03:39:38 UTC
I had a friend who had thought that I was one of those people who's life was a cake-walk. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. I had a good job, a boyfriend, nice car, etc. She on the other hand was struggling through her marriage and several other issues. I resented the fact that she thought things came so easily for me. The difference between us is that I did not let life's issues get in my way. I found a way to work through them rather than let them defeat me. When things needed changing, I changed them. People deal with things in different ways. I learned, the hard way, how to make life work for me. Some people just look for excuses as to why their life is the way it is rather than facing the challenge and finding a way through it. Attitude is everything.
2006-06-08 20:50:04 UTC
It's not that its like that. some people are just like that. i dont think that everyone has bad luck and some people just get good luck. the people that have good luck are the ones who work hard in life and the ones who have a bad life is just because they just didnt do anything to not have a better life. and if you think that u have a bad life u shouldnt. be very optimistic and very kind. Sometimes thats just the way things work out.
2006-06-08 19:40:21 UTC
Because some people have poor parents, who can't buy them all the things in life that they would normally have to work for. Also, their mommies and daddies send them to good schools to get degrees, and if they make donations to those schools, their kids can graduate with high honors, whether they believe they actually worked for it or not. Also, poor kids usually have parents with emotional problems, or their dads were in the military and have been brainwashed into a structured life of discipline and having their self-esteem chewed away each time daddy comes home from the bar at 2:30 am telling his kids that they were mistakes and that he wishes they were never born. The kids cry out for positive attention at first, then act out to get any attention they can get, even a beating. The kid grows up to resent any establishment (especially those freaky brainwashed military folks) and finds solace in alcohol and drugs and gravitates towards kids like themselves.

So, the synopsis is this: rich kids have all the breaks, poor kids are screwed.

Just my view.
2006-06-08 18:56:50 UTC
Lots of good answers. I do think some people have better luck than others.

One can listen to their parents' advice, go to school and work hard, and yet never seem to succeed or have happiness.

It is just like a person never drinking alcohol or smoking or doing drugs, eats right and exercises and yet ends up with a heart attack or has cancer. No answer to that one, isn't it? It may not even be genetics.

Just like that, I don't know if it is karma, but I am absolutely sure that it is not always because of choices we make.
2006-06-08 18:15:44 UTC
I don't think we can explain those situations without mentioning good luck as an important element. Sure, hard work and dedication can be determinant , but I can't ignore the role that luck has on this subject. Some people are just born with it , others don't. If this ain't luck, then I don't really know what can we call it.
2006-06-08 16:58:25 UTC
I agree with you totally. It does seem like things go better for alot of other people. I have seen people do alot of bad things and these people are the ones that always come out smelling like a rose, and the ones that work really hard, treat people good, and try just to make ends meet doesn't seem to get anywhere except for constant struggling.
2006-06-11 08:53:46 UTC
Look at this. There are 707 people that have answered already . If you have this question open for a longer time, I bet almost everybody in the world will want to answer it.

So, what does this mean. It means that everybody asks themselves the same question. Meaning that even "the people that get on really well in life", ask the same question.

People obviously feel that they are working very hard without having anything good happen to them, and that people around them don't try as hard as them and have great things happening.
LT Rodseth
2006-06-10 13:39:14 UTC
I don't think there are winners or losers But there are people that

make it hard to take a person seriously that can be damaging mentally to people who have a learning disability or are extremely poor which are treated unfairly in human society I personally experience some of the conflicts that are generated Thu my life

luck is actually is an illusion
2006-06-10 11:08:30 UTC
It's mostly circumstantial.

There are people who have the many amanities in life while there are also those who don't and thus need to struggle for nearly everything they need.

Winners are not those who have everything in life but those who those know how to make the most of what they have.

Ps. You can't change your past and you don't know your future, what you have is today and that is why they call it the "Present". Thus a winner will take today and make the most of it with all he or she may have.

have a great day.
2006-06-10 10:30:45 UTC
I have to tell you that attitude has a lot to with it.

If you are positive and project positive in your life, that is was you get in return.

If you are egotisticle, judgemental, have low self-steem, etc, you get negative in return.

It's all part of how Karma works.

It's also in how you look at your own situation. Is your cup half full, half empty or maybe you just have the wrong size cup. Sometimes, people make their own situations must worse than they really are. Again, it's your own perception of life that can make the biggest difference into whether you are happy or not.

Life is also full of choices. Every moment, we are making choices, consiously and sub-consciously. Good choices have positive results and bad choices have negative results.

If you can find the good in things and have love in your heart, your life will be good, no matter what challenges come along.
2006-06-09 21:38:15 UTC
Some people are born into affluence and opportunity and they are just lucky, they are handed things and things just 'fall on their lap' all the time. Some people are just really pretty and smart. Some people make better decisions or have an intuition about the right choices which ultimately lead them to having greater good fortune. I think it can be a combination of any number of things. We are all different and there are many of us that are born into millions of different situations and afforded millions of different directions to choose throughout a lifetime. Life is a roll of the dice, some win, some lose and there really doesn't have to be any rhyme or reason. That aside, if you want to change your fortune, it's about making the most of the choices we make and learning from our mistakes.
2006-06-08 22:56:23 UTC
NO. it is not good or bad luck, neither is there losers or winners in life.As far as i'm concerned, everybody's a winnr if hey try to be, and in one place. The people that u see are very happy, like stars, they only smile in front of their fans, we don't know what happens when nobody's around, do we? All that happens in a person's life counts on what they do. People who's life seem nice might not be that nice later on in life. Hey wouldu come visit my site? at please?
Walter K
2006-06-08 18:34:41 UTC
Often times it is just luck - but very often it appears some people have good things "happen" to them when in reality, it is the result of planning ahead and working hard. I've seen many people in my life complain about things "not going their way" when they don't lift a finger to prepare for hard times or feel like doing anything to change their life!
2006-06-08 15:42:23 UTC
This is the way i see it. Easy and hard are relative terms. What it might be easy for some people could be hard for others. Just focus in your life. Focus on your goals, and work hard on making the achieving of the the easiest, but mainly the most enjoyable as possible. I know some people just come to this life surrounded by lots of possession and wealth and apparently this is good luck, but sometimes this people do not know happiness as much as someone with no wealth. Find your way, your own one. Happiness its up to you. You can make your life hard or easy. Believe on it, its entirely up to you
2006-06-10 17:05:35 UTC
Struggle is a natural part of life. Struggle is where we get all of our experience from, and to have everything come easily to us robs us of a basic human condition of experiential living. We can read all the books we want, but it's useless if we don't live life to its fullest and learn from these experiences. I don't really believe that one person has an "easier" life than another. While someone might be good at math, they may be poor in social circumstances. You might be good at social circumstances, but someone else might be more adventurous and seek new and challenging experiences. Someone else might have a lot of money, but it's useless for finding true friends. In the end, it comes that there are no "losers" in life. Life is a magical journey for everyone, and it's all up to us to make something of it.
2006-06-10 01:37:58 UTC
In most cases I found the old saying ....nothing in life is easy,@times it it may seem different,but in most cases someone has pulled the strings for good things to fall into someones Else's lap to speak.The right thing was said or name dropping seems to help a lot.A struggle up a hill can be worth a breathtaking view to you in the end,while someone may go half the distance and say what's the use,only another hill on the other side.Keep trying,being in the right place and among the right crowd can make or break you.
2006-06-09 20:19:50 UTC
I sat in the waiting room of the radiation therapy department at the hospital where I was receiving the third part of my treatment for breast cancer - after bilateral mastectomy and dose-dense chemotherapy. I was thinking about the conversation I'd had the night before with my daughter about how much cancer had changed my life.

As a wake-up call, it couldn't be beat. I've always wanted to learn physics, but life kept getting in the way. When I was diagnosed, I found free math tutorials online and geared up to start the math that could take me past the places I'd gotten stuck in my self-taught physics lessons. There were a number of other things that a brush with death had motivated me to do; things I'd been putting off, but really wanted. I felt so lucky to have had a kick in the pants to get me moving in the directions I wanted to go.

While I waited, two other women were chatting about how much cancer had changed ~their~ lives. Every single thing they mentioned was a negative! They complained about waiting for appointments and how unfair it was that they had cancer, the side effects of radiation (neither needed major surgery or chemo), and almost everything else that was saving their lives.

To which of us, do you think, did life hand a rose, and to which a thorny stem? I think I got the best deal.
2006-06-09 06:54:25 UTC
ok, remember this is my opinion, ENERGY, ok focus with me, people that "have it all" are more positive then people who seem to "struggle". To struggle is negitive, you in other words focus on what you do not have as oppsoe to what you do or could. Where someone who has "everything" knows that no matter what they will always have and be ok. There is no such thing as being "blessed" with good luck, its a matter of focusing on the positive and telling yourself that not only are you worth it, but that you deserve it! Ex: Next time you find you are short a couple bucks say to yourself, I am in need of some extra cash. Say it a couple times during the day, I bet that cash will appear in one way or another. (It works for me)
2006-06-11 08:13:35 UTC
i believe in karma and reincarnation. the simple explanation is this: everything happens because there is a cause and reasons. what happen to you at this moment, is a 'condition' as the result of what you did in the past, in this life or previous life, or previous previous life, etc. same goes with now and future.

if you plant good seeds (do good things) you will one day get the fruit from the tree, of the seed you plant today.

that -in very simple- explanation, explain why a handsome man was born as the great prince, while an innocent little baby with ugly face and incomplete body part was also born with HIV, and left by the side of the road to death by her own mother (this is true story). what or who can explain this? Loving kindess of God?

it is not easy to explain to you here, but i'm sure you can find more explanation in the web.
2006-06-10 13:23:09 UTC
Some say it's choice. Yyyyea, sure. I make choices to better my life and something/one screws it up. There are sabotagers and there are fortunators. The ones struggling are meant to have a lesson, while those who have it easy are either going to pay for it big time in a next life or are rewarded for the hardships in past lives. I'm a slow learner, so my guess is I'll keep coming back over and over and still struggle to understand what most take for granted. "Enjoy the finer things in life." I try to, but I'm just too exhausted at that point for something so little to appreciate. I do appreciate the little things, as I'm sure you do, but just once can something marvelous/easy come along our way??

Sorry for rambling -- just trying to make a point.
2006-06-10 12:59:01 UTC
I like what older hippie had to say choices. This explains why some talented yet hard working people seem to have less than what less hard working people with less talent have. Also, some of what you observe is the results from focusing too much on outward comparisons.

The first basic choice seems to be; choose to see life as a battle to fight or as a game we play. This choice seems to set us on a path of either fighting with uncontrollable circumstances or working within them.

Best hear the answer from Victor Frankl the author of

Man’s Search for Ultimate Meaning.
2006-06-10 11:01:39 UTC
Well, I wouldn't exactly say other people have it easy. My belief is how you handle life trials and tribulations in general. Everyone goes through ups and downs we all at one time or another share the same in securities. But how we chose to handle problems and the the path we take. The one thing I noticed people who are really successful confront there problems head on as oppose to to others who seem to try to escape them by using substances. I know this sounds like a cliche however you chose your own destiny there are no short cuts in life. The grass always seems to look greener on the other side.
2006-06-10 08:34:56 UTC
I really believe the answer to that question has a lot to do with your beliefs. As for me, i believe that it really has a lot to do with your tolerance, and your history. I believe in some way, shape or form, sometimes, what a person portrays on the outside may not always be what's really going on, on the inside. It really just one of those things that you have to realize that God has said He will never put more on us than we can bare, and once you make a decision in life that no matter what I'm doing, or no matter how I'm living, I'm going to just live my life, and not trade it for anything in this world, and that God has put you in the position that you are in for a reason, life will somehow become a bit more clearer. There's really no manual to life, that's why i just believe that you have to just believe that there's someone out there who knows what He's doing. That's what living by faith is all about.
no hook
2006-06-10 06:11:07 UTC
Rain (bad things) falls on the just and the unjust. It's just that some people have (even if they don't know it) found the truths in the Bible ,like the power of good confession, reaping what you sow (you can't get corn if your planting hay), the principal of titheing,knowing how to truly love unconditionally (even our neighbor), helping those who are less fortunate than you with either your time or your money, and in general not being a seeker of ones self. These are the things that make up the umbrella of protection from the rain.
2006-06-09 20:59:41 UTC
The best things in life are free, so says a song, some would debate the issues of life:

1) parents make right choices

2) parents set a good example for their children

3) children learn to make right choices

Then we have the opposite of the above:

1) parents make poor choices

2) parents set poor examples for their children

3) children make wrong choices

What happens in life - "the issues that influence lives":

1) divorce destroys or weakens the home

2) death destroys or weakens the home

3) parents have to move this upsets the home

4) children move and have to make new friends at home & school

5) parents are unemployed - depression may influence the home

6) family gets behind and are in debt

7) children & family are insecure due to one or more of the above

8) drinking & drugs create an unhealthy/unstable home environment and create more problems
2006-06-09 07:32:47 UTC
It may appear like there are people who get on really well in life, and find good things come to them very easily. However in reality it is not entirely true. To qualify my view, let us take two factors into consideration: Age and Family Background.

For instance, let me submit to you that a 13 year old student from a rich family, who gets everything provided for him or

her, never struggles at school, has private tutors, enough pocket money for entertainment, has great birthday parties organised for him / her etc. is likely to conclude that all is well in life.

However imagine the same person, for example, now 40 years old, in his second-marriage, struggling to relate with his wayward step-children, and troublesome ex-wife, etc. Do you think they would still hold the same view they held as a 13 year old? Definitely not.

I believe we all have good and bad moments, in our lives - however the difference lies in our personal responses to such moments. While some of us are able to deal with whatever we are faced with, some simply allow, especially the bad moments to become "monuments", live in denial and refuse to move on with their lives. We all have the potential to be winners in life, however some of us give up easily, and hence become losers.

A person who expects to go through life without challenges and hardships is an unfortunate one.
2006-06-09 00:12:02 UTC
I think it only appears that some people get on really well in life, but everyone has struggles at one time or another. Buddhists teach that we are dillusionary, and it appears that conditioning is a large part of who we are. A search for the answers, and one day at a time, is all we have. "Faith, hope and love, are the greatest of all, and the greatest of these is LOVE!" If you are struggling, you are not alone. We have to help others when they are down, and accept help, when we need it. God bless you.
2006-06-08 20:14:55 UTC
Put in gods hand All I can really say just believe. See I feel the same ways all the time as if its the end of the world. But when it your time to shine then you will glow. You can't rush it because it will never happen the way and the time you want it. I know it hard and you feel that life is so UN real but chill out I have to your season is coming.
2006-06-11 09:25:38 UTC
It's all about attitude if you have and keep a positive attitude you'll find that other people also pick up on that, and things tend to go your way. It also helps you when they don't go your way you will just think oh well it will go better next time. I've always felt that everything will work out, and it always has I just do what I want when I want and enjoy life as much as I can. I hope this helps.Take care,Chris
2006-06-10 18:07:50 UTC
It seems that there are always people who get all that they want without having to work hard, and it does seem unfair, especially to the people who work so hard, and still have all of the bad luck. All we can hope for is that things even out in the end, for everyone who works hard will always get rewarded one way or another, just not in the ways you might think.
Realname: Robert Siikiniemi
2006-06-10 14:42:34 UTC
They are social competent, that’s why they are successful in life and are able to reach any goal.

To be social skilled is something one can learn by being together with people as much as possible and study the interaction and behaviors between them. The introvert person will have very few chances in life to make something of her life like fulfill the American dream – car – dog and house. Many of my prosperous friends are NOT contented with their lives at all, but many of the less wealthy are most contented with their lives, can one explain that. Money is not all in life there are other values, which can’t be bought for money.

Kind regards

2006-06-09 22:30:52 UTC
Most people try to hard to make things happen and when they dont they get upset. The reason some people seem to get on really well in life is that they dont stress the little things they let life happen. Plus if you put you life in Gods hands he will never fail you.
2006-06-08 23:09:32 UTC
Well I don't know if you're a religious person or not, however I was watching Joel Osteen's sermon on TV the other day, and he was actually talking about this very same thing. He explained that some people who appear to have it easy and aren't neccesarily good people or hardworking have probably had an ancestor that was a very good person or was devoted to the Lord. Because of that, they stored up mercy with God and are kind of always taken care of. Likewise, people who seem down on their luck may not have that mercy stored up, but luckily God is very forgiving and loving, and it's never too late to become a believer and store up mercy in your heavenly account!
oh, yes!
2006-06-08 19:29:06 UTC
I have to ask the same thing in regards to my love life... there are folks who are blessed to have someone fall in love with them at any given moment or find their soul mate early on and then there is me who is the opposite. Not that I haven't met some nice guys, but it is never at the right time... either they like me and never say anything until they are married or engaged or I am involved with a loser and can't seem to get past them. If you find the potion that will fix things, then let me know!
2006-06-11 05:18:21 UTC
I think it's a mixture of things.

I think that it is part choices you make, part your personality, part how you look at questions, part dumb luck...things like that.

I am one of the people that good things come to easily...

I am extremely fortunate.

I am not rich, I was not born into a rich family, I am not of high social status, but I am relatively well off.

I have had my hard times, I have been down before.

I worked through it. I kept going, and now I am better off.

We really don't know much more than you.

We can only guess.

And be thankful!
2006-06-10 16:09:05 UTC
Are there winners and losers in life? Certainly. But which is which can be hard to identify, and they often trade hats over time. It is important to define your terms carefully -- what does "success" mean? What constitutes "good" and "bad" luck? Many folks responding to your question seem to be assuming material success, fabulous health, or a similar tangible attribute as marks of good fortune. Personally, I think actual happiness is a lot more important, and that it can be found regardless of the circumstances of your life -- believe it or not.

I haven't had time to read all the reponses on this thread, but the ones I have read seem to break down into three categories -- 1) some say you make your own luck, 2) some say them's the breaks, you get what you get, and 3) some tell you to trust in god and all will be well. My attitude falls somewhere between 1) and 2). Certainly, we must face the consequences of our actions, both intended and not, but a great deal occurs beyond our influence that affects how our lives can proceed.

As someone who's had both really good and really bad breaks (as, I think most of us who are willing to be honest with ourselves, have) I think a lot of it is perspective and attitude. When things are going well overall, it's easy to minimize the snags that you ARE experiencing, and say everything is perfect. It's also particularly easy to do this to others -- if someone has something you feel is missing in your life, whether it's money, sex, public acclaim, etc., there's a tendency to assume that they are deliriously happy, since they possess what you fancy yourself to lack. Conversely, if you've had a couple of bad breaks simultaneously, it can be difficult to look around and see the things that are going right, and easy to say that the universe has a personal vendetta against you. At the risk of sounding saccharine, or prostelytizing, let me give you a personal example:

I'm young(ish), college educated, female, without dependents, part of the dominate ethnicity in matters of politics and economics (unfair, unjust, and nevertheless true), currently employed full-time doing work I love, with a modest roof over my head. Am I lucky?

I'm also in posession of an incurable, degenerative neurological disease that I have seen reduce my mother to wheelchair-bound senility before the age of forty-five, absolutely no financial security via savings, spouse or family, a mountain of educational debt, am about to rejoin the uncertain employment market since the position that I love so much is a temporary one, and have experienced several bouts of homelessness and hunger. Am I unlucky?

Well, I would say both. Or more accurately, neither. Both good things and bad things have happened to me, but I think luck has very little to do with it. And as I said earlier, sometimes it's hard to tell good from bad, winner from loser. Had I not spent some time living in a tent during spring thunderstorms, for example, I would not be so joyous in my small studio apartment. You may call it sour grapes on my part, but I honestly believe that some suffering builds character -- it has been my experience that those people who seem to have everything handed to them -- looks, money, power, ect. -- are usually shallow and utterly lacking in empathy, whereas people who've had to solve real problems in their lives have greater depth. This is a generalization, of course, and subject to exceptions, but as a trend it holds amazingly well.

So, my very-long winded answer to your deceptively short question is this: We make our own luck, by how we percieve things, and we tend to generalize from the most obvious examples into every aspect of our lives, instead of seeing as separate the good and bad things that are happening all over the place, all the time. What seems like good fortune can often be bad, in disguise -- or versa vice -- and without at least some experience with hardship, none of us would appreciate all the fine things we actually do have. Being a winner today doesn't mean you won yesterday, or will again tomorrow -- success, as measured by tangible yardsticks, is transitory. Be at peace with where you are right now, as you cannot possibly be anywhere else in this moment.
2006-06-10 09:47:19 UTC
I have read a few of the answers posted..Personally, I believe it has to do with your faith in God. I have discovered that things got better in my life, once I surrendered to my Higher Power. Now, I know that sounds like an ad for AA, and in all honesty, that is where I found my answers, but am not a good candidate as I have not completely quit drinking or smoking occasional weed.However, in my quest for a good life myself, I truly do receive blessings as I pray every day, (although I don't go to church on Sundays as I believe church is in your heart). My life is looking up and better every day as my relationship with God strengthens, things just seem to go my way..I can't explain it and if it hadn't happened to me personally, wouldn't believe it either. Also, your attitude towards life and other people usually have an impact. Do unto know.....Just my opinion. Good luck in finding the answer you are looking for.
2006-06-10 09:01:25 UTC
Everyone has hardship. Some people have emotional, some physical, and still others spiritual or mental/emotional. I believe the way you view your life (philosophy) will ultimately decide the way you live your life (quality). There are many things you cannot control in life. The catalyst to enjoying life is recognizing that there is a plan and definite purpose to your life! Once that is done, it is so much easier to take anything that comes your way, and not only to appear happy, but to actually be happy.
2006-06-10 06:46:36 UTC
Do you know anything about fung sui? Some people believe this thing and follow it and get good luck.... Some people just ignore it and let it go...... Actually i believe about those losers and winners... It is kind of true.... Seriously... My friend was having so much fun and get good luck easily...Me...trying hard everyday without getting a single luck!
2006-06-09 21:26:12 UTC
First, heredity has left its favorable mark on these fortunate people. Mentally, physically, spiritually, they are endowed with many advantages. They have been brought up in loving homes, taught in ways that help them and make them ready to go on.

