What are your best tips for getting through a difficult survival situation?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What are your best tips for getting through a difficult survival situation?
368 answers:
2008-11-03 04:12:57 UTC
Run faster than at least 1 person.

Dont go back for the screaming woman who tripped over.

Find somewhere secure to hide and stay quiet.

Loot anything useful.

Follow the bloke who looks like Steven Segal.

Dont ignore emergency news reports.

Dont go and check to see what the noise was in the attic/basement.

Safety in numbers.

Give up vegetarianism if the only food is a cute fwuffy bunny.
2008-11-03 05:40:55 UTC
start running, and do not stop until you find a pub
2008-11-03 05:53:10 UTC
The trick is to keep breathing.
2008-11-03 04:13:38 UTC

(ANS) No.1 One of the most important aspects of a survival situation is to remain as calm as possible, & to think clearly and rationally. i.e. keep a cool head. Its good thinking skills that will ultimately save your life.

No.2 Try to find shelter i.e. get out of the wind, the rain, or the heat.

No.3 Try to stay dry as far as possible (or cool if in desert terrain).

No.4 Food sources (look for the most available food sources around you within the natural environment). Fish from rivers or the sea, berries, roots, edible plants if you know which they are. You might have to resort to eating insects or lizards or snakes or small birds if it would keep you alive.

No.5 Always use whats around you in the natural environment.

2008-11-03 04:03:46 UTC
don't die
2008-11-03 11:02:26 UTC
Never give up.

Stay in touch with reality and re-assess constantly the nature of the reality you are encountering.

Make the environment you are in your home and don't feel alien to it.

Use everything you can make use of.

Only carry what you need or may need.

Establish a water supply if possible.

Be afraid of the dark.

If being hunted by people, make darkness your friend.
2008-11-03 06:26:43 UTC
I would hide. I have no fight or flight instinct....i would just sit in a corner with my head buried in my hands hiding.
2008-11-03 04:11:31 UTC
Find food, shelter, and try to stay alive.

Ach B
2008-11-03 06:37:23 UTC
focus on the goal of living. Your survival is something precious, especially if you have children or loved ones.
Speed Freak
2008-11-03 04:11:49 UTC
stay calm and focus.........

drink lots of absinthe if available!!!!!!
Mark T
2008-11-03 14:30:23 UTC
Depends on the situation.

The Poster (Ivan) above has good advise if you are in a totally austere environment or in the wilderness.

But survival is a very broad term, and it's unclear what your starting situation is vs. what your realistic prospect of getting out is.

If you are stranded on an Island you need to do some things that you might not need to worry about, if you were trying to escape from the scene of an earthquake,tsunami, bombing or some other natural catastrophe.

However, that said there are some commonalities.

1. BE CALM - Hysteria didn't do anything but get people killed, so no matter what, from a fender-bender to a nuclear blast, be calm.

2. Get out of danger - if you are in some sort of persistent danger, flood, natural disaster, regional catastrophe, do what you can to get yourself out of danger. A suprising number of people don't do this, effectively and so get into trouble.

3. If you are as safe as possible, you have to do a couple of things immediately, such as assess any medical conditions and treat them as best you can if there is an immediate need - such as bleeding etc.

4. Assess what resources you have available to you, is there water, food, medical supplies, shelter, clothing or some place to rest.

5. Do you need money, access to identification criteria? Can you communicate with friends/family to help this situation, Conversely are your family members similarly endangered and are they OK.

6. Beyond the immediate needs of acquiring the basic life necessities - food, water, shelter and some degree of safety, you need to determine how best to get out of the situation in hand.

7. Be prepared to travel VERY lightly. No multiple rolling bags, just whatever you can carry easily and for long periods of time.

In this regard it's like traveling well, set aside everything you want to take, and all the money you intend to bring. Then take 1/2 of the stuff away and add twice as much money.
2008-11-07 00:26:55 UTC
breathe - softly and silent and deeply!

take your shoes off if you don't have rubber soles on!

use a make-up mirror to see around corners before you go

if confronted watch the triangle formed by the head and shoulders as whole, this is the first area you will noticed a movement about to happen.

you are harder to find in the dark.

if someone is outside lights off inside- to see them and hide you.

if surviving as in lost, in the bush

light a campfire and stay put.

water is more important than a few days without food.

make sure you are in a clearing that a spotter plane might see.

dig a half trench to sleep in - it is warmer than the top of the ground.

huddle together if more than one

the sun rises in the east and sets in the west and moss grows on the north side of a tree - also a magnetised needle becomes a compass floated in water (magnetise by rubbing through hair).

Think warm to be warm - don't allow the mind to dwell on how cold it is.

If the animals/birds eat it it is probably safe to eat.

pee a boundary around campsite many creatures won't come near your smell.

snakes don't like going over anything that rolls - rope around a tent etc is handy.

store food that might go off tied in a bag in the water or bury deeply - this keeps it colder.

if survival is like a confrontation by an attacker - kick hard and fast then run like hell - a good groin kick will put them out of the running for long enough for you to put some good distance. But practise if you are not accurate it is a waste of time trying it.

if the situation is survival after the worlds been through a nuclear war - then a deep cave would be the best place to be if there isn't any underground bunkers already set up - once it happens it is too late to set anything up. Take a canary!

For many months after the top layers of earth would be too dangerous to use. To begin a garden these would need to be carefully removed.

water will be contaminated probably some form of still would help.

Rain water too would be undrinkable. Stored bottled water wont last long enough. By far the safest would be earth filtered water deep inside the ground.

there are too many scenarios where survival situations occur to cover them all it would help if you were more specific
Bawn Nyntyn Aytetu
2008-11-08 00:05:14 UTC
1) Breath! Focus totally and only on taking long deep breaths. this increases oxygen intake to the body, which the blood carries to wherever it is most needed. in the muscles, oxygen improves strength and flexibility and accelerates healing and recovery. In the brain it improves clarity of thought, and can even temporarily increase a persons IQ.

2) Drink clean water, with a highly alkaline, highly oxygenated, highly mineralised content! Mountain streams are an excellent source of this type of water. Water is almost as important to your survival as no1, for all the same reasons, and a few more.

If you do these two things at all times, everything else is easier. Thinking is easier, and since its easier and better to work smart rather than hard, anything that makes thinking easier must be good. Also, since it's less stressful to do somehing easy, if you do these two things it's much easier to stay calm and in control of your emotions.

Now since I am unable to view the link you've provided, I can't respond regarding the specific scenario you've provided. However I can say that fear plays a major role in decisions people make under very stressful situations, and situations where your very survival hangs in the balance are often very stressful, regardless of how much good breathing and drinking you do. So the next most important thing to do is:

3) Stop! Probability statistics state that in most cases, where lives are at stake, immediate (like I mean right that very split second) action is not neccessary, and in most of the cases where something is needed, it is to just stop, observe and listen to what's around you. The rest of the time, making an informed decision a few moments later can change the future.

This may seem to many to be an oversimplistic answer to many, but when put into practice, SAVES LIVES.
2008-11-04 11:23:57 UTC
Well it certainly depends on the situation.

In a "survive in the wild" situation, I recommend the same things that everyone else has said.

Find water and make sure it's safe to drink, locate a food source, find or create a shelter, arm youself, etc.

I prefer scenarios where there is some sort of person out to get you and you have to defend yourself.

In that case, I say that you should already have learned how to use a gun, self-defense basics and hopefully some martial arts, and familiarity with other weapons. If, however, you are not a skilld fighter, I suggest that you find a shotgun (a 12-gauge pump-action shotgun is the best because of its intimidating sound), make sure you have ample light and have your back to a wall so the killer or whoever he is can't sneak up on you. A shotgun is good because at close range, there isn't really any training required to do enormous damage. Just point and shoot. If there's a noise, you might want to investigate very cautiously, if you get tired of waiting and wish to end it. Otherwise, it's usually better to wait for the attacker to come to you.

Also, make sure you have a round chamered in your gun and don't have the safety on.

In a self-defense situation in the streets at night, a good weapon to have is a sjambok (, a stout stick or cane, or a sword cane (, although unfortunately, the last is illegal in many places. Of course, get a gun and train with it if you can, but always have some sort of backup. Of course, praying usually helps too.

And if you have telekinesis, another power or "special ability," or have an incredibly powerful weapon (like Iron Man), you shouldn't have to worry too much.
2014-09-28 03:28:19 UTC
The solution is to tower over that force and become the authority figure in the situation. Say if you go into a foreign forest or a house and members of your party are being murdered by an unseen assailant, you have to stop running, and start becoming who they are, start watching, copying their style. The audience loves it when the soon to be victim rises to the situation and becomes crazier than the actual villain just to beat it. Use what they have to make the audience start to fear him instead of the villain. Makes for an interesting concept. Hope that helps in some way. By the way Signs is by far the best thriller I have ever seen.Therefore thinking ahead and bringing a knife or a strategy guide. More then anything when put in a situation that can lead to you needing to survive you need to consult Murphy's Laws. In which my favorite is "Anything that can possibly go wrong, does". That's proven true for me more then less. Being equiped right can determine and possibly prevent the survival situation all together. So thinking ahead would be my best advice. Yes, this refers to live combat too. If you are a soldier in Iraq, you can get attacked at anytime. So you must automatically assume that everywhere you going you will be attacked. It will save your life.
2014-09-28 05:04:12 UTC
If you are out lost in the middle of the wilderness with a broken leg, Knowledge is going to be your greatest ally. Its alot easier to fight something you can kill then have an antagonist that you can do nothing about but survive. If something is coming after you it pays to be armed, not everyone can be strong enough to deal with any adversary. Therefore thinking ahead and bringing a knife or a strategy guide. More then anything when put in a situation that can lead to you needing to survive you need to consult Murphy's Laws. In which my favorite is "Anything that can possibly go wrong, does". That's proven true for me more then less. Being equiped right can determine and possibly prevent the survival situation all together. So thinking ahead would be my best advice. Yes, this refers to live combat too. If you are a soldier in Iraq, you can get attacked at anytime. So you must automatically assume that everywhere you going you will be attacked. It will save your life.
2008-11-03 14:07:33 UTC
This would depend on the situation.

Some life threatening situations can be escaped from and some can't. The key is to find a way to get away, if you can, or otherwise deal with the situtation without causing yourself any extra undue stress. As long as you try to stay calm and levelheaded, you may be able to overpower your threat long enough to get away.

Such as, some people feel threatened out in the woods but others know how to survive and wouldn't consider being lost in the woods a threat but the bears you encounter may be a different story. Some people may be stuck in an abusive situation at home that some may consider life threatening and then some wouldn't. Depends on perspective.

Knowing what to do, keeping a level head and good decision making skills would be beneficial.
2015-01-14 04:46:27 UTC
What do they Really want but haven't said?

Will the task be sufficient to get what they want?

Make sure you tick all the boxes of each thing required.

Make your boss look good (or your survival level goes down).

What does your boss' boss want?

Pre-arrange the setting if possible.

Thoroughly know the enemy and understand why they do what they do.

Work out all the resources that you require to complete a task.

Carefully weigh up the people upon whom you may have to rely; don't fully rely on them, expect them to fail and then what do you do.

Know yourself, abilities and faults.

Use brain first, the body follows.

Plan ahead, or lose your head.

Look after and maintain yourself as well as any equipment or neither will work properly.

Machinery needs a technician to be in working order, but only an idiot to press a button.

Always accumulate advantages that are unknown to others.

When things go wrong don't be immobile and a victim, be active.

Stay alert, absorb everything; vary the intensity of your being as you find necessary.

Keep things as simple as possible.

Things are never over just because they are over, all is continuous and interlinks.

The dead dog today may bite you later.

No matter what script we are given, none of us are designed to leave this life alive.
2008-11-04 18:50:31 UTC
Messages: Read the label: If there are any instructions, check them over very carefully.

Does the author actually know what they are talking about?

Do they know how to communicate?

Is their information reliable, incorrect or misinformation?

What do they Really want but haven't said?

Will the task be sufficient to get what they want?

Make sure you tick all the boxes of each thing required.

Make your boss look good (or your survival level goes down).

What does your boss' boss want?

Pre-arrange the setting if possible.

Thoroughly know the enemy and understand why they do what they do.

Work out all the resources that you require to complete a task.

Carefully weigh up the people upon whom you may have to rely; don't fully rely on them, expect them to fail and then what do you do.

Know yourself, abilities and faults.

Use brain first, the body follows.

Plan ahead, or lose your head.

Look after and maintain yourself as well as any equipment or neither will work properly.

Machinery needs a technician to be in working order, but only an idiot to press a button.

Always accumulate advantages that are unknown to others.

When things go wrong don't be immobile and a victim, be active.

Stay alert, absorb everything; vary the intensity of your being as you find necessary.

Keep things as simple as possible.

Things are never over just because they are over, all is continuous and interlinks.

The dead dog today may bite you later.

No matter what script we are given, none of us are designed to leave this life alive.

