Do you like the direction your life is taking?
2006-04-04 20:12:42 UTC
Are you happy about your life choices?
Thirteen answers:
2006-04-05 04:21:14 UTC
For the first time ever, YES, I love my life. For 28 years, I suffered abuse from either a step family member, or personal relationships. I suffered because I was too ignorant to know that I had the power all along NOT to suffer. Finally, I found peace and happiness WITHIN ME, and I love me for who I am. God has walked with me the whole way, but I never knew it until now. I will be 33 this year and for once, I will celebrate with genuine positive spirit. There is no more depression, there is no more saddness, and what life does deal to me, I handle with a smile and a prayer.
2006-04-04 20:28:38 UTC
A few years ago I would've said no, cause it wasn't a pretty route, my life was going to sh*t. I was a drug addict, homeless, all that stuff...but then I had my first son and all that changed. Got clean, got a job, an apartment. Then I met the man I married, and we're happy with another son now. So I definitely like the direction my life is heading now. I am glad I decided to make the changes I needed to make because I don't think I'd be alive today if I didn't.
2006-04-05 15:41:58 UTC
It could be better. I have it better than most. Everyone has a bad day but the better ones are far less. I pump oil for a living. The prices are good and I sell every drop I pump. It still is hard work but I do not have a boss telling me what to do and how he wants it done. The wife and kids are well fed and are well dressed. Yes, it could be better.
2006-04-04 20:19:35 UTC
Yes I do, but I can't honestly take the credit for having made many particularly good choices. I got very lucky and I'm sooooo grateful!
2006-04-04 20:16:42 UTC
of course. I enjoy being in life and living it everyday. I dont regret choices. I only regret when i am too weak to choose and let things pass me by.
2006-04-05 12:57:40 UTC
Yes life takes me to right place as long as i do right things
2006-04-04 21:27:07 UTC
2006-04-04 20:32:32 UTC
I do now- but it wasn't always that way. But I can honestly say I wouldn't change a thing that happened in the past- or it would alter the very comfortable position I now find myself in.
2006-04-04 23:57:41 UTC
If you leave your life for God to direct you, there is no way that you won't like it. Because God is good and has always good plan and future for you.
Miss Jade
2006-04-04 20:33:36 UTC
No... I feel left out...I feel like I'm missing something.Life is something darastic. I don' think I will last much longer....But to spred hope.I strive, and I try to stay alive.Do I like where my life is going? Yes... i love to live, yet I'm bown to die.To full ancwer you question yes...and no..
2006-04-04 20:15:47 UTC
yes I do, when I hit a wall I climb over or make a left !
2006-04-05 20:44:08 UTC
No, i really wanna be born again and fix the mistakes.
2006-04-04 20:15:01 UTC
yes i do, its all gods choice for me.. and for alot of people.

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