They have worldly advantages, or other qualities that enable them to surmount this lack as a challenge they meet successfully. They are born and raised to adulthood into times that hold a measure of success for them. They have the ability to attract and impress others who help them. They have a loving appreciative nature and they were reared in just about any religion where they were taught to worship God or worship the Creator and follow ten commandments and for the most part any of these faiths help make better people of them. Their motives therefore are to help others, not to help self at the expense of others.

People who live to help others are more apt to succeed. People who live for self only , preying upon others, usually go to jail, or get hurt by others, or get stopped by others.

So some people seem to have great things happening without having to try unduly....while some other people struggle to hold their own ground, without success. yes. Some call this luck. Some call it blessings.
Tonya M
2006-06-09 10:49:17 UTC
I don't just believe this I know, that You make your own Luck and are in charge of Your destiny. Some people think that they are doing what it takes to make but really is there 100% of your effort being made, are asking of a Higher Power of what path to follow,are dedicating the appropriate amount of time and effort in what they are doing or trying to succeed in,and believe in what they are doing not living up to the expectations of others but your self if you can honestly answer these questions without hesitation then maybe just maybe life is just that,unbalanced and unfair!
Fancy You
2006-06-09 09:54:09 UTC
You reap what you sow. Are you a positive person or a negative person? I mean, Do you see things in the negative light or the positive light? Do you feel bad for yourself? Move on.

I keep my chin up and see the positive in everything & everybody. No luck here. Just plain old hard work and just thinking about me and my family. I don't care what others have or do. You never know what anyone's future holds & what hardships they may go thru or have went thru.

In fact I think Luck is of the devil, it is Blessed that I am.
2006-06-09 06:49:07 UTC
I think what it really comes down to, is your attitude in life. Being able to turn bad situations positive. Never giving up when things get bad. Just pick up, turn around, smile, and keep going. Some people are blessed, not with good luck, but by God. When someone is following God like they should, sometimes he blesses them.
2006-06-09 04:17:29 UTC
You have to live life to the fullest extent possible. And don't be so hard on your self when you do make mistakes but learn from them.Life is a journey and you have to enjoy it. I dont believe there is good luck or bad luck. I am a 42 and I enjoy my life. I work hard but I don't want any trauma in my life so I just try to keep things simple.
2006-06-09 04:09:32 UTC
I guess it depends on the person most of the time. People who tend to succeed in life and have great things come to them are not just lucky, but often see the brighter side of life. They tend to go get things instead of sit there and expect everything to come to them. They work hard and all the hard work pays off for them. It may seem simple and easy and gr8,but a lot of hard work goes into it first to get results. People who complain bout life being hard/boring/depressing/struggling etc often end up failing in life and makin it harder on them to get anywhere because they are not encouragin themselves to get out there and get wut they want. I have learnt this all thru life because i hav been brought up that way and i believe that if u take part in life and enjoy everything u do, it will all come bak to u in some way or another in a good way and u'll end up enjoying it :)
2006-06-09 00:54:07 UTC
seems like some people that keeps screwing up and getting into **** have all the good luck. that really pisses me off. but to answer your question i think those people are not trying hard enough coz if you think about it everyone that tries hard and doesn't give up no matter what obstacles they go through seem to get more than the people that didn't really work for it. Not everyone is spoon fed...nothing is easy and fair...that's life for you. If you know what you want in life badly enough you will get it. It's called faith in your self.
2006-06-08 21:41:48 UTC
Lets get it straight there is no level field of competition in life. We all have families of sorts but there are subtle groups too. They can support some and the others who are individually alone are called outsiders. The winner-players then live a different sort of social life to the outsiders.The 25 % males that are outsiders often do commit suicide later on.
2006-06-08 21:14:24 UTC
I am one of those individuals who make great choices but never get a break. I was raised by a aunt who was crooked and never did anything honest so I promised myself I would do things differently and I do and I am great to people and believe what comes around goes around however I seem to always get the short end of the stick. I guess I should be happy with what I have and that I am a honest and loyal person

I'm greatful but I guess you can't have it all or a full glass
2006-06-08 19:51:34 UTC

Some people were born with power, others had to work really hard on it and others are still working on it.

What is power? Power can be high social status. It can be money. It can be physical attraction. It could be the people you know. The list goes on and on, but in the end it all comes back to how much you can achieve in life in how little time. People in position of power know how to develop and use their skills to qualities to their advantage, and also to the advantage of others.

It makes life a whole lot easier when you have the power to buy the goods you want and to please the people you care for, doesn't it?
2006-06-08 18:05:07 UTC
dear amanda, you know i have asked that same question many times. In the bible the phophets also asked GOD you do my enemies prosper while i suffer.

i have worked hard all my life achieved all my goals and was doing very well, yet had nothing to show for it.

now i struggle once again just to make ends meet and basicaly have to start over, all i had and worked for was taken when my ex ran off with another taking everything with her. i feel that we are our own undoing, because we are shy, give of our selves and ask for nothing in return. some will treat us like doormats and use us for their gain. we do not take risks and usually are very honest and sincere people with morals. those who get ahead, mostly but not all gain through corrupt means. still our childhood and upbringing reflect upon our outlook on life. I have seen a child of a single parent strive to better himself and took no bull and gained in life, while another who had been spoiled rotten, or not been given the proper upbringing, turn to drugs, alcohol, or stealing and never acelled in anything. I believe that Family Life plays a big part in how we look at life and it will determine where we go in life, and whether we are ready to step out in faith and take risks or remain in our secure place and live day to day in our comfort zone and avoid getting hurt, rejected used or abused.
2006-06-08 15:23:03 UTC
You sound just like I did a few years ago! My husband really gave me the best answer, he said "You are only seeing the outside of these so called "LUCKY PEOPLE". If you were to take a closer look, I am sure you'd see that they are just like you, struggling with something or another. He was right! One of the couples that I had envied for soooo long wound up going bankrupt, divorcing,ect. It turned out that they put themselves so far in debt, just to have that life that you and I longed for, that it cost them the life right under their noses! So keep your head up and your eyes open and you will find that luck is there, if your looking in the right direction....hope this helps!
2006-06-11 10:05:39 UTC
There are not winners and losers in this world. There is however people who work and struggle to be where they want to be in life. Outsiders don't see all the work that they have put into it. We only see what we are wanted to see.

Other types of folks expect to have life served to them on a silver platter. They tend to be the ones who complain about how unlucky they are.

Some folks are born into wealth and privilege but don't know a lug-nut from a peanut(i.e. Paris Hilton)

If you are loved by your children family and Friends then you are the luckiest person alive and by the way the richest.
2006-06-09 06:37:02 UTC
Wow - good question and one I've asked myself plenty of times. In the end I think it comes down to a combination of life's circumstances; choices we make; opportunities given, taken or passed on; adaptability of the individual; one's ability to learn from experience; and sometimes, just plain luck.

I don't think anyone is naturally a winner or loser. Some people are given an opportunity in life and their decisions while acting on the opportunity drive future opportunities.

In the end the question we really should be asking ourselves is not "why them and not me" but rather - have I done everything I could to make the best opportunities for myself. We shouldnot be content to compare ourselves to others rather, we should all strive to be and do the best we can under our given circumstances. That is the true indication of a successful person.

All in my humble opinion...
2006-06-08 16:37:27 UTC
Yeah. I have often wondered about this too. My brother is very lucky. He has a good family, plenty of money (he no longer has to work) and wins lottery prizes onn a regular basis. I am the opposite. No money, work hard and will have to all my life, never win anything and my wife died.

Even my brother has commented on my bad luck. I am considered so unlucky that my children hide that fact if they buy a lottery ticket because they believe that if I find out about it they will lose (many times they have hidden it from me and won!!!)
2006-06-10 20:25:06 UTC
Statistics treats everyone pretty much the same. But people are born in different circumstances. I believe most of what you describe has to do with how people conduct their lives. What exactly does try really hard mean? My experience is that if you go to class and study and do the work you will make a good grade, and if you don't you won't. If you TRY to study, that won't work. You have to actually study.
2006-06-09 17:05:38 UTC
there is no such think as luck. Most people that seem "LUCKY" really have to work hard to get to where they are. People always tell me I am so "lucky" to be able to speak other languages and paint as well as I do. They don't realise that I would skip lunch every day in school so that I could work on my artworks, or that I came in on Saturdays. It is all about hard work and opportunity. If you will work hard at whatever your passion is and keep your eyes open, you will find what you are looking for. Also, read self-help books on success. That helps.
2006-06-09 10:44:15 UTC
Luck nor being blessed has nothing to do with it, some people are better than others at achieving their goals, and people that really do work hard and struggle will eventually achieve their goals, sometimes the process takes longer for various people.
2006-06-09 07:11:10 UTC
I think everyone has problems no matter if the outside world see it or not. We all have our burdens. When things seem to go bad for me, I remember that things will get better. People that seem to have it easy are the first ones to fall apart when a problem comes about. Just look at celebrities and their drug habits. Most are famous and have an easy life, but many have battled drugs.
Jeffrey L
2006-06-08 14:21:19 UTC
I think we choose, before our souls come here, how much we want to learn WHILE we're here. People who 'have it rough'...wanted it that way. They wanted to experience heartbreak and sorrow, pain and disappointment, struggle and strife... so that they would be more capable of appreciating how wonderful things are wherever it is that our souls come from. And those of us who seem to 'coast' through life... they wanted a safe way to experience existence as a being with a body. Think of it as a human amusement park ride for the soul... some of us ride the merry-go-round... and others get on the big coaster. It all depends on how much you really wanted to learn when you decided to experience a physical existence. So... you can feel sorry for the orphaned refugee and jealous of Paris Hilton... but the truth is... in the end... the orphaned refugee is really the far more advanced soul.
2006-06-13 15:07:25 UTC
I have found that attitude has a lot to do with how easy their lives are. Happiness is something you have to work for, and it's all about perspective. The people who seemingly have hard lives are the people who sit around telling themselves that they have it worse than everyone else.

If, rather than moping, you tell yourself that there is always someone out there who has it worse than you do, you're better off and are one step closer to being happy and having a nice life.

One of my favourite sayings is: "The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude." I completely believe it. There is no such thing as good luck or back luck; we all make our own fortune.
2006-06-11 09:24:07 UTC
life is always a matter of choice.being happy is a choice.

contentment is one major factor why some people are happy.

i don't believe in good luck and bad is US who make our own destiny.we decide where to go,what to do,what to feel and how to go on with life right after all the our everyday lives we tend to make choices and we are held responsible for every choices that we make.

if you strive hard for what you want and you never fail to pray, you will always be guided by the Mighty Hand and that's when you will feel that things seem to be falling in the right place.

it's not luck after all, its just that God knows how to answer prayers..
2006-06-11 04:36:24 UTC
Have you heard of Karma?Maybe we can just blame it all on that.MAYBE! But sometimes people who struggle a lot in their life have very negative outlooks in their life and hurt others a lot and so nothing happens to them.And sometimes there is a light at the end of the tunnel.People who struggle and struggle and struggle may get success and may have good things happen to them at a very late age but that success may be greater than what people who got it early may have got.It is necessary to never lose hope and to keep on trying.There are no losers or winners ,it 's just your interpretation,there ARE people who convert biggest victories into biggest losses and those who convert biggest failures into biggest victories."There are no facts,only interpretations".
2006-06-10 13:04:25 UTC
Life isn't fair.Some people catch the breaks and others don't.Mostly you need to work hard.Some people are also well adjusted and learned lifes lessons early in life while others are disfunctional and haven't learned. Be positive,confident,work hard,and treat pepple the way you want to be treated and life should go well.But even that is no guarentee.Bad things do happen to good people.Good things do happen to bad people.All you can do is make the best of it.
2006-06-10 12:43:51 UTC
In order for you to reap what you want in Life, you first need to sow it. In other words, if you want love and happines, instead of trying to get it for yourself, go out and help someone else find love or help someone else to be happy. If you seek financial freedom, help someone else who is in need first. Do this often without thinking of yourself first and you will see that you will begin to reap these great rewards and more. Why? Well, it is not luck as some may think. It is simply because it is the basic law of nature...plant a garden and tender will reap great fruit. On the other hand, if you don't plant anything you will not reap anything.
2006-06-09 23:41:44 UTC
I have read about this a lot. People who believe in luck are least likely to be successful in life. Also, some people are born with more "emotional maturity" that others. Yes, some people are born with less chance of success than others. Emotional maturity is about a person's ability to deal with temptation AND frustration. I have none of those. My life is something I would not wish on anyone.
Adam Taha
2006-06-09 20:10:27 UTC
The mind is a powerful thing. Whatever plays in your mind long enough then it will happen. If someone says, "life is rubbish, I'm broke," then the subconcious mind while sleeping in bed, will craft this life for you.

You attract what you think, talk and most of all, it is the habit of that person, the pattern they got themselves into, the chain they can break but maybe don't, that gets them into hard life.

I think, one should read books on self development. I did. I was gone, nearly losing everything, hard time always until I started reading books on self development, and I grew happier, set goals, know my why in life and in 2 years, life changed for me for best.

Was it easy? hell no. It was difficult at first because I had to stop talking like someone broke, stopped complaining, stopped thinking negativley and then the people I wanted in my life came. I attracted what I thought, felt.

It's all about self image and self image determines on your attitude to life and attitude is determined on your thought patterns, and the thought is shaped by the way you speak, and the way you speak creates habit, and habit shapes character and character shapes one's destiny.
Amy P
2006-06-09 16:28:52 UTC
Like the other poster, I feel it 's a matter of perception. Many people appear to have an easy ride in life when in actuality, they may have worked and struggled their entire life. And you really can't guess from appearances what else goes on in their life. I'm thinking in particular of a wealthy woman cardiologist in our town. She looks like she has it all---she's attractive with gorgeous kids, rewarding vocation, handsome physician husband and a beautiful home, active in the Church and community---respected. The truth: she's an alcoholic married to a jerk and her kids are bullies. And she is one of the unhappiest people you'll ever meet, in a Prada suit with her Rolex on. But if you don't have the inside track, she looks like she is really, really blest and many in our community believe that to be so.

Furthermore, you have to realize what your blessings are. I don't have a fat trust fund or a 3 million dollar home. I don't own one designer bag or suit. But I'll keep my wonderful husband, my comfortable home, and my sweet children. And I'll keep plugging away at my vocation in relative obscurity, because I'm actually pretty darn happy here in obscurity and I do a lot of people a lot of good. I've got all I need and I'm pretty blest.
2006-06-09 15:31:01 UTC
Look around you, look at the people that love you. I do and it seems that I'm the most luckiest person in the world. And if you can't see that in yourself then you're going down a road of struggle. You've got to look at the good things in life that seems to make life easy. Great things come to everybody it takes time and patients.
2006-06-09 15:16:52 UTC
Excellent question.

Most of those you speak of come from well to do familys... born with a silver spoon in their mouth so to speak. The rest have to break ground and fend for themselves and in some cases find a way to succeed better then others. If you include those of us who don't want or have to keep up with the Jone's (if Charley gets a new car you have to have a new one too thing) and are satisfied with what you earn and take life in stride, you too can have a good life.
2006-06-09 13:39:52 UTC
I am one of those people, and I am 13 and I can already see the answer. Don't say that it just is that way-- we are the ones who have the willpower to make it be that way. Just keep positive and love who you are. Remember your talents and use them. But nothing is more rude to me than to say, oh, you're smart, you're so pretty, you're such a fabulous singer. I work hard for my grades, but I'm just as smart as anyone else. I take care of myself, although some of this you are born with. And I take vocal lessons and I perfect my talent. When you think of it that way, nothing will go wrong, although that isn't to say you won't have an off day once in a while.
2006-06-09 08:01:00 UTC
Well girl the way I've always looked at it is that some people are just stronger than others & some people can just handel the stress better. i myself don't believe in god BUT whatever you do believe in , be sure that whatever that is it would not give you somthing you could not handel... so the fact that you may have had a lot of hard ships & hard times only means you are that much stronger than someone else whos life seems so easy, they just couldn't handel the pressure !!! that's the way i see it anyhow !!!
2006-06-09 06:05:09 UTC
I think it comes down to spiritual awareness and a person's upbringing. The parents play a huge role in a person' success in life...if you read the Road Less Travelled by M. Scot Peck he writes about this. A rough upbringing can be overcome by spiritual focus but its difficult. Many married couples in their 20s who have great jobs and own homes had good households as children. I also know early 40ish people who are single, lonely and frustrated with career and social life. There is usually a pattern going back to the parents. I believe that anyone can turn their life around or be successful but for some its harder because of our perceptions about reality.....the lies we tell ourselves daily that were told to us as children.
2006-06-08 20:55:12 UTC
For some people really are born with a ready, well life, some are working hard to get it and be there, some may not just very lucky despite of all the efforts, but to others are not really working out of it.
2006-06-08 17:12:19 UTC
Depends on intelligence, choices and attitude. If someone is pessimist, everything happening seems to be worthless, which is also a lack of intelligence to grow up and take charge for their own life and waht they want. But if you're an optimist, you have hope and you're aware that you have the control to make good things happen. Also, the biggest factor, our attitudes shape our actions, which forms the self-fulfilling prophecy theory. By thinking good things never happen to you, your behavior will act on that belief and thus making only bad things happen, aka, the self-fullfiling prophecy.
2006-06-11 05:20:44 UTC
I think it's a result of internalizing slings and arrows of life and then that baggage builds up and pretty soon it's affecting your attitude on little things. People can tell this that second that they take the first look at you, and then you're less likely to get that job, the date, or just a better grade. A lot of time in families, there's one kid that let's everything slide off their back because they know another kid that will catch the run-off.
2006-06-09 18:32:15 UTC
the question really isnt why but how, usually the "blessed" are people who live their life one day at a time not giving up and not letting the bad things that happen to them get in their way of a good day, mood, ect. Those people struggle believe it or not they just go at it with ease with a positive outlook on life, it doesn't mean they don't try hard it just means that they deal with situations differently whilst there are people comparing thamselves with others and getting themselves down because they can't seem to get that one good job or they never get good seats , it all depends on your outlook on life, we define whether we win or lose, we just have to stand tall, believe in ourselves, and highlight the positives in our life. dont compare yourself with other people and their achievements, those are theirs, yours are yours. we drive our own luck. im not so sure if many people are going to understand what i wrote cause i didn't brainstorm it or anything its a first draft so please excuse if there are any errors in any way : )
the mexicool
2006-06-08 17:02:27 UTC
It always seem that some people are getting things easily work for them, but things are not as they appear. Most of the time they are the ones they have the most problems. Just do good to others and you get a fee back.
2014-09-24 19:42:25 UTC
Together, we select lunch venues that offer healthy alternatives and stop each other from making bad food choices and overeating. Of course, modifying your eating habits will only get you so far and the best thing you can do is increase your physical activity. For some people, this is as simple as walking daily. Once you start doing it, you'll feel better, look better and be encouraged to keep it up!
2006-06-10 15:15:07 UTC
no body really has everything. It may seem like things come to them, but in truth it because they work hard for it and they have a positive attitude. If you always feel the world is out to get you then chances are it will end up happening. Sure mishaps happen. Pick your head up and move on.
2006-06-10 15:09:45 UTC
that's a question everyone,at some point has wanted to know and the fact is,it has nothing to do with luck,a person brings to them what they put out.for example,have you ever noticed when you are having a good day and it seems the world is on your side you feel more at ease with things and the world is your oyster,or when you look in the mirror and really like the way you did your hair,'s a natural high of self confidence.i am saying its all how one carries their self.a positive outgoing person can have anything they want its all how you go about life.a happy person draws happiness to them,a depressed person draws just that,nasty,negative who wants to be a shrew all the time? i hope this has helped you in some way! GOD BE WITH YOU!
indraneel j
2006-06-10 13:06:55 UTC
i believe that there is no good luck. if a person works hard, he get things easily at the end. and it is the opposite for the people who slack off in life and so, there are winners and losers in life.
2006-06-09 23:38:47 UTC
It's all to do with having a positive outlook. If you a a pessimist then unfortunately, you will struggle through life. If you are optimistic and believe in yourself, then you will make change happen. All you really have to do to become a 'winner' is change the way you think.
2006-06-09 18:41:16 UTC
I really like your question hun. I have the same thought day after day. I am a hard working lady that puts in extra time to get the job done and has done so much by myself. People that are around me have their parents give them everything and then they go out and have even more handed over to them. I often think, how in the world do they have all of the luck. It is pretty frustrating to be around. Of course my dad can give me things, but he chose to cut me off once I reached a certain age so that I would learn responsibility. I am 26 and single and I have accomplished an associates, bachelors, and now master's degree. I make above 60G a year, tripling my earnings from a 20G start when I graduated with my Bachelors in 2003. I have bought my own home, car, and handle my finances. My significant other settles for the norm because he has everything handed over to him. He has to have everything handed over to him. Then his parent flies him to Vegas on their own cash and give him money to gamble, then he wins thousands more. I often say to myself...How is that fair? I work so hard, but have to bust my *** to make even in life. I don't know. I am so tired of fighting to have extra dollars. Nobody hands me anything and I don't expect it. I give my all to my relationship for about 5 years, so why hasn't he asked me to marry him? All of my friends are married, happy, and have children with 3 years and under relationships. Sorry I couldn't answer your question, but I just wanted to let you know that I share your pain.
2006-06-09 16:56:16 UTC
Well Amanda you have pages of really great ideas from all kinds of people. Everyone around you has asked this same age old question. It is a great question just understand all these answers you have received. You can be rich yet feel poor. You can be poor yet feel rich. It all depends on you. You can chose you make you life good or bad. Think about it. Good Job everybody I enjoyed reading all the answers it was quite refreshing to hear every bodies thoughts. Thanks
2006-06-09 13:54:31 UTC
Very good question that cannot be answered by an unaware human being.

I believe in this world we have a choice, a choice the soul makes to journey with many or few distractions. takes it, then gives it to the ultimate power (God).

God is a pure form of Love. Knowledge.