Don't let misery rule, Enjoy your work and Don't expect to survive.
Yahoo Answer's Alex Trebec
2008-11-04 14:29:24 UTC
Look back in to your past experiences. Make them relevant to the present day situation and believe that the only person that will get your through is you. You have been given everything that you need to survive internally. Instinct, senses, moral compass, courage, and willpower. Sometimes preparing to sacrifice yourself for others who are struggling with you will push you towards your limits and you will then know how to save yourself.

I have been through some difficult situations and ingenuity and creativity saved me. Having a great sense of humor helped as well.

By the way...Love the would be great to share ideas.

I am a Philadelphian also who grew up in a Philly Suburb. There is something magical about PA.

Something old and mysterious, beautiful and sacred.

I learned lots. why doesn't your production site have a web page. I need a job man. I score films. Ha ha. Shameless Plug
2008-11-03 14:11:58 UTC
Above all else, stay calm - complaining and panicking will do nothing. Think logically. Mental stability is important.

Stick together. There's strength and safety in numbers. Don't split up. No "I'll go check down this path - be right back." You see it in the movies, but it really is a stupid idea.

Get some food and water. If you have nothing on you, search for a lake or pond. If, for some reason, you're near an ocean, don't drink salt water. It'll dehydrate you faster.

In case of injury (since survival situations can often involve injury, like plane crashes, et cetera), again, keep a level head - whether it's yourself or another person. Apply pressure to wounds to stop the blood flow.

If you're in a survival situation, chances are you're probably lost. Making a large fire in an open area if you can is a good way to get attention. It may not work, but hey, what have you got to lose? It'll keep you warm, too.
2008-11-06 23:57:14 UTC
If your with someone else, focus on their despair instead!!!

Otherwise, trust your body's own survival skills. For example, at each crisis moment, a new strength will be found and a moment of clarity will occur where you can either draw that new found strength into consciousness, or you can surrender. The beauty of the human mind and body is that they do communicate with each other and that as the crisis increases, so does the depth from which you can draw upon your own resilience. When you get to the bottom, your pretty much satisified that you have done all you can anyway and can just resign yourself that that was one fact you can be sure off... then ideally die in a transcending moment... rather than a descending moment (if your a monothist). Have water and wear good shoes; belief in oneself is a competitive sport against others or your environment, but ultimately, yourself; DARE!
2008-11-12 20:29:00 UTC
The keys to survival seem to be proper mental attitude and outlook and life necessities.

The first thing one has to do is not panic.

In a wilderness survival situation, the principal necessity is shelter. In most environments on earth, the first thing that is liable to kill someone is exposure. Heat, cold, wind, rain, etc. People can live several weeks without food and several days without water, but hypothermic exposure can kill within hours.

The next key is probably fire or water. Fire again speaks to fighting exposure and can provide some mental/psychological stability. It can also but used to purify water.

After fire, a reliable source of water should definitely be next. Ideally it would be less than a few hours walk from your shelter.

Food is the least important survival necessity. Not only can average people survive for three or so weeks without any food, but people can actually eat and get sustinence from a tremendous amount of different and varied food sources. Roots, leaves, bugs, etc.

It's nice in wilderness survival situations to have some tools, though. A fair sized, quality blade. Some nice durable, environment appropriate clothing. Means to quickly build a fire, especially in wet weather.

But all of this pales in comparison to maintain a strong will to live. It's pretty easy to die when you don't care about living.



PS - I loved the Sixth Sense and The Lady in the Water. Keep on keeping it real.
2008-11-11 23:14:58 UTC
When you are in a survival situation you are in a situation where someone or something has authority over you and is using that to force you into a state of life or death. The solution is to tower over that force and become the authority figure in the situation. Say if you go into a foreign forest or a house and members of your party are being murdered by an unseen assailant, you have to stop running, and start becoming who they are, start watching, copying their style. The audience loves it when the soon to be victim rises to the situation and becomes crazier than the actual villain just to beat it. Use what they have to make the audience start to fear him instead of the villain. Makes for an interesting concept. Hope that helps in some way. By the way Signs is by far the best thriller I have ever seen.
2008-11-04 03:04:40 UTC
Fight or flight is the time honoured response;

Is it a physical challenge , emotional or indeed spiritual threat?

For Physical you cannot do better than consult the BBC book on the SAS.

For emotional , You need a Counsellor or counnsellors who has had experience of what you have gone through. Nothing works better than one to one discussion with a deep listener with intellegence and wide experience. Sometiomes a complete stranger has more empathy than prejudice.

For Spiritual: This is the most difficult as there are so many quacks and fakes. Firts try the ultimate authority. Go on you knees ,tell Him

that you need His power and His resources. Then totally relax and believe. Otherwise you are on a good hiding to nothing relying upon human beings alone. The very best is often just as much a plonker when it comes to the real tests of survival.

So admit your weakness and vulnerability, your wrong doing and mistakes ( if you know them) and Trust in a Power outside yourself.

Basically , know your true position before you decide your best means of survival. It can only be these three but I hope its not all at the same time as can often happen.
2008-11-03 22:48:57 UTC
Well it depends, there are many different survival situations. If you are out lost in the middle of the wilderness with a broken leg, Knowledge is going to be your greatest ally. Its alot easier to fight something you can kill then have an antagonist that you can do nothing about but survive. If something is coming after you it pays to be armed, not everyone can be strong enough to deal with any adversary. Therefore thinking ahead and bringing a knife or a strategy guide. More then anything when put in a situation that can lead to you needing to survive you need to consult Murphy's Laws. In which my favorite is "Anything that can possibly go wrong, does". That's proven true for me more then less. Being equiped right can determine and possibly prevent the survival situation all together. So thinking ahead would be my best advice. Yes, this refers to live combat too. If you are a soldier in Iraq, you can get attacked at anytime. So you must automatically assume that everywhere you going you will be attacked. It will save your life.
2008-11-06 10:48:13 UTC
1) Stay Calm- panic wont help anyone

2)Assess your situation and form a plan- A plan is really important. It gets important tasks done and keeps your mind off the impossibility of your situation. Loosing hope may be just as problematic as finding food.

3) Include finding, shelter, water and food etc in your plan.

4)Do the best with what you have and improvise where you can.

5)If you have a long wait keep busy. Finding food improvinging the shelter

6)When you get back and you recover, look after your mental and physical heath.

7) Remember and laugh about it so you have a great story to tell your friends and inspire hope in others
2008-11-04 12:11:31 UTC
Hey M Night Shyamalan this is what I would do to get through a difficult survival situation:

1) I would not panic i would stay completely calm and set my plan out in my mind.

2) I would try to obtain food by my natural resources - coconuts, fruits, fish( animals) and so on and so forth.

3) I would build shelter by making the frame from branches, sticks and then to protect me from the rain put palm tree leaves on top.

4) I would take rest and try to think of what i would do the next day.

5) I would build a boat using tree branches and tie them together using tree twines.( Which is just like rope a strong natural resource) and also never drink sea water it contains salt which damages your liver. I would also collect rain water.

I hope I helped


P.S - If you want to know more you could try watching Raymears bushcraft or Bear Grylls. I recommend Bear Grylls it is an awesoe program which you should watch.

David V
2008-11-04 10:07:55 UTC
Depends on the situation.

Obtain the basics: food, water, shelter.

Try to find useful items such as matches/lighters, flashlights, batteries, a radio, a handheld transceiver, maps, compass, GPS, etc.

Obtain weapons such as knives, machetes, a gun.

Whether or not to form, join, or stay with a group and how big a group should be are things that depend on what one is surviving. Big groups are stronger and can defend better, but are harder to feed. Small groups are more mobile, stealthier, easier to supply, but lack the strength of a larger group.

Stay as dry as possible. Stay warm, not hot and not cold. Try to have some shelter at night, unless you are traveling at night. Travel at night if the day time is dangerous or extremely hot.

Travel slow enough to be careful. Keep your eyes and ears open for both dangers and opportunities. A rusty nail can put a hole in your foot. An empty can can be washed and used to boil water.

Improvise, think, and keep your head.
kent j
2008-11-03 14:44:49 UTC

1. Give up alcohol and drugs. Sure thing the next time you have to be on your toes to save your life or a friends... you will be high and die.

2. Be aware that nature and people DO have the potential to be dangerous. Be an open honest person with at least a little bit of skepticism.

3. Don't walk on the railroad tracks.

4. When you do walk on the railroad tracks. Make sure your shoes are tied!

5. Learn about socialism and communism and how they killed more people than all the other ism's (and religion) combined. Then vote against people that think spreading the wealth around is a great idea.

6. Sorry for that. Couldnt help it.

7. Encourage M.Night to go back to his story telling roots.
2014-09-25 20:36:29 UTC
With every day pass, our country is getting into more and more trouble. The inflation, unemployment and falling value of dollar are the main concern for our Government but authorities are just sleeping, they don’t want to face the fact. Media is also involve in it, they are force to stop showing the real economic situation to the people. I start getting more concern about my future as well as my family after watching the response of our Government for the people that affected by hurricane Katrina.

According to recent studies made by World Bank, the coming crisis will be far worse than initially predicted. So if you're already preparing for the crisis (or haven't started yet) make sure you watch this video at and discover the 4 BIG issues you'll have to deal with when the crisis hits, and how to solve them fast (before the disaster strikes your town!) without spending $1,000s on overrated items and useless survival books.
2008-11-04 11:22:13 UTC
Mr. Shyamalan, the best tip that I can offer you is this: Make friends and keep them. Each of us is gifted with unique qualities. What I may be good at doing, another person may not do so well. What they are talented at performing...I may not know much about.

In group situations, the individual is weak. One person cannot perform at the level of a group consciousness. I've observed in the past that when a group of people are together in a particularly trying situation, they no longer function as individuals...but as a group consciousness.

Each person contributes something to the better of the whole. Instead of being ten people running around, waving their hands in the air, screaming...they become a single thinking collective. Each individual thinks and behaves in a different manner, but together they make one super thought.

Surviving, to me, means that when I'm stuck in a difficult position, I'd like to be surrounded by a broad range of thinkers. Every color. Every religion. Every background.

Again, that means making and keeping my friends. ;)
2008-11-03 21:02:53 UTC
don't listen to any of these amateurs. read some combat survival manuals, knowing your terrain and environment is what will give you the upper hand . avoid capture at all cost no matter how weak or sick you are ,if you are captured and beat nearly to death ,you will wish you were only tired and hungry,if your out of food and starving ,shoot some enemies and take their food ,the best time would be just as they are finished cooking, if you need to dig for water be sure you are at least a 100 meters from an outhouse or salt water source like a beach. you can generally eat what the other animals are eating ,so you don't get poisoned, the guy that said eat lizards is wrong they carry salmonella and you could get very sick fast .also don't eat sea snakes or polar bear livers.don't worry about things you can not change.check out the situation,look for positives and negatives ,make a plan, then implement it and supervise,this is called risk management
2008-11-03 16:26:28 UTC
Keeping calm is probably the best thing you can do.

Though it is a tough task, it can be done, but strong mental discipline is required. By keeping calm, you enable your body to conserve energy it would otherwise waste. You conserve your adrenaline and your keep your mind at a state where you can think logically. Irrational decisions usually come about when you are distracted or are unable to identify all of the variables within the equation. If you can keep calm you will survive longer than if you panic and you will also be able to make legit decisions. Adrenaline will be saved for when it's really needed and if you've been wounded, your heart will not pump blood as fast which may reduce blood loss.

Overall, keeping calm is your best defense and offense in a survival situation.
2008-11-06 18:33:40 UTC
I would use common sense. it's good to imagine these things beforehand and therefore make a list:

(1) have a strong faith

(2) depending on who u r accompanying, spread ur strength on to the others

(3) be creative

(4) also be cautious of course

(5) relax during the worst times, that way, u make better decisions



i really wanted to let u know that i'm a fan & although i'm not much of a horror person, i've watched - signs, the happening, the village, and think the sixth sense is interesting. i also noticed that u created those cartoons - avatar: the last airbender, one of the best kids series!


***thumbs up***
2008-11-04 14:41:24 UTC
best tips for getting through a difficult survival situation are to take a deep breath and try to think as straight as you can, i had a miscarriage 3 weeks ago and started loosing a lot of blood the drs were getting more and more concerned as the seconds ticked on and i was getting weaker and weaker, i knew if i didnt focus and try to stay calm i'd make the situation worse, so i thought of my 3 kids at home, and got the strength to think rationally, after ther situation had calmed down one of the drs came back into my room and said if i hadnt calmed down when i did i wouldnt have made it, there was no time to get me to theatre for an operation... so try to think clearly how ever scary the situation is...

that for me was a very difficult survival situation, i was close to being a gonner....
Chaos lives b4 order
2008-11-04 14:06:55 UTC
Depends on the situation. There are certain factors present in nearly all life or death/fight or flight scenarios.

1. Your life in immediate, imminent or possible peril.

How you react depends on the timing; instinctive, as in fight or flight or with some calculated forethought.

