Should I commit suicide?
2009-09-20 22:55:42 UTC
I've been contemplating this decision for awhile, now. Life has lost all meaning for me. My family has cut off ties with me because of my sexual orientation, I have no friends, and my significant other has left me. I feel the urge to slice into my skin when I see my reflection, all skin and bones. I am in my early twenties, jobless, and live alone in a small apartment. I am constantly haunted by memories of memories of past abuse, and medication and so-called professional help has done nothing.
41 answers:
2009-09-20 23:09:14 UTC
I'm not going to get emotion like the rest of the people on here probably will. Because the truth is, i really don't care enough. I will though, give you my opinion. I don't think you should. What you should do is, get a job (part-time if you must), one that you actually might like, maybe a restaurant (not fast food obviously)! Join a community college (full time, NOT online), and use your job's money to pay for it. Once you start making enough money, move out of your family's home. And live in your own home. A really cheap apartment if you must. Continue to work hard at your community college, and then transfer to a actual college. And make a live our of your self. You'll make friends at your job, at community college, and especially at college. Forget your family, if they truly cause that much trouble.
2009-09-22 12:17:40 UTC
All these answers maybe not enough to save a life. None of these people not even I can prevent you from committing suicide you should know. I however believe that if you love yourself enough to care and read my answer your possibilities of living a reasonable and fairly happy full filling life are much more possible than you can imagine. I myself have contemplated the decision. And as a result I think that I have lived a very full life despite the fact that I am only thirteen years old. My older sister told me," suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem." This means that your problems will not last a life time; so why be selfish and take your life when you can turn this whole car around and be in the driver's seat in control of YOUR LIFE?!

This WILL take self esteem, the belief that you are worthy of living, strong will power if you really want to be in control. Talk back to the past memories and let it know that it will not take your life. Think positive. And if you feel like slitting your wrists again think twice if this is what you want to do. Do you want to be like those people who just give up; or, do you want to live the way you deserve to live life? Please think about it and contemplate that instead of contemplating suicide. If you love yourself enough to listen to my answer of truth, please YOU DO MATTER to someone else, to me, and to everyone around you. Remember this that you can do this and YOU can even be an Inspiration to others who ask the question you are asking right now!

Millions of people younger than you have already taken the hand of suicide in trust. Don't be one of them. If I can save a life, so can you.

I love you. and I don't even know you.
2009-09-20 23:12:23 UTC
Again I find myself contemplating this same fate as well. As soon as I thought I had gotten everything together and that everything was going to be okay, perhaps even good, from here on out, everything has seemed to blow up in my face.

I have suffered from depression for as long as I can remember though, and one thing I do know is that things do always get better as long as you fight to hold on to life and not give in to the thoughts that try to convince you to do otherwise.

You just have to keep in mind, things are so bad now, they can't get any worse. That means, things can only get better.

Like I said before, my mind is also filled with suicidal thoughts at the moment, so I really do know exactly how you feel. But this doesn't mean that I would support your decision to end your life. I hate the fact that any other person has to suffer through any type of pain and depression, and I would happily take your pain on for you if it meant that you could wake up tomorrow and feel as good as new. I unfortunately cannot do that though, so all I ask is that you please do not do anything that you may regret. If you want things to get better they will and you will be able to enjoy it better than others because of the pain you have previously suffered. Please, stay strong and don't give up hope. *HUGS*
Like a Date Palm Tree
2009-09-20 23:20:24 UTC
Is those didn't work, then maybe it's not meant to be. You're so young, you've got so much ahead of you to push you through hard times. Don't let a few things bring you down. I was in the exact same position as you except I had no significant other, and I tried to commit suicide. But after a failed attempt I decided to get professional help and I learned that to fight for what you believe should be. Find some way to express your feelings, you might even happen to be a professional at it! Don't give up so easily
2009-09-20 23:11:27 UTC
I am neither a psychologist nor a professional in this aspect but I say you would need some one to talk to.... in person, over phone, or may be through chat... find a reliable person who shares anything with you. As you have Internet handy you can find loads of non profit organisations or communities which can help you.

Trust me...I have undergone the similar state..... for almost 8 months. But now i came out of it. I am normal. I am completely fine. I would be happy to give you much advice as well..