As a simple being, it's nerve racking to see others get by so easy. Like my brother, who wins a trip to Hawaii by just sticking his name in a big bowl.

Maybe we all should concentrate on what we want, so we can fufill.
2006-06-09 11:51:54 UTC
Life itself has natural tendencies and has dynamics of events. Sometime you may find yourself in the direction it tilts to and you will sell goodies fall to you as if it were gravitational fall.

But the reality is some people are well prepared than others and are better focused. In such regard, as it is commonly said: "WHEN OPPORTUNITY MEETS WITH PREPAREDNESS, THE RESULT IS FAVOUR."

This is another factor that leads to some seeming to be more blessed than others. Life has no descriminating tendency towards different people.
2006-06-09 11:49:53 UTC
All of that really depends on your perspective of what u mean by "get along really well" When u look @ all u have compared to other people in the world, u may be getting along better than u think. Just b/c some people have what u 'd may like to have don't not mean they are getting along better than u are. Count ur many blessings, name them 1 by 1.(as the song goes)
2006-06-09 07:18:59 UTC
My grandfather used to say "bad luck is often poor management"

There is truth in what he said but I think its often just a matter of luck. Often if you look a bit deeper into peoples lives who seem to have and get everything good, you will see that their lives are not perfect either. Often the very people who SEEM to everything nice are the emptiest lives of all and they are often the ones who need to make sure that everyone knows all abut all the great things they have. Fancy cars, name dropping , bragging, are signs of that.
Jacob C
2006-06-09 01:41:46 UTC
Good luck is a myth, the thing is good things happen to all of us, you just got to learn to focus your energy on those good things. These good things aren't always big and glamorous, most of the time there small, but it is the meaning behind. For instance one of the good things that I found is that time I get to relax and just look up at the sky, at night, and see the millions of stars or just the few that may be in the sky at night. Sometimes you just got to thank God for the little things in life.
2006-06-08 21:48:28 UTC
Dear Amanda, just a great question, which at least comes once in mind , to everybody. But I don't think anybody has a perfect answer. Principles of Karma......... ya we can say as it's said by so great preachers, writers ........ but then what about God who is within ourselves & guides us for everything. It means, God himself is responsible for our right or wrong action (Karma)

Simply, God is with them who really well in life. I , too feel I m not blessed with good luck, but strongly believe that there is a system to generate the world and that is GOD .

I can say only that, just awake your soul , He himself guide you, just do justice with yourself.

Ask ur Soul , this question , u get better answer.

Or simply, just surrender like me, we all are just puppets of Allmighty GOD, and we're not blessed with good luck.

and here comes positive thinking ..........

because we cannot change situations.

so just change urself & live happily.



I wish , God bless u,

and ur all dreams come true

love, Pinki (India)
2006-06-08 15:38:52 UTC
It's obvious to see that there are winners and losers in life. Life itsself is a lottery. Some people are born into muddy villages in third world countries while some people are born into million-dollar homes. It's not luck though, it's God's plan. God has a plan for everybodies life. It does not matter what the conditions around one's life are as long as one tries to live one's life the best one can. :)
2006-06-08 14:55:15 UTC
To add to previous replies: from my own observations, some people who have achieved a lot of material wealth (if that's what you're referring to) did so by deviating from established universal moral principles. A person who lies, misleads, violates the law, sometimes betrays, all in the name of becoming richer, may get rich and enjoy themselves. However, the justice will catch up with them later in life... This is just one explanation, but of course, there are many well-off people out there who did not use immoral or illegal methods to get rich.
2006-06-12 09:52:19 UTC
Attitude is everything.

A positive attitude will help you see the good in other people

A positive attitude will help you see the good in every situation.

A positive attitude will help you to be happier with your lot in life.

A positive attitude makes you a more pleasant person to be around.

A positive attitude helps us to see problems as opportunities.

People like to be around positive people. Employers hire positive people. We should not underestimate these two things.

Doors open and opportunities are given to positive people because of these things.

We can make our own luck in life by being positive, kind and friendly toward others.

Attitude is everything.
2006-06-08 22:58:40 UTC
Well there's a saying that says "life isn't fair" sometimes for good people life is harder and for bad people life is easier i don't think it has to do with a person having more luck then another. I like to see the best in everything and to not lose hope i recommend that to you
2006-06-11 08:54:47 UTC
personally, i don't think thats true. i don't believe that "some people" get on with life very easily. life isn't easy. it's hard, hard work to achieve and be successful. it just depends on how people take it. you might see that people are living life as a breeze, but thats not true. everyone struggles. some people might not want to look weak so they act as though they have no worries or struggles. we all have obstacles, thats the tough part, thats what life is about, learning to tackle on the hardships. just gotta have the strength and believe that you can do it
2006-06-10 10:57:47 UTC
When we look at someone that has all the things that we want out of life we sometimes wonder why them and not me.

But the truth of the matter is we don't always know what is going on behind the scenes

For instance; I know of a young lady that is beautiful, wealthy and has great kids.

It appears that her life is perfect.

But the bum she married abuses her and the kids physically.

Beating and cursing at them all the time.

She's got all the things that people want out of life on the outside, but her life is a living hell in reality.
2006-06-10 10:54:14 UTC
It is all about hard work and determination for most. Remember- it's all relative. You meet people who are mentally challenged who are successful because they are happy- they like their job, have lots of friends and enjoy the small things in life. Find out what makes you happy- set realistic and achieveable goals and take time to stop and smell the roses along the way.
2006-06-10 06:23:54 UTC
Very simple answer - Life just isn't fair and there is no way to predict the balance from one person to another. An infinity of factors could be considered, from social position to genetics, but the best way to face the issue is to change what you can, and accept what you can't. You'll find that bringing about positive change through hard work can be very rewarding.
2006-06-10 03:23:44 UTC
Yes, there seems to be people who can fall in a bucket of sh*t and always come out smelling like roses, but just remember we all will go through hell as we start getting older and we start losing our loved ones and our bodies won't do what it use to and we can't make the money we use to either! We will ALL run into bad luck eventually!
2006-06-09 22:12:39 UTC
Personally, I don't believe in luck but I do believe in carma, what goes around comes around for example, your neighbor could be a millionare asshole and you could be a wonderfly nice yet poor person, it would eventually change for the better. Always remember, what goes around comes around. In any case, good things happen to everyone just it happens on a larger scale for some but you can't let that get to you. You just have to relax and look at the good things that do happen to you.
2006-06-09 14:17:43 UTC
Some people work hard at what they got and look for opportunities, and they don't go out bragging about it.Some people ask people for advice all the time don't live their own lives but try to live like other people , and that it is why they are never happy. Happiness comes from inside a person not from what they have or who they are professionally.
2006-06-09 12:40:08 UTC
There is no such thing as luck. Life is what you make of it. Some people are born into families that give them more opportunities than others, but if a person is willing to work hard for their future, they can accomplish whatever they wish.
2006-06-09 01:39:44 UTC
Some call it gud luck, some say its being blessed.

I say, its fate, destiny, karma. They led previous lives that have brought them the gud life in this lifetyme. There is a balance, do onto others as u would have done onto u and good things shall come to u.

Follow the commandments, in whatever religion u follow and life will improve.
2006-06-08 14:57:06 UTC
I am just trying to help and i dont know if it would help but sometimes people will be really lucky and there will be a winners and losers all through your life. Just believe in your self, try hard and you might become lucky!
2006-06-08 06:05:05 UTC
I figure its your outlook on life. Even if it does seem like you are constantly being knocked down, the idea is to feel blessed with what you have got and accept everything else as a challenge. Those who do seem to have it easy probably don't have as easy as it looks. They are just better at hiding how they feel about thier life. And don't complain anywhere near as much as other people about the **** stuff that does happens.
2016-04-14 01:33:08 UTC
If you need tho modify your lifetime then this really is your guide , Manifestation Miracle.

With Manifestacion Miracle you may understand regulations of attraction. The Manifestation Miracle does an excellent job of training you simply how strongly you'll need to desire anything in order to do what' required to be able to get it. Think of desire the exact same way you would consider a candle. If the candle is burning powerful then you'll drive previous obstacles to be able to get everything you want. If the candle is not using at all, you then won't. Want is really a using fireplace. Not just do you have to own it, but you also have to help keep organizing wood on it to help keep it burning.

That manual is really as simple as it gets and with it you'll manage to begin thinking in what' probable very fast.
2006-06-11 10:22:33 UTC
wellness or happiness is a relative term.a middle class personmay be happy to earn Rs 20000 a month but a rich person will take it very badly.if u r satisfied with what u get ur life becomes heaven else u curse luck and remember labour always pays in compound interest.

so u see it really depends on what u want and what u get.

just follow the principles of Bhagwad Gita and lead a good life.Do your wark properly and dont expect for results,they will run after you.Its just like fire following the fuel.
2006-06-11 13:33:59 UTC
Because we see only this one life, it seems

strange that luck or fate favors some but not

others. The only explanation is that this is not

the only life, but one of many - people suffering

are reaping the fruits of their actions in previous

lives, while people who have everything come

easily have some accumulated good karma...

however, that may run out unless they act

according to dharma (right action)...
2006-06-10 22:49:48 UTC
That's because they are positive and not worrying too much. They take risks and live with whatever happens. Negative people don't amount to anything and may get lucky(like winning the lottery) sometimes but would still be losers. Act it and live it and the more you do it, the easier it gets and the easier it will be.
2006-06-10 18:32:25 UTC
Positive people see opportunities, even people who are struggling. Its a matter of being optimistic. Do you really think successful people are successful because of luck? And yet there are also successful people who are miserable. A positive attitude determines the quality of our lives in which we lead...not circumstances.

***Life's Journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "...holy F---...what a ride!"***
2006-06-09 20:56:46 UTC
I think there are people who just naturally have good luck, as well as those who have bad luck follow them, but I do think that attitude has much to do with it. Good attitudes draw good things and good people toward you.

Of course, we probably do not realize how much those "winners" actually work toward their goals, plan ahead, and deprive themselves of luxuries at times to make good choices. I'm sure it all doesn't come as easily as it looks to outsiders. And because of their good attitudes, we don't hear those folks whine or moan about how hard something was...
2006-06-09 17:37:30 UTC
The short answer is "so that we have something to compare our struggles to!" because it certainly seems that way. Maybe they worked harder in a previous life and this is their reward. If that's true, we should keep up our struggle with the hope that the next time around might be worth it all.
2006-06-08 21:47:27 UTC
some things in life happen by chance. Just look at september 11. How come some people got out of the trade center alive and others didnt? How come some people got delayed and didnt make it to work? ALot of stuff in life is just random.
2006-06-08 19:49:31 UTC
We really don't know. If you believe in karma, then it is their karma to be blessed with good luck. That means in their previous lives, they had done good deeds and the karma credits they accumulated are brought over to this present life and they bring them good fortune. What families we are born to determines to a certain extent what sort of lives we will have. So which family we are born to is fated. But alot of our lives are also determined by what we do with it and what choices we make. A good example is Oprah Winfrey.
2006-06-11 03:08:14 UTC
Who knows? but I happen to be one blessed with bad luck...and it has made me a better person. I know that I can handle a whole lot and not break sometimes people with so called good luck can't handle simple problems in their lives at least that is how I look at it
2006-06-10 10:51:56 UTC
getting along really well in life happens when you invite only the good into your life it is all about what you invite many people go about life in a drama sort of way and when you look at them you find out they are the people with health problems and a slew of other things this lifestyle is called owning other peoples issues there are also people who live great lives! these people are willing to hold themselves responcable and accountable for there actions without trying to control thare own destiny also taking life with a grain of salt and not holding on to issues such as why they could not have a better life. living our own life and letting it happen while moving toward the good and not trying to control what does not exsist such as tomarrow. "in god we trust"
reaching ♥ you
2006-06-10 06:09:52 UTC
I think it has a lot to do with how people perceive life. Anyone with a good outlook on life will be happy and it will seem to others like their life is perfect, when really it's that they know how to find beauty in life. Most people with a good outlook also tend to make good choices in their lives which also will make it seem as if good things comes to them easily. Just make sure you try to keep yourself genuinely happy.
2006-06-09 15:43:38 UTC
I know some people who fit both descriptions you have here. I think people who are seemingly lucky also have positive attitudes, and when things do go wrong, they take it as a lesson learned and keep going. And those who seem unlucky let those unlucky events bring them down, making themselves more negative, and they spiral down. Life will throw you rocks sometimes, but depending on what you decide to do with them, you can determine how life can be down the road.
2006-06-09 14:56:25 UTC
D) All 381 answers b4 this one.

Well my answer is that probably they're parents sacrificed a lot 2 get where they are today and help their kids get the best.It may seem like they don't do anything but they do you don't things as easy as it seems you have to work 4 what you want.

Dang!A whole bunch of people answered...about 170 people answered after I did!Just sayin'
2006-06-09 12:48:13 UTC
This is a question I have asked myself several times before. Through prayer and my own search for an answer, I found that we are all governed by principles. Prinples apply not only to the physical universe, but to us as well. If i throw a ball in the air, the principle of gravity says that ball will fall due to gravity pulling it down. And so it is true. If you did the same thing, it would happen just the same to you- true? Well, even more so than this belief, is my belief in God. In the bible, generational curses were passed down from one genration to another. The same with generational blessings. Just as it is now, in those times, kingship or wealth was passed down from the father to his son. Just as Kind David was a king, God promised even more wealth and prosperity to Davids son Solomon. Also, God promised that the selptor (symbolic of kingship) would never depart from David's household. And look at the lineage of David today. King ship still remains. Now don't get me wrong, all these people who were blessed unbelievably through the lineage of David, did not always keep Gods law. And they were indeed responsible to reep what it was that they had sown. But, due to the nature of God, and his promise to keep his word, he would remain faithful. If he made a promise to a people, such as the jews whom he promised, as you see today, that they would always inherit the Promised Land (jeruselem)He will remain faithful to that promise for all genrations to come.

I know I seem to be rambling, which is due to me running out of time (I at work). But if you are going through something that you cannot seem to handle and moreover feel that the lot you have isn't fair, I would encorage you to go to God and ask him to give you direction and purpose for your life. When you have purpose, you have peace.

God bless you in jesus name

- Crystal
2006-06-09 02:13:13 UTC
it's all about perspective. Looking in on another's life is not a true reflection of their life. Granted some people seem to be more blessed, it only seems that way. Every one faces their own demons, it all balances out in the end.
judy s
2006-06-11 08:05:32 UTC
If everything came easily to everyone there would be no challenge in life.Part of the reasons we are strugglers or easily gotten people is through our experience,age,open/closed mindedness,understanding and compassion for our fellow man.You cannot expect a 20 year old to accumulate the knowledge that a 40 or 50 year old has.Luck is alot of what you make it.
2006-06-10 16:04:54 UTC
It doesn't really mean that all of them are truely lucky as their achievements may be short-living and of illusive nature.These illusions are created by the Almighty for two purposes ;1.To bless them with gifts for what they did fetch good marks in the past (it includes previous lives also ; we'll've to think of previous lives otherwise we can't reach a conclusion) and 2.To keep check on them,as these achievements may lead them to ego,the most dreaded enemy of the human-being,which may finally take them to hell.Life is a continuous can't decide anything at any perticular point of must watch to the end..can you?Some non-achievers may be happier than them because they 're egoless, work hard , pray to the God , thus close to the supreme Lord.Its a simpler version of a great philosophy.If you still feel confused and depressed,you try to go through the Indian Philosophies like 'Momentarism' and 'Geeta'..AND now cheer up my know , you 're the've God over your head in the form of blue sky..sweet air to breathe..sun and moon to give you light..a beautiful world to watch..a beautiful body to sense pleasures infinite..sooooo many reasons to smile..hey now smile please..AND now get up, plan your life once again, plan your work smartly, go for a hard labour..pray to God and work..pray to God and work.. pray to God and work..the Almighty will send fortune to your door-step.
2006-06-10 12:09:02 UTC
it all depends on what you beleive is "well". it is widely known that heart disease, diabetes, stroke, cancer and even depression are more prevelant among memebers of higher socioeconomic status within the society. if you dont have any money but have your health, you'll probably watch some rich guy on TV bragging about his fancy yacht or private jet, and think that your life sucks. but the truth is, that a couple of months later that guy might get some bad news from wall street that would put him in an ICU between life and death. he also faces the ugly prospect of meeting hundreds of pretenders and kiss-as*es on a daily basis. and still also he faces the challenge of managing his fortune against all the partners, trustees, managers and every single person who has access to any portion of his money and would certainly be very willing to snatch any of it. and above and before all imagine his life trying to move all that money and joggle it between banks and investments and bonds and stocks and currencies......etc. i think i make myself clear, that while you are a young, healthy person, sitting clear minded in a restaurant or a coffe-house, spending a perfectly boring night, watching people go by, that young mega millionaire that just inherited his money from an uncle he never met in his life is withering out worrying about it.
2006-06-10 08:00:30 UTC
Yes, there are people blessed by the Almighty. No doubt many people are more capable of doing things and others still they struggle hard to find place in the top list, and there are others who lack the capability still clicks in life - that is what is destiny is all about. You need to beleive in destiny. That does not mean that one should loose heart and leave everything to destiny, we have to work hard and surely one will definitely find himself/herself in the lead leage.
2006-06-10 07:54:23 UTC
Inner peace and inner happiness make for a positive person, which attracts like minded people, but remember everyone is human and everyone has their own problem, rich and poor, but that does not necissarily mean that the seemingly "winners of the world", wear the problem on their sleeves as others would.
2006-06-09 19:15:20 UTC
it depends on the family in which a person was born and how motivated the person is.

some people who would otherwise make it might have kids or something else that gets in their way.

but dont think for a second that you are a loser and that someone else is a winner. theyve just been luckier in life... most likely luckier because they had better parents and thus a much better start to their adult life.
Vanessa N
2006-06-09 17:59:56 UTC
Because Some of us can handle the struggles and others wont last a second.......For instant I lost a mother @ age of 5 to cancer, got abuse by ex-stepmom, got molested,lost more close family members and also had to deal with growin up ..............But im managin and the only thing i can say " God wouldn't let me go threw anything I couldnt handle" So think of it as if Ur strong enough to deal with things that others cant which make u special in gods eyes that he had fait in u
2006-06-09 11:22:59 UTC
I believe a lot of what makes people have advantages in life is how they percieve the world. If you think good things will happen, they will. Conversely, if you think negatively, negative things will happen. Ofcourse, no life is completely "downer free". You just have to move past those moments. Winning the lottery might help too.
2006-06-09 11:00:51 UTC
i have pondered this very same question. some people i have noticed have things come to them without alot of effort. they may not be the nicest of people or care much about their fellow man or animal. i on the other hand try to be good to everyone, i take care of and rescue animals on a daily basis i have a full time job and two part-time jobs just to make ends meet. i dont wast my money on drink, cigarettes nor drugs.(i need every penny to feed the starving homeless animals i find). anyway, my answer to this question when i ask it of myself is, "do you sleep well at night Mikala?" and my answer to myself is, "yes I do". this is what is important. i would like lots of nice "things", but as long as my bills are paid and my husband and children and animals are content and i have no blackness in my soul to keep me awake at night then i am far richer than the "easy getters" will ever be. have you noticed how many rich and living on easy street people there are on drugs or are so bored they just buy buy buy when there are poor starving homeless people and animals in the world. to me they must be miserable in their souls. I read somewhere that some "Star" spent $700.00 on a pair on fancy shoe laces! shoe laces for cripes sake! do you know how many feral/stray cats i could feed for that kind of money that they just drop without a moment thought to it's real worth. money and easy street doesn't always beget happiness. just be good to yourself and your fellow man and animals and stear clear of the abusive decadencies of the rich, easy street life and you will be fine. You never know they just might be putting on a front to cover their lonely empty lives. You cant take $$$$ with you, but the goodness you spread throught your life stays in your soul to shine thought eternity. that shining light is what is pricessless and cannot be had easily. Go Shine!!!!
2006-06-09 08:27:43 UTC
Your first answerer is what came to mind for me. Not only the choices people make but also the people they choose to hang out with. Along with choices comes with setting goals and good planning, some people are just really good at setting a goal and achieving them, it looks easy because its 2nd nature for them to strive toward their goals to get where they want to be.

It does seem like luck falls into some people's laps but I think its also their mindset and motivation to succeed.
2006-06-09 04:59:14 UTC
"Never judge your insides by someone else's outside." I was told this by a very wise soul long ago. It means while I know my own hardships and problems exactly, I don't know what the seemingly rich happy lucky guy next to me is really going through. I think of the story of Elvis Presley. Most of us thought of him as lucky. He seemed to have it all. Our opinions changed after his untimely death and we learned of his depression, complete loneliness, and unhealthy addictions. Ditto for one of the richest men in the world Howard Hughes. Most only knew he was a recluse multi-millionaire living in a penthouse. After he died the story began to come out of a man who feared everything and hadn't had a haircut or clipped his fingernails for years and ate only cold soup out of the can. Just remember the grass always looks greener on the other side, but really there's no place like home.
2006-06-08 17:48:17 UTC
Some times people deserve it,

If some one suffered wile they were kids and did not have anything in life now that they have grown they deserve to have the happines they didn't have.

When kids are spoild and get everything, when they grow older they just can;t keep on getting.