2. The danger you are facing is human, animal, natural,(weather,volcanoes, tsunamis, floods) extra terrestrial, or viral.

Some things you can fight. Some things you cannot. Make an assessment and follow through. If 90% of success is just showing up than 90% of survival is assess and follow through.

3. Stresses abound.

Stay calm, panic kills.
2008-11-03 21:26:03 UTC
I believe it should be a two prong approach...

First, you should try to "test yourself" with situations that require you to learn to survive and adapt. Perhaps some hiking and camping trips, alone in the different seasons of the year. Believe me, when you have hiked 10 miles into the forest and are all alone at night in your tent and it is just you and the wilderness, it is a strange feeling. Afterward, you feel like you have accomplished just a little something.

To quote from the Boy Scouts - Be Prepared. Try to learn as much as possible about everything possible. Simple things like changing a tire or changing your oil can be a benefit if you are ever broke down on a lonely highway. At least you know how your automobile functions and what might be wrong with it. Things like reading and then practicing survival swimming and floating techniques may also prove beneficial someday.

My second suggestion is...just be calm. Tell yourself, "This too shall pass." We make more mistakes when we are nervous or full of fear. Just think back to another moment that was "intense" in your life and say, "I survived that. I can survive this too. Piece of cake." You just have to have an "I don't give a darn" attitude toward whatever comes your way. Or, as Franklin D. Roosevelt said, "All we have to fear is fear itself." He was right! Fear leads in inaction in many. And things that don't move...eventually die
Dragonfly ♥
2008-11-07 04:28:59 UTC
If there's one thing that's sure in life- it's death.

So sooner or later, EVERYBODY will be in a "difficult survival situation" which they cannot escape, no matter what they do!

The only way to ensure "survival" is in a metaphoric sense -- through your offspring.

My tip, make sure you've reproduced. Or do it before it's too late!

If it's physically possible, of course.
2008-11-12 20:49:47 UTC
if being pursued by someone or something, create a diversion of some sort.

if you've barricaded yourself inside an old abandoned warehouse and the above didn't work - find the smartest place to hide and stay there. Keep quiet.

If you're in a group, and one of them is 'cracking' under the intensity of it all, knock that individual out (temporarily) - the last thing you want is a bed wetter destroying your only chance for survival, trust me it well help both parties involved. The potential bed wetter and all the rest of you.

Just say 'yes' to everything your in law's say. Remember its their house and they're always right.

most importantly, have courage and be brave !
Samuel H
2008-11-05 18:02:52 UTC
Dont act like mark walberg and talk with a calm high voice all the time.

Dont trip over and take 9 minutes to get up while someone is chasing you with a chainsaw.

Don't knock someone down with a 2x4 and then just walk off, they are not dead, they will come back so MAKE SURE THEY ARE FRIKKEN DEAD! Stab, shoot or cut off their head. Easy.

Dont be a teenager and start having sex in a car after you just talked about a urban legend killer. It seems to make you die. Especially after or during a prom night.

And finally: DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES SPLIT UP WHILE SEARCHING A HAUNTED HOUSE. Its just common sense. Safety in numbers.

These tips will ensure survival in the most harrowing of situations. Youre welcome.
2008-11-04 19:42:27 UTC
Keep calm, make sure you know your surroundings, if you don't, explore your surroundings.

In the case of being stranded, build a fire, gather enough wood to last you the night. Build a shelter. You can find food & water in the morning. You have to make sure you're taken care of, if you're hurt, clean it up & keep it dry & clean, so you won't get sick.

In the case of being chased, find a weapon, get as far away from your predator. Find a place to hide that you'll be less likely found. Sit your back against a corner & just wait. Wait until the coast is clear or sunrise, but we all know from movies, the bad guy could always be there!
2008-11-04 13:59:13 UTC
Quick thinking, be positive, dont hesitate & save the good looking chick you may get lucky, better still put me in a film & i will show you, I did get 2 guys out of a car that was upside down in a river once 1 survived & I got a bravery award for my efforts, give me a try you never know I could be the unknown star of tomorrow if vinnie jones can do it so can I

hoped this helped


glen allen
2008-11-04 11:59:10 UTC
Keep a cool head and try not to let emotion rule the situation. Have you ever seen little kids who get lost in the woods and come out of it just fine where an adult would probably not survive? I imagine that it is because a kid just seems to have that blind faith that it will all be okay where an adult overthinks the situation and gets themselves hurt or killed. Have faith as a child does, that is how I survive in some situations.
Place is a joke
2008-11-04 06:10:17 UTC
Why did you have me watch what you already said.

Well if it's in the movie's bring along a black guy. They always die first. When their dieing you can be running.

If it's real survival my best tip is to use your brain. Survival all depends on what the situation is. Each one could be a different technique you would use. Cold and wet, get dry and find shelter. Hot an thirsty, get out of the sun and wait till dark to walk out. In hostile territory try to blend in with the native people. The best offense is always a good defense. My defense is being able to adapt to what ever situation arises. MacGyver was always a good show. It's not what he did, it was that he used his brain to figure out what he needed to survive. Again all depends on what I have to survive through.

Oh and don't die.
2008-11-08 15:11:44 UTC
Survival comes down to three things Kit, Knowledge and most important Will to Live. Think of it as your food group triangle Kit (equipment) if your sugar and fat foods at the top, your Knowledge is your meat and fish then your Will to Live is your Fruits and Veggies. You can have all the equipment in the world and the knowledge of a library but with out a strong enough will you are sure to die, you can be almost naked, with alittle knowledge and enough Will to survive you can get through almost anything
2014-10-29 14:24:58 UTC
of getting out is.

If you are stranded on an Island you need to do some things that you might not need to worry about, if you were trying to escape from the scene of an earthquake,tsunami, bombing or some other natural catastrophe.

However, that said there are some commonalities.

1. BE CALM - Hysteria didn't do anything but get people killed, so no matter what, from a fender-bender to a nuclear blast, be calm.

2. Get out of danger - if you are in some sort of persistent danger, flood, natural disaster, regional catastrophe, do what you can to get yourself out of danger. A suprising number of people don't do this, effectively and so get into trouble.
2008-11-13 02:53:32 UTC
Immediate removal from danger by any appropriate means.

A focused assessment of the situation.

Water, food and shelter.

Depending on the circumstances, all of the above will be determined by the situation.

The best tool in any survival situation is logical, joined-up thinking. Everything that you do no matter how small must be part of your survival plan.
2008-11-11 11:28:41 UTC
I'm going to give you an answer, but if you use it to make a movie, i want a role. Maybe not a big role, but at least the main actor. You know something small like that.

Survival Tip #1- Hide... don't come out until the credits are rollin'
2008-11-04 10:06:32 UTC
1.) Find or make weapon

2.) Find food and shelter

3.) Find allies to aid in survival; safety in numbers

4.) If in a group, don't be in front or behind

5.) If you hear a noise, avoid investigating it.

6.) If someone/something pursues, run like he\\ and don't look back or down. You cannot let anyone slow you down.

These are not the nicest tips for surviving but have the most logic and practicality.
2008-11-03 20:06:35 UTC
First, your mind should be set to survival, not defeatist mode. The will to survive is perhaps stronger than any other single thing, for it is that will that will offer the best answers to your dilemma. Without the will to survive, the grit to succeed, and the fortitude to drudge through the trials that await you - no amount of food or water will matter. Eventually, you will just give up. I still think the old saying "if there's a will, there's a way" should be top priority in one's thinking.
2014-09-22 20:20:57 UTC
I did get 2 guys out of a car that was upside down in a river once 1 survived & I got a bravery award for my efforts, give me a try you never know I could be the unknown star of tomorrow if vinnie jones can do it so can I

hoped this helped
2008-11-07 07:47:05 UTC
Keep looking around. To many walk into trouble because they keep looking straight ahead like they are in their own hallway.

Have the attitude that no-one is expendable. All ought to survive.

Work out assets and libilities of your team and also for the baddies.

What will your guys need? If you have that or can get it (water, food, phone), you are not expendable.

What do the bad guys want? If it is expendable, don't get between them and it. If they may not go away after getting the thing, negotiate for it. (I hid the diamonds. I am the only one that knows where they are. Let the women and kids go and then I know you may let us go when you get what you want.)

Bad guys want to divide and conquer, so stick together.

If given the choice of 2 bad things, choose the third (now you have to get creative and work out what the third thing is)
2008-11-04 15:20:59 UTC
My best tip would be to not give into your inherent survival instinct.

Probably hard to do, but don't let the fear of the situation turn you into a cornered animal.

That way you can better assess what's going on and adapt or act accordingly to survive.
2008-11-04 04:34:28 UTC
I've been a winter camper for more than 20 years, and there have been quite a few times in which the weather, the terrain or both became very dangerous. Oh, and sometimes it was close encounters with bears, moose and the like.

The most important thing to do is clear your mind of all thoughts except one: "I am getting through this."

Repeat as necessary. It will be necessary about every five seconds or so.
2008-11-03 20:36:01 UTC
Depends on which area you're at..

If you're stuck on an island it would be different and if you are left locked in a bathroom for a total of 4 days it's different.

Finding ways to keep warm are very important, and knowing how to use food wisely is important as well.

I guess you already know that when not eating for a several amount of time the body enters automatically into a 'survival mode' and turns the body fat into energy.

Knowing how to act wisely, like not wasting much energy since there might not be a lot of energy income, and knowing how to divide your food into days.

Knowing how to keep the body warm,like putting your legs in some water [ warm/room temperature water ] or running a little bit.

Making sure to have a pair of socks on and

to do as much effort as possible to get out of the current situation.
2008-11-14 05:52:11 UTC
You have to have faith that if you have landed in such a situation you probably are being tested for your courage, faith and intelligence in you. No matter how you would like to keep it simple, you would have to fight your way through when you get to the nadir of any such situation. Being prepared is always the safest way out, but prepare for what? and how? and when?

What I would do is start thinking reverse? What got me into this? Why me? Is there any tool lying that I am not noticing? Is there any promise that I am not keeping? Or is it just that my TIME'S UP?
2008-11-05 08:06:44 UTC
Every situation requires different means of survival. The most important advice is to be prepared. You'll need meet your Maslow Heirarchy of needs, breathing, drinking, eating, shelter etc. there are volumes upon volumes of books dedicated to this. After that, learn what a horror movie really is, before telling everyone that it's nearly "NC-17" because of the gore, if you really want to be taken seriously.
2008-11-04 01:58:07 UTC
know how to use weapons,

know how to finish a kill,

keep a low profile,

never say to much or too little,

helping others that are infront of you are okay when going away from danger but not when going towards it helping those behind you when running away from the danger gives the danger more time to get closer to the both of you,

never let your full potential be known and always have surprises to keep you at an advantage,

never ignore your animalistic primal notion that danger is near remember some times animals are the first to know something bad is about to happen,

dont have sex until after you are in a safe place and their is no form of danger around,

keep noice and visibility of your self to a minimal if they cant see you or hear you they cant find you,

if you cant see them it does not mean you are safe,

spirituality or religion are good in proper amounts to much and you might become one of the dangers,

technology might be useful if you see a computer that might have internet access try it if you have the time

keep cell phones with at all times

never go into too deep of water

never trust to early or to much

if it is a situation that people can die then make sure you are ready for it
2008-11-03 14:47:25 UTC
Mentally, I think that it's best to distance yourself from the situation. This may mean you have to become a sociopath and ignore feelings. Don't dwell in the moment of loss, or eminent danger. One may not have time to think and ponder. Funerals and remorse are saved for after tragedy. Be selfish, "Damn that guy over there was killed, at least it was not me!"

Find a group. There is strength in numbers. A team can get things done faster and easier than a single person. And your odds of avoiding death are a bit better. Don't join a group that is "dwelling in the moment". Avoid them if they are carrying too many heavily wounded, or heading toward danger.

Find shelter. Shelter should either be heavily fortified so it can last, or temporary so that it can be left behind. Do not carry shelter. You want to leave it behind, because shelter can be found or made quickly. The only job shelter should have is to protect you from the elements. A survivor does not look for comfort. However, fire provides warmth, light, cooking, purification of water, and deterrent. Many threats fear fire. One may want to use a putrid smell, or the "territory markings" of a predator high in the food chain, to keep threats at bay. Rest often but not for long periods.

To fend off attackers, it is best to find weapons that can be used at a distance. Do keep something for hand to hand combat, but keeping attackers distant is key.

Clean water is more important than food. Eat sparingly and quickly. Remember sustenance can attract predators. Dispose of food away from shelter or burn it.

Practice first aid. In dangerous situations, one is likely to be slightly wounded. Understand that you may need to stitch yourself up.

If you can't beat them, join them.
2008-11-03 21:32:47 UTC
Staying calm by not aggrativing the situation. Just listen and follow the scenario's expectations are...such as pretending to be weak/gullible...etc.....

And being hopefuly & positive that the crisis will matter how unbelievable it seems.

While showing " surrender-like" aittude, grasp all the courage in the world and PLAN, PLAN as much as one can for an escape..such as the knowing where/when the exits are....