Anyways write to me if you would like to talk discuss more..
The Pain Monkey
2009-09-25 01:34:38 UTC
the fact that you've spent minutes writing this is proof that you don;t really want to, you're just fed up.

it sounds like you have far too much time to sit around feeling sorry for yourself.

so you think you've got it so bad and that your suffering is unbearable?

doubt it - what you need to do is set yourself an achievable challenge.

walk 5miles a day and the stimulation to the brain will pull you out of this pathetic self-pity.

do something for yourself - you are an adult living in the free world, not some destitute homeless kid in a 3rd world country.

be grateful and get off your backside and do something stimulating!
2009-09-22 05:41:33 UTC
I would suggest you to do some yoga and pranayam. It may sound strange and you may think how it is related to this matter. But it will improve positivity, will make you healthy and calm. Keep yourself buzy, do some job, and give some time to your God.

Remember one thing life and death is not in ones hands, u tried to commit suiside 3 times but nothing worked, it is because god wants you to live life, So why not happily dear???

Promise yourself that now you will not think soooo much and just do good for others as well for yourself. Very soon your family will also accept you.


Next time I expect you to drop a ques that how to control my laughter..

Be Happy
2009-09-20 23:09:18 UTC
Don't commit suicide. You will find some meaning in life. At 20 you have a great life ahead. Try to help an animal for which you can afford care. At this sage may be dogs will be too expensive. Keep a pigeon etc. It will give you some diversion. Or join some NGO who can give you work and solace..
2009-09-29 00:13:25 UTC
Ali put it well. I second his opinion.

Take up a challenge--a real one, and you will see life in a different perspective. Check all your problems, work on solution to each one of them. Sexual orientation--is it the people, the food, your freedom, your way of life, surrounding. Curb the problem and move on.

Forget the past, keep busy with the present.
2009-09-20 23:15:24 UTC
Obviously you're going though a very hard time right now and you need to hang in there. Suicide isn't the answer, and no matter how bad things get there's always a reason to keep moving forward. If you hang in there you WILL get through this. I'm so very sorry for your pain, I hope you find peace.

If you can please call a suicide hotline, you can find a number on this site:
No Real Help
2009-09-20 23:16:30 UTC
I really can't say, I do not know what your personal values allow.

I don't encourage or condone the act, but I also cannot tell you what you "should" do with your life; I have no right to do that.

For every reason I could give you not to, you could come up with one to counter it.

It is too bad that you choose to feel the way you do, you could always choose to look at things a different way, but that is obviously not what you want.
2009-09-20 23:09:26 UTC
u try for 3rd way to kill urself !. if not these days if u r living in india u would be lilled by any of disease or road accident very soon, ok.

sorrey I am kidding...

U search to find ur losing life. but whr hw is ur problem

u need good company, until u get read a good book I suggest 'City of Joy', the story of Hellen Keller, Spartacous, any many such....
Just here to help
2009-09-28 15:38:26 UTC
Please don't give up on life, I can promise you it will get better, just give it sometime. Just keep living and youll find great friends. There are so many people who care about you just check a look at all the people who replied who don't even know you but want you to keep trying.

Life is always going to get tough. But talk to God, He loves you and is always there to listen even if you haven't in a while. He will help you. Maybe not right away but He will. He loves you and has a plan for you. Just keep getting up even when you want to fall, because God and the Blessed Mother love you and want you to keep living in this world. Life is always going to be hard but if you keep walking you'll get to the point in your life when you know you can hang in there. Please give life that chance, it will get easier.

Its the emotional side of your mind that is saying you can't handel this life anymore. That you just want to quit. But the logical part of your mind knows you need to live. Know it will get better. Trust that side. Please. Live for me, because I want you to give this life another chance. Trust me God's love is the best cure there is. Open up your heart to His love and faith. You could even try going to Church if you don't. Hear the Word Of The Lord and if your Catholic recieve the Body Of Christ.

Just believe that this life will get better. Here are some links to what I hope may give you hope.…


I am praying for you. Never give up the faith.

God Bless


Footsteps In The Sand

One night a man had a dream.

He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the LORD.

Across the sky flashed scenes from his life.

For each scene, he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand:

one belonging to him, and the other to the LORD.

When the last scene of his life flashed before him

he looked back, at the footprints in the sand.

He noticed that many times along the path of his life

there was only one set of footprints.

He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times of his life.

This really bothered him and he questioned the LORD about it:

"LORD, you said that once I decided to follow you,

you'd walk with me all the way.

But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life

there is only one set of footprints.

