...I DID enjoy driving. But that was when I was young and beholdened only to myself. I enjoyed the freedom it represented. I enjoyed being a "good" driver and doing everything I could to save gasoline and maximize miles per gallon. I enjoyed using a stick shift smoothly and properly, downshifting instead of breaking, and maximizing traction on curves by applying advanced driving techniques. I enjoyed taking care of my car, washing it and waxing it, decorating it and vacuuming it. I even enjoyed learning how to do the tune up (dual points and condensors!) and rebuilding the carburator as needed.
However, that was when I drove when I chose to, drove to destinations I chose, and drove at a time that I chose. Today, however, 95% of my driving is done at my childrens' beck and call, taking them to places of their choosing and the times that they set with the people they select, or it is done to take my husband somewhere. I no longer get to drive on a vacation trip through beautiful scenery. I no longer get to drive without saying "I don't care WHO started it!", "We aren't going anywhere until your seatbelts are fastened!" and "Leave the radio ALONE!"
In addition, it doesn't matter whether I clean the truck (my husband's choice, although he can no longer drive) or not. Within a day someone has spilled chocolate milk on the upholstery, written their name or something worse on the door, dumped out a back-pack's worth of old school papers on the floor, and made smudges on every window. Not to mention the fact that someone will have a sporting event where the parking lot is a mudhole.
And finally, even with the most basic 2003 model of fleet truck, so many things on it are run by a computer that I can't even put in a new radio without taking the darn thing to the dealer so the computer can be told about it and so will accept it without error messages.
Maybe someday, when I am driving a clean and shiny car model that I chose, going to places I select, at times I schedule, with pleasant conversation or golden silence in the vehicle, I will enjoy driving again. But not right now.