The ideal state of mind is reassuring oneself, "i will get out fo this alive"..."i know i can survive this"

IT does works...for i am still alive for sharing this wit ya.

From personal experience:

(( being abducted and physically abused by someone i knew.))
Akash S
2008-11-10 04:48:15 UTC
To stay focused on achieving one goal at a time. In these situations, one could think they need to do a lot of things to make the situation right. But by remaining calm and ascertaining what needs to be done immediately will help establish the right frame of mind to get yourself out of a bad situation.
2008-11-05 13:26:09 UTC
Begin by preparing yourself psychologically and physically to be a survivor.

Survival is the art of staying alive. any equipment you have must be considered a bonus. you must know how to take everything possible from nature and use it to the full, you must know how to maintain a healthy physical condition, or if sick or wounded heal yourself and others. You must be able to maintain your moral and that of others who share your situation. Lack of equipment should not mean that you are unequipped, for you will carry skills and experience with you, but those skills and experience must not be allowed to get rusty and you must extend your knowledge all the time.

The main elements required for survival are FOOD,FIRE,SHELTER and WATER. Their order of importance will depend upon where you happen to be. In the desert water will head the list; in polar regions shelter and fire will be the main concerns. Ordering your priorities is one of the first steps to survival.
Terry M
2008-11-05 11:16:48 UTC
In a very difficult situation - it is the will/desire to live that makes the difference. Do not give in to doom and gloom, self pity - if you do your beat. Remind yourself why you want to live through the current situation.

Stay calm, positive & focus on what the dangers may be, and how best to avoid them given your current situation.

The basics are food, water, protection from elements - but the mind is your greatest asset or obstacle.
mark e
2008-11-05 02:25:58 UTC
The core of the reason why we are seeking tips for survival, is because our ethos has been living to survive,

There needs to be a combined global acceptance by all so called people leaders, to not just look after the wealth creaters' CEO'S who get obscene bonuses, for looking after primarily the shareholders,and as a result of greed, instead of a society that requires employment opportunities , lost to a supposed charitable acts of exploiting cheap labour sources in third world countries. our values , have changed, as a result of greed also, Land values doubled every year, because Banks would loan money on two incomes, where previously the man provided, if either the husband worked, or just the wife worked, cost would have remained based on one income, children expect to have material things immediately, when our manufacturing industries have gone off shore, with employment opportunities, where will the required tax come from to pay social security,? why do people need a two story house just because of medium density taking away larger building blocks, the goverment has a lot of land doing nothing, EG: Badgeries Creek , and plenty of other tracts of land, why not have relocatable homes mass produced in factories (more jobs) and lease the land as site fees, village communities can be built, plus the government gets a return on the land, and still owns it.housing would be very affordable, just paying for the manufactured home. migrants can settle outside of urban areas, much like our pioneers, farming communities with their own housing as opposed to one family trying to stay solvent with thousands of acres.we need to live not battle to survive.
2008-11-04 17:45:42 UTC
In the present situation when it is not sensible to walk dark streets or gather among strangers in a drinking or riotous environment it is best to be in a position of sobriety. If you are approached by people in a threatening manner you should try to talk your way to safety. If that is not possible, and goodness I have often found myself losing out to aggressive people, you must be prepared to fight and you have to put your very best into the battle, whether it is,one, two or more on the attack. Most aggressors hate someone who is prepared to give it all and usually look for a soft touch. My own experience one time was when a young girl was being assaulted by her boyfriend. I simply took out my camera and snapped him before I approached both of them. He asked me to butt out and mind my own business and I told him the cops were on their way. The girl informed me she was not badly hurt and I hailed a taxi for her. I told the bloke he was not to use the same taxi and he could sort out his problem in the morning. Of course he came at me and when he found himself on the wrong side of an argument he started to cry that it was the old booze which caused the friction. He did go home with a little friendly advice from yours truly. It would have been so easy to walk by on the other side of the road.
2008-11-04 13:05:10 UTC
Find a source of potable water and drink from it to remain hydrated.

Examine your surroundings for possible ways to build shelter and if possible, build one.

If you are able to make a fire, do so. With the fire established, drink boiled water to help keep warm and avoid getting sick.

Try to find edible stuff and eat often in small amounts.

If your cell phone or other communications device works, use it to call for help.

If you decide to walk out, look for a stream that leads to a river which hopefully will take you to a road that can take you to civilization.
2014-06-21 14:59:48 UTC
if the situation is survival after the worlds been through a nuclear war - then a deep cave would be the best place to be if there isn't any underground bunkers already set up - once it happens it is too late to set anything up. Take a canary!
2014-10-08 13:22:06 UTC
e principal necessity is shelter. In most environments on earth, the first thing that is liable to kill someone is exposure. Heat, cold, wind, rain, etc. People can live several weeks without food and several days without water, but hypothermic exposure can kill within hours.

The next key is probably fire or water. Fire again speaks to fighting exposure and can provide some mental/psychological stability. It can also but used to purify water.

After fire, a reliable source of water should definitely be next. Ideally it would be less than a few hours walk from your shelter.
2008-11-13 07:58:07 UTC
Assess, Plan, Action, Evaluation, Re-assess.

Assess - there's a lion and it's hungry

Plan - Distract it

Action - Shout "Antelope over there" then run like mad

Evaluation - Check I still have all 4 limbs etc

Re- Assess - Next time stay IN the Land Rover!
2008-11-04 07:18:45 UTC
1. suck it up and keep the chitchat to a minimum (don't stand around wondering why this is happening to you or chitchatting about the state of affairs with others - if it isn't directly related to a solid theory or possible solution, shut up.)

2. don't make a lot of unnecessary noise (scream on the inside)

3. pay attention to what is going on (and try to connect some dots)

4. move your @ss (don't hesitate if an opening or opportunity presents itself)

5. lose the crowd (if it's a situation where people want to stand around vote and form committees, or fight among themselves))

6. be ready to defend yourself (don't waste time on fear or morals - strategize about how you can do some damage if necessary)

7. don't run blindly, use your common sense and eyes/ears to try and discern a direction.

8. if you are cornered, be prepared to give the best defense you can - don't go out like a punk.

9. be more concerned about water than food. (you can fast from food way longer than you can go without water)

10. hide (many rabbits and mice survive to tell the tale)
My account has been compromised!
2008-11-03 17:47:54 UTC
regarding slasher films, don't scream when you know there's a killer out there. never assume the killer is dead because the killer will rise from the dead for one last scare. you can't trust anyone, because your closest friend is likely the killer. don't leave the killer to the authorities. he always gets away.

when facing a apocalyptic situation, don't panic. be prepared. losing your hand or arms or legs is better than losing your life.

in a zombie film, always have a loaded gun. resist the overwhelming power of infection so you don't hurt your friends. don't get into an argument with anyone. don't hide anything from anyone.

concerning films with demons or psychological situation, do not fear. stay calm. don't obey demons because they have no right to rule over you. trust in God.

films with poltergeist, i guess the only thing you can do is leave the house or bless it.

in a torture film, be very careful. your next step could be your very last. watch out because the torturer is likely watching you.

there's a lot more tips but typing that would take all night lol
2008-11-03 15:04:39 UTC
I have had to live through that a few times. Once I had a life threatening asthma attack, almost died. And I survived an abusive relationship with a past boyfriend. Actually the severe asthma attack was due to the boyfriend also. So, you panic in the beginning and for me, i am very spiritual. Not so much religious as I am spiritual so I have to turn to that. Somehow, you become more calm. You are surprised what goes through your mind and somehow you turn to the quiet voice in your heart that saves you. I knew I had to remain calm and I prayed in my own way that please God, don't let it end like this! Basically you turn to whatever spiritual beliefs you have to pull you through! That is all that it was for me and yet, I survived. Thanks...
2008-11-05 15:24:50 UTC
use your common sense. Dont look for the wierd noise, safety in numbers (as long as they aren't zombies), stay calm and use your head!!! Breathing may all depends on the difficult survival situation your in..... look for food that wont kill you, shelter and help. Stay close to waterways, dont wander to far from your camp. If your being followed by a mass murderer, umm run. dont watch scary movies thta freak you out and you can keep that common sense coming, cos weird people out there think of really weird things.....
2008-11-04 14:48:22 UTC
Breathe, keep breathing. Focus on the next thing you need to do to survive.Be that water, shelter, kicking em in the balls, running....One step at a time.Then when you know you've almost accomplished that first goal move on to the next thing you must do,Don't stop until all basic needs are met. And keep thinking, This too shall pass.I won't be here forever. Just don't stop, never give up.
2008-11-03 19:23:16 UTC
watch jurassic park, hills have eyes, and other movies and watch what those people do in similar situtations, they usually go by the whatever-calms-you=down method ( i just made that up):

think of good memories

keep calm

dont be vain or too humble because in real life most of these situations are eveyone for themselves

u either die a hero or later get out alive because someone else died ur just gonna hallcinate and feel guilty until ya finally head toward the light

ya got 4 choices :


stay calm


leave alive

which one u choose and the consequences are ur choice. its part of who u are, the choices that u make. they build us and can possiby destroy us too.

life can change in a second and nothing can change that. Miracles are for those who've truly changed.

and second chances are redemption.


live for today-dream for tomorow-and learn from the past.


2008-11-03 16:58:46 UTC
I think that you need to keep mentally and physically tough.Thinking positive and making the best out of the opportunities that take place in a situation.Assuming one would go in a remote area, it is important to be able to go outside of one's comfort zone and eating any food source available regardless of taste and appearance. Above all I think that packing items with survival in mind would be important too. Simple tools such as lighters,blankets,tent,compass,knife etc. can make a big difference. Also having a good understanding of the area one will go to can make a difference such as what type of plants are edible in the area and where a water source can be found.I think that in most situations proper preparation is key.To sum up you need:


Positive Mentality



Ability to improvise

Maintain calm

Find self motivation to keep yourself alive

You can have all the determination in the world but if your not prepared for a situation then one's chances aren't good.
2008-11-03 14:55:07 UTC

I'd pray lots to God, get some weapons or make them with what materials are near. Different weapons for different things like an arrow for killing enemies or other animals or to get a fruit from a tree. Make sure I have access to water- because taht's what humans need and a good shelter place. A lighter or some woods to make fire to make food, keep warm and maybe can use to see things in the dark. Get a rope like what Tarzan swings on. And if there's an enemy trying to chase me- I'll do some karate stunts aahaha! Okay may be not since am rubbish but I could learn at the mean time. And make friends with dangerous animals like big bears- just like Mowgli ahah you know the Jungle Book? I'll try and learn their language and they'll try and help proetct me everytime a danger is near.

Sounds lame but I think they may work :s

Oh yeah! Face paint! To scare away strangers!
2014-09-26 14:23:32 UTC
If you have to find nice ideas for woodworking i can suggest you to check here

It's perfect if you are just starting out or if you're a seasoned carpenter. you will like it for sure !

It has almost 20.000 woodworking plans and you have a CAD/DWG software to view and edit the plans. You have step-by-step instructions with photos and high quality blueprints and schematics. If you are a beginner this is the easiest way to start your woodworking projects, and if you already have experience you can anyway find a lot of interesting ideas!
2008-11-12 04:16:55 UTC
To know great blessings accompany extreme adversity and that with being ready and aware these usually go un noticed but resolve integrity and faithful dilligence in being consistant is more an act of gentle kindness in mercy as a blessing when properly called upon.
2008-11-06 03:09:25 UTC
Depends on the situation. but number one tip do not panic.... panic and everything turns into a blur, you stop functioning... and run run run!!! also breathe loads coz if you dont get oxygen to your brain then you can't think on the spot. if its running away from a torturer then play them down and do not show that your scared trust your instincts on the nextstep for survival its the only way your gonna stay alive

btw i love ur movies especially the village

2008-11-04 05:11:04 UTC
Stay focused, keep it simple and complete any objectives that need to be completed in order to survive regardless of the concequences (Rambo stylee "eat things that'd make a billy goat puke"). Eliminate anyone or anything attempting to block these objectives, and only build benificial aliances.

Helping an injured woman along whom you've know for 2 wks just coz she's big breasts? Sod that, slit her throat and stock up on a human sandwhich ;)
2008-11-03 14:56:30 UTC
Watch Man Vs. Wild
2008-11-04 18:53:01 UTC
Carry some high nutrient foods with you before getting into that situation like almonds, goji berries, sunflower seeds.,, pumpkin seeds and raisins. All of these can be soaked in water to rehydrated them to make them more esaily assimilable by the body. Also, carry power Bars with you, expecially those with almond butter . If youre in a cold climate, carry fenugreek seeds black pepper and ginger powder to make herbal teas with to keep you warm. I live outside in my van in 20 below zero weather, so I have tested these survival foods and the tea, and they all help me literally survive.
2008-11-04 13:24:17 UTC
You shouldn't lose hope,

Be observant, be aware, be creative.....creativity helps when you can make something with the little resources you have.