I don't understand why when I needed you most you would leave me."

The LORD replied:

"My son, My precious child, I love you and I would never leave you,

During your times of trial and suffering,

when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."

Author unknown
2009-09-20 23:20:09 UTC
Please don't throw away what God has given you. I know things look bad right now, but they will get better in time. You are so young and have your life in front of you to live and be happy. You know you have problems and you need to seek help, so please do and make yourself happy. You took the first step by posting on here and I see it as a cry for help because deep down you don't want to end it all. Go to your local hospital and tell them what you just wrote down and they will give you the help you need. I hope to hear from you and know your ok. Here is my email address God Bless you..
2009-09-20 23:15:14 UTC
What did u think about life. Before take an suicide attempt just think how can live and what ever ll achieve in life, u think suicide is a better way to solve all the problems means its your foolishness. This life is a god's gift god only have the rites to take ur sole so dont think like this better u decided to make achievements in any one of the field which one ur intrested and bee cool and enjoy the life i am ur frnd to advice you, Plz mail me if u think ur alone means. my Id is
2009-09-20 23:11:31 UTC
the fact that you are writing this means that you really do not want to die. you want someone to fix things for you though, which will not happen.

you need to get out of your house and meet people, work, and get over it.

i have had a lot of past abuse, it is something you can get over.

if your family rejects you, f*ck them! they're not good enough for you!

same with your past partner, there are a million better out there.

maybe get involved in some sort of alternative lifestyle community event.

please find something that makes you happy. you have a lot to offer the world, you may just not know what it is yet.

if things get really bad call them (if you watch go to 1:15 or so. the first part is asking for donations and explaining the program. )
lyf is mystry
2009-09-20 23:18:03 UTC
dnt b an idiot to do so

ur lyf is full of sadness and lonliness and as they say

when night is darkest it means its abt to dawn

y u want to die just before ur gud days r abt to ***

just live on and welcome them

plus, as u have access to internet surley u must be having access to a pen and paper also

just write down all ur thoughts

ur troubles

wht all u wanted do do in lyf

in wht ways u can achive wht u ever wanted to

etc etc

i mean pen down whatevr u feel like!!!!!!!!!!

i knw it wont change anything but surely give u way of changing evrything

if u die u'll prove all those pple who left u tht they were right

bounce back

make urself a person they regreat loosing !!!!!!!!

best of luck n tht 'writing ur thoughts' technique always helps

do give it a try otherwise u always hav options....
bhanwar b
2009-09-21 05:01:59 UTC
no money but high expectation from life made you sick of this suicidal emotion.

start to earn ,and learn the value of this precious life by seeking some meaning and purpose of life.

look towards crores of ill fated person living in more miserable position than you and feel how lucky you are.

not any other but only you can uplift yourself from negative thoughts.

only your soul can enlight and uplift your soul from dark.
2009-09-20 23:11:40 UTC
DON'T DO THIS KINDA STUPIDITY ,things will get better soon.i know its hard to deal with such kind of situation,but u have'll be a more stronger person when you get over all these things.don't stay in your home alone.i mean go out side and chill,create some happiness yourself,without depending on others.we have come to this world single and must learn to live and be happy on our use of finding someone to give us happiness.gud luck! add meH ! =))
2009-09-24 02:42:54 UTC
You will find meaning again. All things pass, even what you are feeling now. Try taking some care of yourself, as you might for someone else in your position.
mister trev dog
2009-09-20 23:04:20 UTC
Please don't do it, I may not be able to do much from my end, but I believe everyone has a reason to live, and do not listen to the negative things people have said to you because, like Martin Luther King Jr. said, "Everyone is created equal", and therefore I believe you are just as great as anyone. Live your life, and pull through the hard times, you will be rewarded.
Ambrith G
2009-09-21 04:43:02 UTC
Your life is a gift.God is pretty clear throughout the Bible that we are to take care of our bodies. In 1 Corinthians, we are urged to see our bodies as a temple of God, and it is clear that God will judge those that destroy that temple.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 - "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." (NIV)

While we consider that our body is a temple, and we should care for it, God also tells us that we are not to murder. There is debate as to whether God says we are prevented only from murdering others, but many believe this verse also tells us that we are not to murder ourselves.

Deuteronomy 5:17 - "You shall not murder."

Suicide = Hell?