Some times people don't realize this but it really happens this way.
2006-06-08 16:03:31 UTC
I do not think good things come easy to anyone

Money doesn't make you happen but make life much easier

Love is a fight everyday of your life to keep it going on

Home is a house you have to keep up and hope and pray the IRS don't take it away

Children is a gift but they need you everyday for protection and to break up fight between them and their brothers

Husband or Wife is something in itself

NOTHING in life come easy for anyone I know rich or poor

If you are Poor you want to be rich

If you are Rich you want true love

God is the best hope and gift of all
cassy c
2006-06-10 00:28:28 UTC
Well, I think that God just blesses some people with better days. But those people who get everything handed to them aren't as tough as those who have to work hard for everything. And most of the time they aren't as apreciative. I don't quite know how to answer this. I hope that helped
2006-06-09 13:35:27 UTC
Challenge and adversity builds strength...If everything seems to come so easy, at some point things will not and the person who has had things easy will not have the experience to endure and accept....I also believe that to a certain measure attitude can greatly affect the outcome of anything you strive for..If things are not coming so easy find the good...and the strength it is there...If I had my choice I would not want things to come so easily...Good is always there- --
2006-06-08 22:03:26 UTC
Some people are just really good at what they do so it seems easy to them. My brother has a lot of things come easy for him. Me on the other hand i have to try hard for what i want but it is worth it.
2006-06-10 16:42:24 UTC
It's not that some people get things easier in life, it's just that people notice when something good happens and it is human nature to think to yourself, why can't that happen to me? You will have good things and bad things happen to you over your lifetime, don't dwell on bad things. If you have your health and happiness, that is all that matters, don't pay any attention to what other people have. There are always going to be people that have better things than you.
2006-06-10 11:14:14 UTC
I think that it is attitude...some people see good in everything that happens to them , while some only see the bad . You choose to be happy and you choose most things that happen to you. FREE WILL. Everything in life is about choice...not about good karma and bad karma, or looser and winners. Those who expect too much are bound to be disappointed....LIFE like GOLF is a game of recovery and making the best out of a bad situation.
2006-06-10 08:23:25 UTC
i don't think it's only luck factor, in earlier years of their life, these people have worked hard, sacrificed most of the pleasures of lfe, worked towards their goal to be somebody , and used their judgement more accurately. it's easy to brand people who are successful as simply lucky, and those who are not so successful as unlucky. though stars do play an effective role in our life, if you study the statistics carefully, you will find that in any given field of life,creativity, intelligence, ambition, determination, these are the factors which have given us some world famous personalities. being born genius, some of them may not need luck, the world has to take a note of them anyway. if we are given to thinking, why should i try so hard, i am not lucky, we will never come up in life. it's the joy of having tried, not the end result. in bhagvad geeta, this philosophy is crystalised in these words, kamanev adhikarste, ma phaleshu kadachan, meaning, work towards the goal, irrespective of expecting the fruit .i think if we try and imbibe this philosophy in our lives, it will help us to view other people's success more sportingly, without grudge, and unhealthy comparisons, leading to rationalise our failures, mostly due to inadequate efforts.
2006-06-09 13:31:23 UTC
I dont know about others but for me there are different priods in your lifetime.Its not wise to think that some people get everything in life.Everybody has it's ups and downs but you see only the ups .Its a question with many dimensions.If you read a book with the title "Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho,you can find the answer.
2006-06-09 10:02:36 UTC
There ain't a thing as blessing. Events occur on the scales of varying results and probabilities. Sometimes things just doesn't go our way. I suffered the same way but now I have got the technique to rise up.
2006-06-09 07:31:45 UTC
Positive attitude makes all the difference. Negative people attract negative reactions. Neutrality ( staying in your "comfort zone") takes you nowhere. Nobody is inmune to having bad things happening to him or her, but the way you take what comes to you says a lot about you to other people, Everything that happens is interconnected in a way or another, and your attitude towards life's events can bring on a positive or a negative outcome. We are all born with different gifts and talents, but also with shortcomings. It is up to us to identify those gifts in order to find your place in the world and serve your fellow man, and to overcome our faults by recognizing them and working to improve on what one lacks. It is hard work , it is challenging, but boy, the outcome is worth every drop of sweat. So don´t be deceived by what apparently "comes easy" to some people. It may look effortless, but they've paid their toll too.
2006-06-09 06:17:54 UTC
Define winners and losers? Having money, fame and the rest of it doesn't make one blessed. In most cases, it makes one damned.

The secret is the spirit world. Remember, there is Christ and there is Satan. Satan gives to his children too. This world is a testing ground for the next world. When God gives, He gives it and the heart is not corrupted.
2006-06-09 01:26:38 UTC
I think that some people have more drive than others. And I think its all about attituede . If you really want something go out and get it ,but be willing to do all the things nesassary without complaint or too much question if you know that it is really what you want . you have to be willing to workk for your goals unconditionally. Always khave your goals in mind every day so you dont loose sight.
2006-06-09 00:54:48 UTC
I used to wonder the same thing, then I became a bondsman in a tourist town. I watched some of the most beautiful, well dressed, well spoken decked out to the hills with diamonds people drunk like bums, fighting with their spouses over who slept with whom, crying over there crackhead children prostituting for that next hit and realized man we all got probs, the rich just have more makeup to throw on theirs.
2006-06-08 21:59:06 UTC
I agree! There are those people who just do better in life. And i've really realized that its not their parents too. Alot of Christians have really become successful and acheived good goals in their life. Those people who dont try hard and still acheive what they want and stuff, bug me alot. They ARE extremely lucky! perfect parents and everything. It stinks but I think people who try their hardest get the most out of it and become a better person.

Sorry if that was confusing!
2006-06-08 21:00:04 UTC
1st of all there is no such thing as goo luck. the people that do well and things go good for them have a relationship with God. some do well because they have sold their souls to the devil. it may look all good from the out side but as quickly as they have gained everything they DO and will lose everything. some of the wealthiest people like bill gates and The walmart family follow God.
Ms Beautiful
2006-06-08 16:39:56 UTC
I think because in thier past life they have done really good deeds so in this life they are having a good life. Another thing could be that they have taken advantage of good opportunities in life earlier and were smart about the decision that they have made or chosen so thats why they have everything in life easy now.
2006-06-08 16:32:19 UTC
There are no born winners & losers. We live in the world in which we create in our minds. In other words, if you think the cup is half full than than you live a life feeling happy and rewarded. If you believe the cup is half empty, well then you spend your time gripping about why other have it so much better than you.
2006-06-08 16:11:25 UTC
This is a great question. I think that it all has to do with the way that that person looks at life and the experiences he or she has. That type of person can seem to turn everything that that happens to them into something good and always be happy about themselves. Try to always think positive!!!!!!!!!!!
2006-06-08 14:30:03 UTC
These people just might have been taught good life habits from the start (like attend school, dont use drugs,eat healthy ect)

luck might have a small part in it, but not all the time though.
2006-06-08 14:19:43 UTC
It all depends on how you live your life. Do you listen to your parents and your teachers and follow their advise or do you go your own way. The people who go their own way seem to struggle more. The ones who budget their time well and go with the flow seem to do the best and have the best in life.

You have to play it smart. Work the established system, don't fight it. Treat people with respect and learn to laugh at yourself, then you will do well.
Tariq S
2006-06-09 04:30:20 UTC
I believe that Its all about destiny. Almighty tests us in all forms and in the end we get what we have done in our lives. If we are good we get good and if we are bad from hearts we get Bad. Actually there is no winner and no loser on this earth.Winners can't be winners untill some depends how we are getting up to mark.
2006-06-11 08:41:46 UTC
It really seems that way at times, but I think we're all blessed with luck. You just have to recognize it when it comes your way. Most of us make our own 'luck'. Trouble is, if you look at yourself as a 'loser', you will set yourself up to be one. Try being optomistic, and usually your 'luck' will change.
2006-06-11 01:53:16 UTC
Positive attitudes! Everyone is a winner in some way or another. You just have to focus on the positive things in YOUR life instead of focusing on whats positive in everyone else's life. Good things come to those who wait!!!
2006-06-09 20:07:28 UTC
some people have more help than others, and then there are people like me who have the help, but don't know what to do with it. some times good things happen but people are too rapped up with their own lives to see them. if every person got their break in life, where would we be, all living the same life right?
constantine k
2006-06-09 19:25:11 UTC
nobodys perfect but life could be what you make it.what you made it all out to be. Start watching what you think about. Its all about habits that we form every day and have had since we were born.

ask yourslf: what is my motivation in this situation?what is my purpose right now? If you can answer this question honestly but with an open mind all the time then youll know the anwser to your question.

But somethings we just can't control

and life could be alot worse right?
Jessica T
2006-06-09 09:59:12 UTC

Look,take it from someone with some experience okay,it's what you make of your life and how often you say prayers.You may think it's sounding a llil religious okay but I know from very much experience,if you say a few prayers and directly ask god for what you want out of life or a give it time and good things will go your way.Look,if you wanna chat more you can write me @'d love to talk to you more about things,how old are you by the way??That way I'll know more on how to explain things better to to you later Amanda......HOpe things turn out okay for you....My name is Jessica by the way.....bye bye
2006-06-09 05:41:00 UTC
No sometimes you may feel like you are the only one that has bad luck. I guess it's just that some people are more clumsy then others, but remember this even those that at some moments may seem perfect aren't.
2006-06-08 22:40:56 UTC
Well , I feel that there is nothing as such "luck". When you think about it for a minute ,then it is suppose to mean that you are not mentally prepared. However , no one is just untouched by such feelings. What I suggest is that "believe in yourself and then you will find everything is just the way you wanted." The reason for having good things - is only that they find good things in everybody whom they meet.
2006-06-08 16:35:10 UTC
"In this world there are only two tragedies; one is not getting what one wants, the other is getting it."

Oscar Wilde

"The slave begins by demanding justice, and ends by wanting to wear a crown."

er... some cynical humanist like Kierkegaard.

There's nothing more miserable I imagine than dreaming of achieving/getting something all of your life, getting it, then despairing for want of something else a moment later. That's the thing about us greedy, always slightly animalistic human beings. We're never happy and always want more. So you may get the breaks, you may not, but that's karma for you.
2006-06-08 16:10:19 UTC
I would have to say some folks to have things bad happen to them, but its the choices that you make. You make the right one you will have a good turn out. Sometimes when something bad happens it is a way of teaching how to do it better the next time.
2006-06-08 15:26:54 UTC
This is called "immigrant success"..... Basically, if your white, your screwed... It's true, as a white person go tell the government you need something,you won't be successful. Now watch as a black person or a flip do the same...They get whatever they want. It's not about luck, it's about the color of your skin. If you don't agree, then where the hell have you been?
2006-06-10 12:41:42 UTC
in this rollercoaster in life,

things are not always fair

and i don't think that is from

luck. We are all blessed. i

know that for a fact. no matter

what your job description, cource

of income, age, sex, or religion.

because we were brought into

this world, we are all fourtunate

to experience life hands on. lifestyles

and what life gives you may be good

at some points and horrible at others

but we just need to stick it out and

wait for the next challenge....afterall

isn't that what life is about?
2006-06-09 22:06:23 UTC
I think part of it is what you make for yourself. Determination, Will, Ambition will all play a role. Also, OPPORTUNITY is required. I feel that certain opportunities come to those who put themselves in opportunistic positions. Also, some of it is luck. What is luck? Who knows? Maybe it's the magic of the Earth.

What a great question!
2006-06-09 21:49:26 UTC
it all depends what you have done in this life and your last life . do good deeds to others and you will receive what you deserve in this life or your next life. you are the one who dictate the well being of your karma.

the winners that you see now are the one who did good to other in their last life. sometimes you might born as a royalty; have a nice career, or be a millionaire which is what people want the most.

remember "karma"
2006-06-09 16:28:18 UTC
Attitude is a large part of success in life. If you have a positive outlook, you not only attract others with the same attitude, but you will find yourself surrounded by other successful people. Attitude also aids in making good choices in life. You will not make choices with the attitude "why won't workout anyway."
2006-06-09 05:21:25 UTC
I've wondered about this one myself, since I have had to struggle all my life. I think it's just what is meant to be. If you ask Sylvia Browne, she says, we chose the life we will live before we are born. If that's the case, I'm making sure I travel down Easy Street in my next life!
2006-06-08 23:52:48 UTC

believe in it

do good and you get good results

reap as you sow

if someone's fathers/ parents were good throughout - surely they and their kids will always get good things in life

and those who do bad - all sorts of bad things - may be they think they are having a ball in this life - but invariably their kids are a rotten bunch and they face music all the time

and their kids - have all the bad luck and bad things in life
2006-06-08 15:44:59 UTC
Remember the line about the duck, calm on the surface, but paddling like h*ll on the bottom. They may seem not to be trying hard. Of course I believe life is random not fair. The harm that is done to us is not personal, just throw of the dice. Doesn't make it any easier to take.
2006-06-08 15:21:22 UTC
"Motivation". I believe that everybody peaks at different times. Some persons are just motivated to excel in a particular field that is "tangible" or material, so persons can actually see the fruits of their existence, Other persons are motivated in other ways that are intangible, E.g. by their spirituality and their fruits may be within, but shining through. "Getting on Well" is relative. It all depends on where you want to be. It takes honest assessment of self, and acceptance that every one has a role to play in the scheme of life.
2006-06-08 06:05:46 UTC
The key i think is not sweating the small stuff and not letting things bother you that you have no control over.

Everyone struggles at some point.

Even the rich and beautiful ( which i am neither by the way) have problems.

Its all about going about your day trying not to let the small stuff bother you.

I try to laugh the tough stuff away

People look at me weird sometimes but it works.
linda s
2006-06-10 13:36:42 UTC
i ask myself the same question i feel the same way i work 43hrs a week struggling and being disabled and play lottery everyweek i am lucky if i get a1.00$ then some people hit all the time for what i bring home in a month i think so thats how i feel too
2006-06-10 10:11:14 UTC
It is simply impossible that a person would have a perfect life.

Sooner or later, we all get trouble, and if one gets little bad things happening frequently, another has disasters happening rarely. If you know a person who had it ALL just right for now, than he is either an optimist who doesn't even struggle to remember bad things because they aren't important to his mind, or those didn't yet happened to him...
2006-06-10 07:01:39 UTC
Its destiny. Have you ever felt at one time in your life that no matter what you do and no matter how hard you try, some things are just not meant to be yours? You may have achieved some of your goals through hard work and determination, but it is destiny that helped you achieve it. Our life has a pre-destined path, no one controls their life the way they want it to be.
rose w
2006-06-10 00:15:24 UTC
some people do not try enough(mysself inccluded) I was getting depressed and could not geet a job no matter how hard I tried.I let Jesus in my life and sstarted thinking posssitive. Noo onee wantss to hear a winer, right?Think positive andd knoww there arre a lot of peeople wworse off.
2006-06-09 13:22:18 UTC
You must be on the other end of things. Most people who are doing well have worked hard to get there. Also a positive mental attitude ( which I believe you are lacking) has a lot to do with it.
2006-06-09 04:44:41 UTC
i know what you mean i m so unlucky in my love life every time i like a man hes either already involved or just not into me.esp since its so diffcult for me to fall in love.

i so envy some ppl with the ability to move on and bounce back from negative situations and also when they just dont have to try hard enough.i really wish i would get everything i want.
2006-06-08 21:08:26 UTC
i was told that i make what happens in my life. so if you really want some thing then work for it and you will get it. i know how you feel my sister gets everything handed to her and i work my *** off to get what i have in life. but there are good thing that come to people that work for what they get. think about it, you get the feeling at you earned what you got and then you will enjoy it. working for it will make you want to enjoy it for all that it is. you will learn things as you go to and the one that gets everything will not have the same experiences at you will have. it will make you a stronger and better person in the end. just remember that and you my not hate that person so much in the end.
2006-06-08 15:07:18 UTC
Yes sweet heart there are some people who are very lucky and get everything in life. But hard work never wastes. with hard work, positive attitude i mean be optimistic, patientence, pray to god, don't hurt anyone, no addictions- you will definitely achieve your goal if you follow the above advice.

all the best

raj the king in my own house if my wife is away.
2006-06-08 14:50:31 UTC
I always say stuff about back luck, and stuff, because Im not one of those people who get it awesome and get things like that, but lifel is life. Is somthing bothering you? You could email me, I'd be glad to help. Anyways, I might not believe in bad luck, but there IS good luck. And I hope it comes to you soon.
2006-06-08 14:37:14 UTC
I like the 'life is what you make of it' answers! In my 63 years of life I have found that there is only one person or entity that is in control of YOUR life. You see him/her every time you look in a mirror. Your life is exactly what 'YOU' make of it and there is no way around that very true and indisputable fact of life.

Life is a very long row to hoe. But... unlike hoeing the weeds out of a row of growing vegetables, life doesn't give you a chance to go back and do it over if you don't get it right. You have to get it RIGHT the first time.
2015-02-25 17:36:13 UTC
Yes, it's all about decisions. Some people decide that they will be mentally retarded or get hit by a car and have brain damage while others decide to be born to rich parents plus have a high IQ. Some decide that their parents should take drugs and neglect them. Who needs parents anyhow, right?
2006-06-11 02:51:51 UTC
you're on the outside looking in no matter who you are life is hard and we each have our own crosses to bare.I'm in my own personal hell now, so I speak from experience when I say find those people in your life who give you hope,encouragement and love.Cherish them and keep on going the struggle is tough as hell and we all don't make it ;but if you keep trying to make things better you'll always have hope.Good luck and God bless.
2006-06-10 03:07:58 UTC
Good Luck and Bad Luck

these are two different things, which are in life

the main role is of it.
2006-06-09 19:59:32 UTC
I personally think it's all about perspective - for the most part, our lives are similar, and we are all faced with difficult and good times - it's all about how we react to the difficult times. For those who seem that life comes easy, I think it's more that they have the right attitude, rather than being more lucky than the next person.
2006-06-09 09:56:53 UTC
Some people are blessed, and some have to work hard to keep things from falling apart. But remember God never gives you anything you can't handle.
2006-06-09 06:49:22 UTC
Because some people work really hard and also if they are good people god will give them a chance like if they help every one then they will get chance.By blessing of god.
2006-06-09 06:17:24 UTC
my 2cents i think its the choices people make i have 4 brothers we grew up together and our mom constantly got on us about who we hang out with the things we do the choices we make every single day she told us counts no matter what never give up never let people make u give on the list goes on and on and funny how she told us never do drugs or drink and so on so on -well i listen to my mom95% of the time wherer as my brothers didnt and I am pround to say with the help of my mom and god I am very indeed successful- but my brothers are robbers. and 1 was even accused of killing someone and the list goes on with the problems they have and they are all LOCKED UP and I do not talk to them because these are the choices they made they chose to take the easy way out which isnt all ways good and I kept my head up and worked hard and really I guess no one knows the anwser to this question sorry didnt mean to get all in to my past we are talking about you :(
2006-06-08 21:11:49 UTC
The people getting on really well in life ~ they just do it to irritate the rest of us...No, seriously, I think it just feels that way at times. We all have ups as well as downs. If it is percieved as luck, it's just that we don't know what it took for them to get there.
2006-06-08 19:28:28 UTC
Yesterday, I just asked myself that very question. However, I try to remember a quote by Booker T. Washington, " I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has had to overcome while trying to succeed. " Maybe you need rethink what you really want in life: is it success or tangilble things?
2006-06-08 18:55:35 UTC
Well, I don't know about all that, but I know alot of people that have it good all the time, everything I wish I had, and I have asked them what they do to make their lives so successful and they say that they serve God well and he takes care of them. Of course I know that their are people out their that don't even believe in God and they have alot of things also. So I'm left at a lose also.
solida Long
2006-06-10 23:02:11 UTC
because they have a good plan in thier life. They make the way of walking in thier life propely. They might have more support from other people around them such as health condition, social support, money support, and feeling support.. The most important thing that people get well in life because they meet all this support.
karry k
2006-06-10 06:49:53 UTC
It all starts with the parenting skills.If you really sit and think if your up bringing wasn't so hot probably neither was your parents and so on down the line.I think if good skills are taught early your so called luck(I don't believe in some cases) will be fine.Learn coping skills is what i mean!
2006-06-09 01:35:50 UTC
Dear ,

It is one's luck. Some people get things easily without much struggle.In Hindu mythology it is said that what good things you did in the past, or in your previous life, God gives you the result of that.

Believe in God ,and continue to do "Karma" ( work ).
2006-06-08 21:32:21 UTC
My Dear,

It needs lot of experience and sound knowledge to understand life....the real meaning of life.What you see in others life may not be truth always.Just because someone looks happy and monetarily well does not mean that he is really happy.

The topic is very vast and i can narrate it very long.To cut it short i would like to sum up with a quote told to myself by a learned elder....

Patience,coupled with self improvement ,is a source of strength.Panic never is.

Believe me,if you are strong....physically and mentally.....and leading a life with honesty and modesty........these problems will not trouble you very much.

May god bless you.

2006-06-08 19:32:48 UTC
Summed up in 2 words, People Skills. Check out 'Never Eat Alone' by Keith Ferrazzi.
2006-06-11 00:26:24 UTC
Well actually, what you just stated really depends. You have to realize that one's quality of life varies. Nothing is absolute you know; everything is relative.

Nothing is ever dependent on luck per se. It might appear that life for them is easy and as we know about the pain and suffering that we underwent, we tend to pity ourselves more and we see others livign others quite easily. but it is not so. We are just being subjective beacuse we do not know the travesties in their lives. We don't know them. maybe we know their facade and their supeficial life, but we don't know their sufferings. We will never know than we do to ourselves.
2006-06-10 09:33:09 UTC
I find if you behave yourself and don`t do many nasty things, then not many nasty things will happen to you.

The good things to do in my opinion is the usual stuff, be nice to people, don`t get involved in pointless violence, and be playful and friendly and everything else just seems to run quite smoothly and usually works out all right.

And by the way luck evens itself out in the long run.
2006-06-10 05:37:36 UTC
I used to feel that way too - I thought my husband and I would never overcome our obstacles -

But then I joined the choir at my church and started going to church every Sunday. I became much closer to God and it is true, that saying in the Bible: "ask and you shall receive, knock and the door will be opened..." etc. God has really shown Himself to me, performing large and small miracles almost all the time. I feel like I am His little Baby and that He is in charge, looking out for me.