Keep an open mind, wide enough to analyze and ponder upon different outcomes that you may able to achieve to get out of your predicament.

Protect yourself, by whatever means possible, and don't take anything for granted, in terms of resource or in terms of circumstance.

Do not be fickle or fussy with regard to anything.

Have courage, because the greatest mistakes made by man are when he is loses strength inside.

Believe in yourself, and believe in your Maker!
restless spirit
2008-11-04 07:31:25 UTC
nature has always provided of mankind. we have gave up on natural existence when we started depending on machines more and more. in a survival situation i would follow the path of the various tribal traditions that i grew up with in india. even in this modern day machine managed times that we live in there are still many cultures that depend on nature entirely and live a healthier lives then we do. no matter what kind of environment i might find myself i know that the moment i shed my present day living style i would be able to forge a living with the help form mother nature
Richard E
2008-11-04 02:19:08 UTC
If you are alone, and the situation going is to last a long time, (your lost in the wilderness, waiting for rescue or something like that) the most important thing is to maintain your sanity and morale. Survival means being very inventive, which you can't do if you are panicking or depressed. Typically, survival will be 95 percent boredom, and 5 percent extreme danger. The key to survival, apart from practicalities such as finding edible stuff, is to bridge the boredom, and to keep your sanity to survive the 5 percent of danger.

Especially when being alone, but also in a group, its important to keep some track of time, and to keep to a daily routine. Make and keep a calender, maybe in the sand, or if you have a knife in some tree bark. Try to estimate the hour of day. Keep track of your daily activities in some kind of log. If you experiment with eating plants, the log will enable you to see what made you ill. Write to your loved ones, if you can. (even if you can't send the letters). If you have food, ration it and eat it at fixed hours of the day only. (very important. you will be better at resisting the temptation to eat it all at once if you do this) Plan your activities, even if they are simple or not particularly useful. Keep you mind busy and organized.

Of course this rhythm of activities is best when you can combine them with doing something useful, like building a shelter, gathering food, searching for water, walking around etc. But if you have nothing to do but to save energy, praying or meditating is not such a bad idea. If you are not religious, now is the time to change lifestyle. It won't save your soul in the afterlife, nor will a Monthy Python-like hand put you out of danger, but it will help to keep you from getting deranged, and mentally ready for that window of opportunity, if it ever comes. Alternate sessions of prayer with other chores if possible.

When in a group, rituals can also help to instill a sense of common purpose, a group spirit. It will help you to work as one. Especially the sharing of food is important. Make sure that everyone eats at the same time, the same amount. Food donations to weaker or stronger persons should be on voluntary basis only. Start your day together, with a prayer or meditation session, or a song, and end it together with something similar. (again, i am not very religious at all. This is not to please some god, it's to bind the group. In the grinding dullness of survival, it works like a charm.) If you need people to stand watch, make an agenda of chores. Such an agenda is a good idea anyway. Plan your activities. If you are surviving for months, even plan some festivity.

All this is only meant to keep you fit for your actual task: to do the things necessary for survival. To be creative under pressure, and to be persistent when the monotony of the days is depressing you.
2014-06-11 20:48:49 UTC
Just take it one step at a time. After it's all over, you can let go and cry. That's what I did when we were locked in a room over the shop by a couple of robbers. I just kept thinking, "what do I need to do to get out of this?" I provided a solution, and we got out of there alive. Then I broke down.
2008-11-04 05:07:45 UTC
The best way, I've found, to get through a difficult survival situation, is to avoid seeing your horrible movies, Mr. Shyamalan.

And stop casting yourself in main roles! I turned off Lady in the Water because of you! You're a horrible actor! I'm having trouble figuring out if you're a worse director than an actor!
2008-11-03 13:57:53 UTC
I would say that in any survival situation by far the most important thing to do is not panic and 'keep your head'. As a former combat veteran of the Gulf War I can say that not giving in to panic and keeping control of your mental faculties is of absolutely paramount importance in any type of survival situation at all whatsoever.
2014-10-03 01:36:54 UTC
I imagine that it is because a kid just seems to have that blind faith that it will all be okay where an adult overthinks the situation and gets themselves hurt or killed. Have faith as a child does, that is how I survive in some situations.
2008-11-09 05:13:46 UTC
Hi there, the best advise i could give is to stay positive,and use common sense.When the weather is cold keep moving to stay warm and dry ,when weather is hot try to stay out of direct sunlight where possible, try to keep intake of fluid as much as possible (water easily caught buy finding plastic bag or alike and tie around end tip of tree branch where leaves are in direct sun light) also step heavy footed as to keep snakes etc away as they are more scared of you than you are of them and always remember to leave obvious marks around ie;break small trees,leave foot prints or alike as this can help search and rescue teams locate you easier that is if your in the bush etc .Hope this helped regards Jennifer
2008-11-04 13:54:02 UTC
i cant really say anymore just use your instincts be aware of your surroundings and just use commen sense,try and stay focused it could be a mater of life or only takes a in any difficult situation,we can only face it when and if anything happens,all situations are different,so hope and pray you can do enough to weather the storm and survive..and think of better times at least you might die happy..peAce..
2008-11-03 18:55:21 UTC
Well depends on your situation are you going to have to trample on Friends to survive are you going to have to give up something to survive but the best advice is just to relax essayer said than done but that's how it is

p.s.i think The Mist would have benn a great movie if it had a bigger budget if you had a sequel just keep that in mind.
2008-11-03 18:00:27 UTC
S.T.O.P.- Stop, Think, Observe, Plan.

While planning, prioritize- eliminate the most pressing dangers first.

1. Air (obviously)

2. Water- the body can only survive two days without water


2. Warmth/cool-in extreme conditions; hypothermia/heat stroke will mess you up quick.

3. Shelter-get out of the elements, staying dry is key.

4. Food- the body can survive 2 weeks without food, before organs start shutting down, so you've got some time.

Finally, keep upbeat, and never give up hope.
2008-11-17 00:16:53 UTC
I always stay calm. Sometimes it comes naturally. Sometimes I have to force myself to breathe deeply and focus. But no matter what. I find nothing helps me more in any situation than remaining calm. I can then think rationally, and logically. Panicking is a sure way to cause myself more problems and trouble.
Katie T
2008-11-06 08:13:03 UTC
no. 1 ...stay calm and relaxed

no. 2 ...teamwork ...if you are in a team.

no. 3Try to stay dry as far as possible (or cool if in desert terrain).

No.4 Food sources (look for the most available food sources around you within the natural environment). Fish from rivers or the sea, berries, roots, edible plants if you know which they are. You might have to resort to eating insects or lizards or snakes or small birds if it would keep you alive.

No.5 Always use whats around you in the natural environment.

no.6 try to be organised and always be prepared

Try to stay dry as far as possible (or cool if in desert terrain).

2008-11-03 14:46:17 UTC
Get as much information on what is happening as possible.

Try to stick with a group of intelligent people.

Don't go into dangerous places for any reason.

Find a water source and a way to transport some.

Trust your instincts since the most basic one is survival.
2014-06-24 15:07:09 UTC
Get some food and water. If you have nothing on you, search for a lake or pond. If, for some reason, you're near an ocean, don't drink salt water. It'll dehydrate you faster.
2008-11-04 14:07:07 UTC
Don't panic. Always keep thinking straight. Have a plan and continue executing it or revising it as needed including focusing on what resources you have at hand and how to use them to manage the situation. Never give up.
2008-11-06 21:54:12 UTC
Always take a pack of playing cards with you.

If you happen to get lost, just sit down and play Solitaire.

Quite soon, you'll feel a tap on your shoulder and a voice saying:

"Why don't put the seven of spades over here."
2008-11-03 16:05:49 UTC
the 6th sense was good the rest not so much.

the best tip for getting through a difficult situtation is not getting in the situtation to begin with. an ounce of prevention is truly worth a pound of survival
2014-07-18 19:59:13 UTC
That's what I did when we were locked in a room over the shop by a couple of robbers. I just kept thinking, "what do I need to do to get out of this?" I provided a solution, and we got out of there alive. Then I broke down.
2015-09-20 07:55:22 UTC
if survival is like a confrontation by an attacker - kick hard and fast then run like hell - a good groin kick will put them out of the running for long enough for you to put some good distance. But practise if you are not accurate it is a waste of time trying it.
2008-11-13 14:21:31 UTC
2008-11-13 03:57:59 UTC
Id get Bear Grills to Help me out if her aint available id phone Survivor man off idscovery, if he aint available id phone that English chap who makes fire out of tinder and stuff but as I cant remember his name its pretty much useless, on forth thoughts id get in touch with my mum and ask her to put the Kettle on , but seen as at that exact time I was possibly stuck in the middle of the Amazon Jungle surrounded by Ants and creatures of massive proportions in comparison to the usual insects id probably thank the Lord I had a emergency supply of Pampers nappies as no doubt id need them - best to keep calm I guess!
2008-11-06 07:51:55 UTC
Life cycle goes like an ECG graph.Normally its easy (that is straight line graph),sometimes too good(up going graph) followed by difficult times(down going graph).But if you see the pattern,its straight/up/down/up/straight ( more ups).....So Get slow,Do your duty,Have patience and Wait for the survival. You have no other options.Think deeply.
Melissa J
2008-11-05 08:17:35 UTC
Keep your wits about you. Try to remove yourself emotionally from the situation as much as possible, so you can evaluate it and deal with it as logically as possible.

With that being said, try to gather items quickly that can be of aide. Think outside of the box. Look at items to see how many different functions that they could serve.

And above all, don't give up hope!!!
Aaron A
2008-11-03 16:30:34 UTC
Well my friend, I would say that the best way to survive a difficult situation, would be to prevent any kind of danger, predict any kind of harm or pain, and enhance that you will be able to prosper.
2008-11-03 14:47:14 UTC
While freezing my butt off in basic training (mid-December in North Carolina) and sleeping outside for two weeks, I imagined the aarmest place I could remember: wrapped up in a big blanket with the heater blasting in the car while my boyfriend would drive me home every night from his house in the Colorado snow. I didn't realize that I have frostbite on my feet til after training was over and my toes were completely numb. No worries,; the feeling came back 2 years later.
Wendy L
2008-11-09 18:54:22 UTC
Taking a valium !! No seriously, deep breathing,maybe a yoga class and stepping back and trying to perceive the problem from another perspective and thinking outside the box.

If all fails take another valium !
2008-11-04 02:49:28 UTC
Eat chocolate. In many of the amazing survival stories the person survives days in freezing conditions by eating chocolate.
Mikey R
2008-11-03 19:57:21 UTC
Easy! Watch 'Man VS Wild' on Discovery Channel.
2015-08-09 22:29:47 UTC
Beyond the immediate needs of acquiring the basic life necessities - food, water, shelter and some degree of safety, you need to determine how best to get out of the situation in hand.
2008-11-10 12:57:52 UTC
1. Don't panic. Rapid breathing and tacky cardia makes you tired and weak. 2. Stay focused and alert. 3. Pray. 4. And the #1 tip: Doritos!
Lucas A
2008-11-03 20:38:04 UTC
Do whatever is possible to survive. Whether it be having to eat bugs or amputate yourself like that one guy did with a pocket knife. Just have faith that you will see the people you love again and have that keep you going.
2014-09-08 19:32:06 UTC
Hey there,

I was looking for a free download Plants VS Zombies I found it here;

Finally the full version is avaiable!

PvZ is a creatively designed Action game. As the name suggests, the objective of this game is to assassinate the aggressive zombies by planting shooter plants or plants with special powers.

2014-06-20 16:37:14 UTC
Getting angry can cause loss of energy and rationalisation, and (if in a group) can spark off arguments and break down team spirit. Teamwork is highly important in order to live, because as humans we are stronger working together.
2008-11-04 02:57:23 UTC
My best advice is to lay down and die. In all probability, one has only a tiny chance to get through it anyway and you could save yourself some effort by just giving up and admit to yourself that you failed.