If you are contemplating suicide, you know that life can seem worse than any Hell you may or may not face. Depression and anguish can be overwhelming, but know that those things do not come from God. While God allows us to suffer at times, He is always there for us to seek His comfort.

God does not mean for us to go it alone in this lifetime. While the debate continues about whether or not suicide means we go to Hell or if it is a sin, the point is that God wants to give us ways to live. We need to seek Him when we feel overwhelmingly lonely, depressed, or in pain.

God has also given us people who can help. Friends, family, pastors, therapists, suicide hotlines and more are all there for us to talk to. God put those people in those positions to be our guides and His voice when we have trouble hearing His voice. Keeping the pain and sadness inside only makes it worse, and it is not what God would want. Talking it out can be the first step in getting back to the life God wants for you. Prayer and talk are God's ways of taking us out of feeling hopeless and helpless.

Read this Prayer,

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
2009-09-20 23:31:17 UTC
No.........Not at all

whatever may be the trouble or problem which have made you to go for thinking like suicidal act, will be tackled and resolved and how the situation changes it is a magic........but you have to be alive to see the difference of this time and the coming time.

I my self once not only considered but gone to the suicide and God helped me for only a moment and saved me and changed every thing and I feel I have a new Dawn. I see the whole new world now only because I did not committed suicide.

May God help you

If possible please live for me only
2009-09-20 23:11:16 UTC
life will be so much better once you find someone else. your significant other left. now you need to find someone else. try online dating sites. yes, abuse ocured. there is hate. it needs to be acknowledged. everyone will continue to live, and you MUST find a partner. one that acknowledges your past abuse, instead of denying it, or putting the blame on you.
2009-09-27 14:56:45 UTC
look everyone has these thoughts from time to time i'm an EMT and what you need to do is dial 911 and tell them. you need to understand that those 3 past attempts should let you know that you aren't meant to take your life but to do something far greater
L. W
2009-09-20 23:51:00 UTC
Hey, if you are in the Baltimore MD area let me know and I'll try to help you. Even if not, I'll try to help. C'mon, talk to me and let me try to help. Medications are bull... The only help is in the mind. That is how I quit smoking. Your help is also in the mind. Medications may help but unless you are mentally prepared they are of no use.

so, come and talk to me.

Good Luck.
2009-09-20 23:35:31 UTC
No, not at all. Please do not take such a step. It is not a wise decision. Nobody is worth it. You desperately need to see a psychatrist so please do that. Just visit, you have psychiatrics answering your problems and it should be really helpful to you. Good Luck and Best Wishes. Take Care.
2009-09-20 23:12:03 UTC
I haven't been in your situation so I don't really know how you feel. But I do know that what you're trying to do is not the best option. Here I am a total stranger begging you to please not commit suicide. You're still young and you still have a lot of opportunities ahead of you. Please don't lose hope.

Heres a Christian Band I want you to listen to:
2009-09-20 23:38:59 UTC
Absolutly not!!!

If you seriously are having thoughts about this talk to some one.

Think of the damage you will cause your family!!!!

The pain they'll go through if you commit suicide!!!

Suicide is never the answer!!
2009-09-26 08:04:19 UTC
NO. whatever the problem that is not the answer you need to see a doctor quickly or talk to someone about your problems like a councilor or someone on here.

please don't commit suicide

The ballsack anus
2009-09-21 08:27:23 UTC
You could start lucid dreaming and dream yourself a good life.
2009-09-20 23:04:52 UTC
Don't do it.

Life is more valuable than anything.

Try fliping your life round and make things better.

Be strong, don't give in
2009-09-27 09:34:58 UTC
2009-09-29 18:01:17 UTC
right sorta in the beggining ali has it

do EXACTLY as ali said
2009-09-25 06:01:30 UTC
NOOO! Promise itll get better!
Don F
2009-09-20 23:03:49 UTC
Head over to the local police station and tell them you have suicidal tendencies, you need to get yourself checked into a mental hospital.
2009-09-21 22:07:49 UTC
never talk about suicide.........

you can be my friend......

you will find many people like you.......

hard to find good people......

care about those who love you.......

have a +ve thinking and you will win this world....

Just have faith....
2009-09-25 15:52:12 UTC
dont do it! life is short and precious; find God in your life.
2009-09-20 23:14:14 UTC
why would you kill your self is not going to go pretty
2009-09-27 12:51:58 UTC
2009-09-20 23:04:17 UTC
NO absolutely NOT

life is a gift..... Please don't :(

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.