2010-10-16 10:22:46 UTC
I missed a few days of school because I was sick. Our school has a policy that we have to ask the teacher for the assignments we've missed. When I asked him, he didn't have anything set aside for me and asked me to ask my partner what I missed. "Oh, we had these worksheets on bla bla..." so I told him. He gave it to me. The next day, I check my grades on the school website and I have points off for the worksheest and a ZERO for a homework assignment I missed when I was ill. I told him that there shouldn't be any points off for the worksheets (everything on it was RIGHT, it was points off for being late) and that I didn't know about the homework at all because my partner never mentioned it to me. Not my fault, right? He restored full points for the worksheets, but insisted on still dropping my homework grade. I argued, but then I gave eventually because the homework grade doesn't count for very much anyways. The next day, we had a review on all the things I missed when I was away. I swear, he kept on calling on me because I didn't know a bunch of the stuff. At oe point he even accused me of not paying any attention. He sighed and shook his head and said, "Ugh! It's not that hard... -explaining, explaining- do you get it?" "...yeah." It was really humiliating, though. He made me feel like an idiot. And despite studying A LOT, I still got a C on my test (Beforehand, I opted to take it the day afterwards because I didn't feel prepared enough, he denied it.)
I feel like he picks on me. I have my Blackberry sticking out of my pocket while I was walking out of class one time and he stopped me ot point it out and give me a little speech about how if he saw it again, I would get in trouble. He always calls me out for talking in class even if I'm just whisper-answering a question. He makes me keep my hand on top of the table at times because he's convinced that I like to text in class (which I don't) Other times, though, he can be a really cool teacher and a lot students like him ( I obviously don't, though) so whenever I complain about it, people don't really believe it. Or they act like they do and say "Oh, but he seems so nice." A lot of girls flirt with him in class (an even one gay dude, who is hilarious, but that's a different story)
I feel like I'm being bullied by him. My brother, who's a year ahead of me, believes me and agrees that he is sort of creeperish (sometimes I feel like he flirts with his students, including me at one point o_O, but that might be in my head). What do I do about it? Advice?