We are all here for some reason, some of of just as a bad example to others... or to make others see that most people fail. Why try and beat the odds? Probably you won't make it anyway. So close your eyes and try to find the light. There are too many people in this earth anyway. Anyone who survives only steals food from the others.
2008-11-03 15:25:40 UTC
watch the life of brian, it puts your situation into perspective. if that doesn't work, and you're at the end of your tether, tie a knot in the tether and hold on.

actually, flippancy aside, it just depends on the circumstances of the difficult situation. if you are religious, then you will ask your faith to carry you through. if you are philosophical, you will allow your logic and patience to help you. and if you can find the courage within you, then that will make all the difference.
Christopher S
2008-11-12 16:46:18 UTC
Hole up somewhere preferable out in the wild, with a compound bow and arrows and a rifle, with plenty of ammo, a .45 handgun and my favourite a pump action shotgun, with plenty of ammo and a large bowie knife, with plenty of canned goods and a portable metho-burner camp stove (trangia). And hope to hell to survive, by using bushcraft and firepower of the weapons selected.
🐭 cat™ 🐭
2008-11-12 03:50:40 UTC
Follow me to the nearest pub, board up the windows and doors, and turn off all the lights. And whatever you do, don't accidentally start the jukebox that's going to play Queen's "Don't Stop Me Now" to attract the zombies. If your mom starts to act like a zombie, you're going to have to find the guts to shoot her.
2008-11-08 01:15:11 UTC
Always follow the river. The river will eventually have to lead you out of wherever you are. Always carry a radio or a satellite navigations systems at all times.
2008-11-03 13:30:42 UTC
Well put it this way. I would do the same as Frank on Deadrising 1 for xbox 360

what i assume by surviving is zombies, crazed people ECT
Tiger Eyes
2008-11-19 19:36:59 UTC
Stay focused and use survival tips in order to live and keep your life.
2016-03-09 19:40:10 UTC
In this regard it's like traveling well, set aside everything you want to take, and all the money you intend to bring. Then take 1/2 of the stuff away and add twice as much money.
2008-11-08 19:32:58 UTC
dont get into that difficult surival situation in the first place ey

besides its all just for the movies so u can make hu eva u want live or die regardless of what they do to survive

wtf is that happening?
2008-11-07 15:26:49 UTC
nothing as glamorous as JB007, but staying put when lost in the Australian bush. leaving great messages and directions for your friends, having fantastic first aid equipment and skills. In Australia needing to know how to identify the tiger snake that bit my daughter, the proper treatment, then the transport with said snake to the hospital for antivenene. thats how you survive..
2008-11-03 19:58:19 UTC
Believe in yourself. The HUMAN body can endure Almost any bad situation. Can you do it? YES or do you give up? NO or you will DIE! Always be smart and never under estimate your surroundings. Many years ago people could live off the Land and it's still possible today. Modern Technology has just GOTTEN MOST of us Lazy to our own abilities! Take RISK and enjoy LIFE!
2008-11-03 17:15:51 UTC
Quickly realize that it must be the plants giving off some neurotoxin and set them all on fire! I mean really man come on, you need to get back to your sixth sense roots and give us a good shocker ending again. Enough with this lame just kind of leave it up to the audience to interpret crap. There is enough gray in the world, so we want our movies and fantasy to be black and white! Haven't you directors and hollywood types figured that out yet? I mean one bad movie after another should have clued you in a little by now. Bring back the shock, the quality story with some better characters and way better dialogue before your name becomes synonymous with crap and studios eventually refuse to give you anymore money.
2008-11-03 17:00:27 UTC
If your just lost in the wilderness or on a deserted island you need to first find water then find or fabricate shelter such as a lean-to to protect you from the elements, then you would need food you can snare or catch it and fire to cook it. Then there's a sinking ship, stuck on the 5th story of a burning building, a bank robbery, a submerged car, a tornado, cancer, being wanted by the mob, being chased by a wild animal, shark attack, too much to type going to bed now.
2008-11-03 14:40:08 UTC
I really don't have any tips, I merely wanted to say this is a wonderful post, as their are way to many Paris Hilton types out their who stress over a broken nail and worry about their hair getting wet, they are clueless about survival, so it's nice to read some pointers on survival, as you never do really know when you could be in a situation where these recommendations can play a role in life or death.
2014-08-02 17:34:10 UTC
No.4 Food sources (look for the most available food sources around you within the natural environment). Fish from rivers or the sea, berries, roots, edible plants if you know which they are. You might have to resort to eating insects or lizards or snakes or small birds if it would keep you alive.
2008-11-04 02:00:36 UTC
Have it away on my toes a bit sharpish and find somewhere to hide. An ability to leg it up a tree at the hurry-up can be a major bonus.
2008-11-03 15:13:31 UTC
Kind of a big question isn't it? And how do you define a "survival situation"? Think, because a couple hundred years ago it may have been called an evening walk in the woods.

Analyze it, breathe, focus, and for God's sake be optimistic.
2014-08-22 19:10:18 UTC
water will be contaminated probably some form of still would help.

Rain water too would be undrinkable. Stored bottled water wont last long enough. By far the safest would be earth filtered water deep inside the ground.
2008-11-04 18:50:09 UTC
Keep calm and your head clear. Be aware of your surroundings at all times. Always inventory your resources. Always think about what you need to do to for continued survival.
2008-11-04 16:34:24 UTC
I read in a book once that you should suck on something small, like a button or a small (but clean) pebble. It's supposed to stave off hunger or something to that effect.

Btw, I LOVE your work. My second favorite movie of all time is a toss up between the village and lady in the water. ( number one will always be beauty and the beast.)

2008-11-03 18:11:07 UTC
Supplies Supplies Supplies, whether it be weapons, food, maps (GPS).

If something seems to good to be true (a good place to hide) it probably is!

Stay in a group, never go wandering by yourself, but don't be in too big a group as to attract attention to you!

Don't look conspicuous, nothing that makes you stand out!

Never ever look back, it can only mean bad things will happen.

Never go lurking in the shadows and seeking out strange noises.

Stick with the strongest and bravest so they can check out the situation for you!

And most importantly, make sure you can sprint.... fast!
Billy Butthead
2008-11-20 03:30:29 UTC
Don't panic.

Assess the situation.

Work from there

I've been through three deadly ones in my life.
2008-11-08 14:31:32 UTC
Watch the bear dude
2008-11-03 19:46:09 UTC
Focus and commit yourself to the goal that you want to achieve and let nothing contrary to your objective enter your thinking no matter how absurd what you want to achieve is. It is like waking up in the middle of a tight rope, only concentrate on getting to the other side no matter how unrealistic walking the tightrope may seem.
yo bro
2008-11-03 16:56:18 UTC
Get focused. There are various situations in which people might be in danger, but there is one solution to this... Pray to God for the knowledge.

It may sound hopeless and desperate, but in reality if you do this with a serious intention, you will find knowledge. From that knowledge we receive, we can react and decide accordingly to survival.
2008-11-03 14:08:00 UTC
Don't panic

Survey the situation/where is the closest help

Remember all Suviorman episodes if applicable

Take inventory of things around you that could help you survive

Always carry a knife, lighter, water purification tablets, GPS and cell phone

Never give up
2008-11-13 18:50:31 UTC
I find that if I keep breathing, then I normally survive, and remember that although I am getting older, the alternative is worse!
2008-11-03 20:47:12 UTC
LOL Jabba!

Draw strength from within - Get Angry. I've found when things got really, truly, rough, to the point where I couldn't stand it any more, anger would empower and help me through it. Whether it's mad at myself for being 'weak' or mad at the person who wronged me, I get the attitude 'I'm not going to give up, I'm not going to let them win. I WILL get through it.
2008-11-03 15:30:30 UTC
Take things as they come, one day at a time, and fall back on your strengths rather than giving in to your weaknesses.

Don't try to get through it alone -- rely on the love and support that your family and friends can give you to help get you through. Don't give up, even when things look bleak, as a brighter day can be just around the corner.
2008-11-03 13:44:20 UTC
For me personally I would have to say that retaining your humor and keeping your wits about you are especially important. If you really stop to seriously think about the peril you are in.....fear and darkness will take over and you might as well sit there and wait to die. But, if you can keep things as light hearted as possible and deal with things as they come your way, you have a fighting chance at survival. Morale is key!!!!
2015-09-21 02:19:48 UTC
For many months after the top layers of earth would be too dangerous to use. To begin a garden these would need to be carefully removed.
2008-11-09 09:01:10 UTC
Faith to my self my friends and my family at least at my background (you know Greeks are very family bonded and can do everything about that),if i am in a weird place i will try to get out of it and find food,or take lots of food and water with me.And up of all to stay calm so i will have space to think. :)
2008-11-03 18:16:44 UTC
My Survival Class was:

1) Shelter

2) Water

3) Food

Always have survival equipment with you, knife, emergency blanket, etc.

Keep up a positive attitude and continue to pay attention to any clues about where you are. There's the constant advice, stay where you are.
2008-11-03 16:43:21 UTC
I was once caught in my car in flood waters along with a lot of other cars. No one was moving because they were afraid, I was hemmed in by two cars, and I started hollering out the window to the other drivers that we had to move now but no one would move. The water was rising almost to the top of the car door and I was getting scared - I turned the stereo up - loud, real loud - and opened up the car windows. Suddenly people started moving, some of them got out of their cars and started pushing them. Some cars ended up submerged but the rest of us got out.

My best tip is to allow your instincts to drive you - I didn't know why I turned up the music, but people heard it, and it broke through their fear in order to get them to move. The strangest things will bring results.

Other tips - keep your head, look for options, don't give up no matter what, and be open to the inspiration your instincts will bring you.

Oh, adding one more:

My sister was coming into the city to see me when I was in school - she was only 16. When she got off the subway, a man started walking towards her, I spotted him and started to run to her. He blocked my view once he got close and I saw a little ruckus, then she popped out from behind him and started running and we both ran out of the station. She told me he grabbed her with both arms, and she didn't know what to do so she just grabbed hold of his shirt, pulled him closer to her and kissed him smack on the lips. She said he was so startled that he just let go and that's when she ran. And trust me, she didn't have a clue why she did that.

So, I say again, be open to letting your instincts do the driving

Edit; you know, I think it's really interesting how many people assume they are lost out in the wild somewhere .... and Jabba's response with the list should be made into a poster - it's my favorite answer here, I can't stop laughing.
2016-04-04 04:53:26 UTC
Keep your Head--But unless you describe the situation?? Is it falling thro freezing ice? Are U in a burning plane? Do U have 2 broken bones & R in the middle of the Sahara Desert?
2008-11-11 15:02:11 UTC
Watch The Mist instead of your shambles The Happening!!!
2008-11-10 08:26:17 UTC
If you're stuck in an earthquake rubble, then sing! not only it will kill the boredom but it will increase the chances of someone coming to rescue you and it will keep you awake and alive.
2008-11-04 01:59:28 UTC
Stay cool calm and collected... you can see the way out then , and stay away from screaming types.... those who cant shut up when silence means survival
2008-11-03 17:02:05 UTC
Find a small group of your most trusted alllies of the same sex. TAKE CHARGE initially and assign task leaders to each needed postion. Have scouts that keep your safe house protected from other predators. Gather resources quickly (food, heat sources, etc.) in the beginning stages of your grouping before they dwindle.
2008-11-03 13:43:03 UTC
1. Stay calm and collected

2. Think logically

3. Make sure any and all people with you are well taken care of.

4. Take everything one step at a time.

5. Never give up faith.

6. Never give up hope.
2008-11-13 14:52:11 UTC
Think of those whom you would leave behind and how it would effect them. Even if you can't focus, don't ever give up and have the faith to believe you will survive.
Magic Mouse
2008-11-03 18:57:21 UTC
Stay focused and dont panic.Try not to make decisions wen you are not able t carefully think about them if at all possible. Talk stock of anything you have in your possession and be creative in using these things to help your situation. Stay positive and keep an "I will make it" attitude.
2008-11-07 15:56:47 UTC
Keep calm, and think through the situation.

Think about all of the possible ways to get through it and which one works the best for you.

Also, you are amazing, I love all of your films :)
2008-11-04 06:33:36 UTC
Stay calm, analyze carefully your surroundings, be resolute, have faith in your actions or.. grab the hands and start dancing and singing with the girl right next, all nervousness will go.
Sealed With a Smile
2008-11-03 15:54:55 UTC
Always have a whistle handy, and use it if you are lost, keep a compass in your bag, have trail mix and a canteen of water, and a map of the area. Be able to collect firewood too, and make a bed out of brush and leaves.
2008-11-03 14:34:36 UTC
I am a believer in taking steps beforehand..reading and researching about different survival methods in different situations and just to get the knowledge so that you are prepared if you find yourself in a bad place.
2008-11-14 09:00:16 UTC
Take the phone and dial 999
2008-11-07 12:54:17 UTC
Use cold rational logic to make my decisions and discard all thoughts of "fair" or "humane". Become the primitive survivor which lives inside all of us, and try to deal with the emotional damage (to myself) afterwards..
Dawn R
2008-11-03 17:44:08 UTC
It kinda depends on the situation, but a few to cover all beses....keep on keeping on, never give up, or stop, and remember always that someone somewhere in the world is in either the same or a worse situation than yours, Tell yourself that you are strong and can endure, last but not least Pray pray pray to God, or whomever your higher power is!.
2015-10-14 07:41:56 UTC
the sun rises in the east and sets in the west and moss grows on the north side of a tree - also a magnetised needle becomes a compass floated in water (magnetise by rubbing through hair).
2008-11-05 01:03:05 UTC
stay positive. go and sit underneath a tree,relax. start thinking about some tactics to find food,drink etc. find shelter and chill out , do not try to escape , think of it as a big holiday !
2008-11-04 16:24:39 UTC
2008-11-04 05:43:21 UTC

Here are my best tips:-

Visit my website. URL above.

Purchase my sea, land and amphibious survival packs.

Read the instructions in each pack.

Purchase my survival ebooks.

Know that doing these things gives you access to the best survival information available.


