certainly a religious minority. we need to find a wall, and put the fool who dreamed up political correctness against it and hammer empty shell cases into his or her head. (bullets cost money)
if we, as Englishmen and Women go anywhere else in the world, they dont bother if were offended by local customs and traditions...their attitude is; When in Rome. so why must we bend over backwards to accomodate these foreign national when they arrive here ON OUR DOORSTEP....
as for upsetting them, well, its part and parcel of being English isnt it? weve spent generations upsetting one person or another...and tehn going to war and kicking ***.
blair needs some backbone, and i really hate to say this, but bring the ***** out her hole in the wall... (i despise teh woman) but, she didnt take any crap...and dished out loads... we need a thatcherism... and somone who believes in this country, to do the right thing.note i dodnt say the correct thing.
if and when we become a real minority, thats when the games will start.. and the cries of for England and St George will resound across the land... well i can live in hope can't I?