Maybe you have trouble socialising. I do, a bit, well OK, quite a lot actually. You may be introvert, you may be shy, or you may have a mild form of autism, mild aspergers for instance. Autism (of which aspergers is the milder 'top end') is what's known as a spectrum condition: you can have a lot of it or just a little of it, or even just bits of it. I often think of the condition as being like a wedge, & here's me at the thin end, definitely a bit odd but able to fit into society, work, run a home etc, while at the other end are people who really can't cope & often get institutionalised, or stay with parents for ever. Yes, I'm single too.
So if that's the case maybe you're someone for whom friendship won't just happen. I'm like that too. So maybe your friendship needs to be activity based. That means maybe you need to join things & have the activity as the thing that brings you & other potential friends together, & any talk being incidental to that activity. You say this worked while at school because you had the activity of cricket, which brought you into contact with people of similar interest. You don't say you're in any clubs/organisations now, though, which may be why, if you're not a socialite & extrovert, that you've not met any people to become friends, or to meet women. And if you're usually alone & looking miserable & fed up & cross that may also be putting people off.
The aspergers thing is a lot to get your head round, but the internet is great for looking it up & seeing how many of the conditions you identify with. It doesn't really help deal with the condition, except when other sufferers tell you how they coped, & you realise their ideas may help you too.
So I just suggest you go out & join activities. Then you'll have company & will be seen with people. You may even meet a lady friend too - especially if you join something that attracts women too.