They are the result of having received the very best survival training available to humans on this planet. Training conducted in snow and ice, desert, rainforest, sea coasts and on the sea. Training conducted in the most hostile environments known and for prolonged periods; including urban 'jungles'.

Military survival training.
2008-11-03 17:27:36 UTC
Kill an ox, split the gut open, pull some of the guts out, crawl inside and wait til the storm passes or the coast is clear.
2008-11-03 08:51:09 UTC
Just think about what you have to do to survive that situation. Just take it one step at a time. After it's all over, you can let go and cry. That's what I did when we were locked in a room over the shop by a couple of robbers. I just kept thinking, "what do I need to do to get out of this?" I provided a solution, and we got out of there alive. Then I broke down.
Yam King 7
2008-11-03 14:52:25 UTC
First, let me say that 'Unbreakable' was one of the greatest films I've ever seen.

Okay, to answer your question:

It's important for me to keep a clear head and get the facts about my situation and not let my mind start to project scenarios that might not happen.

I like to get as quiet as possible, find a phone to contact someone for help, and try to relax by breathing.
2008-11-04 06:19:10 UTC

1. Avoid tequila

2. Don't try to out-drink football players

3. Don't drive
2008-11-03 15:19:48 UTC
1) Think it through and cool down

2) Plan each step before acting

3) Think of the closest sources and means of contact

4) Think of the important necessities: food, clothing, shelter, and water.

5) Look for safety first.

6) Believe in yourself and each step you take.
mark p
2008-11-03 14:10:47 UTC
After extensive research, I can positively state that your odds of survival are MUCH better if your name appears in the opening credits. If your role is "Dead guy #3" (or anyone after "Waitress") your odds of surviving to the end of the film are negligible, at best. So work on your agent, and get the best placement possible!
Windrider unchained M.A.M.
2008-11-12 18:17:12 UTC
Don't get in to a difficult situation, if you can help it.
2008-11-04 12:59:58 UTC
My best advice would be to remember what you were taught in Scouts - look for ways to sustain your survival, be smart, and don't do anything silly.
ẋẌẋ Ɗęʋịɭì¢ıɵʉʂ ẋẌẋ
2008-11-03 16:19:28 UTC
Come up with a crazy twist involving aliens and hope that they save me from the situation and bring me to Xenu.
2008-11-07 12:24:18 UTC
Try not to panic & use the resources around you to help to survive !
2008-11-07 09:15:09 UTC
Know that I'm going to be fine.

If need be, go Apeshit on the person assaulting you.

call he Po-po.

Pray to whoevers up there.
Diggin' In The Crates
2008-11-03 21:01:44 UTC
Stay Calm
2008-11-03 20:03:07 UTC
Stay calm, don't overreact, think over your decisions carefully and try to use your best sense of logic as wisely as possible.
2008-11-03 16:56:49 UTC
I pray first; I love it when God handles my difficult situations. Next, laugh at your trouble. By now, my adrenalin is racing, so breathe deep and take steps to calm down. Now, the inner McGyver sets in, telling me to check the fuel gauge or try to suss an exit behind me; just be calm and think; sometimes no action is needed at all.
Jenna M
2008-11-04 01:38:51 UTC
I don't know but Bear Grylls certainly seems to have all the answers
Yellow Scarves Rebellion
2008-11-03 20:13:13 UTC
The most powerful tool you would use for your survival would be the power of your subconscious mind! Your subconscious mind is the root of all faith and with the power of your mind you can manifest your survival and your future.
2008-11-03 19:47:30 UTC
If it is life or death:

* Never investigate a mysterious noise

* Always have a weapon, and have it at ready

* Don't travel alone

* Stock up on canned foods as possible

2008-11-03 14:04:15 UTC
Don't panic, for sure, and don't trip. In movies they always have people tripping and people don't do that. Yeah it happens once in a blue moon, but come on, if you trip you get up. You don't start crawling like an idiot.
2014-06-14 08:57:05 UTC
Does it worry you that your films consistently get progressively worse? I mean in like ten films time how bad is the film gonna be. Imagine ten times worse than lady in the water....
2008-11-06 09:59:11 UTC
find water and shelter

thats the most important,

make a knife,

bring one of those sattelite finding people systems

or bring a mobile haha
2008-11-12 19:47:18 UTC
no matter what is going on in your life..there is always someone somewhere who is having a worse pick yourself up and get on with it and only worry about the things you can change, not the things you cant.
2008-11-04 09:13:20 UTC
Not to panic and think twice, don;t just jump into a situation.
2008-11-04 07:51:27 UTC
Follow Chris Ryan, if he's not there, dig up one of his survival handbooks.
2008-11-03 18:09:21 UTC
Bite your lip, and shut up. Just do what needs to be done. Never leave a man behind. Follow your gut. Breathe.
2008-11-03 16:57:08 UTC
the meaning of this Q is mindless. to get just though today is mack a good life is must seed you goals early in must decide Wat you going to do with you life go to school and lorn something or Lorne a trade. if you decide for educate you self , going in college for 3-4 years you will always work for some one Al's and have clean Hans not much mony. if you going to college 8-9 years,then you have clean Hans and prestige life be a business man ,and boss , success in you life as lawyer or a doctor .give attention ,if you invest the mony on yourself, then you have to participate yourself in working, if you lorn a tray as plumber,electrics. or builder. or road construction , or go to dinner busines ,you will mack mony, and plenty of green.and you DO NOT HAVE TO WORCK YOU SELFE.others will do the work for you that is the think and dis aid.
2008-11-04 07:49:30 UTC
Be strong and believe that God will never leave you alone, he's right there with you through the tough times and the good times. Keep your faith up and never give up.
Mrs. Spock
2008-11-04 05:28:26 UTC
The will to live is the most important tip. If you have the will to live, your intuition, instinct, inner strength, adrenaline, and decision making skills will work to their maximum potential.
Unique Snowflake
2008-11-03 17:40:38 UTC
Always be prepared: scout stylee...

A copy of the 'Worst Case Scenario Handbook' doesn't go astray either.
2008-11-03 15:15:50 UTC
read the book The Hunger Games it's all about survival...
2008-11-11 10:43:51 UTC
Follow your instincts- that's what they are designed for.

You also need to keep a cool head and remain focused.
2008-11-04 08:40:37 UTC
If your in a group, make sure your not the most curious or arrogant person, he's always the first to go.
2008-11-14 02:32:12 UTC
the best tips to overcome a difficult question is to have e faith in god and trust in myself that I can do it.
2008-11-07 03:14:21 UTC
Pretend it's a reality TV show and that you're being filmed. That way, you'll avoid making any dumb decisions ... right?
2008-11-05 05:15:42 UTC
Hide behind somebody else for shelter, let them do all the work, and ustilise their food, water and clothing for yourself.
2008-11-04 18:58:26 UTC
Friend's and Family Support.....x
2008-11-03 21:59:17 UTC
If you've been hurt, and alone and you're scared out of your mind, there's a switch in your heart and your mind that clicks on and fear & despair disappears. You do what you have to do. And you suddenly tell yourself, it's going to be okay.
2008-11-03 18:52:45 UTC
find food(by means of hunting, fishing, foraging for plants and berris and roots)

create shelter or find shelter

find some way to get to civilization if your stranded. a lot of it depends on where you are.

AND keep yourself occupied by filling your free time with anything you can to take your mind off of things
2008-11-03 15:54:51 UTC
my tip would be to not get in the situation in the first place.
2008-11-03 15:25:20 UTC
well it really depends on the situation, you can use common sense in some situations, in others you have to think outside the box.
2008-11-03 13:30:07 UTC
I have a basic Earthquake kit

caned goods, water, batteries, basic medications
2008-11-06 03:47:05 UTC
survive, trust those around you, find a volleyball named wilson, run hard, find 2 big sticks to make fire, find friday (robinsion crusoe) and learn to be used to where you are
2008-11-03 20:25:21 UTC
hide and just come out until everything is quiet and the situation looks safe
2008-11-03 17:33:36 UTC
Remain Calm, Check to make sure you have supplies food, water,etc, find a safe place to go to, and make sure you are prepared for everything
2008-11-03 10:00:07 UTC
Thank interested people for their kind advice - then totally ignore it! Believe in yourself and your ability to succeed: treat each potential problem as a lesson to be learned - and profit by it.

Be an individualist, for you must rely upon yourself and your gut feeling at all times. Not only that - you must be prepared to act on your feelings.

Finally, put your head between your legs and kiss your **** goodbye just in case you don't make it. But of course you WILL.
2008-11-03 13:27:58 UTC
give up the need to survive

not survive it

let it consume me

then move on
Wants To Stay Anonymous
2008-11-13 05:43:18 UTC
HIDE! D: And Throw Rocks...

Maybe just the hide part
2008-11-05 02:30:13 UTC
fire, fish and earth u see some states over in africa ok don't eat meat like they do but it's sacred look at Australian Aboriginals etc... there are certain conditions humid conditions also like cold,hot,wet,dry
2008-11-04 02:36:32 UTC
Have faith in the power that is present all around. He is always here to protect us.
2008-11-07 22:50:26 UTC
Sheesh, Special Edition, get out much?
2008-11-07 01:00:30 UTC
Think of family and loved ones, It gives you great strength.
2008-11-04 07:46:50 UTC
Look at other,s.Who are worst then you.try to ignore what going in your mind,do meditation,spend your time with good friends go to temple,church get help.
2008-11-04 06:43:45 UTC
Sing a silly song and make jokes.
2008-11-04 04:15:46 UTC
Don't over think everything and use common sense.

Weapons are often not useful for someone who's never used them and they only take up space in your pack.
Special Edition
2008-11-03 11:58:39 UTC
Firstly, you'd need a strong will to live. And I guess it depends on the situation for the rest...

Being able to navigate you way around is important, whether it be with the sun, a map, a compass etc. and you'd need to avoid or at least defend yourself against dangerous animals or plants or people.

In terms of mental preparation, you would need to have a brave personality to overcome the fear of being in a life threatening situation. If your too overwhelmed by fear you can't think straight. For example, I'm scarred of spiders, but if I was lost in the rain-forest I'd need to overcome that fear to survive.

You would also need to be able to remain calm and not get angry. In a situation where things are most likely to go wrong it is easy to imagine that tempers will flare. Getting angry can cause loss of energy and rationalisation, and (if in a group) can spark off arguments and break down team spirit. Teamwork is highly important in order to live, because as humans we are stronger working together.

Having said that another emotion you'd need to overcome would be guilt. Even though we are storngest as a team, it is still everyone for himself, if that makes any sence? For example, if your in a burning building and one screaming person trips up you cannot go back for them because it would endanger your own life, you cannot feel guilty about that and have too keep on surviving.This is called "survivor's guilt".

And lastly depression. In a desperate situation you'd have too keep pushing forward if you have any chance of surviving. To overcome this you would have to stay possitive and think happy thoughts because it is esay to give up hope. It seems that while humans are physically trying to improve their lives, by means of building a fire, making shelter, gathering water or food, there is less tendency to become depressed.

PS: OMG, I love your work! I think your amazing!!! Seriously, when I grow up I wanna be a frilm director because you have inspried me so much!!! :D
2016-02-28 19:27:44 UTC
if confronted watch the triangle formed by the head and shoulders as whole, this is the first area you will noticed a movement about to happen.
2008-11-14 15:08:13 UTC
Make sure no Natives chase after you.

And yeah, try to stay alive.

2008-11-03 15:16:49 UTC

by the way


Kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time.

jai ho!!™
2008-11-11 09:16:58 UTC
i agree with the first answer ..dont die-

well first of you you have to go through the obstecles and try to tackle them down--but mostly DONT PANIC!!!

i would like to thank you for bringing avatar back to life man your so cool, also can you make it a bit faster please
2008-11-03 15:53:28 UTC
Find shelter, find food, and pray to god I won't die.

I would take deep breaths, and look around at my surroundings and think of ways to escape.
2008-11-04 16:25:01 UTC
Fear is your greatest ally. I don't mean fear within yourself but fear from you predators. Any man, animal, other source that fears you will think more than once to mess with you.

How you instill fear is up to you.
8 person
2008-11-04 06:36:34 UTC
never get into a dangerous situation
Awakened Sleeper
2008-11-03 17:43:24 UTC
Shaymalan or whatever sucks. I get the point in all the movies, but they still suck except for the Six Sense. The way you deal threw stuff if you're in a terrible situation is to stay calm. Most important. And not let your mind get cloudy.

Still sucks. Epic fail.
2008-11-03 14:00:44 UTC
To pray to the One that made you:It is evident.

And when you receive the order,LIKE MIKE:

Just do it,and nike means victory in Greek.
2008-11-03 16:25:56 UTC
Don't be afraid to eat the fat kid or the annoying chick. You're not in Kansas any more.
2008-11-03 15:10:07 UTC
Don't follow me, follow the guy that looks like he knows what he's doing.

Terrific to see you online. You're a legend man. Keep up the good work!
2008-11-03 12:57:26 UTC
Focus on the best possible outcome and how you can get there.