I was working for a Big 4 accounting/auditing firm and I hated it. Then I had 3 interviews for a Senior Internal Audit position with a major company - they rejected me. I now work for a consulting firm that does work with that major company that rejected me, AND recent news has come out about issues, layoffs, etc. that have occurred at that major company! God has been in charge, looking out for me because I am his child. I was VERY disappointed to be rejected by that major company but now I am sitting pretty, making more money, doing challenging work, highly respected for having worked at a Big 4 firm, working with fun/nice people, and best of all, I am currently getting out of work at 5 pm at the latest!!! It is awesome!
Answer chick
2006-06-09 20:56:31 UTC
You get out of life what you put in. If you give nothing but negativity, that's what you'll receive. Try doing positive things for yourself and for other people. Then sit back and watch how your life changes for the better.
2006-06-09 20:49:46 UTC
It all comes down to Faith in God. If the people who seem to be happy and lucky don't know Him, then it's just a matter of time untill everything comes crashin in. The people who seem to have no luck at all if they know Him then it's a matter of time untill it happens.
2006-06-09 07:22:01 UTC
Like #1 said it's choices. Another HUGE factor is how hard you work towards what you want out of life. You can do pretty much anything and reach pretty much anything you want to attain, as long as you work hard enough towards that goal. It's all about personal motivation
2006-06-09 05:53:00 UTC

They either work harder, or for some odd reason just get off easier. But always remember they might not win it all in the end! It's either heaven or hell and usually the ones going to hell have it a bit easier. And I'm not cursing I really do think there is a hell.
2006-06-09 05:39:33 UTC
It's all about attitude. Some are born with it, some don't. Some are gifted with calm and optimism, some are cursed with mental disorders and frustration.

Believe me, it's all in the genetics. And experience counts as well. The more problems you encounter, the more you get bored worrying over them and end up just letting go.
2006-06-09 00:16:05 UTC
no u r wrong its not that some people have good luck its just their good gentle and nice behavior .their r winner people work hard and get its sweet result u can work hard and win every thing u want .just try hard.
2006-06-08 22:56:49 UTC
I think its about attitude. As the saying goes 'nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so.' When someone with the right attitude makes the best out of a bad situation that person begins to look good to others who are watching, but inside he/she may be tormented or suffering but just dosent show it. Let your light shine before men the Holy Bible says.
2006-06-08 22:00:26 UTC
some people, seem to get things easier because when they give or do things for others they do and give genuanly from the heart, and in return god blesses them. I mean they do good things and don'tgive it a second thought. like giving their last, and probaly need it theselves but give to others ,then their blessing is waiting as soon as they turn the next corner.
2006-06-08 15:28:52 UTC
i dotn think its luck. first that person might look like they have that oh so happy fairy tale life but in the inside you really dont know what theyre thinking or whats happened to them throughout the future. i think it depends uopn the person to. if the person is always negative about eveyrhting then there making themselves ave a miserable negative life. if your positive and try your best to keep everything good and peaceful then most likely itll turn out that way. remember that no one but yourself is responsible for your own happiness. if you dont believe in that then think about it really hard, its true...
2006-06-08 15:00:20 UTC
it all depends on what one considers 'nice and well' there are no winners and losers...we are all winners and losers. some of us are blessed with good friends, rich relationship with God, happy marrriage,ability to love and comfort others.Others are blest with the capacity to climb the success ladder of the world in terms of wealth, position, power etc.

some of us use the little gifts and talents which we have to the utmost while others just don't recognise their own potential.

it is all in one word- 'contendment'

count your blessings everyday and you will have no time to pause to even breathe!
2006-06-09 18:55:37 UTC
Dust from dust and dust to dust is not a dead phenomena.Every one emerges out of this planet and uses this planet and conceive what is achievement and what is not achievement . every action and reaction is noticed by the dust and is recorded in the dust all around.DNA and GENES are nothing but part of this infinite phenomena and are too microscopic in totality of existence.

Those who receive unconditional Love are the best achievers.

Love comes not as an achievement but as a fulfillment. It fills all yourself and you merge in to this vastness.This is from the capacity of giving and the capacity of receiving and appreciating unconditional Love.

It has to be practical here on earth, while living, without which higher achievements and realizations are not possible.

Lucky are those who have the capacity to love and are loved.They are noticed by these very dust particles and are resurrected according to their wishes which in depth are known to these dust particles.

It is difficult to realize what i have written but once it enters your blood stream you will be the highest achiever on this planet. It is but
2006-06-08 21:25:12 UTC
Some people struggle all their life just to make a living. They may have had impoverished childhoods without an opportunity to go to college. That doesn't make them less important than those who have had it easier.
2006-06-10 13:29:02 UTC
Some people are just lucky, others work their backsides off to make sure that they get on well in life, but isn't success relative? Your idea of success might be the complete opposite of somebody else's
2006-06-10 00:54:05 UTC

i think bcoz you can not see the deepest part of their lives! i completely believe that everyone has his/her special problems in his/her own life. but in this situation the most successfull people are who take things easy and look at problems like a good lesson to find out new things and as a thing that gives them one more experience and thats wonderful! etc. take thing easy and you will see that they won't pick on you anymore! be happy.
2006-06-09 16:53:47 UTC
I LOVE YOUR QUESTION! Obviously others do, too! I think it is partly luck of the draw and also some of the turns we have taken in our lives, and our own decisions. THAT combination is probably what is bringing or keeping good or bad things from you. It's true that many people are not getting what they deserve. AS$HOLES GET GOOD THINGS, GOOD PEOPLE GET AS$HOLE THINGS! Screw morality or religion - it's not even about that!
2006-06-09 16:01:16 UTC
I wonder the same question!!, often I should say. I believe though, that we are here for a purpose and we each have our own set of challenges and blessings to get the best out of us, if we choose so.
2006-06-09 13:19:22 UTC
It being in the right place at the right time.

My brother 14 yrs younger makes 100,000.00 a year more than me just because he helped out the right person and that person train him and he has gone on from there.

But don't get down do the best you can and be happy with yourself.
2006-06-09 11:36:26 UTC
I think it is good luck,being in the right place at the right time helps.Maybe trying to broaden ones horizon to make nice things happen.
2006-06-09 08:24:04 UTC
I don't think it's so much of some people having it better than others, of course they do, that's just a fact of life, but I think it's more of how people look on and appreciate the things they do have.
2006-06-08 21:43:10 UTC
Wealth creates wealth.Once you are able to raise money a stage comes it multiplies on its own.Success bring further success and failure further failure.It may be a natural law.But visualisation and imagination can change your lives.You will become what you imagine.You daily repeat you are successful and succeeding as many number of times as possible.Close your eyes and visualise what ever you want you ,you are already having.These are called autosuggestion or self hypnosis.These will work.You have to do your efforts also.Luck comes with effort and visualisation and positive can also win.If you mentally succeed to create success ,material success will follow
2006-06-08 06:06:34 UTC
It is only appearances. Being famous is supposed to be successful and look at the mess many of these celebrities are in.

Good things come if you keep a simple eye and don't envy what other people have got.

Be happy with your lot.
2006-06-10 12:30:09 UTC
life is to short to wake up in the mornig with regrets so love the people who treat you right forget about the ones who dont and believe that everything happens for a reason if you get a chance take it if it changes your life let it nobody said it would be easy they just promised it would be worth it
2006-06-09 13:34:10 UTC
We are co-creators of our own reality (destiny) Our thought effect our outside reality.... Watch the movie What the Bleep do we know, read "ask and it is given" by Esther and Jerry Hicks, anything by Wayne Dyer, Ernest Holmes, do internet search on the Law of Attraction. We are vibrational being, like magnets we attract according to our vibrations and emotions. Be happy, think good positive thoughts and give thanks and you will create good things in your life.....
2006-06-09 13:12:59 UTC
some peolple follow jesus's way, they keep their minds stayed on him and pay their tithes and are truly blessed in the outcome, ive tried it a time or two and was amazed by the results,sometimes it's even spooky to me the way things start to happen, i have fallen by the wayside and need to continue in him, because the way of life is made a whole lot easier,try it and see for yourself, you can conquer all things through him!!
2006-06-08 23:51:34 UTC
Well,sweety your looking at one of those people who seems to draw BAD LUCK to them on a day to day things that just happen...i was trying to help my dad get somethings out of the back of is truck,so he wouldn't get hurt,guess what,my dad got in by way and i fell out of the back of the truck and landed on my right shoulder on cement drive...It hurt like a mother F***** That was 3 months ago...Yes i'm in therapy,Is that surprising!!!Then a few days after my fall,i decided i would BBQ dinner,so i set every thing around and ask my daughter,where the BBQ fluid was.She said,her boyfriend put it i wet down the coals and lite a match and it was like being behind a jet.a big ball of fire explored and burn my eye brows,top of my arms and the hair,it really push me back from the force...we found out that nite it was gasoline in that fluid bottle..i guess in a way,my guardian angle was with me...There was another time,the water heater went out,so i turn on the gas and i forgot the matches,i went back and got the matches.I got the match burning and just was going to lite the water heater,there was like a small exploretion and i was throw about 8 ft back.My GOD,the hair on my head was burn,eye lids,one half of my face and i think i was in alittle shock...This is what happens to me all the time...But i believe some people are born with all the luck in the world and then their people like me,born with a dirty spoon in their mouths...THATS HOW LIFE GOS.....

2006-06-08 20:36:19 UTC
i just heard last night on a radio talk show that there have been many studies done, since the 1950s, regarding whether looks help you get though life (better jobs, better things happening to you, preferential treatment) - and the conclusion in all these studies have been that it is true that the better looking people live better lives.
2006-06-08 20:09:13 UTC
Yes. Anyone can be a winner. Some people might be getting dealt better cards, but how you play determines how far you get with what you've got. Look up Coolidge/perseverance.
2006-06-08 17:54:01 UTC
It's stepping stones in life that wil help you make it to your goal even if it takes you half of your lifetime it will all be worth it to go through all the hardship one day you will suceed and i f you don't it wasn't meant to b. It is entirly alright to look at what other people hav e but the most important are the ones that look toward themselves and are happy what they have/.
2006-06-08 06:06:36 UTC
Who says they get on really well in life, they may have problems that you do not know about, every one has troubles in life, some people may have more than others but that's just life.
tom t
2006-06-10 00:57:00 UTC
If based on believes and religious, some people did good things in their past lives, so they gain in this life. When they did bad things in this lives .. they have to pay it back in their next lives. This is fair deal. So, this encourages people to do more good things, you could expect something good in return, but it might not return to you in this life, may be next life. Of course, good things will return to good people anyway
2006-06-08 22:34:08 UTC
u know wat i wish we knew the answer but i think if we did than nobody in the world would have to struggle to get through life but nobody in life has it as good as u think i mean take me for instance i get straight a's although my parents fight a lot and adds a lot of stress yet i get told constantly about how great my life is and i just look at them and nod and say o thank u and walk away and think to myself if they only knew if they only knew so if a person went through life without a single struggle no one at all would ever learn from there mistakes think about it i hope i have helped
Tricia H
2006-06-08 14:32:48 UTC
It is my opinion that some people friend the right people or at the right place at times, others just have to work hard which helps them to become strong and appreciate what they achieve more.
2006-06-10 17:40:12 UTC
It all depends on eduction,knowledge, and success in life. There is no such thing as luck in life that i believe in. But things also comes to you in time. Sometimes you have to wait patiently and let it come to you. Don't try to rush things it just happens slower.
2006-06-10 08:33:25 UTC
there is a reason for every single thing that is given and not given to each of us... and we are also coming up in those kind of situation wherein we wonder about the wellness of others..... okay this is it... there are sort of person having their life really well.... as you can see... but... why cnt you even see.. that.. even though they have these wellness... they are still struglling for something... and there are also people who are struggling very hard as you can see.... but they have things na.. hndi lng talga nila pnahahalgahan... we people are always looking for something we dont have.. we dont feel... we are always struggling... all of us..
2006-06-09 18:21:32 UTC
I think it has to do with Religious outlooks...

Those who are "successful in life" are usually secular. They have no religious upbringing or deny it, so that they can persue thier "job", and the persuit of "mannon"...

They worship the "wrong GOD"!

Those who "are Religious" are not as eager to work all the time, putting in a lot of extra hours, when they should be putting it forth, for thier families and to Church.

I wish you well..

2006-06-09 12:01:45 UTC
WOW! 337 answers and mine makes 338! You sure hit on a place of great amount of opinions by everyone it appears!

I am no different in my wanting to express mine to you, so I will do so now!

Yes some people are just born under a golden star. I know people who do nothing but mess us their lives and it ripples out to others lives and they always seem to have someone take care of their problems of self making for them and they never have to pay a thing for it! And people actually go to them to ask if they can help them out of the problem, they don't even have to actively ask for the help!

While others work their hindys off trying to have something worthwhile, be independent in life, help others out, and do things the right way because that is they way they would want to be treated, and by golly the sky falls on them every time!

They are beseiged by events and occurances in their lives that they have no control over whatsoever! They work years toward a goal only to reach it and a short while later learn that they or a loved on has a terminal disease, and they are left wondering why they worked their selves to death and sacrificed for something that is not going to be a reality for them to enjoy! They lose a child to a car accident or they suffer a natural disaster and lose their business to an act of God!

The most discouraging thing I observe so much of the time is the person who starts out in a company as a line worker and works for 40 years and is the supervisor of an entire division. They have planned well for their retirement and are going to have a lot of money to travel and do the things they have always wanted to do but had to put off because of their job demands and demands of their wife, children, and aging parents.

The great day comes and they retire. 6 months later they are diagnosed with terminal cancer and they die 6 months later. Leaving a spouse who has a lot of time and money to do a lot of things, but no will to do them! They will also die within about 2 years of their spouse and leave all of their life time of careful living in the hands of children who will fight over it and then ultimately lose it to something stupid and senseless!

The ways of the Lord are mysterious to me, but I fail to see that they are wonderous at all!

I have resigned myself that life is a test of our strength and ability to survive it. I am always wary when nothing is going wrong in my life and I am happy. Because very soon the shoe will drop and I will need to have all of my strength just to survive to live another unforgiving day.
2006-06-08 22:32:44 UTC
The choices we make in life help choose the path we go down. So if people are always choosing the safe, practicle choices then their life will seem better than those who choose choices that are not so healthy. It is just all relative.
2006-06-08 17:11:21 UTC
i dont think so at all.

I think that the people who have good things happen to them either have good connections or are just plain lucky, and the people who struggle just take a little bit longer to gain that status
2006-06-13 06:33:33 UTC
Maybe when people are young they no what there going to do in life. But for some other people if they wait to long it's just going to get tougher and tougher the more they get older.
2006-06-11 07:24:34 UTC
Attitude, and psychological baggage. All things being equal, it's your mental picture of yourself and your expectations that decide the quality and quantities of things you will receive in your life, good or bad. Your subconscious mind is your "fetch-it" tool, and the way it's programmed is almost the whole enchilada.Our fetch-it tool is usually programmed by our circumstances and by the significant other people in our lives, usually very early in life. We can, however, re-program it.
Krystal P
2006-06-10 13:30:44 UTC
To me, I think that it has a lot to do with parents/ family. People who support you. Alot comes down to the choices that they make. And that depends on how you make choices. Other times it just depends on the crowd you hang out with if you do good in life or not.
2006-06-10 12:06:17 UTC
the idea is to feel blessed with what you have got and accept everything else as a challenge. Those who do seem to have it easy probably don't have as easy as it looks. They are just better at hiding how they feel about thier life.
2006-06-10 07:20:22 UTC
hey this a pretty good question,anyways My point of view is that no one gets it easy in this life that has been given to us cuz god chooses it to be this way and theres no winners or losers in life and with those that struggle thats just the way it is cuz thats the way god chose it to be.
2006-06-10 03:13:11 UTC
You are right, but what are the standards for the best and the worst? we are supposed not to get happy with what we have been given as well as for not getting sad for what we have missed. Nobody knows what is the good for him. All we should do is not only to sit and wait for our destinations, we have to exert our best efforts for success in this world and the hereafter , with the support of God.
2006-06-09 19:09:47 UTC
You don't know what price they paid for it. Sometimes they, apperantely lucky people, themselves don't know the price they paid or are paying. If you are ready to pay that type of price you will get all you are desiring. Remember that you may not be as happy after you got what you want as you imagine while you are without it. See inward and you will get the answer.
Spider Pig aka Tyrone Biggums
2006-06-09 18:23:03 UTC
Maybe they have a good luck charm , ex:Rabbit's foot Four-leaf-clover. But , they would have to believe in luck. Maybe they are smart , talented , have good social skills , or any combo of those.Maybe the people who don't have good things have bad luck or can't afford them.

2006-06-09 15:39:55 UTC
its no luck but the result of their deeds....

may be the people u say has luck did something really good,may be u dont know it or he himself doesnt,but the result does show up.

its never luck,it what u belive and it the result that u get in return of what u did.

may be the people who keep on trying and never gets what u call luck,does something that balances their positive hardwork to neutral.
2006-06-09 10:45:16 UTC
Confidence. More confident people are able to make things happen with seemingly little effort. They are willing to take a risk and therefore reap the benefits.

I'm not one of them but I am willing to take the responsibility for my own lack of success.
2006-06-08 23:47:52 UTC
I truly believe they had a fantastic childhood, and are just super duper happy people, and have the ability to live with whatever life throws at them, I,m very envious of people like that.
2006-06-08 14:18:11 UTC
Maybe bcuz they're born that way. Like paris hilton 4 example. If not it may seem like they are but they really do have 2 work 2 get where they are.
2006-06-08 08:58:08 UTC
I belive good things happen when you have a positive outlook on life its like the age old adage "is the glass half full or half empty" if your a half full person with a good positive mental attitude good things will be drawn to you..
2006-06-08 06:11:33 UTC
its all about choices and lifestyle that people have. its about adapting who you are to what you want in life. you have to link your skills to a particular job then you will have the job that gives you satisfaction (personal happiness and self esteem), you will probably be more successfull at that job because it utilises your skills (more money than if you were in a job not suited to you), making appropriate friends and understand the consequences of things.

my favourite mantra is 'fail to plan and you plan to fail', everything is about choice and forward thinking, theres no such thing as lucky or unlucky people. its also about being internally driven rather than externally driven, ie doing or feeling things because people around you expect it.
2006-06-10 17:18:02 UTC
Some luck, some preparation to take advantage of situations when they arrive. Some smarts, some personality. Sometimes it's just viewpoint (i.e. count your blessings).
QA Guy
2006-06-10 16:56:42 UTC
its just your judgement... you can't probe deep into a persons mind. as an example, some people consider me to be a happy go lucky guy while others say i put too much.. so a better way to resolve this question would be to ask others to judge you.. some may say you get on really well while others may have a different opinion about you....
2006-06-10 05:37:02 UTC
i think people have bad luck and good luck somtimes youy can have good luck one day and bad luck a other day so people can win or lose okay that is what i think like me i win all the time never lose because i am popular and you are not so it okay to be a loser
2006-06-09 20:00:38 UTC
some have good luck and others have bad. no matter what you have though you can change it not that you would want to change good luck but bad luck can be changed withh learning more and getting your self in to a better place to feel good. hopefully others who have bad luck like me wont have suck a hard time gainning the good luck.
2006-06-09 14:33:37 UTC
Sometimes I think it is just luck of the draw. Other times I think people are born with a lucky horseshoe.
2006-06-09 11:37:03 UTC
The main difference between men and the animals is the difference in their power of concentration. All success in any line of work is the result of this... the difference in their power of concentration also constitutes the difference between man and man. Compare the lowest with the highest man. The difference is in the degree of concentration. And my friend whatever you think, that you will be. If you think yourselves weak, weak you will be; if you think yourselves strong, strong you will be.... so keep it up.... good luck.
2006-06-09 11:31:21 UTC
It's all in the attitude and beleiving that we have to go through the bad to appreciate the good. Not dwelling on what has gone wrong in our lives, but counting our blessings everyday for all that we have and all that we are.
snowy dragon
2006-06-09 00:08:12 UTC
This can be a good thing or a bad thing. It depends on the person it's happening too. Great question!
2006-06-08 12:13:10 UTC
some people are just luckier then others...fair noway...fact yes...why cause there have to be few winners and tons of losers thats just how the world certain people are born wealthy in nice homes....the hilton sisters lucky yes..did they do something to deserve that i dont think so ..and same way millions of people are born in africa with aids...and poverty full of diseases...there own fault no one bit...beautiful smart kids just with no luck on there side..sadlyy!!!
Kenny ♣
2006-06-13 11:42:56 UTC
2006-06-11 03:52:06 UTC
I think that our economy is based upon free choice slave labor, the decisions we make when are young determines where we end up in all of this. and yes sometimes it comes down to a little bit of luck
2006-06-10 15:58:23 UTC
It may have to do with basic gene combinations (derived from your parents) or how much effort that a particular person puts into something to get something back, if you understand. Effort is a virtue and the more you give to get something, the more likely you be to obtain it. This is something that I live by.
2006-06-10 13:56:57 UTC
Maybe because the other people have lived life before and made mistakes so god is giving them a second chance but this time it is going to be harder than the first time. (Just a theory.)
Mr. Guy
2006-06-09 21:45:59 UTC
Everyone has their demons. It just looks to you like some people are having better luck because you are viewing them from the outside from your point of view.
dea b
2006-06-09 20:14:29 UTC
I think we all feel that way some times. I found that when i make god a big part of my life it gets a lot better . I pray and then things start coming to me. there is no such thing as luck there is only god. pray! pray! pray . envy is not becoming.
2006-06-09 16:12:20 UTC
Sometimes this is due to people greedily snatching up someone else's great opportunity when they're not really entitled to it, like an interception in football.

Happens to me a lot and mostly by men.
2006-06-09 07:58:38 UTC
It's not what you know... it's who you know!!

100% True..

And then it's about your relationship building skills & networking skills that allow you to maximize (read: USE) those people you know to help you achieve great things...

