2013-03-01 06:01:27 UTC
I'm almost 20 years old and I'm from Rotterdam (Netherlands). I'm a male..
I have a problem/I'm kinda depressed
You see, I have no friends who I reguraly hang out with, (so like a group of friends who hang out each week).
It's not that I don't have friends. I have many friends and from the age of 4 until 17-18 I've always had one group of friends (4-6 boys) with which I used to do everything.. play outside, excercise together etc. But the problem with that group is & was that they became a bit boring. I've been living in the same neighborhood for 15 year and I know 20-30 guys who I grew up with. (no girls from our age lived in this neighborhood) . It was always fun with them, we had real comedians and always had fun and did fun stuff outside. but then we got old and everything changed a bit, some friends started working and moved away and some just never wanted to do something different than hang out. They never wanted to go out/go on a holiday/ do something different. We always used to hang out outside and play soccer or do some daily routines.
And besides them I've always had other friends from school, I'm not a shy person, I'm normal, smart, people like me and I always want to do fun stuff and try new things.. I'm really someone that understands life and does not want to spend money on very expensive clothing (like many people do here in Rotterdam) I rather enjoy doing other stuff..
And the irony is that me (a person that appreciates having good friends/good times/enjoys the smallest things) have no friends like that at this moment.
What I did in the last 2 years is move away from my group of friends with who i grew up with, I kind of neglected them and they started realising that I had other friends because I started to go out, try new things with other friends.
So to the point:
At this moment in my life, I have 300 facebook friends, but really no one to hang out with. I don't have a girlfriend but that's not really the problem. Girls are not an issue right now, I'm in a boring fase of my life, days are going forward really fast and I have alot of free time. During the weekends I usually stay home don't have a parttime job (like alot of my friends) I go to college but that's only 3-4 days a week. I have difficulties finding a job and I do go out occasionaly and I do hang out with friends sometimes but I just feel like my life is boring. I used to smile alot daily and always be happy, now I feel less happy and I feel like i'm alone and I have no friends that want the same as me.
During my free time I go to the gym, play soccer with old friends (when wether is good). I feel like i'm not part of a group of friends anymore, And my problem is I don't know how to become good friends with normal friends.