Try to stay positive but realistic.
2008-11-07 21:54:10 UTC
2008-11-03 08:29:22 UTC
Best thing is to do what you can to make you immediately safe, so you have enough time to think and focus on the problem. Try be as calm as possible and try get help.

A shotgun never goes astray though!
2008-11-13 20:13:43 UTC
get used to the taste of human flesh
2008-11-04 18:14:45 UTC
is life really worth living,eating tree bark and dead rats and sleeping with bugs and snakes?

cyanide is the best option,and save that last bullet for yourself.
2008-11-12 19:58:32 UTC
Remember to exersise and eat well and be happy and stay positive in life!!!!!
2008-11-12 17:11:13 UTC
Ask Bear Grylls he's awesome.
2008-11-06 10:48:55 UTC
watch movies of james bond.
2008-11-04 05:22:36 UTC
I got to work each day..then come home without detouring!
Leah nora
2008-11-04 04:11:25 UTC
I have Food, Shelter, My Bodyguard (my dog) for protection, my Ipod or anything that plays (I love my music)
2008-11-03 20:22:24 UTC
Find communication.

Get any way out,

By building objects to get

out, etc.
2008-11-03 16:48:55 UTC
Think of someone or something to give you faith and the will to keep strong and think positively. As soon as you lose hope, you lose.
2008-11-03 13:35:23 UTC
I suggest to the person keeping me captive to watch Lady in the Water. After watching the movie my captive will die from boredom then I make my escape.
2008-11-03 13:15:58 UTC
Remember the episodes of survivor man you had previously watched
2008-11-11 22:08:27 UTC
Always look on the bright side.

Because it could always be worse
2008-11-04 04:48:21 UTC
Its all about your state of mind so just think positive.
2008-11-04 00:25:08 UTC
Many Bottles of Whiskey
2008-11-03 15:39:34 UTC
Almost ANYTHING can be used as a weapon.

A positive mental attitude is key. Keep telling yourself, "I will get through this...I will get through this".
2008-11-20 21:53:57 UTC
Never give up. Mind set .
2008-11-09 12:53:45 UTC
lo dico sempre pure io
2008-11-03 20:50:17 UTC
prioritize the dangers.

prioritize your supplies.

Then create a plan on how to optimize your supplies versus the dangers.
2008-11-03 18:07:19 UTC
Find food and shelter if you can, and think positive thoughts. Being negative will take you no where.
2008-11-03 15:54:22 UTC
Strong fingertips and an undying will to live.
2008-11-08 20:03:41 UTC
I look on the bright side
2008-11-07 04:08:27 UTC
just stay positive, go forward and expect the best possible outcome!
2008-11-03 14:40:47 UTC
To push yourself beyond pain, disgust or whatever emotion or physical manifestation, because you can and have the ability no matter what your state of being or mind.
2016-03-13 05:36:37 UTC
use a make-up mirror to see around corners before you go
Russell C
2008-11-09 05:37:03 UTC
Use your Intuition, stay clear and focussed
2008-11-05 20:15:28 UTC
Remember to take your mobile phone so you can call someone.
2008-11-05 11:37:35 UTC
Make sure your name is "jaguar Paw"(Apocolypto) now there`s a survivor!
2008-11-13 11:52:51 UTC
hard pressed on my right.

my center is yielding.

impossable to maneuvre.

situation excellent.

I am attacking.

.Can do;can change.


ps.when in doubt,empty the magazine.
2008-11-04 23:24:24 UTC
Your movie Signs scared the **** out of me when I was younger.
2008-11-04 13:26:06 UTC
Hide behind the fat man
2008-11-04 13:09:00 UTC
Don't leave home without your cell phone
2008-11-04 03:25:28 UTC
When I come across such satuation I Pray my God to help me
Star Dust
2008-11-03 16:06:14 UTC
To keep moving forward and never look back.
2008-11-04 12:39:15 UTC
Have faith in God and yourself and all the things everybody else said LOL.
Old School
2008-11-03 20:54:44 UTC
The best tool is "will power" in my opinion.
2008-11-03 20:20:07 UTC
START RUNNING! RUN FOREST RUN! Running will get you out of most situations unharmed.
2016-02-29 19:36:49 UTC
if surviving as in lost, in the bush
2008-11-04 06:26:29 UTC
Food, water and shelter.
Isreal S
2008-11-13 10:50:07 UTC
try to think that some good days are coming
2008-11-16 20:08:26 UTC
Stay positive.

Negativity is a killer!
amit i
2008-11-03 18:01:53 UTC
when such situation comes, you your self will follow all the things that are required at that time
2008-11-10 03:57:25 UTC
dont believe in a stupid fairy tale involving a chick living in a pool
2008-11-05 06:26:30 UTC
i would probably try to not die through the diffusional situation
2008-11-03 15:15:12 UTC
Stop drop and roll baby
El Diablo
2008-11-11 10:05:23 UTC
" I tend to find holding my breath for long periods tends to help "
2008-11-08 05:38:09 UTC
if u think the monster, alien, crazed asylum escapee etc is dead.......DO NOT go back to check.
2008-11-06 22:51:10 UTC
dont ever stop believing in yourself.

keep your head up.

dont look back.

do what makes you happy.

2008-11-04 07:36:53 UTC
hope that your kung fu training, and knowledge of the force will suffice in keeping you alive.
Pet lover
2008-11-03 16:53:02 UTC
Must be a bit more specific, Whats the sitiuation?
2008-11-03 12:23:19 UTC
Don't panic or become emotional. Find supplies and somewhere safe. Find other people.
Ty V
2008-11-24 06:00:01 UTC
Try not to worry
Margaret H
2008-11-04 16:46:47 UTC
Prayer...prayer....prayer. Stay calm, keep your head, pray for wisdom.
2008-11-04 10:19:33 UTC
Run as fast as you can then hide.
2008-11-03 15:03:19 UTC
You should film someone actually doing it in real life

Kinda like a "Blair Witch" or "Cloverfield', but real

Think of like, "Into the Wild" or something like that. Make it reality.
Prιηcεss Zεldα
2008-11-03 14:42:59 UTC
Pray to God for help.

Just keep thinking positive.
2008-11-10 07:10:53 UTC
Stay calm and try not to panic (emphasis is on 'try').
2008-11-03 20:27:30 UTC
never go with your intuition cus m night it fells me everytime.
2008-11-04 10:32:15 UTC
Get stoic.
Maggot (12)
2008-11-03 17:37:36 UTC
always carry a gun, but hopefuly there isn't a twist at the end of your life! lol just kidding m. night!!!
Raymond K
2008-11-23 07:39:16 UTC
2008-11-04 15:26:58 UTC
just continuously affirm and believe that you will get through it...
2008-11-04 03:41:46 UTC
Think about what you will of gain.
n b
2008-11-03 08:49:30 UTC
1. Make sure you are with Ray Mears at the time.

2. Dont panic, assess straight away.

3. Follow Ray Mears.

2008-11-11 15:21:25 UTC
If at first you don't succeed, try again.
2008-11-11 06:32:16 UTC
stop, drop and rock`n`roll?

(music always keeps me alive, lol)
2008-11-04 01:20:54 UTC
keep calm , never panic , drink water ,your own urine if you need to , jet keep you head when all about You are losing theres
2008-11-03 20:26:54 UTC
steal someone else's identity
Laura D
2008-11-03 19:16:00 UTC
pass gas so you dont get bloated
2008-11-15 17:55:48 UTC
find foof , eat anything that wont eat you first, shelter, clothing, and dont die
2008-11-07 23:00:34 UTC
Run like all hell then hide!
soul R
2008-11-04 11:52:13 UTC
dont WATCH stupid movies.(like THE SIGN, Village(IDIOT), the happening, lady in water, etc.
2008-11-03 16:39:44 UTC
Don't panic and keep calm.
Vinny Burgoo
2008-11-03 16:05:05 UTC
Don't grin like that at your co-survivalists.
Chris Beck
2008-11-03 15:06:45 UTC
make sure u have a pack of matches and a gun with alot of ammo
2008-11-03 13:51:18 UTC
"Luck will save a man often enough...If his courage holds"
2008-11-05 19:56:29 UTC
Scream...panic...then scream some more!
2008-11-11 17:52:05 UTC
Don't tell anyone what you are about to do
2008-11-03 17:44:40 UTC
Ask yourself, what would Chuck Norris do?
2008-11-21 18:27:54 UTC
PRAYER:) Or the advice from Jabba:)
Barbara Doll to you
2008-11-04 00:12:40 UTC
In short, don't panic.
2008-11-10 17:04:58 UTC
rub some dirt on it.
2008-11-11 14:11:43 UTC
Pray...and pray again.
2008-11-08 17:33:56 UTC
keep thinking that you can, you can and you can do it and dont feel like fear.
2008-11-03 15:31:14 UTC

2008-11-03 15:03:34 UTC
semper paratus
2008-11-07 13:23:14 UTC
use your sixth sense
I Love You ♥
2008-11-03 17:28:13 UTC
be quick.

if you are slow...

you'll never escape a difficult situation...

hope i helped...=]
2008-11-03 11:03:36 UTC
Try and look at the glass half full rather than empty,keep faith (in God and in yourself),focus on the task in hand.Finally, keep on going.../don't give up.
2008-11-13 08:53:28 UTC
Pray to God and have faith.
Wendy J
2008-11-11 09:05:23 UTC
keep breathing
2008-11-10 11:38:35 UTC
2008-11-04 07:40:52 UTC
water! get lots of water. and pray!
2008-11-03 20:14:10 UTC
live sensibly
2008-11-03 18:33:14 UTC
Think before you vote.
Mrs. Butler ♥2 B♥
2008-11-04 12:35:02 UTC
♥heyyyyy u kinda cute♥
2008-11-03 17:36:28 UTC
be the one with a gun and tennis shoes on.
2008-11-04 18:51:47 UTC
that's why we have cell phones, honey.
2008-11-03 19:15:25 UTC
Don't panic.
2008-11-03 18:16:18 UTC
don't die, stay alive, find food and shelter
Andri alvi
2008-11-03 19:58:45 UTC
believe that we are managed by GOD
2008-11-03 15:23:47 UTC
Start screaming "We are all going to die!" over and over until it is so.
2008-11-03 13:31:12 UTC
Be selfish.
2008-11-03 15:09:04 UTC
Stay positive.

PS i love your movies!!
2008-11-04 10:39:19 UTC
read this book
2008-11-04 03:49:58 UTC
Its all a dream, its all a dream...
2008-11-03 23:21:18 UTC
your movies suck as of late.

get back to your roots!
rockets in the sky
2008-11-03 14:22:02 UTC
simple.Have courage to face your fear and you will make it .
2008-11-03 12:52:51 UTC
Don't run up the stairs!
2008-11-03 12:52:02 UTC
Take a q from the doctor in Saw.... saw your foot off and proceed to shoot the other guy in the room.
2008-11-04 01:32:39 UTC
I just be myself....
2008-11-04 14:55:11 UTC
try not to go mad.
2008-11-03 13:36:20 UTC
if you cant beat them join them....
2008-11-03 13:59:01 UTC
Why does it say "OFFICIAL" under your name ?
2008-11-04 00:12:54 UTC

2008-11-03 06:05:35 UTC
Guns, Food, Guitars, Beer. Then to high ground/secluded farm house.

I have bardsey island dibbed.

2008-11-20 16:55:47 UTC
Vinni and beer
2008-11-03 07:43:37 UTC
as with most of your films.... after the initial shock, fall back on the most simplistic and blindingly obvious solutions.
2008-11-03 17:38:47 UTC



2008-11-03 07:03:52 UTC
Curl up in a ball and hope it ends quickly.

Does it worry you that your films consistently get progressively worse? I mean in like ten films time how bad is the film gonna be. Imagine ten times worse than lady in the water....
2008-11-03 21:30:22 UTC
kill or be killed.
Chauncy Gardener
2008-11-03 17:14:00 UTC
dont eat your friends.........
2008-11-03 14:21:29 UTC
Kill or be killed! ;)
2008-11-03 09:54:35 UTC
I would have to say to become more religious. Pray alot and try not to loose your faith and positivity. Try to stay upbeat, sing, chant keep your momentum up.

When you are in a situation that demands all of your instincts to be sharp you become the beast. You do what it is you need to do to retain your survival.

Great question.
2008-11-03 04:14:38 UTC
Just hold on,dont give up and focus.
jerry g
2008-11-06 17:33:00 UTC
Whats new movei now???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
2008-11-03 06:05:00 UTC
Deal with the moment and dont think ahead.... calm yourself with positive thoughts!
2008-11-03 05:40:03 UTC
Debby M
2008-11-03 04:25:19 UTC
Pray. It works for me. However you must physically do whatever you have to at the time, but while you are doing it rely on God's promises. Weather you survive or not God will be with you.
Fragile Rock
2008-11-03 04:11:13 UTC
To have faith, fortitude and forbearance.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.