If you don't accept that as truth... then no matter how hard you try you will never seem to get ahead...
a c
2006-06-08 21:50:35 UTC
It has to do with the way you look at things in your own life. Half full? Half empty? Jealousy? Resentment? Accomplishments? Goal attainments? These things can all affect the way you look at your own life, as well as how you look at others' lives. Its not having what you want, but wanting what you have.
2006-06-08 16:40:04 UTC
Sometimes I wonder myself. I seem to always be at the wrong place when they are passing out lucky stars. But it is said that we all get our just rewards in heaven. So it would seem that sooner or later we will catch up.
2006-06-11 08:41:18 UTC
i feel like this get alone well in life because they have faith in the you got to have faith in your self if you want to get some were in life if you set your goles up the way you want them to go it will happen no matter what you got to foces on what you want out of life and don't let nothing get in the way of can't let nobody bring you down,by telling you can't do that because you can do anything you want to do once you put your mine to it so it will come very easly to you to just like it did them okay try that and you will see for your self the lord is always out there willing to listen to you when you call his name give him a try and every thing will work out for the because watch and see what i tell you,it worked out for me like that okay give god some of your time lol.
2006-06-11 03:47:09 UTC


2006-06-10 18:02:16 UTC
I think its all about the path that GOD has planned in your life. We all go through things so that we may learn for the future. Don't think that just because we feel that others have it easy cause many of them are very, very unhappy.
The Prince of Laos
2006-06-10 14:19:11 UTC
i think i get what you mean, take for example britney spears? shes so useless and yet so rich.and for doing what? spreading that annoying voice of hers.

on the other hand people might say she diserves it and has worked very hard for it.

bottom line is that its all about opinion,you might say she gets on pretty well in life and all good things come easily but i say she sucks and has nothing good.......ya.
2006-06-10 08:05:38 UTC

it is all how u take care things when u think it in a -ve sense everythin gonna b lookin wrong for u u knw wat the basic mantra of life is "never try to clear things " and "never solve an issue or an allegation untill given to u " ya they r ppl who r very lucky to get things very easily and those ppl r appreciated with a word called "luck" but tat doesnt means tat v r not lucky

neways it was a nice ?
2006-06-09 10:09:13 UTC
If you believe in reincarnation then the people that have it good now didn't have it so good in their past life so they are being rewarded for not being selfish and so on.People that have it bad now as in homeless people probably were greedy and stuff in their past life so now they are being i guess you could say tormented to see how they react for when they are reborn again
2006-06-09 07:02:30 UTC
I believe that life has a kind of yin and yang balance to it, like whenever I have a really awful day or something, I think "Why me?" and then I think to myself, "So someone else could have a really awesome day." Like the reason one person suffers is so another person benefits, and visa-versa.....but that's just my weird philosophy, think what you want. :-) i also believe that everyone wins in the end.
2006-06-09 01:33:23 UTC
Alot of it has to do with attractiveness. All things being equal attractive people tend to get the job or noticed because well, they are attractive. IT sucks but it is non-the-less in this day and age it is the societal norm.
Judas Rabbi
2006-06-09 00:29:07 UTC
A few people just get all the right luck/breaks
2006-06-10 15:26:20 UTC
Some care,

Some dont.

You can not win if you do.

If you dont care that you loose,

Your life may present you with pain and booze.

It's like the aging hippie girl said in one of the first answers,

We all choose.
2006-06-09 20:52:13 UTC
because some people dont do bad things to nobody and help everyone, the return comes that way. In addition some people think they are good because they cant see their mistakes in reference to other people and then they dont get things easy. Thats the way it works and i have proved myself again and again that its true
2006-06-09 10:59:06 UTC
Because they have a healthy diet in life to a good Strong relationships is the key.
2006-06-08 21:15:44 UTC
Sometimes it happens that you really need to struggle a lot but then we have to learn how to struggle .

God gives troubles & struggle to those who can bear it easily & this is what makes them strong.
2006-06-08 19:40:42 UTC
Everybody has some bad luck don't get to wound up about it.

Everyone is equally put together.

I can sometimes feel the same way.
2006-06-08 14:49:01 UTC
very true, actually but, everybody goes thro a bad patch in life, so wen it seems that nuthings good ahppenin to me while my neighbour is only laughing all the way could be very sickening sometimes, but, if we ahve our goals set and are determined to succeed, then nobody can stop u from reaping all the happiness that life has to offer.........
Oghma Gem
2006-06-08 14:26:53 UTC
My bf says, "I draw (to me) what I need." And he IS a lucky sonofagun! Also, I have known people that always expected the worst in everything, that were always just waiting for life to take the next crap on their head, and I think they draw bad things.
2006-06-08 06:05:29 UTC
Because they are living in spiritual awareness and have learned how to manifest. Read Wayne Dyer or Deepak Chopra, then practice if you are having a difficult time.
Frank C
2006-06-08 22:12:13 UTC
If you haven't been blessed ,or your down on your would have to make a plan to change it, the winners make plans to win not to be a loser, so make a plan to help you win if they can win you can win.just copy a winner .... you go girl ! oh peace out
2006-06-08 21:21:48 UTC
people get on or along because they set a goal and go with the flow just like most peeps in life do as the saying goes if you put your mind to it you can accomplish anything!
2006-06-08 06:05:14 UTC
Don't judge peole by what u see from outside. Yu never know what's going inside them. Actually a person's sucess depends on his peace of mind and satisfaction levels which can't be sensed by outsiders.
2006-06-10 22:09:43 UTC
I've observed this with some people. They seem to have this ability to set a lot of people at ease, they exude endorphins, they make others laugh. You can't buy that at a store or learn it; you're born with it.
2006-06-09 13:10:46 UTC
I don't really know but I have a friend like that that everthing good happeneds to her like when she turned 16 she got a car when she wanted a job boom shes go one so shes just really lucky.
2006-06-09 12:20:01 UTC
in my opinion no one is blessed with good luck or bad luck. i do believe in karma though. but i also think that some people couldn't handle it (mentally) if they were to struggle. the fight is what makes us stronger.
2006-06-10 14:55:24 UTC
'Tis all relative.

Most of the people who have it going good with little effort have to work more than others. It just makes us feel better about ourselves and our egos by making it look like we don't do much to get everything.
2006-06-10 13:29:03 UTC
God wanted to test them to see if He gave them everything they ever wanted,would they still obey and worship Him.things balance out.not everyone has bad times the same time as everyone may seem that their life is easy but everyone goes through's kind of like the story of Job (joeb) in the bible.
samantha wilson
2006-06-10 09:49:12 UTC
I wish I knew. I had all the bad luck. I think I deserve some happiness for once.
s s
2006-06-10 08:29:31 UTC
why do u need to compare?what we give,we get tht in return.when u give lots of frowns,hatred and criticisms to ur life,how can u expect happiness and goodluck to *** back 2 u?instead,try smiling and luv life,trust me,life'll change and u'd b able to turn all those bad lucks 2 good ones.LIFE'S JUST A MIRROR!!!
2006-06-09 20:07:33 UTC
i have been through thick and thin..and came to the point that i was having a meal with crakers..MY EXPERIENCE TOLD me that people choose to what they are now we cant blame them but i believe patience and determination helps individual to be more better in was you who makes your life and not the life or your environment makes your life better..Now.i have a decent good job after those tremendous struggles ive done its ol worthy..
2006-06-09 16:50:10 UTC
Because life isnt fair and even though one persons life may look perfect they have somethign that they hide from the world becasue no one *is* perfect so they are just pretending
2006-06-09 16:30:55 UTC
I think that everyone has about the same amount of misfortune over the course of their life.

Some people maybe handle it better than others.

Some people dont discuss problems with others.

Even people with money have problems and set backs.
2006-06-09 15:38:51 UTC
t does seem like some people just have bad luck. But, I think it comes down to choices people make in their lives. People make choices, and choices make people.
pepsi lovers
2006-06-09 14:02:28 UTC
Some people get on really well in life because they have God and Jesus on their side. Try visiting a Church of Christ and become a member of the Lord's Church. Obey God and you'll be blessed.
2006-06-09 11:40:14 UTC
It's all a state of mind. Many folks that seem like stuff just drops into their laps, are probably stressing like the rest of us but aren't letting on.
2006-06-09 05:23:03 UTC
hey iam sunidhi and according to me the person who is born in a wealthy family will live a life one sided but a person who is born in a normal family then he will live the life according to it's style remember money is not everything and there are two sides of a coin .hope u understand what i ment to say
2006-06-09 01:32:39 UTC
Definitely, because not all people has the same luck. The fortune of Pedro is not the same with Juan's.
2006-06-08 18:16:41 UTC
Read all about it in the bible . A book called Ecclesiastes by none other than King Solomon. It is a real comfort for one. You'll agree.
2006-06-11 04:25:21 UTC
The wealth acquired with a knowledge of the proper means and without foul practices will yield virtue and happiness, others not..
2006-06-10 09:54:02 UTC
I Think looks can be decieving. meaning someone who appears to have it easy might only take things in stride better than others. i believe it is a struggle for everyone it just depends on how you accept it.
2006-06-08 21:12:50 UTC
I till you why , because god want that and the aphorism from that to test people , we should thank him for everything , you should know there is nothing perfect .

Finally sorry because my english not very good ,

take care everybody and god bless you.
2006-06-08 19:14:18 UTC
who believe in god and think positive ,they don't really bother about such a matters ,if Ur positive and hard working than u really blessed with good luck and positive response in ur life
2006-06-10 21:36:59 UTC
The Lord made them that way. Those people had teh bad things that happen to them. This may be caused by God testing us, seeing how we react.
2006-06-10 15:37:16 UTC
I don't think that's true for most people. I think people who have high expectations tend to do better than those who don't. I say don't be a victim. As Eleanor Rossevelt once said, " No one can make you feel inferior without your permission." Keep smiling! :)
robbyc de olugallo junior
2006-06-09 08:30:06 UTC
no, blessed with luck??? those people you see as trying hard actually dont,,,they just do hard work instead of working hard hence the difference stop doing hard work and start working hard.
2006-06-09 03:33:59 UTC
Karma ... what goes around comes around ... whether you believe in it or not, it is one of the basic foundations of the universe ... Budhhist or not, another religion or not; Atheist or not; you have Karma -- Good or Bad ... Your choices (and interactions with those around you), ,hel pdetermine the polarity of Karma. Only goodness can reverse bad Karma, just as selfishness will reverse good Karma ...
2006-06-08 17:50:39 UTC
it is not about trying hard....just being smart and seeing opportunity. life is full of it, if you do not see it then hopefully it shall come to you with time as it did with me. I am 37 and the older I get the better I know where to spend my time.
2006-06-08 06:04:34 UTC
i have asked myself that question over and over again. i work 50 hrs aweek. work on a two unit in spare time as well as a house. dont drink or do drugs, treat people as they should be treated and i just dont seem to get the breaks when everyone else does. i dont get it if you find the answer... lol.... let me know. i deserve a break today
2006-06-14 16:51:10 UTC
it's all a matter of perspective. grass is always greener on the other-side of the fence until you spent time to nurture your own lawn.

of course, making the right decisions, smile at people all the time and making people around you happy can make things easier for you in many ways.
2016-05-19 02:43:21 UTC
Do you desire to know one of the reasons typical Law of attractionmaterial does not work for lots of people?Think about it like a diet plan. If you want drop weight and you strive to lose it
Atl Gurl
2006-06-10 18:34:04 UTC
Yes , there are winners and losers in life but thats how you make yourself. you making your own decsions in life determine your outcome, which will either make you a winner or a loser.
Jeanette A
2006-06-10 03:21:36 UTC
It's just that sometimes we need to be inside a dark tunnel to see the light...a way that will make you appreciate the gift when it comes. Prayers, my dear, are very powerful. It will help you keep up the faith while you are in that "tunnel".
2006-06-10 01:49:35 UTC
Not that people are blessed with good luck because they are "lucky" but because they look for it and find it.
Just Asking?!?!
2006-06-09 05:57:59 UTC
Thats life
2006-06-09 05:02:45 UTC
Maybe they deserved it in life before this one, and the others deserved to live harder. I also think that if you are a good person in this life, you will be able to enjoy everything in future life.

I wish you so
2006-06-08 17:36:45 UTC
I really dont know. Maybe things are going well for them that time, but not so luck things will come. Or maybe they have God
2006-06-08 15:36:18 UTC
2006-06-14 06:25:57 UTC
2006-06-14 07:27:34 UTC
are you really reading all of these and fantastic result in your question.

i think it may have something to do with where the planets are when they are born(guess what i am?, an astrologer)

get your natal chart done by a professional astrologer

some people just have all the right planets in all the right places.....
sara s
2006-06-10 09:53:13 UTC
people may seem they have good or bad luck, but it all is based on choices, beliefs and friends. if you make good friends, have good faith, and make choices based on what you know will work best for you. sometimes it feels good to talk to a counselor or even a close friend!!
2006-06-09 16:59:33 UTC
some people make sacrifices more than others to get the good things in life
2006-06-11 08:33:58 UTC
you always have to remember to make your own luck. some people have an easier way of finding it but everyone can get it. just remeber that nothing lasts forever so those who get it easier will eventually run out of it.
2006-06-10 06:16:53 UTC
Good Family back ground,understanding parents & Family,exposure to good education & financial back up

clear vision and most importantly

LUCK you can do any thing in the world.
2006-06-09 13:53:40 UTC
there are good rodes and bad rodes in life...............i guess some people take the good ones that make their whole life easy for them, some people take okay ones where their life is okay, and some people take bad ones where their life is very difficult. thats my guess, hope i help answer your help make your life even easier, you have to be optimistic and try to find the good things in life instead of dwelling on the bad things, many people have good lives and friends because they are optimistic and that is a good character trait.............
2006-06-09 13:04:16 UTC
hard work and honesty and you have to be the best in your field,

if you have these,you will earn trust and it will be your key to success you need to have patience because it will take sometime to be a profit and also there is a saying that * it is not what you do it is the people you know.
2006-06-09 11:31:44 UTC
Thank you so much, I have been wondering this too. I try to do what I feel is right and would benefit me and others around me and never works that way.
2006-06-09 06:15:04 UTC
Things are not how they always look*** You neverknow what hell they may have went through 2 get what they have. And on the real catching hell trying 2 keep it$
2006-06-09 04:26:38 UTC
I think that if you treat people the way you would like to be treated most of them will like you and treat you the same way. A nice, friendly smile helps, but it must be genuine.
2006-06-09 01:55:29 UTC
Apart from what's rightly said in many of the answers above, its also a matter of attitude towards life and your personality i.e. if you are friendly and optimiistic, life seems good and vice versa..............
2006-06-09 01:38:20 UTC
it has direct relations with ur deeds,those who u talked about has done good deeds in the present birth or in the past life,where as future has nothing to do with this,so better do good in the present u too can enjoy the benifits u r looking for.
2006-06-08 21:59:04 UTC
they may not be the real winners but if u one is not happy with what he/she has got then i can say one thing surely about them, that they r the losers. be happy with what u have got. everything in this world are wonderful only if u start to adore them.............
2006-06-10 21:20:35 UTC
People have there ups and downs. life comes in cycles. It reminds me when I was a boy. I told my father one day that I wish I was in this man shoes that we knew. He had everything. He was filthy rich. He was nice looking . My dad turned around and told me be carefull what you wish for. That man has H.I.V. and hes going to die in one year.
2006-06-10 15:32:34 UTC
Maybe they know how to get on really well on in life, and know how to find the easiest way to get good things.
Just Me
2006-06-10 13:12:14 UTC
I believe life isn't fair. Some of us really struggle. That's all I can say. Sometimes it sucks.
2006-06-09 19:06:50 UTC
You got lots an lots of really great replies. I'm glad I don't have to choose the best one. I hope you are encouraged!

You folks answering this question are GREAT!
Busy Lady 2010
2006-06-09 14:38:24 UTC
I know several people who have worked hard and died poor. It's what we have inside our hearts that will live on forever. Everyday brings a new challenge.
giddy up gal
2006-06-09 10:14:20 UTC
Attitude! Everyone is handed good and bad things in life. It's what you do with what you are dealt that really matters.
2006-06-09 10:08:11 UTC
Those are usually the people who have a good outlook/ positive, happy thoughts.

as opposed to us negative pessamistic ones, the are misty-optic, or optimistic all the time.
2006-06-09 00:54:29 UTC
that is me for ya!! u see i git want when i want it. it is cuz my dad has it all. like me i guess i am lucky like i won mis iodil last week and scored a perfect back hand srping and i ushale have a lot of luck with guys i wanted a razer i have it i wanted a labtop as you can see i have that too . well bye
2006-06-08 21:22:15 UTC
I think sometime luck has to do with it.But hard work and determination gets you far in life.
2006-06-08 15:00:54 UTC
most people just seem 2 live better lives than others & that is probably Y half of us seem 2 get the upper hand of those who lives better than we do.
2006-06-11 05:49:57 UTC
they say when God doesnt answer your prayers, he knows you can handle the situation perfectly...

its All your LUCK which makes you either prosperous or takes you to the abyss of destruction.

Nothing is self-inflicted in this world...everything comes on us by the order of Almighty Allah(GOD).

Just pray to Allah to give you mental peace and work towards your goal... dont indulge in bad things...KEEP FAITH IN ALLAH AND EVERYTHING WILL GO WELL IN YOUR LIFE! this is a PROVEN FORMULA!
cutie pie
2006-06-10 13:32:01 UTC
I think it is just the grass is greener always looks like everyone else's life is just so much better, but in truth everyone has their own amounts of trials and tribulations in their lives.
Shh_its me
2006-06-10 01:56:42 UTC
Damned if I know why! Some people are naturally lucky- or blessed, depending on how you call it. I wish I was one of them!
2006-06-10 01:22:34 UTC
WOW my answer would be number 502. .but I dont' want an answer I just wanted to make that comment.. Your gonna have a hard time chosing the best answer.
2006-06-09 21:38:44 UTC
It's Karma.

I have had bad things done to me.

I have done bad things.

I have done great things

and have had great things happen to me.

I don't think it's luck. everything happens for a reason.
2006-06-09 07:31:56 UTC
destiny baby they are a very lucky people but u know this is also their xam

thatis "how they behave in their good time?" if they help others who are needy they ll get their rewards in heaven but if they are not good to others their life after death will be bad
2006-06-09 05:00:51 UTC
im one of the people who get stuff easy but i do struggle with stress as everyone does so i guesse its just the way you go about things
2006-06-09 04:47:44 UTC
Often we are the one that get what we want. If we always tell ourself that things will turn out well. Then we will instill the positive message in our deeper mind or subconscious. So what we think is what we get...
Ms. Spongebob
2006-06-08 16:28:42 UTC
I wouldn't have the slightest idea why some people are lucky..............It seems like everyone around me gets things handed to them, while I struggle, just to survive. I think a lot of it might be because of who you know...............
2006-06-10 14:22:43 UTC
Bad things happen to good people, good things happen to bad people....but the sun shines and the rain falls on all of us.
2006-06-10 05:47:32 UTC
remember, money makes money, and more money. its the connections that you run across if you rise up to certain a level in life that creates opportunities to make more. so keep on doing whatever you do,and you'll get your chance, if you could be the best in what you do.
2006-06-09 22:34:36 UTC
Some people have a LOVING mind and a SMILING face.They do well in life.I am not talking about philosophy or faith.It is a Fact.
2006-06-09 19:23:42 UTC
attitude attitude and attitude Life if what we make it. Take responsibility for yourself.

....Yes I know easier said. Like most things in life we need to practice over and over again to become good at what ever we do.
2006-06-09 10:56:29 UTC
well some ppl grow up lucky well do u try hard and if u keep trying hard ure life will jhave an actual meaning
2006-06-09 08:09:23 UTC
yes this right i just want to say that some people born with god gifted things that way they use this gift and become a successful person in life.
2006-06-09 05:14:25 UTC
Look in order to make it sweet n clear to u, its just that it depends upon the confidence n how lucky a person is in life. accordin to my view, its that most smart people r lucky n always get watever they want. cheer up! is wat i can say as this is the only amount of life u actually have.if u r not satisfied u can contact me for extra detailed info!!!!dont ressist!
2006-06-09 01:45:03 UTC








2006-06-08 17:01:44 UTC
I believe in Karma, Do unto others as you will have them do unto you and life will work out great for you. Oh yeah and make good choices. that's real.
2006-06-08 07:36:57 UTC
well i guess its all a matter of destiny...gud luck bad luck

sum ppl hav to struggle really hard for everythng n sum ppl get thngs easily..
2006-06-09 21:54:27 UTC
Karma, and they learned the right life lessons..See Forrest Gump
2006-06-11 04:45:04 UTC
I think God gave everyone of us 24 portion of luck, distributed it within health, wealth, love, family, children and career....for example.. someone has wealth , children and family...but health is missed. Another one is given health , love, family, children but wealth is missed....etc... Both of them has got 24 portions, but every portion doesn't have the same weight.
vinayak v
2006-06-10 13:13:06 UTC
lady its just their LUCK that takes them through all the good things in life.
2006-06-10 10:38:30 UTC
I think that there is such a thing as luck. But also, when you do good things for people, good things must come around. karma.
2006-06-09 21:07:18 UTC
They have God in their lives. God is the source of every good and perfect gift, but still, God allows bad things to happen, but good Christians don't go all "I wanna die" type. Your turn, God bless.
honest man
2006-06-09 06:58:23 UTC
Make a choice from own strengths, persue during difficult times, never give up so they win
2006-06-08 17:28:57 UTC
Its hard to get things when luck is involved.
2006-06-08 06:21:39 UTC
Always think positive in your life good thing happen to you.
2006-06-11 08:37:14 UTC
ong jon
2006-06-10 20:14:19 UTC
what a great question, you should cosider doing a real study on this and maybe write an article or even a book.. real good question... you have the making of a wise person...
2006-06-10 17:53:59 UTC
Those people also surround themselves with people that will support them and lift them up. Once you start networking and make friends with good people, opportunity will come knocking!
2006-06-10 03:28:11 UTC
Because, they are quick to realise the reality of life.

i.e., Life is short, make it sweet.

I think everything happens according to their destiny, it seems.
2006-06-09 20:54:18 UTC
That's an illusion, Hun, and just a temporary slice of time in someone's life.

