Something same happened with me, though of a lower degree, but please listen to what I say.
I am 18, when I was 16, I liked a girl a lot, I still like her. We were good friends . But I, accidentally conveyed my feelings to her and she stopped talking to me .Her friends had played a prank on me. I apologised 21 times. She never even replied or said anything to me.
I went into chronic depression, I still have it, I have developed obsessive compulsive disorder and I had to see a psychologist and I even went to a psychiatrist. I was also on anti depressants. I did not do well in my final year high school exam and the engineering entrance exam in my country ( India) and I have ended up going to a not so .good engineering college. I did not even cleared the armed forces exam, my dad himself being in the corp of engineers in the army was ashamed if me.
But I am preparing for my engineering entrance again and coping with my college studies as well. I sleep quite less and work hard. I plan to give the exam next year. My aim is to get in one of the top engineering collegesof my country and I will do it.
Now I suggest you study for the med exam once again, with all your might, keeping.in.mind that you have to study your college subjects too. Believe me you can do it. When you do the med school exam and do well in it. Believe me your dad will realize it and change his mind and pay the college fee. You can do a part time jobs and meet ends. I know its hard but if you believe I yourself you can do it.
Your dad has been caring for you since so long,believe me he will change his heart when you do well in the med exam and get a good medical college. Even he knows sociology ain't good. You realize you were lazy, even I was. Just work hard and give it your best shot. You will win.
If you are an Indian then I suggest you see the movie, " Bhag Milkha Bhag" if you are not I suggest you to please see the movie " Pursuit of happiness" , see it again if you had already see it. Don't bother even a bit if what others say just do your own work and keep your goal in mind. You will have to manage between your college studies and your medicalexam studies...do it.
If unfortunately it dosent work out, don't worry it will help you someway or the other and you will find a job, you can work for a news channel perhaps or something like that....but I am sure your dream of medical college will work out.
Believe me if you work hard every thing will turn out to be good. Believe in yourself.
Sorry for the long answer ,
all the best.and you are not a drama queen ......but someone who us quite brave and has tremendous potential...you inspire me.