How can I see the self worth in myself?
2020-02-29 04:08:41 UTC
I'm very self deprecating, like to the point where it's really annoying to others and I can barely take it anymore. I really want to just end it all but I really can't. I have people that depend on me. How can I see how much I'm worth? Can I? I'm going crazy here and I'm afraid I'll do something bad.
Eleven answers:
2020-02-29 21:53:45 UTC
You are the only one of you on this planet. You are your first best friend. Treat yourself like you are your own bff. Because you are. You may have interactions with others where one word or a kind jester you give can have a huge impact on that person and you will never know! I was able to see the outcome where a pedestrian was walking toward me, she looked so sad and down. When she got just a few feet from me I  said "Good Morning" in a very upbeat voice She pulled up her head stood straight and looked at me her face radiant and said "good morning to you too" Her tone of voice happy. Sometime later I saw her again she thanked me for completely turning her day around and she asked for and got a promotion because a simple good morning from a stranger boosted her confidence. You may not ever know how much you are worth, but it's a whole lot more than you can imagine. 

.Who are the ones that depend on you?
2020-03-04 14:59:00 UTC
Try to remember you are a precious in God eyes and anyone who knows you we all living in critical hard times to deal with in this crazy unbalanced world pray for strength to endure wisdom to figure out what’s your purpose in life and courage to ask for advice if needed pray for peace of mind and a calm heart and count your blessings not your disappointments. 
Not Really a Doctor
2020-03-04 05:55:24 UTC
Start with the fact that you have people who depend on you.  Make yourself more dependable.  Get some new skills or build on what you're already good at doing.  Focus on what you CAN do instead of what you can't.  Things that some people think are unimportant can be the difference between success and failure.  You might feel like a cog in a big machine but without that cog, the machine breaks down.
2020-03-03 23:11:03 UTC
Do something worthy of getting noticed.This could help.  As for self deprecation? I only do it because I am so up myself. My humility is drily ironic.
2020-03-03 17:54:17 UTC
You can get better by first making a list of what affects your self worth both positively and negatively. That way, during your day you become more aware of what affects you. Also start practising self love and affirmation by watching videos about them on a daily basis.
2020-03-02 14:52:10 UTC
I think you will enjoy reading the article on the website below which discusses the subject of self worth.
2020-03-01 22:18:02 UTC
see a therapist, exercise, meditate daily.
2020-03-01 16:19:56 UTC
Your soul contains the knowledge and love which you need ; but needful build one bridge to that , with patience and desire for better oneself ...
2020-02-29 18:47:29 UTC
Studies have shown that many people who attempt suicide, or have thought about it, don’t actually want to die, what they want is there suffering to end. That makes sense! I don’t know anyone who is not suffering in one way or the other. Unfortunately we live in “critical times hard to deal with” (2 Timothy 3:1-5) 

  Having low self worth seems to be a common thing nowadays. We see so much in the media about who we are supposed to be and how we are supposed to look that we can be influenced to see ourselves and lives as less than. People we are close to can also make us feel like we are inferior either by blatant words, or their actions.   I promise you though that you have worth! How do I know when I don’t know you personally? Because you are a human being. You have life, and all life is precious. But that doesn’t necessarily help you to feel worthy of being alive. I know from the personal experience of my own self-deprecating ways that you need to find your own motivation for being happy with yourself. Some things you can do to help negative thinking...1) Keep your faults in perspective. Ecclesiastes 7:20 says “ There is no one on earth who does what is right all the time and never makes a mistake.”Making mistakes does not make you a failure, it makes you human, and guess what all of the people around you are human too. Saying sorry when you have something to apologize for is good. Don’t say sorry for being alive, or for being in peoples lives. It’s okay to take up room. It’s okay to voice your opinions, and to respect your own need for space and happiness.2) Avoid comparisons. Galatians 5:26-“Let us not become egotistical, stirring up competition with one another, envying one another.” Those people from the media? Spend a lot of time on looking good. Those people posting about their perfect lives? Have only shown you the carefully displayed “perfect” picture they want you to see. I promise, they make mistakes and are a hot mess too.3) Be a peacemaker-especially in your own family. Romans 12:18 “If possible, as far as it depends on you, be peaceable.” You cannot control other people. But you can control how you react. Controlling your reaction to other people can help you respect your own boundaries and that your emotions do not have to be dependent on someone else’s. 4) Cultivate gratitude. Colossians 3:15 “Show yourselves thankful”.Cultivating a thankful attitude will help you to focus on what is going right in your life, instead of what is going wrong. 5) Examine your friendships. 1 Corinthians 15:33 “Bad associations spoil useful habits”Being around overly negative or critical people is only going to affect you negatively. I am going to upload two articles. The first is called “Why go on-Because there is help” and the second is “Why go on-Because there is hope”. I hope you learn to see yourself in a new light and come to understand that you have value and no one can take that away without your permission.
2020-02-29 14:09:55 UTC
Things are going to get better even if they seem hopeless. For example, Mandela spent around 30 years in prison, he stayed strong and he was finally released and managed to become president of his country and did a lot of good and had a great and happy life because he decided to stay alive.I know of someone who was severely depressed for many years but was able to recover and live a happy life. There was a time, I felt hopeless and miserable, now I am very happy I decided to stay alive..
2020-02-29 04:22:12 UTC
Be compassionate to yourself and monitor your thoughts. Perhaps you’re more critical with yourself than others. If you wouldn’t speak to a friend that way, then don’t talk down about yourself in that manner either.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.