For proof, look at Christopher Reeve(Superman) and his wife. 15 years ago they were on top of the world. then, he got paralyzed in a horsing accident, and she died of lung cancer shortly after he died of bedsores.
2006-06-09 00:43:34 UTC
That's just the way things go in life I guess.
2006-06-10 03:54:33 UTC
I believe what goes around comes around. If we make the right decisions and handle ourselves well we will be rewarded in the end
Tina of
2006-06-09 21:01:35 UTC
I don't know but I wish I did, I'm one of the strugglers with bad luck, it would be nice to be able to change it.
2006-06-09 14:36:44 UTC
some people pull off making every thing looking easy cause they are easy going....I was accused of getting everything I wanted and I knew one ever gets everything they want.not even the rich,,,,,,,,look at the tabloids Jen Aniston has money and no hubby
2006-06-09 12:33:00 UTC
oh i know what u mean this one girl i know beat me out for a job, got engaged and married in the same time period as me...and i just found out she won the lottery :( lol.....its like everything just lands in her lap..and when she started working for this construction company they gave her a brand new house...meanwhile me and my husband work our butts off and struggle sometimes.....i guess thats all it is luck.
2006-06-08 20:14:53 UTC
People need to learn the lessons that tough times provide...
2006-06-08 14:22:44 UTC
It karma baby. karma can kick you in the a*ss or it can hand you the world. Life is what you make it. so if your doing mean and dumb things karma will be waiting around the corner.

Believe me i making up for a wopper.
2006-06-08 06:33:49 UTC
Cos if you carry a smile, then good things come to see what your smiling about and bad things know they can't get in your way!
2006-06-10 08:28:44 UTC
My thinking is , that because I know that God has planned my steps, I can really relax and see everything that He allows to happen to me. You BEGIN to look for the good things. If you EXPECT bad things, that's what you get.. CHANGE YOUR THINKING PATTERNS TO POSITIVE!!!!!!
2006-06-09 23:29:58 UTC
some people are motivated and there for they do well. and some people just really don't care. but i think you get out of life what you put in it
Tae Kwon
2006-06-09 13:26:50 UTC
All that glitters "ain't" gold, You're on the outside looking in. Their life might not be all guns and roses.
2006-06-09 06:59:38 UTC
Just accept things the way they are and not the way you think theu should be then life will be a breeze.
2006-06-14 13:33:43 UTC
It is written that some are haves and some are have-nots and no amount of begging (praying) will change that. Just be thankful that it is not worst because it can be you know.
2006-06-09 23:47:17 UTC
the day u start believing you are one of those guys.. it will come to you too.. your subconscious (sp?) has more powers than u think it does.. when u think u can.. u will..

i tried it and it workds trust me on that one.. and i have had my share of down falls.. dont think of it as bad luck .. take things and your hands and make it work..
2006-06-09 20:08:48 UTC
Life is what you make of it. and sometimes things need to go bad to see the good. you've got suport for what ever come your way, just look.
Dash F
2006-06-09 16:44:20 UTC
Everyone that do well in life because most are really stupid but not all.They that there popular and try to control your mind.There so powerful that they want to control the weak one and one that are stronger.So they can prove that they can be bettr that you.
2006-06-09 10:35:44 UTC
Spectacular question! I don't know. It isn't luck, because I don't believe luck exists. But it is curious!
angel me
2006-06-09 04:46:39 UTC
i think it is because of pessimism that it happens to suceed in life u need confidence and a positive attitude. that will accomplish everything in life if u have steadfast faith and perseverance . everytthing is possible
2006-06-08 16:21:14 UTC
I think it all has to do with self esteem... If you trully believe your a winner, you'll have better "luck"
2006-06-10 03:49:17 UTC
Success in life doesnt measure happiness. We all have our ups and downs no matter where we stand in society.
2006-06-09 21:59:03 UTC
it doent seems that you have bad luck its all depends on your planets how they are working. my thougts are you cant get much then your luck, if it is written in your luck that you will get this thing in particular time then no one can stop it.

Best of Luck
2006-06-09 21:19:41 UTC
Luck prevails. Only hard work does not pay.
2006-06-09 18:00:41 UTC
It is a combination of hard work, a bright aura, and general good karma.
2006-06-09 12:30:16 UTC
This is because people differ in their ability to decide where their time and effort will be most usefully applied.
2006-06-09 10:17:03 UTC
I wonder if it has to be with how a person is raised, how self-confident they are, their attitude, beliefs (do they believe in God?) and perseverence. I bet it has to do with different things for different people.
2006-06-09 04:58:43 UTC
Its just the difference of our thoughts that how we take life! Life is same as we wana make it.
2006-06-09 00:26:38 UTC
It's because of the quantum-mechanical uncertainty principle. Not everything in this universe is predetermined.
2006-06-08 23:31:15 UTC
its not luck that determines your success,its just your way of looking at things.......there can always be beauty in what other people deem ugly ,& if u keep positive approach ,&have determination and willpower to succeed ,there is no stopping u!!!!!!!!!
2006-06-11 01:59:15 UTC
i really like this question

i think the most important thing is how you treat with others if you feel happy about any thing that happened for your friend and relative.....
2006-06-10 16:59:40 UTC
it is their visualization of life...if u visualize a bad and poor life that is u will have but if u think about nice and good things it is for sure u will have them
2006-06-10 11:35:38 UTC
because some people think more positivly then you really don't know what those people had to do to get the things they have or how much debt they are in.
2006-06-10 08:46:14 UTC
well to be honest it all depends on the man upstairs and the way treat people.there is an old saying when u give u will received.
2006-06-10 00:14:18 UTC
I feel god luck and bad luck comes out of what we do. use your brain more you'll be more lucky.It's all in the brain and I don't mean intelligent but I mean clever.
2006-06-09 16:04:39 UTC
Probably cuz they're rich and/or educated. The rest of us are working out butts off.
2006-06-09 06:04:51 UTC
i think that you should be optimistic to succeed in life.if you always think about negative thoughts in your your life,it will be less likely that you will suceed.there should also be peole who support you and always make sure sure that you are okay like your friends and familiy.also,we should always be happy and we should always look at the brighter side of problems.they are there as obstacles to test us.
2006-06-08 19:56:46 UTC
That's life. That's the way the cookie crumbles.
2006-06-12 17:00:06 UTC
people get out of life what they put in and people manifest what they think so you harp on Negative things thats the energy you will get
Mike V
2006-06-10 08:49:01 UTC
They are the one who thinks first for friends then themselves.They care about everyone's feelings. They are nice,kind, and forgiving
2006-06-09 18:53:36 UTC
its a combination of many things, luck, good and wise choices U make....and a head on your shoulders, that also helps..
2006-06-09 12:35:12 UTC
They are well connected with wealthy and influential friends and,or members of Freemasonic lodges, hehe.
2006-06-09 11:55:16 UTC
it might be their attitude in life.

even if same things happen, it might seem

easier for some because of their laid back attitude.

and if they get promotions and stuff, it might be

because they were friendly and thus favorites of the

boss. something to think about, eh?
2006-06-09 09:53:14 UTC
i believe that's just the way life is. it's good for some of us and crap for others i haven't yet figured out if u can change the course of one's good fortune or bad fortune.
2006-06-09 08:58:40 UTC
My brother looks at me like that. In truth, I work my butt off for what I have, he just doesn't see that part of my life.
2006-06-09 05:27:35 UTC
if ppl do have bad luck then im sure as hell one of em, straight c's, im moving and i got a lot of friends now, and my friend gets everything easy, so ya id say so
2006-06-09 04:20:13 UTC
Just awesomely blessed!
2006-06-08 20:19:43 UTC
i think some people are just really lucky. Good things come to those that wait thro.
2006-06-08 14:45:36 UTC
well if everything was easy easy wouldnt it be borein im 1 unlucky girl but i keep plotin on i belive it will happen 1 day
kevin j
2006-06-08 18:28:20 UTC
lady luck plays a important role my dear
2006-06-10 17:00:30 UTC
Somepeople have secret struggles that they hide very well...or sometimes refuse to even acknowledge.
mays t
2006-06-10 14:44:22 UTC
coz they are lucky or maybe coz they know how to deal with any small detail in their life that fases them and jump upon obstackles with less possible harm
2006-06-10 06:06:13 UTC
State of mind - Definite purpose. What the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.
kylee y
2006-06-10 05:57:50 UTC
well i think that everybody has there good days and there bad day.but in the end we all get what we want and for people who get what they want for nothing they will wake up when they are brats and have no friends.
2006-06-10 02:34:55 UTC
Some people have more jam than hartleys, guess some people are born lucky.
2006-06-09 19:36:45 UTC
It's what we choose in the life before this. It depends on what "lesson" we need to learn.
2006-06-09 15:42:26 UTC
2006-06-08 23:14:28 UTC
I somehow don't agree with you. Also that they don't try hard or there is a luck.
2006-06-08 21:10:01 UTC
Honey, we pay our way in life thru life ....with our hearts. I usually answer a long answer...but this i shall keep concise. Be Well ~
Fingerz T
2006-06-08 14:17:58 UTC
its not a question of luck... it's a question of taking control of your life and managing yourself correctly to achieve your goals. set your goals realistically and improve them further as you achieve them. make your environment a product of you, do not become a product of your environment
2006-06-13 00:17:38 UTC
Do you think that my user lookup in neopets is cool? the address is there below?




plz wait for the music and graphics to load...
2006-06-10 19:41:33 UTC
You poor thing, how can you possibly read all 664 answers? Pick a best answer!
2006-06-10 16:06:27 UTC
well, these people are usually good people (i. e. morals) and find good things that they like to do and that usually make them prosperous. they dont really worry about many things, but worry about being happy.
2006-06-10 13:42:19 UTC
this is probably mostly perception and how you see things, but if want to be "lucky" just always be optimisic, keep your eyes open for any opportunities, and don't be afraid to take some risks
Jodi W
2006-06-10 11:27:52 UTC
I don't have an answer for you, but I was just wondering the same thing.
2006-06-10 00:39:48 UTC
Appearances are misleading -- this is a question that probably will only be answered totally in eternity.
Kiss my Putt!
2006-06-09 17:06:47 UTC
because the Good Lord knows they're too wimpy to handle adversity....usually they are the weakest in character of the human race....
2006-06-09 15:55:09 UTC
It is not always choices, I disagree!!! Some people get spat on every turn. It happens to me, trust me!!

Some people are just charmed...the rest of us or average. :(
2006-06-08 18:47:20 UTC
What you make of life is up to you.

You create your opportunities with what you've got.

Either you capitilise on it or you waste it...

We control our own destiny.
2006-06-08 15:12:10 UTC
they are butts. i for instance have the no luck life. so, i admire those people with the good luck.

like there is guy i like

but i think he likes someone else

so yeah
2006-06-10 16:39:21 UTC
You know I feel the same way.... I just keep praying and see all that happens to me as good...
2006-06-10 10:13:57 UTC
well the main reason for good or bad destiny i believe is the law of karma! as u sow u reap!
2006-06-10 04:22:30 UTC
i feel the same way sometimes but they say everyone has there share of problems, they just don't seem to show it good question tho
2006-06-09 16:50:21 UTC
its just that they have high self esteem and doesn't let anyone bring them down they look forward and u should also look forward in life to accomplish many things in your life.
Christina A
2006-06-09 13:40:03 UTC
Just pure luck.
Makarand Chitnis
2006-06-08 21:12:16 UTC
there should not be any 'why' in your question but 'how' because every one is born with unique DNA -RNA sequence with pros and cons - and who understand it properly at any moment of life - goes to the top .
2006-06-08 20:21:08 UTC
maybe its just they find a way to let the past be the past and always hold their head high maybe even think im the best i can bee and no one can stop me
2006-06-08 19:21:02 UTC
Some are just blessed I guess.
2006-06-10 12:19:12 UTC
while i do think that luck has something to do with it, i think the socioeconomic environment that they grew up in is going to affect their choices and chances in life.
2006-06-09 14:46:48 UTC
Its fate , destiny & lot .. no one can change it .. But every one can deal with it .

my advice is : never stop here .

just doing what you have to do ..

success need one right question & dealing with answers step by step .

failure need ton of questions .. & another ton , & another . . without doing any thing ..
2006-06-09 12:11:41 UTC
Its just the draw of the cards
2006-06-09 05:36:20 UTC
its all about attitude. things happen what are you gonna do get depressed and give up or glue on a smile and barrel through?
2006-06-08 15:15:50 UTC
The choices you make dictate the life you lead...
2006-06-10 20:00:15 UTC
probably ~ because some people are nice to eachother.and the others who aren't-don't get rewarded with something good.
2006-06-09 16:45:33 UTC
Morality leads to better "luck".
2006-06-09 01:48:43 UTC
luck doesnt matters,only the chance matters,one who uses the chances he will succeed.ok
2006-06-08 18:10:50 UTC
Your question got picked as a Featured Question, so I guess that you are just lucky!
2006-06-08 14:36:36 UTC
Some is due to their attitude and a lot is due to plain 'ol "luck".
2006-06-14 11:26:05 UTC
Karma, they must have been like mother Theresa in a previous life...
2006-06-09 16:19:21 UTC
because life is unfair;

most likely if u r born poor ---> Die poor no matter how much u kill urself to prove the contrary
caroline j
2006-06-11 07:05:27 UTC
To get along well in life,I believe, you have to be confident

and maintain disicipline. Also, believe in yourself.
2006-06-10 17:12:48 UTC
Luck. End of.
Zetta Girl
2006-06-09 21:29:11 UTC
It's just luck--life's not fair
2006-06-08 22:12:54 UTC
it might seem that way but some work extra hard to get were they are and i feel carma helps too
2006-06-11 08:52:21 UTC
Well maybe that person has faith in God and prays to God for help and thanks Him for the many blessings he may be blessed. Did you ever think of that?
2006-06-10 19:30:02 UTC
Believe in yourself and believe in God. Nobody has a straight graph of their lives.
2006-06-10 12:26:43 UTC
its just the game of life... like forrest gump's mamma said "life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get."
Brando Commando!!
2006-06-10 04:55:28 UTC
because they either are lucky...or they are somewhat of a "teachers pet" to work, and somebody has to give them a break from being so close to the "teacher"
2006-06-09 13:37:28 UTC
the ppl who dont have barely anything bad happen to them r the ppl that will have the least experience in life and love... sumnday one of those ppl will ask u 4 help or advica and u will know exactly wat to do from experience.
2006-06-08 18:23:54 UTC
it just seems like they do have it better. you don't really know what peps go through,when you're not looking. but it's God that gives you favor , ask Him and wait, time well tell.
2006-06-08 18:16:58 UTC
well basically... it's a person's fate... each and everyperson is born with their own road, fate and dreams.... these are the things that are impossible to change in life...
2006-06-08 16:41:02 UTC
i think because some people make really good choices and then for that they get somthing in return.
2006-06-10 09:36:18 UTC
all you have to do is know the secret and you can have everything come to you easily too.
2006-06-10 22:38:13 UTC
cuz some ppl think negetive thoughts and negitive things happen to them
2006-06-10 20:36:34 UTC
it's all a part of life
2006-06-10 12:42:43 UTC
Great question. I enjoyed reading all the answers. Thanks for bringing a little light into my life when I needed it!
2006-06-09 03:35:15 UTC
we call thıs luck there ıs no explan dear somethımes we are luck or not just thıs
Robert G
2006-06-09 01:27:06 UTC
It is the way we think, We think are reality, be it good or bad, Thought produced Matter...
NASCAR fan 8_17_20_99
2006-06-10 19:49:23 UTC
if yer asking this, you must be a real LOO-HOO-HOO-ZER!!!!!!!

NO, im just kidding. Dont you just hate those people? I sure do. They are the Jones's. Everything they do, they are good at!
2006-06-10 12:59:47 UTC
The grass is always greener on the other side.
2006-06-11 08:57:43 UTC
i know exactly what u mean! but don't worry, just hang in there and keep on fighting. eventually things will HAVE to change!
2006-06-10 01:41:41 UTC
it all happen of the timing they take decision. thats all matters..

Most successfull people take decision on right time or with the stream...
2006-06-09 19:37:45 UTC
they r born out of well to do families.
jeff d
2006-06-09 10:14:04 UTC
i think that if you feel what you have some thing in your life and you feel it with your heart you will have ever thing you want in life
2006-06-10 18:11:06 UTC
why is it some people get on YAHOO ANSWERS FEATURED QUESTION,and find 700 answers?


2006-06-10 02:54:55 UTC
The answer is blowing in the wind.
2006-06-10 02:21:07 UTC
Bcs. they have taken birth with golden spoon in their mouth.
2006-06-09 22:49:41 UTC
Because the other 99.95 percent sit around wondering how we do it.
The Good Humor Man
2006-06-08 17:14:04 UTC
Good Karma! You get back what you put out!
2006-06-11 08:05:51 UTC
Probably they are very true to themselves and do what they want and don't pretend to be anything else.
2006-06-11 00:05:30 UTC
It just depends on what road you take, there are millions of dif. roads to take and the ones you choose depends on where you wnd up....
texas boy
2006-06-10 05:21:37 UTC
good question im 19 and make 48k a year go figure i dont know why i think its all about who you know
kimberly k
2006-06-09 18:54:33 UTC
It comes down to who prays, trusts in God, and continues to have faith even when stuff ain't going right....
2006-06-09 04:59:24 UTC
nothing like luck, it's all fate . believe in faith and everything will fall into place as you want it to be like.
2006-06-08 21:32:23 UTC
It all boil down to LUCK!!!

Good luck
2006-06-09 05:59:43 UTC
Oh you mean people like mee
2006-06-10 23:00:28 UTC
You are probably being punished or rewarded for your past lives.
jonas sister
2006-06-10 13:27:22 UTC
May be they have good luck?
2006-06-09 21:31:05 UTC
I don't know maybe because othas are supa weird and otas lyke it
2006-06-10 13:44:25 UTC
Its just luck.
2006-06-09 19:21:27 UTC
Confidence is key
2006-06-09 11:33:39 UTC
I sure wished I could figure that one out myself.
2006-06-08 16:23:03 UTC
in some cases it is just luck i guess
gabriel b
2006-06-11 09:54:00 UTC
because god created us just to amuse himself until he decides to go to another part of the universe and create another race who thinks they r the only ones in this big universe
2006-06-10 05:15:12 UTC
Maybe its their good luck.
Rose M
2006-06-09 19:01:03 UTC
Is your last name reveria or however you spell it and you go to st. rita cause i do
Jezabel the annoyed cat
2006-06-08 23:23:11 UTC
i know people like that it just depends on who you know in life.
2006-06-08 21:18:57 UTC
Simple ... because they expect it! It's all attitude, and it takes persistent practice!
2006-06-08 18:01:34 UTC
i really don't know but alot of the people i know are like down

but sorry i could not answer
2006-06-11 07:40:41 UTC
coz they believe they can do n they hav the power of spirit naturally
2006-06-10 17:01:38 UTC
I don't get hurt, I believe in Karma.
2006-06-10 10:52:13 UTC
They make good choices
2006-06-09 07:19:14 UTC
u may see it that way but actually it`s the opposite .......dont worry there will good thing come to u too :)
2006-06-08 17:17:39 UTC
It's not luck.

They found something they are good at and love doing.
jason s
2006-06-08 16:25:13 UTC
they are lucky and probaly everthing was giving 2 them
Big hands Big feet
2006-06-08 14:37:32 UTC
karmic reward. maybe in their last life(s) they did and learned what they were supposed to, so a vacation this time, if you will.
2006-06-09 08:10:09 UTC
sometimes its your outlook on life that makes the difference.
2006-06-09 00:46:58 UTC
i have thought of this question too. couldnt find an answer. if it were fair everyone would be well off.
2006-06-08 19:28:13 UTC
beacuse there usaully have a happy life
2006-06-09 06:27:43 UTC
Karma and upbringing.

also, don't overlook their outlook on life. you know, optimism and pessimism
2006-06-10 19:52:05 UTC
I believe it depends on how you live your life:

How your brought up;

And you manage your money
Tory H
2006-06-10 18:10:01 UTC
no clue im not one of those ppl life keeps throughing hard balls at me it sucks!!!
2006-06-10 17:23:53 UTC
just a period in their lifetime with luck
2006-06-10 11:30:38 UTC
good thinking of your answer how could someone find one like that
2006-06-10 05:59:50 UTC
people are just confident they will do great and focus and it comes true
2006-06-10 05:44:35 UTC
it's how things are in life
2006-06-09 15:30:48 UTC
I wish I knew... I hate those people...obviously I am not one of them...
2006-06-09 15:24:14 UTC
Because God only gives you what you can handle
2006-06-09 13:42:33 UTC
Well its just luck i guess.
2006-06-09 07:07:08 UTC
i guess a major factor is destiny and also how we make our choices. positive attitude is also one big helper.
2006-06-08 14:26:34 UTC
all the good and probably correct answers are up here already! kudos & ditto!
Sun Mix
2006-06-08 06:05:44 UTC
yah man,,

& also the faith in god, which bless them all the very best into their lifes...
2006-06-14 07:38:45 UTC
Luck of the draw I suppose
2006-06-10 21:42:34 UTC
perhaps, they just have their luck by their side!! or perhaps, they just deserve it!!

what's point discussing it?? it never happens wid d honest ones!!
2006-06-10 14:52:35 UTC
its just pure luck....and wow, look how many ppl answered ur question
A muslim
2006-06-09 21:08:28 UTC
its a trial for those people from Allah the Almighty.
2006-06-09 17:34:18 UTC
It is all a matter of luck...and karma.
2006-06-08 21:32:00 UTC
God's favor is not fair
unknown u
2006-06-11 00:10:26 UTC
in stead of wondering such things we should all be doing our best. we would all be rewarded i believe.
2006-06-10 06:43:02 UTC
They probably had a good childhood.
Danica O
2006-06-09 12:15:28 UTC
Look.....That is maybe truth,but.....All of us have a good times and bad times......No one is always on the top of the world......That is truth.......
2006-06-09 08:39:11 UTC
I think its the way you are brought up..either functional or disfunctional...
2006-06-09 06:10:59 UTC
I think is luck!
2006-06-09 03:58:10 UTC
karma be good get good .give give give and mean it ,,the ppl you refer to also have dowsides you just don't see or they don't tell
anna c
2006-06-08 15:08:42 UTC
it's not luck. luck doesnt exist. it's probability
2006-06-09 07:59:44 UTC
people born to succed
2006-06-08 23:08:55 UTC
just because of luck.
2006-06-08 21:11:38 UTC
Maybe you should try prayer, it works for me.
2006-06-11 03:48:57 UTC
yes i believe that is the case
2006-06-10 03:39:16 UTC
its because the person is good, so he/she gets good things
Manu Nair
2006-06-09 23:15:41 UTC
Be a believer in karma and rebirth....
2006-06-09 12:09:36 UTC
I think it has to do with destiny. Everything is predestined. If it's meant to be.... it will be.
2006-06-09 08:42:42 UTC
2006-06-09 08:20:02 UTC
It's just dumb luck
Suzy Suzee Sue
2006-06-09 04:26:04 UTC
I don't know maybe they are just white? Just kidding. I don't know, really.
Lady Poise
2006-06-08 21:51:42 UTC
depends on your karma...but luck changes from time to time...
2006-06-08 20:31:01 UTC
It's just because they are very lucky.
2006-06-08 18:33:56 UTC
heroes create circumstances

circumstances create heroes
2006-06-11 08:54:18 UTC
they probably were spoiled and got everything they wanted so don't freak out
insert Password
2006-06-10 09:42:46 UTC
560 answers! we all die soner or later dose it really matter
Alag N
2006-06-09 11:14:12 UTC
it is the permutation combination of life.
Rev. MoonPie
2006-06-08 17:45:07 UTC
They were born that way.
2006-06-08 22:30:03 UTC
Yes if they know god then we good
2006-06-14 16:59:24 UTC
because some people are lucky
2006-06-09 19:04:12 UTC
its all about belief, or if you doubt if you believe that you will come to all things with ease, hole hearted and with out will be........or if you re always doubting your self.....
tropica panama
2006-06-08 14:18:37 UTC
becouse there are white black people have to suffer longer
stephanie k
2006-06-09 20:08:24 UTC
wow... i really wish i knew the answer to that... i'd be hell of alot happier in life.....
2006-06-09 18:42:18 UTC
Man will always be slave of "Luck".
2006-06-10 04:30:36 UTC
u can do that too if u r positive always
♥ Lisa♥
2006-06-09 17:59:17 UTC
wish i knew
2006-06-09 08:41:27 UTC
good luck, good karma, intelligence, money perhaps?
2006-06-11 10:04:28 UTC
it depends on the person because other are raised different
Stoned Bosco
2006-06-10 19:25:20 UTC
it just happens lat that
J norm
2006-06-10 12:44:37 UTC
I dont know
2006-06-10 06:43:55 UTC
My sis say's it's all in your mind!!! If you choose it you will do it!!!! I disagree!!! But whatever!
2006-06-10 05:35:59 UTC
because god has touch their heart and life
2006-06-09 16:16:13 UTC
luck my dear friend. luck.
2006-06-08 17:50:18 UTC
That is their credit card is such.
2006-06-09 11:14:17 UTC
2006-06-09 01:54:49 UTC
2006-06-08 18:40:00 UTC
cuz they are smart and the poor ones are idiots
2006-06-10 15:32:33 UTC
some people are just 'lucky'
2006-06-09 13:28:26 UTC
i dont know why, but i hate those people so much!
2006-06-09 10:39:59 UTC
It's karma.
jagan n
2006-06-09 01:56:23 UTC
it's luck
2006-06-08 15:43:57 UTC
its luck
Lone Günman
2006-06-10 15:40:21 UTC's everything!
2006-06-09 14:54:28 UTC
they probably have lots of money, but no happiness.
2006-06-09 04:54:35 UTC
its all about attitude. positive attitude will get you everywhere
2006-06-14 07:48:13 UTC
its caled LUCK gal
evil devil
2006-06-09 22:49:00 UTC
because there fate is lucky
2006-06-09 16:02:40 UTC
They have faith and hope in their hearts...hope that helped.
2006-06-09 11:17:53 UTC
live would not be hard if you trust god
2006-06-09 07:45:10 UTC
2006-06-08 17:37:53 UTC
becuase those people think their better
2006-06-08 15:00:26 UTC
2006-06-08 14:52:52 UTC
we are all different and happiness happiness has its own ways!
2006-06-09 23:13:23 UTC
i think it's all in what you expect, and how thankful you are for what you have
2006-06-10 17:22:40 UTC
caus there lucky
2006-06-09 17:27:34 UTC
One word. They are RECEPTIVE.
2006-06-09 14:04:17 UTC
luck, all luck
2006-06-09 11:15:55 UTC
well not everyone can be as cool as me
2006-06-11 18:36:28 UTC
God bless you- i don't know!
2006-06-10 10:44:49 UTC
their called brown-nosers and *** kissers...
anak sendu
2006-06-09 19:25:41 UTC
it's just sheer dumb luck!
2006-06-09 15:21:50 UTC
born with it!?
2006-06-09 09:49:23 UTC
2006-06-09 02:47:03 UTC
good travel so good journey.
2006-06-10 12:57:55 UTC
Because there LUCKY!!!
2006-06-10 12:52:25 UTC
2006-06-10 09:44:36 UTC
2006-06-09 17:41:45 UTC
because c'est la vie.

that is all.
2006-06-09 17:22:39 UTC
yep they're just lucky.
american citizen
2006-06-09 12:32:37 UTC
some people are just blessed by the lord for his own glory and others are not wat they seem
2006-06-09 10:32:18 UTC
they are positive.
Thomas B
2006-06-14 20:40:35 UTC
they expect it to happen.. attitude, positive, etc..
2006-06-10 18:50:09 UTC
That is something that you should pray about.
peaceandlove. ♥
2006-06-09 09:37:34 UTC
cause their daddy is rich!
2006-06-09 00:41:19 UTC
life can be hard!!!
2006-06-10 08:17:51 UTC
2006-06-09 21:28:33 UTC
that is fate! Do you thing so?
2006-06-09 19:29:36 UTC
it is not luk - its God's plan
j ♥ f
2006-06-09 19:01:06 UTC
level of contentment.....
A Sorta Fairytale
2006-06-08 16:05:00 UTC
Have u heard of karma?... well, that's that...
Peace, love and SUBWAY!!!!!!!!!!
2006-06-09 11:07:49 UTC
i dont know
2006-06-09 04:50:56 UTC
because they're blonde
2006-06-08 19:25:18 UTC




Why would you expect it to be any other way?

Nature isn't fair.
young guy
2006-06-10 02:28:59 UTC
because they are lucky.
2006-06-09 16:51:02 UTC
i think it has to do with Karma, whatever you put out comes back to you,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2006-06-09 08:18:28 UTC
they are just so damn lucky
2006-06-10 14:29:03 UTC
it's all chance
Katherine Dawson
2006-06-10 09:39:57 UTC
its all about mentailty
2006-06-09 15:17:21 UTC
I don't know.
American Superman
2006-06-08 15:53:40 UTC
not me
2006-06-10 01:10:27 UTC
god knows
2006-06-09 14:59:03 UTC
2006-06-10 12:05:20 UTC
not sure
2006-06-09 00:35:50 UTC
dont remind me!!!
2006-06-11 08:23:02 UTC
2006-06-09 21:37:52 UTC
2006-06-08 16:34:46 UTC
ya know what... i don't know
stacey b
2006-06-10 21:15:32 UTC
2006-06-09 21:19:37 UTC
it is because they love each other get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2006-06-10 14:12:02 UTC
2006-06-10 11:26:56 UTC
because the father above intended them to do so...... duh!
2006-06-09 15:50:17 UTC
FATE !....................
2006-06-11 06:55:42 UTC
it does seem like some people just have bad luck. But, I think it comes down to choices people make in their lives. People make choices, and choices make people.

things balance out in time. One life lead isn't better than another and the grass isn't greener. Just because you don't know what might be wrong with their life, before

i have asked myself that question over and over again. i work 50 hrs aweek. work on a two unit in spare time as well as a house. dont drink or do drugs, treat people as they should be treated and i just dont seem to get the breaks when everyone else does. i dont get it if you find the answer... lol.... let me know. i deserve a break tod I figure its your outlook on life. Even if it does seem like you are constantly being knocked down, the idea is to feel blessed with what you have got and accept everything else as a challenge. Those who do seem to have it easy probably don't have as easy as it looks. They are just better at hiding how they feel about thier life. And don't complain anywhere near as much as other people about the **** stuff that does happens.

Don't judge peole by what u see from outside. Yu never know what's going inside them. Actually a person's sucess depends on his peace of mind and satisfaction levels which can't be sensed by outsiders.

Because they are living in spiritual awareness and have learned how to manifest. Read Wayne Dyer or Deepak Chopra, then practice if you are having a difficult time.

I believe it is a matter of perception. The person next to you may appear to have everything in the world and could seem so lucky; but they may be feeling down and out and that they never get a break in life. I think it is just a matter of what you think is "good things" and doing "really well".

Is the glass half full or half empty?

yah man,,

& also the faith in god, which bless them all the very best into their lifes... The key i think is not sweating the small stuff and not letting things bother you that you have no control over.

Everyone struggles at some point.

Even the rich and beautiful ( which i am neither by the way) have problems.

Its all about going about your day trying not to let the small stuff bother you.

I try to laugh the tough stuff away

People look at me weird sometimes but it works. It is only appearances. Being famous is supposed to be successful and look at the mess many of these celebrities are in.

Good things come if you keep a simple eye and don't envy what other people have got.

Be happy with your lot. Who says they get on really well in life, they may have problems that you do not know about, every one has troubles in life, some people may have more than others but that's just life.

I think it's not that some people are having an easy ride and others struggle, I think it's the fact that bad things usually happen all at once and it may seem like only bad things come to people. I believe that life is really like a roller-coaster: sometimes it's up sometimes it's down. Even unlucky people get good things in life, and those that are always lucky get some bad things in life. Just think about Kylie Minogue, she's had lots of good things in her life: fame, fortune, good looks, friends, excitement and then she got breast cancer! How awful is that! I'd rather have my boring 9-5 life than go through a life threatening illness. its all about choices and lifestyle that people have. its about adapting who you are to what you want in life. you have to link your skills to a particular job then you will have the job that gives you satisfaction (personal happiness and self esteem), you will probably be more successfull at that job because it utilises your skills (more money than if you were in a job not suited to you), making appropriate friends and understand the consequences of things.

my favourite mantra is 'fail to plan and you plan to fail', everything is about choice and forward thinking, theres no such thing as lucky or unlucky people. its also about being internally driven rather than externally driven, ie doing or feeling things because people around you expect it. God blesses the just as well as the unjust! He has mercy on whom he will. Some people works very hard to get what they have while others try to get by the easy way. Some people likes to free load off of anybody that they can. Many people don't try to use the brain, energy, common sense and intelligence that he has given them. Life is what you make it. You can make it good or you can make it bad. In this world we can be whatever we want to be whether we be successful with it or not. Where there is a will there is a way!! Always think positive in your life good thing happen to you. Cos if you carry a smile, then good things come to see what your smiling about and bad things know they can't get in your way!

well i guess its all a matter of destiny...gud luck bad luck

sum ppl hav to struggle really hard for everythng n sum ppl get thngs easily.. I belive good things happen when you have a positive outlook on life its like the age old adage "is the glass half full or half empty" if your a half full person with a good positive mental attitude good things will be drawn to some people are just luckier then others...fair noway...fact yes...why cause there have to be few winners and tons of losers thats just how the world certain people are born wealthy in nice homes....the hilton sisters lucky yes..did they do something to deserve that i dont think so ..and same way millions of people are born in africa with aids...and poverty full of diseases...there own fault no one bit...beautiful smart kids just with no luck on there side..sadlyy!

its not a question of luck... it's a question of taking control of your life and managing yourself correctly to achieve your goals. set your goals realistically and improve them further as you achieve them. make your environment a product of you, do not become a product of your environment

Maybe bcuz they're born that way. Like paris hilton 4 example. If not it may seem like they are but they really do have 2 work 2 get where they are. becouse there are white black people have to suffer longer Do you listen to your parents and your teachers and follow their advise or do you go your own way. The people who go their own way seem to struggle more. The ones who budget their time well and go with the flow seem to do the best and have the best in life.

You have to play it smart. Work the established system, don't fight it. Treat people with respect and learn to laugh at yourself, then you will do well. Yes, to a certain extent, I think some people are more lucky than others, but the wise person makes their own luck, strives to succeed, and enjoys the journey. I think the main difference is attitude. All too often, I see the strugglers bitter about their lot in life, and the winners happy with what they have and where they are going. Perhaps we make our own luck. The difference is, some people recognize a good thing when they see it, and others find excuses why good things are not good things. In fact, all success involves a great amount of work, and most are not willing to invest the effort...they want it handed to them and are unhappy that it doesn't happen.

I think we choose, before our souls come here, how much we want to learn WHILE we're here. People who 'have it rough'...wanted it that way. They wanted to experience heartbreak and sorrow, pain and disappointment, struggle and strife... so that they would be more capable of appreciating how wonderful things are wherever it is that our souls come from. And those of us who seem to 'coast' through life... they wanted a safe way to experience existence as a being with a body. Think of it as a human amusement park ride for the soul... some of us ride the merry-go-round... and others get on the big coaster. It all depends on how much you really wanted to learn when you decided to experience a physical existence. So... you can feel sorry for the orphaned refugee and jealous of Paris Hilton... but the truth is... in the end... the orphaned refugee is really the far more advanced soul.

It karma baby. karma can kick you in the a*ss or it can hand you the world. Life is what you make it. so if your doing mean and dumb things karma will be waiting around the corner all the good and probably correct answers are up here already! kudos & ditto! And he IS a lucky sonofagun! Also, I have known people that always expected the worst in everything, that were always just waiting for life to take the next crap on their head, and I think they draw bad things. people just might have been taught good life habits from the start (like attend school, dont use drugs,eat healthy ect)

luck might have a small part in it, but not all the time though. It is my opinion that some people friend the right people or at the right place at times, others just have to work hard which helps them to become strong and appreciate what they achieve more.

You would be suprised at how from the outside some people look like they lead seemingly charmed lives, but underneath their lives are anything but. From my experience, life takes a lot of hard work, organization, planning and, when all else fails, trial and error. I think at times in life some people get lucky. Some are born into naturally wealthy families where they will never have to worry about money their entire lives. Some are blessed with extraordinarily good looks and become rich and famous and seemingly loved by all. But I also believe that most good things in life do not come without some sort of price. I think that if you take the time to look a little deeper under the surface of things you may see what I mean. I hope this helps. I like the 'life is what you make of it' answers! In my 63 years of life I have found that there is only one person or entity that is in control of YOUR life. You see him/her every time you look in a mirror. Your life is exactly what 'YOU' make of it and there is no way around that very true and indisputable fact of life.Life is a very long row to hoe. But... unlike hoeing the weeds out of a row of growing vegetables, life doesn't give you a chance to go back and do it over if you don't get it right. You have to get it RIGHT the first time. very true, actually but, everybody goes thro a bad patch in life, so wen it seems that nuthings good ahppenin to me while my neighbour is only laughing all the way could be very sickening sometimes, but, if we ahve our goals set and are determined to succeed, then nobody can stop u from reaping all the happiness that life has to offer.To add to previous replies: from my own observations, some people who have achieved a lot of material wealth (if that's what you're referring to) did so by deviating from established universal moral principles. A person who lies, misleads, violates the law, sometimes betrays, all in the name of becoming richer, may get rich and enjoy themselves. However, the justice will catch up with them later in life... This is just one explanation, but of course, there are many well-off people out there who did not use immoral or illegal methods to get rich. first that person might look like they have that oh so happy fairy tale life but in the inside you really dont know what theyre thinking or whats happened to them throughout the future. i think it depends uopn the person to. if the person is always negative about eveyrhting then there making themselves ave a miserable negative life. if your positive and try your best to keep everything good and peaceful then most likely itll turn out that way. remember that no one but yourself is responsible for your own happiness. if you dont believe in that then think about it really hard, its true.LOOK it seems like that till i saw under The surface of some peoples lives. HERE 4 example was a family every thing perfect. SO it looked to me. AND she had every thing, in life. PERFECT house, the perfect car, the perfect husband. THEN i s tarted to listen to her closely. She had credit cards maxed to the max. SHE had money problems. THERE was stress UNSEEN.SHE lived 4 peoples opinions of her. She loved it, people lover her things. Really was she a happy camper? NO , further more she didn't have the so called perfect marriage either like she made people think. Nothing was as it appeared. SO try not to be jealous or worried or envy others. HA HA HA 9 chances out of 10 they really are worse off then you. MANY are 10 steps From getting fired+ divorce court. AFTER that day i knew i had a OK life. things were kind of Tuff now + then. BUT it made me be thank-ful 4 the good times. TUFF times never last TUFF people do. WHAT ever didn't kill me made me stronger. HANG in there hugs from star. I think this question is really interesting because there are some people who seem to have all the breaks and those who seem to have really bad luck. I think it's a combination of luck, optimism and hard work. A lot of the people who seem to have all the breaks either work really hard for it and we just don't see it or they have some part of their life that's really miserable and we just don't see that. It seems like a lot of financially successful people have really lousy family lives because they've not put much effort into it. Then there are those people who seem to have not much luck but they also have spent their energies in other places, they have spent time and effort working on themselves, or they've got great families, nice friends, and that's where their energies are.Yes there are people like that.I once tried helping a poor family and believe me they had all the attitudes to stay poor.So my money went down the drain and they are poor again.Not to mention they borrowed some more money from others and ran away.

Look within the causes are there and the little voice in the head knows.I have just 4 tips which worked for me and I believe really improved my life my luck and the more I work on them the better things get

1.Spend some time reading a scripture or any other way to focus on admiring noble qualities.

2.Keep your promises in letter and spirit no matter what it takes.

to yourself and others.

3.Have only goodwill for others

4.All things in moderations slow down look for happiness within.

you know i have asked that same question many times. In the bible the phophets also asked GOD you do my enemies prosper while i suffer.

i have worked hard all my life achieved all my goals and was doing very well, yet had nothing to show for it.

now i struggle once again just to make ends meet and basicaly have to start over, all i had and worked for was taken when my ex ran off with another taking everything with her. i feel that we are our own undoing, because we are shy, give of our selves and ask for nothing in return. some will treat us like doormats and use us for their gain. we do not take risks and usually are very honest and sincere people with morals. those who get ahead, mostly but not all gain through corrupt means. still our childhood and upbringing reflect upon our outlook on life. I have seen a child of a single parent strive to better himself and took no bull and gained in life, while another who had been spoiled rotten, or not been given the proper upbringing, turn to drugs, alcohol, or stealing and never acelled in anything. I believe that Family Life plays a big part in how we look at life and it will determine where we go in life, and whether we are ready to step out in faith and take risks or remain in our secure place and live day to day in our comfort zone and avoid getting hurt, rejected used or abused. I have a hobby in astrology and it says his sign (Pisces) will go far without any work effort. For a simple example: he found 2 four-left clovers in one day. For a more realistic example: in high school he would goof around a whole bunch in art and somehow he got chosen to work on a picture model for the school holiday emblem. My ex hardly works really hard in life and simple solutions just happen to fall in his lap.

But compared to my neighbors, no matter hard how they try, just when things start to look good, some bomb blows up in their faces. Take their life into context. They have the crummiest of luck. The guy got his girlfriend pregnant when she was 19 and he's only 3 years older than her so, it doesn't help them any better. Before she got pregnant the family didn't like him. And after the baby was 2 years old they moved from Boston to GA. Ever since then her family has cast her out. Completely ignoring their grandchild. And to make maters worse, he is a foster child with a mother who died from cancer. And now since no one really helps them out that much (and sometimes even if they do) they feel like they will never get out of debt or the dismal place they live in.

So, in my opinion, in a way there are winners and losers in life. But as I see it it is how you make the best of it. Like my neighbors: they should be happy that they have 2 healthy kids (new baby) and are alive and well. For compared to the rest of the world they are the fact that you are asking this question means that you are aware, awake, fully embracing life. And that is as it should be.

Consider this: What is your perspective verses what the perspective is of those who seem to "have great things happen to them"? Have you ever asked them if the things that seem great to you are great to them? Also what is behind the veil of those who seem to have great things....are they inwardly happy? Do they have inner peace? Perhaps, or perhaps not.

Some people are geared with personalities that seem to enjoy the struggle....if nice things happen to them they hardly notice at all, or are happy in their misery. That might seem a strange statement or observation, but ask a person that outwardly struggles with life, or is "trying really hard", what if anything they are doing to change where they are. You might get a blank glare, or an angry remark. Those people are not fully aware. They are not loosers, they are just not aware of the state they are in. It is their drama.

We are all truly blessed - if we eat each day at least three nutricious meals a day, if we can get out of bed, if we do not suffer from a major illness, if we do not have bombs exploding in our back yards, if we have a job, if we have a safe place to sleep each night, and people who truly care about us....then we are truly blessed. We are winners. If we have a heart that beats and a mind that thinks....we are winners.

Perspective is the key, look within, count your blessings, and notice that you are a winner....struggle less....and allow space for more good things. For a river does not run up hill, it does not struggle. some people do have better luck and we really don't see what is going on with some people, they might seem to be okay and have everything but in the end everyone has ups and downs, no matter how much money you have or how famous you are, look at Michael Jackson he had so much and now he said he will never come back to live here and what about Brittney spears she was crying because the paparazzi won't leave her and her kids alone, she looked terrible the last time i saw her picture, they are paying for fame, and think about Donald trump how many divorces has he had?, the ones who have the most do suffer in more ways than we know, just think about this, here you have someone who is poor most of their life and they lose all the money they saved, they can handle it better than a millionaire who losses all their money they can't handle it as well and end up committing suicide, fame, money and luck come with a price, if you won the lotto today you would have so many friends but you would have to be careful, because you don't know if these friend are only friends because you have money you always have to watch your back. if you want to be a winner in life, you must be persistent and never give up but know that problems will never cease, they are part of life without them we would not grow as humans.

2006-06-09 07:20:21 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.